The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 371 Public-private partnership in progress

A few days later, a notice came down from the street, asking them, the owners, to go to the neighborhood committee for a meeting at night to discuss the matter of the public-private partnership.

"Xie Cheng, you said that this is going to be a public-private partnership. What should we do as a couple? Will the government arrange formal jobs for us?" After the clerk who came to notify him had left, the film master said to Yan Jiecheng a little worried.

The main reason is that I finally got a job, and I don't have to suffer from the wind and sun. I am afraid that they will be laid off again because of the public-private partnership.

"Don't worry, even if it's a public-private partnership, our restaurant will remain the same as it was before, so you can work here with peace of mind."

Yan Jiecheng comforted Mr. Pian, then took off his apron, and was going to wait for the neighborhood committee meeting. He didn't make dinner, and closed for half a day.

There was no other way. He was the only cook in the store, and if he wasn't in the store, there would be no one cooking.

After taking off his apron and changing into a set of clean clothes, Yan Jiecheng went out and rode his bicycle towards the neighborhood committee.

"Yan Jiecheng, you came so early, come here and sit next to my sister." Chen Xueru sat in the front row, saw Yan Jiecheng came and waved at him, wanting Yan Jiecheng to sit next to her.

"Sister Xueru, how are you? I heard that you got divorced a few days ago?" Yan Jiecheng walked over after hearing what Chen Xueru said, and asked her after sitting down.

Because of the divorce, Chen Xueru hadn't gone to the tavern to drink for a long time, and Yan Jiecheng hadn't seen her in the past few days.

But looking at her current appearance, like a normal person, Yan Jiecheng doubted whether she was the one who got the divorce.

"Don't mention this to me, I will get angry if you mention it, you men don't have a good thing, you know how to make trouble." Seeing Yan Xiecheng sprinkle salt on his wound, Chen Xueru said with a stern face.

"Sister Xueru, you can't beat me to death with a stick. I didn't provoke you. It was because you met people badly before. If you want to find an honest person like me, how could so many things happen."

"As long as you are an honest person, you are a smooth-tongued person all day long, so you can't be a good person at first sight." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Chen Xueru curled her lips and said with disbelief.

Yan Jiecheng didn't care about Chen Xueru's attitude, anyway, he didn't intend to provoke her, even though Chen Xueru was good-looking, he could dress up.

But there is one thing that a man can't bear, he is too strong, he has to listen to her no matter what, anyway, putting Yan Xiecheng on him is definitely unbearable.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. The weather is a bit cold, so let's make a long story short. I called you here today, mainly to talk to you about public-private partnerships." Press your hand to tell everyone to stop and start talking.

"Director Wang, what kind of joint venture is this public-private partnership? Is it compulsory or voluntary? After the joint venture, who has the final say, how many shares will the state take? What form do you plan to invest in?" Hearing what Director Wang said, the owner of the shoe store nearby asked aloud.

"Yeah, let's ask this question clearly. We can't just lose our shares in a muddle-headed way. If the enforcement is enforced, I'll sell the store, or just close it." Seeing that the owner of the shoe store, Yu, made a noise, everyone Then booed and said.

"Okay, everyone is quiet. As for how to cooperate, there is no clear answer from above. Today I just communicate with everyone in advance to see what opinions you have on public-private partnerships." Director Wang saw that everyone's discussions were getting louder. So he patted the table and said.

Everyone was quiet after hearing Director Wang's words. As for raising opinions, no one dared to speak up first, and even if they had opinions, no one dared to raise them, for fear of being put on the wrong foot later.

"Why is no one talking? Who, Yan Jiecheng, tell me first, what do you think about public-private partnerships?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Director Wang had to call Yan Jiecheng. Now it's time for him to act. Agreeing him to open a restaurant and renting the house to him under the name of the neighborhood committee, isn't it just for this moment.

But Yan Jiecheng had just stood up and hadn't spoken yet. Xu Huizhen on the side said: "Ms. Director, let me say a few words first. I support the company's joint venture. I think it's very good. Although I don't understand it very well, as long as it is I definitely support what the country advocates."

"I also support it. If there is a public-private partnership, I will be the first one. But Director Wang, there is one point. If the government sends someone to our restaurant to participate in the management, I hope it will be a woman." Yan Xiecheng said with a frown. Mrs. Director Ren asked herself to speak, but before she could speak, she interrupted.

"I said Yan Jiecheng, you have quite a lot of conditions. This is a public-private partnership. You are the radish and cabbage. You can decide who to send." Chen Xueru, who was sitting next to Yan Jiecheng, said with a smile.

"Okay, you can sit down first. When the time comes, who will be sent by the public-private partnership will be decided by the district. I can't be the master. Today is just to tell everyone. If you have nothing to do, let's stop here today. I will think about it when I go back." Think about it, anyway, the public-private partnership has to be done sooner or later.”

After speaking, Aunt Wang waved to everyone, got up and went back to the house with a stack of documents.

"Okay, let's go, it's still early, let's go to Xu Huizhen's tavern for a drink, and discuss what to do with this public-private partnership." Chen Xueru looked at her watch and said to everyone.

Everyone heard what Chen Xueru said, and they didn't have any objections. It's better to discuss it, it's better than thinking hard by yourself.

So when they left the neighborhood committee, they all walked towards Xu Huizhen's tavern. The wine and side dishes in the tavern were prepared in advance, and there was no need to prepare, so when Xu Huizhen came to the meeting, he directly handed over the shop to Cai Quanwu, without following Yan Jiecheng also chose to close the door.

After everyone came to Xu Huizhen's tavern, they discussed the matter of the public-private partnership while drinking.

"I said Xu Huizhen, are you really planning to participate in a public-private partnership? Didn't you want to get angry with me? What are you planning? And Yan Jiecheng, I heard that your small restaurant business is very good. This is a public-private partnership, and you can share a piece of it for free. Are you willing to let the profits go out?" Chen Xueru spoke first after everyone sat down.

A few days ago, Xu Huizhen asked Fan Jinyou to accompany her to divorce He Yongqiang, but Chen Xueru stopped her on the way. Chen Xueru thought Xu Huizhen was angry with her because of this matter.

"I'm angry with you? I can do it. I just want the country to think of me. Anyway, sooner or later there will be a public-private partnership. It's too late." Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Xu Huizhen said without raising her head.

"And you." Chen Xueru looked at Yan Jiecheng again.

Yan Jiecheng took a sip of his wine and said slowly: "Xu Huizhen has already said, hurry up sooner rather than later, besides, the public-private partnership will be carried out sooner or later, how can we keep silent?"

"Fan Jinyou, you work in the street office and are well-informed. Tell me, is this public-private partnership going to be carried out?"

Seeing that both of them said that, Chen Xueru looked at Fan Jinyou who was at the side again, wanting to hear his opinion.After all, Fan Jinyou is also a cadre. In Chen Xueru's mind, Fan Jinyou's words are more credible than Yan Jiecheng and Xu Huizhen.

"A public-private partnership, that is, the transformation of the old society by the new society, has to be carried out. Sooner or later, you don't even think about confrontation. It's a confrontation with the country. Think about it, it will end well." Hearing Chen Xueru Fan Jinyou called himself by his name without stretching, put down his wine glass and began to speak eloquently.

"It seems that I have to go back and think about it. Since I have to do this sooner or later, I can't wait until the end, and I can't let the government point my nose at me and say that I am a capitalist. I have no benefits at all. I have to be told I'm not enlightened enough." Chen Xueru said after hearing Fan Jin's words.

"I don't know if this public-private partnership will be decided by us or not. When the time comes, the government will send someone over to listen to him or to us." Someone saw that Chen Xueru was shaken and said quickly.

"That's the case. I'll wait and see. I can't make a quick decision. Isn't Xu Huizhen going to be a public-private partnership here? Let's see what happens then." Chen Xueru was shaken again after hearing what the man said.

She has always been used to being a forceful person, and this is going to be a public-private partnership. She can't make the decision, so why use a public-private partnership.She is a typical person who will buy if there is a bargain, and return if there is no bargain. Anyway, she can't suffer.

"Xueru, you can't think like this. Think about it. This public-private partnership is the top priority of the country. How can you just do it if you want to do it?"

Seeing that Chen Xueru didn't want to do it anymore, Fan Jinyou began to persuade him again, he still wanted to claim credit for the matter of persuading Chen Xueru, which would make her quit in spite of the difficulties.

"Why, this public-private partnership is still mandatory. I have to ask the director about it. I didn't hear her say that just now." Hearing what Fan Jin said, Chen Xueru frowned and didn't say it, mainly because she couldn't stand Fan Jin's tone. , as if she does not accept the public-private partnership, the government will do something to her.

"No, no, just pretend I didn't say anything, and do whatever you like." Fan Jinyou shrank his head when he heard Chen Xueru's words.

Seeing Chen Xueru let Fan Jinyou go, then turned to Yan Jiecheng and asked:
"Yan Jiecheng, why didn't your restaurant open today? If you say that your cooking skills are really good, even if one day the restaurant fails and you go to be a chef in another big restaurant, you won't have nothing to eat. Unlike us, we have no skills, and if we quit the shop, we will not even have an income.

Let me discuss something with you. I celebrate my birthday in two days. You go to my house and help me cook a special birthday banquet.If you don't delay your business, it's only at noon. Anyway, there is no one in your restaurant at noon. "

"Okay, but a friend's business is a business, and there must be a lot of expenses." Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng raised his head and said.

"Look at what you said, I, Chen Xueru, are like the kind of people who are short of money. You can tell me how much." Chen Xueru's family also has a cook and a nanny, but the cooking skills are not very good. It's done, but it's almost meaningless to do a banquet.

"Let's see how many people there are, tell me when and how many people will be there, so I can prepare the menu."

"This Saturday, people, it's only 25-[-]. Write me down how many things you want to buy, and I'll have someone prepare them when the time comes." Seeing that Yan Jiecheng agreed, Chen Xueru said quickly.

"Okay, tomorrow I will write a list of the ingredients that should be prepared and have them delivered to the store for you. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. You can talk." Yan Jiecheng stood up after drinking the last glass of wine and said.

"What's the rush, let's chat later, it's still early anyway." Seeing that Yan Jiecheng was about to leave, Chen Xueru persuaded her.

"No, go back early and rest early, you have to work tomorrow. Master Pian, don't drink too late, don't wait until you can't wake up tomorrow morning." Before leaving, Yan Jiecheng said to Master Pian who was still drinking.

"Don't worry, Xie Cheng, I'm sure I can't take it seriously."

Hearing Master Pian's words, Yan Jiecheng turned and walked out of the tavern.

"What kind of person, just leave and call someone a film master. This is not working hours. They are so lenient, and they are full of capitalist thoughts." Fan Jinyou said to everyone when Yan Xiecheng was far away.

"I said, Fan Jinyou, why don't you say it in front of Yan Jiecheng, and gossip about people behind their backs, this is not what a gentleman does." Hearing what Fan Jinyou said, Master Niu said.

"I didn't say I'm a gentleman, and Master Niu, don't talk to Yan Xiecheng all day long. What good has he done for you? Look at him and talk."

"I didn't give me any benefits, but I think he is pleasing to the eye, and he is a person who can get along with him, unlike some people who do one thing in front of the other." Master Niu said pointedly.

"Who are you talking about? I'll tell you, Master Niu, don't make trouble for nothing. Tell you that Master Niu thinks of you, and you really think of yourself as a character." Fan Jin became more courageous after drinking a little wine. Master Niu just scolded him.

The angry Niu stared straight at him, but there was nothing he could do about Fan Jinyou. Fan Jinyou was now a cadre of the street office, and he was just a plain-headed commoner. It is also making trouble for yourself.

Besides, he is not as strong as Yan Jiecheng, who can give Fan Jin a few blows to make him be honest.

Xu Huizhen stood up quickly and said, "Master Niu, don't talk to Fan Jinyou, he's drunk too much."

"Fan Jinyou, if you can't drink, go home quickly and don't make trouble with Xu Huizhen." Chen Xueru who was next to her also looked down on Fan Jinyou, so she frowned and said.

Before, she wanted to develop with Fan Jinyou, but today it seems that she has to think about it carefully, not to mention anything else, this wine is almost meaningless.

Drinking too much and playing crazy, such a man is definitely not acceptable, what if after getting married, what if he gets drunk on her, she is a little girl, and she can fight back.

Hearing what the two said, Fan Jinyou woke up and realized that he almost caused a catastrophe. He finally pursued Chen Xueru, and now he finally has some clues, but it can't be ruined because of this.

"Sorry, I drank a little too much, Master Niu, I'm here to apologize to you, I'm sorry, I didn't treat you just now, the main reason is that Yan Xiecheng was too angry." Fan Jinyou quickly explained.

While explaining, he looked back at Chen Xueru, and felt relieved when he saw that Chen Xueru didn't respond much.I thought that I couldn't drink too much in front of her in the future, at least after they got married.

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