The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 365 Traveling Through the World of Little Women

Chapter 365 Traveling Through the World of Little Women

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Yan Jiecheng woke up again, he only felt darkness in front of his eyes.

So Yan Jiecheng quickly took out the phone from the space, turned on the screen and turned on the flashlight, and looked at the surrounding environment by the light.

It turned out that I was in a dilapidated room, the whole room was only more than ten square meters, except for a wooden bed that was falling apart under me, there was also a dining table, two chairs, and a tin stove.

Seeing this scene, although Yan Jiecheng didn't know what era he was in, the only thing he could be sure of was after liberation, because there was a portrait of a great man hanging above the table.

After seeing him for the first time, Yan Jiecheng felt relieved, luckily he didn't travel to the era of war and chaos, otherwise with his small body, he probably wouldn't live for a long time before he would have to die.

After resting his mind, Yan Jiecheng got up from the bed and walked down, opened the door with his mobile phone, and looked outside.

Although he didn't know where he was, when he saw this courtyard, Yan Xiecheng guessed that he was still in the capital.

After all, courtyards are not found everywhere. Although there are some in other places, the architectural style is completely different from the courtyards in the capital.

Since it was still night, the surroundings were pitch black and there was nothing to see, so Yan Xiecheng had no choice but to retreat.

There is not even a wall clock in the room, and Yan Jiecheng doesn't know the exact time. Although there is a watch in the space, it may not be accurate after such a long time.

After thinking about it, let's continue to go back to sleep. Let's talk about it tomorrow morning, so Yan Jiecheng went back to bed, covered himself with a moldy quilt and fell asleep.


Early the next morning, Yan Jiecheng was disturbed by outside voices before he woke up.

"Xie Cheng, Xie Cheng, wake up, I am Qiang Zi."

Hearing the voice outside, Yan Jiecheng sat up suddenly, thinking that the name here has not changed in this life.

"Yan Jiecheng, are you up yet, come out quickly, if you don't come out, I will leave with Quan Wu."

"Oh, I'm getting up now." After saying that, Yan Jiecheng quickly picked up the clothes next to him and put them on.

When Yan Jiecheng got dressed and came out of the house, he saw the person in front of him in a daze. Isn't this the Qiangzi in the TV series "The Little Woman Under the Zhengyang Gate"? Could it be that he has traveled to this TV series again.

"What are you doing, hurry up, Quanwu is still waiting outside." Seeing Yan Jiecheng coming out, Qiangzi looked at himself in a daze, and couldn't help pushing Yan Jiecheng with his hand.

"Oh, oh, where are we going?"

"Where to go, do some work, otherwise what would you eat?" Qiangzi didn't react when he heard Yan Jiecheng's words.

"Oh, let's go then." Saying that, Yan Jiecheng followed Qiangzi out of the courtyard.

As soon as he left the courtyard, Yan Jiecheng saw Cai Quanwu sitting on a car and waiting at the gate of the courtyard.

"What are you two doing? Why did it take you so long to come out?"

"You ask him, I yelled at the door for a long time and he still won't come out." Qiangzi said while pointing at Yan Jiecheng.

Hearing Qiangzi's words, Yan Jiecheng could only smile awkwardly: "I'm sorry to die, I slept a little too late yesterday."

"Okay, let's go to the alley to drink a bowl of tofu nao first, and then go to work later." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Cai Quanwu waved the two of them to get into the car.

Although he didn't know why there was only one car for three people, Yan Jiecheng didn't ask too much. He still understood the truth that talking too much would lead to mistakes. After all, he just came to this world and hasn't figured out anything yet, so it's better to be on the safe side.

The three of them came to the breakfast stand at the entrance of the alley and chatted while eating breakfast.

Through chatting with the two, Yan Jiecheng also had some understanding of his current situation.

His name in this world is still Yan Jiecheng, he is 22 years old, his hometown is Baocheng like Qiangzi, and the two came to the capital after liberation.

The only difference from Qiangzi is that there is no one in his hometown, and he is the only commander left.

For this identity, Yan Jiecheng is very satisfied. Although the lonely family looks pitiful to others, it is perfect for Yan Jiecheng.

This cart was also bought by Qiangzi. He and Cai Quanwu usually used Qiangzi's cart to do work at the grain station when they were free.

How about Qiangzi, apart from being a bit lazy and greedy, he treats his friends fairly well, and the two use Qiangzi's
Qiangzi did not collect money from the two of them for pulling the cart, but the two occasionally invited Qiangzi to the tavern for a drink.

The courtyard house that Yan Jiecheng lives in now was also allocated by the government after liberation. Unlike before, this courtyard house is just a courtyard, and there are four other families living in it besides himself.

After breakfast, the three of them came to the street and waited boredly for customers to come to their door.

It has just entered [-], and the public-private partnership has not yet started. The shops in Dashilan are all run by private individuals, and the three of them have no regular jobs.

Pick up work when there is work, and rest when there is no work. Anyway, I can't save much money throughout the year, otherwise Qiangzi and Cai Quanwu wouldn't be able to find a wife at such an advanced age.

Yan Jiecheng and Cai Quan didn't work at the grain station, so they only had work from Friday to Sunday, and they hung out with Qiangzi from Monday to Thursday.

Even when the food station had jobs, they could earn at most one dollar a day. This is because Yan Jiecheng and Cai Quanwu were in good health and strength, and ordinary people only earned a few cents.

The three of them waited from morning to noon, during which time Cai Quanwu did a job delivering goods to the shoe store, earning [-] cents was not enough for the breakfast of the three of them.

After chatting with Qiangzi all morning, Yan Jiecheng also had some understanding of the plot line of this world.

This time point has not yet reached the beginning of the plot, and Xu Huizhen has just married He Yongqiang. As for whether she is pregnant or not, she does not know, and Chen Xueru is also in the same situation as Xu Huizhen.

After lunch, Yan Jiecheng bid farewell to the two of them. Anyway, he has plenty of supplies in his space, and he doesn't care if he earns money or not.

Just need to find a valid reason to take things out of the space.

Yan Jiecheng returned to his courtyard house, frowning at the pile of rags in the house. It will be winter soon, and the house doesn't even have a thick quilt.

I don't know how the original body has been messing around in the past few years. The most important thing at hand now is to quickly realize the materials in the space.

The only good thing is that the country's management of the market is not very strict now, so Yan Xiecheng thought about getting a gold bar to exchange for some money first.

As for the rest, let's wait. Thinking of this, Yan Jiecheng closed the door of the room and went directly to the pawn shop.

As for why you don’t go to the bank, the main reason is that the banks are all state-owned now. If you go to the bank to exchange gold, after all, you need a certificate issued by the unit or the street to prove the origin of the gold.

Yan Jiecheng is now a poor peasant. There is no way to prove this. Huh, it cannot be said that it is inherited from the family.

Yan Jiecheng took out a 110-gram gold bar from the space and exchanged it for more than 200 yuan at a private pawn shop.

Now the recovery price of gold is two yuan and sixty-one grams, and the price offered by private pawnshops is one or two cents lower than that of banks. After all, if it comes from a legitimate source, it is impossible to come to him to exchange it.

After exchanging the money, Yan Xiecheng's primary purpose was to change all the furnishings at home, buying a set of pots and pans and sheets and quilts.

Although there are cloth and cotton in the space, it takes time to find someone to make it, so it is faster to buy ready-made ones.

After a busy afternoon, he packed up his hut. Seeing the brand-new room, Yan Xiecheng smiled with satisfaction.

As for whether the source of income will be suspected, Yan Xiecheng is not worried. After all, Yuan himself has been in the capital for six years.

Moreover, all the people in the courtyard moved here from other places after liberation. Except for Qiangzi, no one knew Yan Jiecheng.

Even though Qiangzi and Yan Jiecheng came from the same hometown and are still together often, they don't know much about Yan Jiecheng's income.

Although Yan Jiecheng doesn't earn much, he believes in saving two or three yuan a month.

After all, he was alone, he didn't even have a family, and he usually didn't have any other expenses, and the original body didn't have much dealings with the neighbors in the yard before.

After tidying up the hygiene at home, Yan Xiecheng took out food from the space to fill up the noodle tank in the house, and then took out another piece of meat from the space.

It's the first time I come to this world, so I have to treat myself with a good meal.

Looking at the wall clock, it was past four o'clock. Yan Jiecheng started to cook, made a bowl of braised pork and steamed a tray of steamed buns.

After eating, Yan Xiecheng lay on the bed and read a book boredly. This was the time when the workers got off work, and Yan Xiecheng didn't dare to take out his mobile phone to play.

While Yan Jiecheng was reading a book, Qiangzi's voice came to mind outside.

"Xie Cheng, come out quickly, Wu Wu wants to invite us to the tavern for a drink."

Hearing this, Yan Jiecheng had no choice but to put the book back in the space, put on his coat and come out.

"I said, Yan Jiecheng, when did you buy the clothes? Hey, they are still new. You are dying?" Qiangzi asked in surprise when he saw that Yan Jiecheng was wearing a new set of clothes, and touched them with his hands as he spoke.

I feel that Yan Xiecheng is a bit abnormal today, Yan Jiecheng has not been willing to buy new clothes for several years before, what's wrong today?

"Okay, don't look at it, hurry up and don't make brother Cai wait in a hurry." Saying that, Yan Jiecheng slapped Qiangzi's hand, and walked directly towards the gate of the courtyard.

After meeting with Cai Quanwu, the two went directly to the tavern, and when Yan Jiecheng entered, he saw the stubborn king He Yongqiang.

This person has not yet gotten together with Xu Huizhen's cousin, and is still serving as the shopkeeper of the tavern honestly.

It's just that the service attitude is good, just like the employees in the restaurant after the public-private partnership, they don't smile when they see people, and they have a straight face as if they owe him money.

When he came to the tavern, Cai Quanwu ordered Erguotou and Xiaodie pickles, which cost a total of one and a half cents.

The three of them found an empty table and sat down. At this time, the tavern was already full of people, and everyone was chatting all over the place.

Yan Jiecheng thought it was quite interesting, but the wine was almost interesting. Yan Jiecheng only took a sip before vomiting it out, and then said:
"Hey, what kind of wine is this? It's mixed with water."

Everyone laughed unconsciously when they heard Yan Jiecheng's words, and even Cai Quanwu, who was next to him, pulled Yan Jiecheng to stop him from continuing.

"I said you didn't just know it. It's been many years. Since we first came here, the tavern has been selling wine mixed with water." Qiangzi said with a smile.

"Let's not talk about you, when the little devil entered Peiping, he drank wine mixed with water." The fat man at the next table said while laughing.

Hearing the voice, Yan Jiecheng turned around and saw that it was Master Niu, but He Yongqiang, who was standing on the counter, quit. Hearing the laughter of the crowd, he thought he was laughing at him, so his expression fell and he said:

"Our tavern sells this kind of wine. If you want to drink it, you can drink it. If you don't want to drink it, you can leave. If you want to drink good wine, go to other places. If you want to drink good wine at seventy cents a catty, I don't want to see what virtue you have."

"I said He Yongqiang, why are you open for business? Don't let people tell you. How can you be wronged by saying that your wine has been mixed with water?" Mr. Xu, who was drinking next to him, couldn't stand it and said directly.

"You don't know how much you paid for the wine? Anyway, our family sells this wine, whether you like it or not." After He Yongqiang finished speaking, he turned his head to the side, afraid of causing public anger and everyone would join forces to clean him up, so he stopped digging. up.

Yan Jiecheng didn't expect that he just made a slip of the tongue and almost caused an incident, so he quickly shut up and didn't speak, but the wine mixed with water was really bad, and now he felt a little sympathetic to Xu Damao. Always hiding.

The wine here is not good, and people still come here, mainly because there are many people here, and everyone can chat. After all, people like to join in the fun. The people who come here are not mainly for drinking, but to listen to people chatting.

Anyway, wine is not expensive, only [-] cents a catty, which can't be bought in the wholesale market.

The wholesale price of Erguotou is still one yuan per catty, and it is sold in supply and marketing cooperatives for one yuan and two.

In this way, even if the little drunkard mixes the wine with water, he can't make much money.

But drinking this wine is really uncomfortable, but why Yan Jiecheng is so happy to see Qiangzi and Cai Quanwu still drinking it? Could it be that these two people are used to drinking it.

Although he couldn't figure it out, Yan Jiecheng definitely didn't want to drink it, so he had to pour the wine from his jug to Qiangzi, and ate the pickles to death himself.

Not to mention that the pickles are quite delicious. After watching the TV series, Yan Xiecheng knows that the stones used to pickle pickles at Old Man He's house are heavier than ordinary stones.

The reason why his pickles are so delicious comes from this special stone.

If there is a chance, Yan Jiecheng would really like to see what this stone is, but he just doesn't know if Xu Huizhen is willing or not.

After Cai Quanwu and Qiangzi finished drinking, the three of them didn't stay in the tavern, but went out and went home.

Yan Jiecheng went home and lay on the bed thinking about the future. After all, people have short-term worries without foresight. In another life, Yan Jiecheng will not have to work for others like in the last life.

But he can't stay at home all the time, but what are you doing, Yan Xiecheng closed his eyes and thought about things in his mind.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't come up with a reason. Forget it, one day is one day. Anyway, there are supplies in the space. Even if he doesn't have a job, he will never be short of food and drink for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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