Chapter 379 End of the Year
Fearing that Yan Jiecheng would disagree, Xu Huizhen went to Director Wang and brought him to the restaurant, saying that Ma Liansheng, He Yumei, and Fan Jinyou would be transferred to them.

Director Wang followed because Wang Yi knew that Yan Jiecheng's restaurant was short of people.

Also, because Fan Jinyou lost his position as the public manager of the tavern, he broke down, didn't work well in the neighborhood committee, and wasted his days.

Director Wang was annoyed when he saw him, so when Xu Huizhen approached him, he agreed after thinking about it, and added Fan Jinyou to it, hoping to take this opportunity to transfer Fan Jinyou away.

Yan Xiecheng was fine with Ma Liansheng and He Yumei coming to work in the restaurant, but Fan Jinyou also came with him, which disgusted him.

So without even thinking about it, he directly refused: "Director Wang, it's fine for others to come, but I think it's better to forget Fan Jin, I don't deal with him, isn't he adding to the chaos when he comes to work in our restaurant?
Also, even if He Yumei and Ma Liansheng are to be transferred here, their salary this month can only be calculated from the day they work, and we are not responsible for the salary they worked in the tavern before. "

"Yan Jiecheng, your restaurant is not short of this money, so just help out. It's not like you don't know how difficult our tavern is." Before Director Wang could speak, Xu Huizhen interjected.

The main reason is that their tavern really has no money in their books now, and it's almost the end of the month. Even if she changes the situation after she comes up, it's too late. At least this month, the three of them will definitely not be able to pay their salaries.

"Sister Xu, although our two families are neighbors, one size counts for one size. I can accept the two of them, but they didn't work in our restaurant before. It is definitely not appropriate for us to pay wages. You should think again." Think of another way." Seeing Xu Huizhen's face raised, Yan Xiecheng directly refused, although the restaurant is not short of money, but he can't be taken advantage of.

"Yeah, what Master Yan said is right. Our restaurant also needs to carry out Chen Ben's accounting. We definitely can't take the money for nothing." Wang Yi also said that although Xu Huizhen's tavern is also in charge of the neighborhood committee, she is the owner of the restaurant after all. Manager Fang must put the interests of the restaurant first.

Seeing that Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi were not easy to talk to, Xu Huizhen turned to look at Director Wang at the side, and wanted Director Wang to help make peace. After all, a penny is hard for a hero. If the tavern is really difficult now, she would not Talk to Yan Jiecheng.

"It's not appropriate for the restaurant to pay the money directly. How about this, the money is borrowed from the tavern, and the tavern will make up the money after the tavern recovers. What do you two think? As for Fan Jinyou, since Yan Xiecheng I don't like him, I'm arranging other trips for him." Seeing Xu Huizhen's request for help, Director Wang discussed with Yan Xiecheng in a friendly voice.

After all, it's about money. Although Wang Yi is her daughter, she can't directly make the decision.

Hearing Director Wang's words, even though she was unwilling, Wang Yi still looked at Yan Jiecheng, who told Director Wang to be her mother, besides, this was not taken for nothing, it was just borrowed, and the tavern still had to return it.

"Okay, that's it." Yan Jiecheng agreed directly when he saw Wang Yi's eyes. Anyway, it was just a borrowing. The lord lived in Wang Yi's mother.

Although Xu Huizhen was a little unwilling, she had no other choice but to do this first. The only good thing was that Yan Jiecheng helped her solve the problem of staff swelling, so that the tavern could breathe a sigh of relief.

After Director Wang and Xu Huizhen left, Wang Yi looked at Yan Jiecheng with an embarrassed expression and said, "Thank you for saving face."

"Hey, whoever we are with, your business is my business, isn't your mother my mother." Hearing Wang Yi's words, Yan Jiecheng said indifferently.

"I'm ignoring you, you're just being glib." Wang Yi said blushing when she heard Yan Jiecheng's explicit words.

After less than a month of getting along, Wang Yi has already developed an interest in Yan Jiecheng. Although the two of them haven't made it clear yet, they both know it in their hearts. Otherwise, Wang Yi wouldn't let Yan Jiecheng ride her home every day.

Kong Yuqin, who was on the side, saw the two flirtatiously, and felt as disgusted as eating fly droppings. She had been scheming for a long time about Yan Jiecheng, a wealthy son-in-law.

Overtly and secretly feeding him tofu, every time Yan Xiecheng sent Wang Yi home after get off work, she had to cross her knife and ask Yan Xiecheng to take her with him.

She didn't expect that Yan Jiecheng ate her tofu, acted like a normal person, and still had a hot fight with Wang Yi, which made her so reconciled, so she secretly made up her mind to find a chance to give Yan Jiecheng a hard time.

After get off work, Yan Jiecheng drove Wang Yi home on a bicycle as usual, and Kong Yuqin walked over without saying a word, got into Yan Jiecheng's arms and climbed onto the beam in front of her.

Although Wang Yi was a little reluctant, that was the case when Yan Jiecheng sent her off before. Besides, the relationship between the two of them has not been made public now, so it is hard for her to say anything.

Yan Jiecheng seemed to be enjoying himself very much, as soon as he pedaled, he rode his bicycle and walked forward.

Chatting with Wang Yi while walking, thinking that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Yan Jiecheng asked: "Wang Yi, what do we send to the workers in the store for the Chinese New Year?"

Sitting on the frame, Wang Yi hugged Yan Jiecheng's waist with both hands, and pressed his cheek against Yan Jiecheng's back. Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, he said absent-mindedly:

"I have no experience as a public manager for the first time, so you can tell. But my mother and the neighborhood committee used to distribute some daily necessities every New Year, or rice, flour, oil and food."

"We are a restaurant, and the employees are usually not short of oil and water. It is inappropriate to distribute these things. I think we should directly distribute the money. They can buy what they want with the money." Yan Xiecheng thought for a while and said.

It is now five or five years, and the era of bills has not yet begun. Everything can be bought with money, and at most it is more expensive.

"Then how much should our store pay the workers?" Wang Yi asked back after hearing Yan Jiecheng's words.

She agrees with giving red envelopes to employees during the Chinese New Year. This can also explain the advantages of public-private partnerships. However, the amount of payment must be negotiated. If there is too much, it is inappropriate, and if there is too little, the workers are not satisfied.There is no standard for distributing red envelopes according to the workers' usual performance, so although it is good to give out red envelopes, how to do so is a problem.

"Well, let's pay their usual wages. During the Chinese New Year, we will directly pay an extra month's wages." Yan Xiecheng thought that good companies in the future will pay [-], and some even pay [-], so he said.

"Is this too much? Or should it be less, after all, it has only been more than a month since the end of the year, and I got a month's salary for no reason, and I feel very sorry." Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Wang Yi was a little Said embarrassingly.

She and Kong Yuqin had only been here for more than a month at the end of the year, and there were also Ma Liansheng and He Yumei who were about to work in the restaurant. They were paid a month's salary when they first arrived, and Wang Yi felt a little inappropriate.

Although the restaurant can afford it, it's a few tens of dollars after all. Yan Xiecheng said before that she thought it was only a few dollars for the red envelopes given out during the New Year. She didn't expect Yan Jiecheng to play so much when he came up.

An extra month's salary will be paid directly, and if it gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation.

"Since our store is a public-private partnership, it has to be different from the past. I don't think it's a big deal to pay an extra month's salary. Why don't you go back and ask Director Wang to see what the old man thinks." Yan Jiecheng said indifferently.

I felt that Director Wang would definitely agree. After all, it was a good thing. It happened in their street, and it was also a face-saving thing for Director Wang.

"Yeah, Wang Yi, I think Master Yan is right. We are also the first public-private joint venture company, so we have to be different from other companies. It is not normal to pay an extra month's salary during the Chinese New Year. Anyway, we don't. If we want to post money from above, we earned it ourselves." Kong Yuqin, who was sitting on the front beam, leaned on Yan Xiecheng with both hands on the handlebar and said.

Thinking that Wang Yi just had a lot of things to do, Yan Jiecheng, who was the private manager, didn't say anything, and she felt distressed.

"Well... well, I'll go back and ask my mother, if she doesn't object, we'll do this, but what about Ma Liansheng and He Yumei? They also get paid an extra month's salary?" Seeing that Kong Yuqin said the same thing, Wang Yi had no choice but to agree. , promised that as long as Director Wang didn't object, then he would do it.

But Ma Liansheng and He Yumei must not have taken so much, otherwise it would be unfair to the film masters.After all, the two of them got a month's salary just after they came, which was somewhat unreasonable.

"Well, what you said is also a problem. How about halving the treatment for the two of them, and only giving half a month's New Year's red envelopes." Hearing Wang Yi's words, Yan Jiecheng thought for a while and said, such a different treatment is also considered for the movie masters. It's fair, after all, several people come for different lengths of time, so we can't generalize.

"Where is Yuqin and I, we came here later than Mr. Pian and his wife, why don't we both give out red envelopes for half a month?" Wang Yi raised her head and asked Yan Jiecheng.

Kong Yuqin turned her lips away when she heard Wang Yi's words, thinking that Wang Yi really has a lot of things to do, so what's wrong with getting more salary.

Moreover, the two of them are the first batch of employees after the public-private partnership, so it doesn't matter if they get an extra month's salary.

"How about this, the two of you take three-quarters, separate them, and others can't say anything." Yan Xiecheng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, that's it. I'll discuss this matter with my mother when I get back and see her opinion." Seeing Yan Xiecheng's thoughtfulness, Wang Yi agreed.

While speaking, Yan Jiecheng had already arrived at the intersection by bicycle, and he was about to reach home after walking. He usually sent the two of them here.

The two got out of the car, Yan Jiecheng went home to rest for a while, checked the time, then went out and climbed over the wall to Chen Xueru's villa.

"Yan Jiecheng, tell me, do you think you'll disown me as an old lover after you have a new love?" Chen Xueru was half leaning on the bedside in her pajamas, and said after seeing Yan Jiecheng come in.

"Hey, it's nothing. I'm here. You said that my aunt is coming these days, so I didn't come." Yan Jiecheng began to take off his clothes while talking.

"You bastard, did you come to me just to do this? If you can't do it, you won't come?" Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Chen Xueru said a little angrily.

"Don't be angry, I don't want you to have a good rest." Yan Jiecheng walked over to bed while coaxing Chen Xueru, intending to have a good exchange of feelings with Chen Xueru.

"Don't touch me, leave quickly and don't come here again." Chen Xueru shook her shoulders and shouted at Yan Jiecheng.

But Yan Jiecheng didn't listen to her, but rushed towards her directly. At first, Chen Xueru resisted, but slowly she accomodated her, and finally became active.

All night under Chen Xueru's dominance, she didn't let Yan Jiecheng go until she couldn't take it anymore.

Originally, he planned to squeeze out Yan Jiecheng, but he didn't expect Yan Jiecheng's physique to be so strong, which was a bit beyond Chen Xueru's expectation.

When everything returned to calm and the two were lying side by side on the bed, Yan Jiecheng asked while stroking Chen Xueru's beautiful hair, "By the way, how is your side during this time? Is the public-private partnership going well?"

"I'm okay. The superiors sent a knowledgeable person called Liao Yucheng. He didn't give orders like Fan Jinyou who didn't understand. But he was not very honest, and he always wanted to take kickbacks from the store." Chen Xueru snuggled up to Yan Xiecheng's arms. Li stroked Yan Jiecheng's chest with his hand and said.

"It's nothing. Humans always have some desires. If he has no desires, can you feel at ease? Find a chance to catch him, so that he will be honest." Yan Jiecheng said to Chen Xueru.

I am not afraid that he is greedy, but I am afraid that if he is not greedy, he will insist on doing things, which is very disgusting.

"Well, I see. I'll find an opportunity to trick him in a few days." Chen Xueru is also a smart person, and she understood what Yan Jiecheng meant when she heard it.

Liao Yucheng's greed is also a good thing for her, and it will be a headache if she meets someone who has no desires, just like Fan Jinyou.Xu Huizhen is also considered unlucky to meet such a person who doesn't understand but directs blindly and makes the store lose money.

"Okay, it's time for me to go, you should go to bed earlier." Yan Jiecheng broke free, Chen Xueru's hands got up and began to put on clothes.

Seeing Yan Xiecheng like this, Chen Xueru didn't stop her. Previous experience told her that if Yan Xiecheng was forced to stay, she would definitely not be able to go to work tomorrow morning.

There was nothing wrong with her before, and she had the final say on the store, but now that it is a public-private partnership, and there is a public manager in the store, she has to work hard and not let Liao Yucheng take advantage of it.

When Yan Jiecheng returned home, he got into bed and fell asleep, and nothing happened for the next few days.

And He Yumei and Ma Liansheng also came to work in the store, and they had no opinion on the job adjustment.

Anyway, they get paid wherever they go, and Yan Jiecheng's benefits are quite high here, especially they can take some leftovers home.

This is a dream for them. After all, food is the most important thing for the people, and there is never too much food, especially in this era, due to the low food production, many families with a large population simply cannot eat enough , but also some sweet potatoes.

Time passed by and soon came to the end of the year, and it was the day when the store was on holiday for the year before.After finishing the work in the store at noon, Yan Jiecheng called everyone together: "I won't say much else, our store will be closed tonight, and we will be on holiday half a day earlier. Everyone, go back and have a good New Year."

"Okay, Master Yan, let's get down to business, everyone is waiting." Seeing Yan Xiecheng's long-winded routine, Wang Yi couldn't help but said.

"Since Manager Wang said it, then I will directly announce that our store has no other preparations for the Chinese New Year this year. I discussed it with Manager Wang. It is more practical to send money. If you need anything, you can buy it yourself."

"How much money will be paid, please solve it." Master Pian immediately became happy when he heard that he wanted to send money.

"The couple's monthly salary is three-quarters of Wang Yi and Kong Yuqin's salary. As for the newcomers Ma Liansheng and He Yumei, they can only get half of their salary." Seeing that everyone was anxious, Yan Jiecheng announced directly.

(End of this chapter)

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