The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 38 Blind Date Continues

Chapter 38 Blind Date Continues
"Hello, my name is Yu Li, and I'm a quality inspector of a textile factory." Yu Li pointed her eyes at Yan Xiecheng while talking...

"Aunt Han, it's already noon, are you hungry? I'll take you out to eat." Yan Xiecheng looked at his watch and said.

"Let's go, remember to send Yu Li back before dark, I'll talk to your mother, and I'll have dinner with your mother later." After finishing speaking, she walked out without giving Yan Xiecheng a chance to speak.

Yan Xiecheng had no choice but to drive Yu Li on a bicycle to Bianyifang and ordered two roast ducks, three side dishes, and a duck soup.

"There are so many we can't finish," Yu Li said shyly,

Treating himself to such an expensive meal for the first time when they met, he was interested in him, Yu Li thought to herself.

"It's okay, we can take it away if we can't finish eating!" Yan Jiecheng replied with a smile.

If you want to pick up girls, you have to be willing to spend money. Didn't you watch the TV series where Xu Damao chased after him like this? Does Qin Jingru still have Yu Haitang?

After waiting for a while, the food was ready, and Yan Xiecheng brought it over and put it on the table.

It was the first time for Yu Li to eat roast duck. Looking at the sliced ​​duck meat on the table, she couldn't eat it.

Seeing Yu Li's nervousness, Yan Jiecheng quickly picked up a piece of lotus leaf cake, dipped it in sweet noodle sauce, put duck meat, cucumber strips, and scallion rolls on it, and handed it over: "Just eat like this, and if you want to eat it later, I will take it with you." Come."

Yu Li took it and put it in her mouth, chewing slowly, the silky meat, the refreshingness of cucumber, and the spicyness of green onion twirled to her stomach. She never knew that there was such a delicious food in this world, look Yan Xiecheng's eyes began to glow.

After dinner, Yan Jiecheng took Yu Li to the cinema, bought a ticket for [-] cents and walked in. Today's show is "Twins", a cartoon produced by the Shanghai Studio in [-]. Funny cartoon.

This cartoon is about a pair of twins named Big Fatty and Little Fatty. Since they look almost identical, grandma often mistook them, but the two brothers have different personalities.One day, the two brothers started to do their homework after breakfast. When Fatty was concentrating on solving problems, Fatty planned to kick a ball and slipped out while Fatty was not paying attention.Fatty suffers from dental disease. He discussed with his grandma to have a photo taken, and went to the dentist after finding Fatty.Xiao Pang knocked over the shopkeeper's stall while playing football on the road, and fled in a hurry, but the shopkeeper took the fat man he met head-on as the perpetrator, and called the police to ask Da Pang to give him an explanation.Xiaopang sneaked home, but was caught by his grandma and wanted to take him to the dentist.The stories of the two brothers became lively amidst the constant recognition of their mistakes...

It was also the first time for Yan Jiecheng to watch a movie of this era, which was still an animation, and he thought it was quite interesting. Yu Li covered her mouth and laughed while watching the funny scenes in the movie, and everyone around her also laughed.

"Your hand is too small to cover it, do you need me to help you?" Yan Xiecheng said in Yu Li's ear.

The shy Yu Li blushed, and covered her face with her hands covering her mouth, looking at Yan Xiecheng through the gap between her fingers from time to time.

She wondered how this person could be like this, but felt that this person was a little different from other people. Curiosity made her want to know more about this person and this man around her.

After watching the movie, the two walked out of the movie theater holding hands, and got a little closer through the brief relationship.

"Yu Li, where are we going to play next?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Yu Li and asked.

"Why don't we go back and go on a blind date today, my parents are still at home waiting for me to go back and tell them." Yu Li said embarrassedly.

"Okay, then I'll take you home"

After speaking, Yan Xiecheng carried Yu Li on his bicycle and rode in the direction Yu Li pointed.

Came to the door of Yu Li's house.

"Yu Li, I'll come to see you next Sunday." Yan Xiecheng looked at Yu Li and said.

"Okay, take it easy when you go back," he said and ran home without looking back.

Yan Jiecheng watched as Yu Li entered the house and rode a bicycle back to the courtyard.

Yu Li's house

Yu Li's parents, as well as Yu Li's younger sister Yu Haitang and younger brother Yu Haitao, saw Yu Li entering the house and hurriedly pulled Yu Li over.

Yu Haitang took Yu Li's hand, "Sister, how is your brother-in-law, handsome or not, where did you go to play today?"

Mama Yu patted Yu Haitang on the back with her hands:
"What are you talking about, girl? Your sister is going to have a blind date. What's the matter? You're selling your sister!"

Turning her head to Yu Li again, she said:
"How is the other party? If it doesn't work, you can wait. Don't worry about getting married."

Yu Li lowered her head and looked at the shoes: "It's good and generous. Today we went to eat roast duck and watch a movie."

"Sister, you actually eat roast duck, take me there next time, I want to eat it too." Yu Haitang said with bright eyes.

"What's the matter with your sister's partner taking you, hurry up and do your homework." He said, pulling Yu Haitang aside.

"How is the other party's condition, and what's the situation at home." Yu Li's father asked in a calm voice.

"Conditions should be okay. I work in a rolling mill and I'm a third-level electrician. I don't know what's going on at home. I should be quite wealthy, and I have a bicycle at home." Yu Li said with her head down.

"Look for someone to inquire about these two days to see how the family is doing, and you can't just listen to what the matchmaker says." Father Yu thought for a while and said, there are only two daughters and one son in the family, and Father Yu doesn't have patriarchal thoughts. A girl has to look carefully when looking for someone. If she finds the wrong one, it will ruin her life.

Old Yan's house, Yan Bugui's room.

Yan Jiecheng and Yan Bugui were sitting at the table talking.

"If you think this girl is okay, then let's settle it." Yan Bugui said while sipping tea.

"Okay, let's settle it, that girl is pretty good." Yan Xiecheng said without hesitation.

The third mother looked at Yan Jiecheng: "You don't think about it anymore, you have to think about it, this is a lifetime thing."

"Think about it, don't worry, I won't play around with my own affairs."

"Just make up your mind. I'll talk to your Aunt Han another day to see what the woman's family means. If the woman agrees, we'll make a decision and take care of things after the new year." The three mothers nagged talking.

"Okay, that's it. I'm going back to sleep. I have to go to work tomorrow." After finishing speaking, he went to bed.

Two days later, news came from Aunt Han that the woman agreed, and the two families will get together sometime to settle the matter.

After Sha Zhu found out, his whole body collapsed. He felt that God was unfair to him. Xu Damao had a wife, Liu Guangqi was also married, and now even Yan Jiecheng, who was seven years younger than him, had a partner. Why am I such a good person? , Why can't I find a woman.

Picking up the wine glass and drinking the wine, taking a sip of peanuts, the more I think about it, the more aggrieved I become.Shazhu used to eat fried peanuts when drinking, but today he is not in the mood to fry the peanuts, so he eats them raw.

(End of this chapter)

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