Chapter 373

Seeing what Chen Xueru said, Master Pian had no choice but to leave Yan Xiecheng here and leave alone.

After Master Pian left, Chen Xueru first went to the bathroom to take a shower, then went back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

It was alright at first, but the aftertaste of the drink was a bit strong. After sleeping for a while, Chen Xueru felt a little headache, so she got up and went to the toilet to spit out the wine in her stomach.

After coming out of the toilet, he stumbled into the wrong room and came to the guest room where Yan Xiecheng was sleeping.

Although it is winter now, Chen Xueru's house is a two-story villa, and every room has heating. The indoor temperature is more than ten degrees, and Chen Xueru is wearing a silk pajamas.

He was so confused that he didn't look carefully, and lay down beside Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng was sleeping soundly, when suddenly someone was lying next to him, exuding a charming fragrance, so he leaned over subconsciously, and laid hands on him.

After a while, the two met each other sincerely. At first, Chen Xueru resisted a little, but as time passed, her sexual interest also came up, and she became passive and took the initiative to kiss Yan Jiecheng.

How can Yan Jiecheng bear this, after all he is also a normal man, and he hasn't had sex for such a long time.

So he turned over and pressed Chen Xueru under his body, launching round after round of charges, the whole room emitted a smell of hormones, until exhausted, the two hugged each other and passed out.

It wasn't until after seven o'clock in the evening that the two of them woke up from hunger, and then they opened it in a daze. After all, the two of them didn't eat much at noon, they just cared about drinking. Some can't stand it.

When Yan Jiecheng opened his eyes and pried open the quilt in a daze, he suddenly felt a little cold on his body, and when he looked down, he realized that he was actually naked.

Shaking his head, he thought carefully about what happened at noon, thinking that he was drunk and in the guest room of Chen Xueru's house.

Just as Yan Jiecheng was looking around, a girl's scream suddenly sounded from beside him.

"Ah, ah..." Chen Xueru woke up and suddenly saw that she was naked, and there was also a naked Yan Jiecheng beside her, so she subconsciously screamed.

The scream directly interrupted Yan Jiecheng's thoughts, and when he looked to the side, he realized that Chen Xueru was lying naked next to him.

Her own clothes were scattered on the floor, as well as a woman's pajamas that had been torn into pieces.

But there was no time to think about it, afraid that Chen Xueru's voice would attract people, so he directly pulled Chen Xueru over and held Chen Xueru's mouth with his hands.

"I said big sister, what's your name? I'm the one who suffers, okay? Look where it is." Yan Jiecheng said angrily. He was still a virgin in this life, okay? I didn't expect that Chen Xueru, a woman, would get her way by accident. .

The point is that I haven't been able to reason, I am provoking someone, and seeing Chen Xueru looks like she is at a disadvantage, Yan Xiecheng is also speechless.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Chen Xueru looked at the room, and found that it was not her bedroom, but the guest room, but she slept well in the bedroom, why did she come to the guest room.

Chen Xueru thought about it hard, yes, she seemed to have gone to the bathroom in the middle, and then she didn't look carefully, so she just found a room and went to sleep.

In other words, I should have entered the wrong room, and that's why everything happened. If so, I really can't blame Yan Jiecheng, but I am a woman after all, no matter whose fault this happened, I will suffer.

Seeing that Chen Xueru's eyes were clear and he didn't struggle anymore, Yan Jiecheng let go of his hand in peace.

"What are you looking at? Turn around and I'm about to get dressed." Chen Xueru shouted to Yan Xiecheng.

As he said that, he was about to get up and get out of bed, but the two of them played too crazy in the afternoon, and their bodies were still a little unwell, so they couldn't stand upright as soon as they got up, and fell directly towards Yan Jiecheng.

Seeing this, Yan Jiecheng quickly reached out to support Chen Xueru, with one hand on his waist and the other on Chen Xueru's chest.

When her upper body was attacked, Chen Xueru didn't cry out for a long time, mainly because she hadn't touched a man for a long time, and her body was a little sensitive.

And Yan Jiecheng was in a similar situation. A big beautiful woman stood naked in front of him, and his body reacted immediately.

But now is not the time to think about it, I haven't eaten all day, and my stomach is growling with hunger.

"Ugly rascal, what are you looking at, don't let go quickly." Seeing Yan Jiecheng's reaction, Chen Xueru said with a blushing face.Although she had been married before, she had never been seen by a strange man like this before.

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng let go of his hand, then stood up naked in front of Chen Xueru, got out of bed, picked up the clothes and put them on.

Chen Xueru on the side didn't look or didn't look, she fidgeted and picked up the quilt on the side and put it on her body, then said to Yan Jiecheng who was dressed:

"Go and help me get a suit of clothes from the bedroom."

"I don't know where the bedroom is, how can I help you get it?" Yan Jiecheng patted the clothes on his body and said to Chen Xueru who was hiding under the quilt.

"Go out and turn left, the innermost room, go quickly." Chen Xueru pointed to the outside of the room and said.

"Okay, wait, I'll be here right away." Saying that, Yan Jiecheng left the guest room, and found the master bedroom in the direction Chen Xueru said.

When I entered the bedroom, I didn't look too much, I went directly to the closet, opened the closet, took a set of clothes casually, and walked back.

"Yan Jiecheng, did you mean it?" Chen Xueru said angrily when she saw the clothes Yan Jiecheng brought over.

"What's the matter?" Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng looked down innocently, only to realize that what he brought over was a set of short lace pajamas.

Yan Jiecheng touched his head in embarrassment and said, "Okay, just make do with what you wear. Anyway, you've seen everything you should and shouldn't. I don't mind what else you mind."

"You men are all the same, there is no good thing." Seeing Yan Xiecheng standing aside and not even avoiding it, Chen Xueru directly said angrily.

"No, big sister, let's talk about it, I'm at a disadvantage in this matter, you insisted on making me drink at noon, and you arranged for someone to take me to the guest room when I was drunk.

I'm sleeping soundly, come in, I'm being molested, you know I'm a young man, I haven't even married a daughter-in-law, so just have fun, I'm the one who should be crying, okay? "Yan Jiecheng said a little speechlessly.

"You bastard." Seeing that Yan Xiecheng said that and Chen Xueru was directly out of breath, she immediately felt aggrieved. She deliberately forced Yan Xiecheng to drink, but she didn't expect to get herself involved too.

"Don't mention the egg, hurry up and get dressed, I'm still hungry, I'll go to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat." Said that I, Yan Xiecheng, walked out directly regardless of Chen Xueru.

When he came to the kitchen, Yan Xiecheng took a look. There were several pots of leftovers from lunch in the kitchen.

So Yan Jie prepared to turn on the fire to heat it up, so he could make do with it and eat something, and he didn't care too much about what was served at night.

While Yan Jiecheng was cooking dinner, Chen Xueru walked in wearing lace pajamas. "If it's hotter, I'll eat it too."

"Don't worry, I'm doing your part." Yan Jiecheng shut up after saying one sentence, mainly because the two had a relationship just this afternoon after all, and they were a little embarrassed to be together and didn't know what to say.

After the food was ready, Yan Jiecheng brought it to the living room, and the two sat on one side without talking, just eating with their heads down.

After filling his stomach, Yan Jiecheng burped.

"It's nothing, I'll go back." Yan Jiecheng felt that the atmosphere was a bit oppressive, so he got up and prepared to go home.

"What's the matter, you won't admit it to my old lady after eating it all?" Seeing that Yan Xiecheng was about to leave, Chen Xueru quickly got up and stopped him and said.

"Then what do you say? I didn't mean it. Besides, you ran into my sleeping room, and I didn't say anything."

It was not what Yan Jiecheng wanted to happen. As for being responsible for Chen Xueru, Yan Jiecheng was definitely not reconciled, and it was even more impossible to marry her. Yan Jiecheng couldn't stand this bitch's character.

"Anyway, we can't forget it like this." Chen Xueru said with some reluctance.

"Then what do you say? Don't tell me, it's impossible for me to marry you." Hearing what Chen Xueru said, Yan Jiecheng asked back.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Chen Xueru was silent for a while, and then said: "We are both like this, how can I get married in the future."

"Then what do you say? There is one thing I have to say in advance, marriage is out of the question." Yan Jiecheng didn't know what to do, so he asked Chen Xueru.

"Well, I don't expect you to marry me, but you have to come and accompany me several times a week." Chen Xueru thought for a while and said.

After her last marriage, Chen Xueru also knew that a marriage certificate would not be able to tie a man's heart, since it doesn't matter if she gets married or not, anyway, she also has a son, but it is impossible for her to be a widow for the rest of her life at such a young age.

Looking at Yan Jiecheng, he thought that this is not a bad idea, it would be good to live alone, and if there is no need for others, he would call Yan Jiecheng over when needed.

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng was taken aback for a moment, then opened his mouth wide and asked in surprise, "What do you mean...?"

"Yes, that's what it means. I don't pester you, but you must come and accompany me when I need it." Chen Xueru squinted her eyes at Yan Jiecheng and said.

I thought I was fine, after all, Yan Jiecheng is also a young and strong guy, so he is not at a disadvantage.

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng was shocked. She didn't expect that she would have such an idea, thinking that this girl's brain circuit is really strange, she is planning to lie down and win.

"Why, you still don't want to be accompanied by a beautiful woman like me." Chen Xueru said without saying a word, and stretched out her hand to touch Yan Jiecheng's chest.

"How could it be? I'm extremely honored. Then it's settled. I'll go back if I have nothing else to do." Yan Jiecheng was about to go out.

"Don't, why rush away, it's dark today anyway, so you can stay overnight, just now I didn't feel anything when I was drunk." Chen Xueru rubbed her body against Yan Jiecheng's body while speaking, her eyes The middle is full of provocative meaning.

Yan Jiecheng immediately reacted, looked out the window, it was pitch black outside, and then looked back at the wall clock on the wall.

It was past nine o'clock and almost ten o'clock, and the courtyard house he lived in was probably closed at this time, even if he went back, he would not be able to enter the house.

So Yan Jiecheng didn't plan to go back anymore, he picked up Chen Xueru and walked into the bedroom.

"Hey, hello, Yan Jiecheng, what are you doing, put me down quickly." Feeling her body lifted from the ground, Chen Xueru said with her arms around Yan Jiecheng's neck.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you just say that you didn't experience the taste, today I will let you experience it."

Speaking of which, Yan Jiecheng carried Chen Xueru to the bedroom, turned around and closed the door with one foot, then threw Chen Xueru on the bed, and began to drag his clothes.

At this moment, Chen Xueru stopped barking, and licked her lips with her tongue. "Can you do it? Come, let me untie it for you." As he said that, he was about to come up and tear Yan Jiecheng's clothes.

Yan Xiecheng took a look, this didn't look like an entrepreneur, she was a female hooligan.

"Don't, don't, don't, elder sister, please slow down, I only brought this set of clothes, you are going to tear them up for me, what should I wear tomorrow." Yan Xiecheng said hastily.

Yan Jiecheng had already looked at it when he brought Chen Xueru's clothes just now. He didn't have any men's clothes here, and they would be torn apart. I can't go back in a woman's clothes tomorrow morning. Even if I don't care, it will be seen by others. He is still a human being.

Chen Xueru stopped after hearing Yan Jiecheng's words: "Then hurry up."

Although he stopped, his eyes were still staring at Yan Jiecheng. Yan Jiecheng felt a little nervous when he saw it, thinking who was playing who, but now he couldn't care so much, the arrows were all on Xuanshang and had to be fired.

After taking off his clothes, Yan Jiecheng jumped onto the bed and pressed Chen Xueru under him.

She stripped Chen Xueru completely, anyway, she didn't have much to wear, and this was at her home, so even if the clothes were torn, there were spares at home.

The two of them were on fire like thunder from the sky, and they fought until after two o'clock in the morning. In the end, Chen Xueru begged for mercy, so Yan Jiecheng let her go, and then they hugged and fell asleep.

The next morning, when Yan Jiecheng woke up, he looked at the woman hugging him like an octopus, and shook his head helplessly.

Breaking free from Chen Xueru's hands, she got out of bed gently, went to the living room and looked at her watch, it was already past eight o'clock, so she went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Don't worry, anyway, the couple are responsible for the breakfast in the store, so he doesn't need to worry about it, he just needs to go in the afternoon and sit down for the dinner sold in the evening.

Yan Xiecheng's breakfast was very simple. He just cooked a porridge and cut a plate of pickles. The pickles were all ready-made. Yan Xiecheng knew it just by smelling it, and it must be from Liubiju.

As soon as Yan Jiecheng had finished breakfast, Chen Xueru walked over yawning.

"You really belong to the ox. You were so tired last night, and you don't know how to sleep more."

"Why, you don't like your health." Yan Xiecheng said while bringing the food to the living room.

"I like it, but I'm afraid that your body will be useless after a long time." Chen Xueru meaningfully looked Yan Jiecheng up and down.

"I'll come over tonight. You'll know if it's useful or not. Just don't beg for mercy." Yan Jiecheng put the food on the table and said, reaching out to touch Chen Xueru.

(End of this chapter)

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