The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 383 Kong Yuqin is Pregnant

Chapter 383 Kong Yuqin is Pregnant

"I heard that Fan Jinyou is going back to work in the tavern again." Ma Liansheng on the side gossiped to the two in a low voice.

"Who told you? Didn't Director Wang be transferred by him? Why did he come back? Is this news reliable?" Hearing that Fan Jinyou had returned to work in the tavern, Yan Jiecheng asked curiously.

"Hey, what else could be the reason? It's not like you don't know that Fan Jin has that person, and you can't get along with anyone. I heard that he was sent back within two days after being transferred to the shoe store, but he was arranged to go to another place. They don't want him, and Director Wang has nothing to do, so he can only continue to do work for Xu Huizhen and ask her to take over Fan Jinyou, and Fan Jinyou returns to the tavern." Ma Liansheng said in a small mouth, talking about things in one breath. It's all been said.

"Hey, then Xu Huizhen is fine. Fan Jinyou has made the tavern so miserable, and she still owes us the money from the restaurant, yet she still takes Fan Jinyou in." Hearing Ma Liansheng's words, Mr. asked in surprise.

You must know that if Fan Jin hadn't messed around, the tavern wouldn't have owed a foreign debt. She, Xu Huizhen, would be a good person, and she dared to keep Fan Jin by her side. I'm not afraid that Fan Jin will come to her again if he finds a chance. This way.

"She wants to sell Director Wang's face. After all, the tavern is under the jurisdiction of the neighborhood committee. She must be thinking that Director Wang can give her a hand in case something happens to her in the future, or she has some reason to be accused by Director Wang. I have no choice but to follow Director Wang's arrangement." He Yumei leaned over and said to several people.

"What excuse does she have? Old man He and He Yongqiang were always in charge of the tavern before, and she hasn't been in office for long." Hearing He Yumei's words, the film master asked a little puzzled.

Only Yan Jiecheng knew in his heart that it must be the fact that He Yongqiang was not dead. After all, although this matter could be hidden from others, as the director of the neighborhood committee, Director Wang must know the inside story.

In the TV series, Director Wang just used this matter to manipulate Xu Huizhen to let her agree to Fan Jinyou going to the tavern as the public manager. This time it must be the same, otherwise Xu Huizhen's character, how could he agree to allow Fan Jinyou to continue to return to the tavern? .

Although Yan Jiecheng knew it, he couldn't say it out, otherwise it would definitely arouse other people's suspicions, and Xu Huizhen had already said that He Yongqiang was hit and killed by a car before going out, and everyone knew about it.

"Okay, don't care about her, Xu Huizhen, anyway, as long as she can pay back our restaurant's money, we have nothing to do with whether we take Fan Jinyou or not." Yan Jiecheng waved his hand at several people, telling them to stop discussing about Xu Huizhen.

After hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, everyone shut up and returned to their posts. Although there are not many customers in the shop today, breakfast is still made.

Not a while after breakfast was ready, Master Niu opened the door and walked in:
"I feel that you guys have to open the door today. Come here early in the morning and bring me four buns, Yiwan Tofu Nao. Remember to put more sesame oil when filling the tofu nao. Recently, I have always tasted bad in my mouth when I get angry." Master Niu said to Master Pian while finding a table to sit down.

"We're here to drink sesame oil. It's not going to work. A bowl of tofu nao doesn't make much money. I'm putting sesame oil for you. It's not a loss. Why don't you give more." Jokingly said, while talking, he served Master Niu with bean curd.

"Master Pian, it's because the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry. Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi didn't say anything, so there's no place for you to talk." After speaking, Master Niu turned to Yan Jiecheng and asked, "Xie Cheng, I heard You and Wang Yi are getting engaged, is there such a thing?"

"Master Niu, you are well-informed about this news. I haven't mentioned it to anyone. How do you know it?" Yan Xiecheng asked curiously when he heard Master Niu's words, wondering if it was Director Wang who said it. The director doesn't seem like a big mouthed person, besides, there is her daughter in it.

"Don't worry about it, just tell me if there is such a thing." Master Niu didn't say who told him, but continued to ask Yan Jiecheng.

"There is this matter, even if you don't say it for a few days, I have to invite you to go. Although you didn't help me when I dated Wang Yi, after all, you mentioned to me before that we are engaged, and we have to be married. Please come and be a matchmaker." Yan Jiecheng said to Master Niu with a smile.

After all, he is the only one in his family and doesn't even have an elder, so he must find a matchmaker when they get engaged.

Now it is different from the later generations. Although he and Wang Yi made it up by himself, he still has to ask a matchmaker to help make peace, otherwise the rules will be messed up.

Master Niu was obviously very happy to hear Yan Jiecheng's words, and thought that Yan Jiecheng was giving him face. Although he didn't care about the matchmaking gifts, he still cared about face matters.

"Don't worry, I'll make things clear for you." Master Niu smiled happily.

"I'm sure I can rest assured that Master Niu will handle his business. By the way, this is the steamed bun you asked for." Yan Xiecheng brought him the steamed bun that Master Niu wanted while talking.

Seeing that the steamed stuffed bun he wanted was served, Master Niu didn't bother to talk, so he picked up the steamed stuffed bun and started eating.

"Master Pian, bring me a bowl of egg custard." While talking, Xu Huizhen pushed the door and walked in, and said to Master Pian who was busy at the counter, holding their eldest daughter Xu Jingli in her arms.

The little girl is less than one year old, but it is still okay to eat egg custard, that is, Xu Huizhen loves the child, and ordinary families are reluctant to give this to the child.

"Boss Xu, I heard that Fan Jinyou has returned to the tavern again? What do you think, he didn't do harm to the tavern enough, you still let him go back." Master Pian served Xu Huizhen with egg custard asked curiously.

"Hey, don't I think he is very pitiful, the whole family depends on him to support him, and he has no other place to go, and Director Ren Wang has spoken, so I have to show face." Xu Huizhen pretended to be very angry and said.

"Aren't you afraid that Fan Jin will make trouble for you again if he finds a chance?" Ma Liansheng on the side also interjected.

He had worked in Xu Huizhen's tavern before, and if Fan Jin hadn't messed around, he wouldn't have come to Yan Jiecheng's side. He didn't like Fan Jin from the bottom of his heart.

"He's just an ordinary waiter now, what can he do to me? Besides, I'm doing him a favor. Having gone through what happened before, he won't be so ignorant." Xu Huizhen said confidently.

"It's not certain, you'd better be careful, Fan Jin has that person, who knows what's going on in his mind, he can do things that ordinary people can't do." Master Pian still persuaded him earnestly , talking, Master Pian handed over the custard that Xu Huizhen asked for.

"Okay, don't worry, Mr. Pian, let me watch him, and Fan Jin must not make any more mistakes." Xu Huizhen took the egg custard and replied to Mr. Pian, then turned her head and left.

The film master saw that Xu Huizhen didn't take his reminder seriously, so he said to Yan Xiecheng and the others: "Believe it or not, Xu Huizhen has to fall into Fan Jinyou's hands."

"I don't believe it. Although Xu Huizhen is a woman, she is not soft-handed. She is stronger than the average man. Fan Jinyou can't beat her." Hearing Master Pian's words, Master Niu who was having breakfast beside him said.

Master Niu spoke highly of Xu Huizhen, just because Xu Huizhen played with Fan Jinyou last time, he knew that Xu Huizhen was not easy to mess with, and anyone who despised Xu Huizhen would be in her hands.

Hearing Master Niu's words, Yan Jiecheng couldn't help but give him a thumbs up in his heart. Among other things, Master Niu is still very accurate in judging people.

With Fan Jin's brains, he can't beat Xu Huizhen, especially Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu are pointing at him.

Cai Quanwu is completely wise and foolish type. Although he is usually unobtrusive, he can really come up with ideas at critical moments.

The reason why Xu Huizhen was the first to participate in the public-private partnership was that she was instructed by Cai Quanwu.

After hearing Master Niu's words, Master Pian felt that Master Niu had a high opinion of Xu Huizhen. Even if Xu Huizhen had some tricks, she was a woman after all, especially now that she was a little arrogant.

Although he didn't care about it in his heart, Master Pian didn't say anything. After all, he also knew that Master Niu wanted to save face. He directly refuted Master Niu's words in public. Although Master Niu would not turn against him, it would definitely affect their relationship. relation.

Seeing that no one was talking, Master Niu wiped his mouth after dinner, then got up and left.

Because the Chinese New Year was just over, not many people came to the restaurant to eat, and the meals made at noon were not sold out, at least half of them were left, and it seemed that there would not be many people at night.

Yan Jiecheng discussed with Wang Yi and planned to leave work early. After all, no one came, and the food in the store could not be sold. Not only did he not make money, but he also lost a lot.

So Yan Jiecheng called Mr. Pian and asked him to divide the leftover food in the store among several people, then close the door and go home, and come back to work tomorrow.

Going back so early, there was nothing to do at home, and the family didn't know it was early anyway, so Kong Yuqin followed Yan Jiecheng to Yan Jiecheng's courtyard.

After all, she hadn't made out with Yan Jiecheng for several days, and she also thought a little bit, this kind of thing, the first time, the second time and the third time will not be far away.

The two fought on the bed for more than an hour before it ended. After the end, Yan Xiecheng lay quietly on the bed with Kong Yuqin in his arms, smoking a cigarette while talking to Kong Yuqin. As the old saying goes, a cigarette afterwards is better than a living god.

"By the way, Yuqin, when do you plan to move out from your parents' place?" Yan Jiecheng asked Kong Yuqin while taking a deep breath of smoke.

Lying in Yan Jiecheng's arms, Kong Yuqin said while stroking Yan Jiecheng's chest, "I don't know how to tell my parents. After all, they will definitely ask me how I got here when the house is so big. Besides, you have to know that I have My parents may ask me to hand over the house to my brother and the others."

Yan Jiecheng also heard from Kong Yuqin that she is not only the only daughter in his family, but also has a sister and two brothers above her. She is the youngest in the family, and she has to listen to her parents and brothers and sisters in everything.

Although the house is not worth much now, and the housing conditions are not as tight as before, the house is not cheap. With Kong Yuqin's salary, if you want to buy a house, you have to save for a year without eating or drinking. It is still a small area.

If she buys a house with a large area, her annual salary may not be enough. Besides, the public-private partnership has been completed now, and the housing will be uniformly allocated by the state in the future.

Although there are private transactions, they must have the property, like Yan Xiecheng's house, which was handled early, and they will definitely not do it for him now.

After all, the courtyards are all collective property, allocated by the state, and individuals cannot buy or sell them. Strictly speaking, the house does not belong to Yan Xiecheng, he just has the right to live.

But the management was not strict before, and Yan Jiecheng also knew the people inside, so he spent some money to get it done. Otherwise, even if he is willing to spend money this year, it will not be easy.

"You have a good brain, why don't you give me an idea." Seeing that Yan Xiecheng didn't speak and just smoked, Kong Yuqin asked again.

"I really can't do anything about it. After all, there are your parents over there." After hearing what Kong Yuqin said, Yan Xiecheng thought for a while, but he had no other choice. Kong Yuqin had a relationship, but this matter should not be known to others.

"By the way, didn't you say you were looking for someone to marry me in a fake marriage last time, so hurry up and find someone. As long as I get married, I can move out of the house in a fair manner, and the house has a legitimate source, just say we I don’t have a house to buy with you.” Thinking of what Yan Xiecheng said before, Kong Yuqin’s eyes light up, not only will she be able to get rid of the entanglements of the family, but she will not have to pay the family the money she earns in the future.

But she doesn't know anyone who is a woman, so it's better to let Yan Jiecheng handle things like this.

Hearing Kong Yuqin's words, Yan Jiecheng thought about it carefully, but there were not many suitable candidates in his mind. Although Cai Quanwu was suitable and the two had a good relationship, he would definitely not agree, after all, he was pursuing Xu Huizhen now.

If she suddenly married another woman, although it was fake, Xu Huizhen couldn't explain anything.

But besides Cai Quanwu, no one else is suitable. Although he has a good relationship with Qiangzi, what does Qiangzi say.

Maybe he will sympathize with you when your life is not as good as his, but when you live better than him, he will start to feel bad.

Not only that, Qiangzi is still a big mouther, if he wants to know about this matter, he has to confide in it if he doesn't drink enough wine.

But other than Qiangzi, others are even more inappropriate, either they are not of the right age or they are already married.

"How is it? Is there a suitable candidate?" Seeing Yan Xiecheng frowning, Kong Yuqin couldn't help asking, fearing that Yan Xiecheng would not be able to think of a candidate.

"Yes, there is, but I think it's a bit risky, why don't you wait?" Yan Jiecheng persuaded.

He was still a little worried about Qiangzi. After all, Qiangzi was not a good person in TV dramas. Although he had a good relationship with Yan Jiecheng and they were from the same hometown, Yan Jiecheng couldn't guarantee that Qiangzi would not backstab him.

"That's it." Kong Yuqin was a little disappointed when she heard Yan Jiecheng's words, and her tone of voice was filled with a sense of loss.

After that, Kong Yuqin was not in the mood to stay with Yan Jiecheng anymore, so she put on her clothes, got up and went home.

But there were some accidents that Yan Jiecheng couldn't think of. After more than two months, Kong Yuqin came to Yan Jiecheng's house again that night and told Yan Jiecheng that she might be pregnant.

Hearing the news, Haoxuan didn't scare Yan Jiecheng to death. Before that, he wanted to slowly find a suitable candidate, but this can't be the case now. After all, Kong Yuqin's stomach can't wait. It's over for people.

(End of this chapter)

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