Chapter 377 Merging the Tavern

After a burst of ups and downs, Chen Xueru snuggled into Yan Jiecheng's arms.

"By the way, Yan Jiecheng, seeing Xu Huizhen being treated like this by Fan Jinyou in the tavern today, I was a little scared. What would I do if my silk and satin factory had a public manager like Fan Jinyou after the public-private partnership?" Chen Xueru Thinking about what happened to Xu Huizhen today, she said with some lingering fear.

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng patted her on the back, and then comforted her: "Don't worry, Fan Jin will not last long, don't look at him tossing around very happily now, but he can't beat Xu Huizhen, if you don't believe me, just walk away Look, after what happened tonight, it's impossible for the higher ups to ignore it."

"But I'm still afraid. I'm afraid that after the public-private partnership, someone who doesn't know how to do it will be sent over. Originally, such a silk and satin shop is heavily overstocked. If there is someone who doesn't know how to do it, the store will definitely lose money."

"Don't worry, after what happened in the tavern, the higher-ups will definitely consider it carefully when sending people, and they won't make random arrangements like before."

"Hearing what you said, I feel a lot more at ease. You see, Fan Jinyou set up the tavern. The tavern itself doesn't make much profit. Fan Jinyou has managed so many people. I don't want to say it to Xu Huizhen at the end of the month." Dividends, I'm afraid they can't even pay these people's wages." Chen Xueru said with a frown.

When she thought of what happened to Xu Huizhen in the tavern, she had lingering fears. When she just got divorced, she was optimistic about Fan Jinyou. She felt that Fan Jinyou was a cadre in the district. I want to develop with Fan Jinyou.

Thinking about it now, I feel lucky. If she hadn't met Yan Jiecheng, she might have really fallen into it. If she really wanted to follow Fan Jinyou, she would not regret dying.

"Okay, don't mention him, let's talk about you, go to Director Wang to confirm the matter of the public-private partnership, I'm afraid it will be too late, the first batch has not caught up, so we can't miss the second batch.

You don't have to worry too much, anyway, you are not short of money now, even if you can't get along with the public manager after the public-private partnership, at worst, you will hand over the store and stop participating in the operation. "

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Chen Xueru shook her head like a rattle, and said in an authentic tone:

"This is impossible. The silk and satin village is the property left by our ancestors, and it cannot be destroyed in my hands. Besides, I am still young, so I can't stay at home forever. Although I still have some family background, I can't do nothing. .”

"You don't have to worry about this. Even a public-private partnership won't last long. The government will have to return the company to you sooner or later. It's only temporary now."

Yan Xiecheng thought about what happened after 20, but it was only 40 years from [-] to [-], and Chen Xueru would only be in her early [-]s by then.

Although the time is a bit long, there is no way. After all, there is no way for individuals to change the things stipulated by the state, and they can only accept it passively.

"Yan Jiecheng, don't talk nonsense. If someone hears it, you are reactionary and you will be arrested."

Chen Xueru was a little shocked when she heard Yan Jiecheng's words. You must know that the public-private partnership is an important decision of the higher authorities. Before that, Yan Jiecheng agreed with it, otherwise he would not be the first to respond. I don't understand why he said that now. Could it be that he is not optimistic about the decision of the higher authorities? If you are not optimistic, why are you the first to support it?

"Isn't there no outsiders now? Although I am not optimistic about public-private partnerships, this is a historical trend. I can't change it and I can only accept it. Or I tell you to hurry up and finalize the public-private partnership with Director Wang. Anyway, sooner or later. This step, even if you don’t want to, you can’t change it.”

"Okay, I'll talk to Director Wang tomorrow. By the way, Yan Jiecheng, you said that this public-private partnership won't grow, and the government will have to return the company sooner or later. When will I have to wait? Don't wait five or sixty years. I don't know when the time comes. I am still here. I am not here anymore, even if the government returns the enterprise, what is the use, anyway, I can’t see it.”

"It won't take so long. I think it will be more than 20 years at most, and it will not exceed 30 years at the latest. By then, you will be in your 40s at the most. You will definitely see that day."

"That's all right. I really hope that day will come sooner. This enterprise should be run by itself."

"Okay, you go to bed quickly, I have to go back." Looking at the wall clock on the wall, it was past one o'clock in the morning, and Yan Jiecheng got up to get dressed.

Chen Xueru was afraid that Yan Jie would torment her again like last night, so she didn't dare to stop her.

Yan Jiecheng put on his clothes, turned around and kissed Chen Xueru, then left the room without looking back, turned over the wall and returned to his yard.

At noon the next day, when Yan Jiecheng came to the store, he heard Mr. Pian tell about Fan Jin's affairs, which did not meet Yan Jiecheng's expectation.

Because of last night's remarks, the district has already criticized Fan Jinyou, and made it clear that private managers have the same rights as public managers and can participate in business operations.

Moreover, the public-private partnership is not intended to transform these entrepreneurs. These business owners are also laborers, which are different from the previous landlords.

He also gave verbal praise to people like Xu Huizhen and Yan Jiecheng who actively cooperated and supported the government's decision-making, saying that they are activists with high ideological awareness. Yan Jiecheng smiled and didn't say much after hearing the news.

"Master Yan, what do you think our store will sell food at noon in the future? Anyway, it is also free at noon. If it is also open at noon, the income will be higher than in the past." Wang Yi looked at Yan Xiecheng and asked cautiously. road.

The reason why she said this is because she has made some achievements. After all, the public-private partnership is better than before. Otherwise, how can I explain the superiority of the public-private partnership policy.

"Okay, but three meals a day is not enough manpower. Now there are only five of us in the store, Mr. and Mrs. Pian have to take care of breakfast, and you and cashier Kong can't cook, so it's not suitable for you two to be waiters. "

Yan Jiecheng thought of this before, the reason why he didn't cook lunch was mainly to leave room for the public-private partnership.

There is no need to do anything else, as long as the lunch is used, the store's income will increase a lot.

Unlike the tavern, now that the income has come to an end, it is difficult to make achievements without expanding the business.

But expanding the business is not so easy. After all, the tavern has a limited space, and the house next door was occupied by Yan Jiecheng.

Besides, with Yan Xiecheng's restaurant now, their family doesn't have much business to expand.

We can only continue to tap the potential of the tavern, but after all, the business scope of the tavern is limited, and no matter how deep we dig, there is not much market.

And last night, after Fan Jin made an operation, it is estimated that there will be fewer people going to drink in their tavern in the future.

"It's nothing. Didn't Cai Quanwu lose his job in the tavern? In the future, let him work in our restaurant. Besides, what's wrong with Cashier Kong and I as waiters? As long as our restaurant can run well, we will be tired." It's nothing." After hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Wang Yi said directly.

"Cai Quanwu, don't even think about it. He will return to the tavern in a few days. Let's recruit another person." Yan Jiecheng knew that as long as Xu Huizhen waved at Cai Quanwu, this old boy would definitely have to go back, after all This kid is full of Xu Huizhen now, and he wants to marry Xu Huizhen home. He even refuses to introduce Mr. Ma's cousin to him.

"Why?" Kong Yuqin didn't understand the situation and asked Yan Jiecheng directly. After all, this is a full-time job, and Cai Quanwu is just a temporary worker. In her mind, why would Cai Quanwu disagree with such a good thing? .

"You don't know, Cai Quanwu is pursuing Xu Huizhen now, and the tavern used to rely on Cai Quanwu to go to Niulan Mountain to drink wine. Although Fan Jinyou has resigned Cai Quanwu now, it won't take long. I will invite him back, after all, the price difference between buying wine in the wholesale market and directly going to the winery is quite different."

"Oh, so there is such a thing, let's keep an eye on the five of us first, and then look for it slowly. Anyway, there are a lot of people looking for work in our neighborhood, and we are still a restaurant. As long as you say it, there will definitely be people." A lot of people come and apply."

Kong Yuqin suddenly realized when she heard Yan Jiecheng's words, she said that Cai Quanwu was not in a hurry to leave the tavern, it turned out that he had taken a fancy to the proprietress of the tavern.

He was thinking the same as himself, wanting to gain both money and wealth. After all, Xu Huizhen's conditions are here. She wants money and money and a house and a house, and she lives in a single family, let alone Cai Quanwu. Even a man has to be moved.

"Then let's just say that, starting tomorrow we will serve lunch in the store." Wang Yi looked at Yan Xiecheng and said with one hammer.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, we will do whatever you say." Yan Xiecheng said in support.

In the next few days, Yan Xiecheng's restaurant was normal, but Fan Jinyou next door started acting like a monster again.

Maybe he wanted to strengthen his position in the tavern, or maybe he wanted to make some achievements. Seeing that the income in the store had dropped sharply, he came up with a bad idea to water the wine.

Fan Jin didn't understand the situation of the tavern before, so he fired Cai Quanwu as soon as he came up, and handed over the purchase to Ma Liansheng, but the price of Ma Liansheng's wine is much higher than before. Selling, not to mention making money, it is a good thing not to lose the pants.

Although the situation was discovered later, Fan Jinyou humbly invited Cai Quanwu back, and it was embarrassing.

If the price cannot be raised, the only way to add water to the wine is to make the tavern profitable, and Fan Jinyou can secure the position of the public manager.

But the guests were used to drinking the wine without water, and suddenly they went back to the past. This must not be done, so they threw their wine glasses on the table and left.

After that, there were no customers in the store, and the wine mixed with water could not be sold. Fan Jinyou was very angry. It will be the end of the month soon. Will not let him go.

After all, everyone's family is old and young, and when the time comes, they can eat and drink without getting paid.

Just when Fan Jin was in trouble, Zhao Yali gave him a warning.

Let Fan Jinyou go to the district to find a leader, and merge the tavern with Yan Xiecheng's restaurant. Not only will their wages be settled, but Fan Jinyou's power will also increase.

After all, Yan Xiecheng's restaurant itself is much stronger than their small tavern. Even if there are two public managers and two private managers after the merger, the power is not comparable to him now.

And there is the most important point, Yan Jiecheng's restaurant is not short of money, not to mention anything else, it depends on how popular their restaurant is these days, Fan Jinyou knows that the revenue capacity must not be bad.

So Fan Jin came to his senses and thought about it carefully. This is a solution, but Yan Xiecheng and the others definitely don't want to do it.

Moreover, Wang Yi, the public manager of their store, is also the daughter of the director Wang's family of the neighborhood committee. He is not sure whether he will have the final say when the merger is completed.But if they don't merge, let alone in the future, they won't be able to pass this level right now.

Time is so urgent, even if he invites Xu Huizhen out and recruits Cai Quanwu back, the problem cannot be solved for a while, so he can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and go all the way to the dark.

So someone called Xu Huizhen out, told about the merger of the restaurant with Yan Xiecheng, and wanted to ask Xu Huizhen's opinion.

After hearing Fan Jinyou's words, Xu Huizhen didn't object, and she was very willing to merge the restaurants that the tavern had become.

After all, everyone understands that it is impossible to feed so many people by relying on taverns alone, and with Yan Jiecheng's restaurant, even if they want to expand their business, there is no good way out.

Seeing that Xu Huizhen didn't object, Fan Jinyou hurried out to respond to the situation on the street.

I don't know what Fan Jin told the district. Director Wang came to the restaurant in a few days and told Yan Xiecheng about the merger of Fan Jin Youhope Bistro and the restaurant, and wanted to ask Yan Xiecheng for his opinion.

It's okay for Wang Yi to talk about such a big merger, but after all, this restaurant has Yan Xiecheng's share. Now it's just a public-private joint venture, and it hasn't been completely confiscated. Even the district can't make any decisions arbitrarily.

When Yan Jiecheng listened to Director Wang's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook his head and refused.

I thought this is nonsense, the tavern is now a burden, useless at all, if Xu Huizhen runs it alone, she can make some money.

However, the public-private partnership can't send no one. If there is any point in such a public-private partnership, isn't it still Xu Huizhen's business alone.

"What Fan Jinyou said is very good, why don't you agree?" Seeing that Yan Xiecheng disagreed, Aunt Wang asked directly.

"Don't listen to Fan Jin's nonsense. With the size of their tavern, they can't even pay their wages at the end of the month to support so many people. If you don't believe me, go and check the accounts of their tavern."

"That's right, Director Wang, you can see by comparing the accounts of our two companies. Their tavern is completely a big burden now. Fan Jinyou can't play it well, so he wants to drag our restaurant into the water and use it as a back up for him." Yes." Wang Yi also mentioned this to Yan Xiecheng.

Seeing that his daughter said so, Director Wang was shaken, but everyone in the district said that he couldn't refuse without a reasonable excuse.

So I went out to the tavern and asked Fan Jinyou to take out the account book. She wanted to check the account. After all, Fan Jinyou had been in office for almost a month. Talk about it.

After all, Fan Jinyou was sent directly by the district, and was not under the management of the neighborhood committee.

Fan Jin once heard that the account was too big to check. If he could explain it, he would merge the tavern with Yan Jiecheng's restaurant.

But Director Wang said, he couldn't refuse directly, so he had to bite the bullet and take out the account book.

(End of this chapter)

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