But Chen Xueru was too ambitious to ask for leave, but whenever she had time, she would call Yan Jiecheng to her home and ask Yan Jiecheng to pay her rations, which made Yan Jiecheng afraid of her.

Yan Xiecheng had just sent Wang Yi to work early in the morning, when he turned around and Chen Xueru came over again.

"I said big sister, why did you have the wine in the middle of the day?" Yan Jiecheng saw Chen Xueru coming over in the middle of the day and hurriedly pulled her into the room and said.

"I wanted to come to see you at night, but Wang Yi disagreed. It's not only during the day." Chen Xueru walked to the sofa and sat down while turning her head and said to Yan Jiecheng.

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng was also helpless, after all, he was married to Wang Yi now, and the two of them were in perfect harmony, so he didn't have time to go to Chen Xueru at night.

"Okay, whether to stay at your house or go to my house, hurry up and go to work later." Chen Xueru shouted to Yan Jiecheng while taking off her coat.

Now she is already in a daze in order to conceive a child, and if she finds a chance, she will squeeze Yan Xiecheng hard.

"Here..., let's go to your house." Yan Jiecheng thought that Chen Xueru's house was only her own, even if the two messed up the room, no one would say anything, but their house is different, if Wang Yi comes back and sees the room is messed up, she will definitely It is doubtful that even if Yan Jiecheng cleans it up, there will be some smell left behind.

The two came to Chen Xueru's house and tossed and tossed for more than an hour, until they were exhausted and Chen Xueru let Yan Jiecheng go.

When Yan Jiecheng came out of Chen Xueru's house, his legs were weak. After all, he just paid the public rations at Wang Yi's place last night, and he had to pay again this morning.

Even if Yan Jiecheng is in good health, he still can't help tossing around like this. It seems that he needs to prepare some supplements at any time in the future, otherwise he will be exhausted.

It was late when Yan Jiecheng came out of Chen Xueru's house. He went home, changed his clothes, washed up, and then rode his bicycle to the restaurant.

Since Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi got married, Kong Yuqin has become the public manager of the restaurant. She just checks the accounts every day and has nothing else to do. It is much more leisurely than the previous job, and she can still go to work even if she is pregnant with a child.

When Yan Jiecheng came to the restaurant, everyone was already up, and they were all busy with their own affairs in an orderly manner.

"Xie Cheng, I heard that Fan Jinyou is getting married." Master Pian came over and said softly to Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng was taken aback when he heard that Fan Jinyou was going to get married. Chen Xueru, who originally belonged to Fan Jinyou in the TV series, had already been taken by Yan Jiecheng, and Xu Huizhen also married Cai Quanwu.

Originally, Yan Jiecheng thought that Fan Jinyou was going to be a bachelor, but he didn't expect this old boy to find another one, but he didn't know who the girl he married was.

So he opened his mouth and asked the film master: "Really, who did you listen to?"

"Xu Huizhen said this when she came over to buy breakfast this morning. It seems to be the cousin of Director Ma of the grain station, the one she wanted to tell Cai Quanwu before."

"Ah, why did the two of them get together? Normally, Fan Jinyou shouldn't like her." Yan Jiecheng asked puzzled.

He wondered if Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru's successive marriages had hit him hard, so he lost his temper and just found one.

Or I just want to get involved with you, Director Wang. After all, the director of the grain station is a powerful figure, and it will be more convenient to buy food in the future.

"Who knows, yes, I understand that Fan Jinyou is going to invite someone to dinner in our restaurant tonight, and asked to reserve a table for him."

"Okay, I see." As he spoke, Yan Jiecheng put on his apron and started cooking.

After cooking the vegetables, Yan Xiecheng sat on a chair and drank tea while resting.

At this time, Kong Yuqin walked over with her big belly, touched her belly while looking at Yan Jiecheng and said:
"Manager Yan, you can visit us after work, if our water pipe is broken, please help me fix it."

"This..., okay, I'll send you back after get off work." Yan Jiecheng was hesitant to go, but seeing Kong Yuqin's stomach, he couldn't bear to refuse.

"Yuqin, the water pipe in your house is broken. Why don't I fix it for you? Manager Yan has to go back to accompany his wife after get off work." Ma Liansheng, who was on the side, heard that the water pipe in Kong Yuqin's house was broken, and quickly expressed his opinion.

During this period of time, Qiangzi has not shown up. Although there is Kong Yuqin's explanation, some people still don't believe it. They all think that Qiangzi abandoned Kong Yuqin, otherwise Kong Yuqin would be pregnant with a child. Why would Qiangzi not say that he would come back to take care of Kong Yuqin? , You can't even ignore your wife and children.

"Brother Ma, there's no need for that. Manager Yan will go." Kong Yuqin thought to herself that the water pipes in her house were not really broken. Why not make trouble for yourself.

"This..., that's fine, next time Yuqin has something to do with your family, just call me over, don't bother Manager Yan all the time." Ma Liansheng said unwillingly.

Although Kong Yuqin was married and had children, Ma Liansheng decided to pursue her. After all, Kong Yuqin is now the public manager of a restaurant and earns more than him.

Moreover, Kong Yuqin is just 20 years old this year, younger than him, so it is not a disadvantage for him to marry Kong Yuqin, and besides, Kong Yuqin still has a house of her own.

"No need, it's enough to have Manager Yan."

Hearing Kong Yuqin's refusal, Ma Liansheng didn't say anything, but walked aside silently to do the work in hand.

At this time, Master Pian, who was listening to a few people chatting, came over and persuaded Kong Yuqin:

"Yuqin, it's not Pian Ye who said you, Xiao Ma is a good person. If Qiang Zi really doesn't come back, you have to plan for your future. After all, a child can't always be without a father, and you are alone It's not easy to pull a child, even if you earn enough money to support your child, this woman has to find a man."

"Master Pian, you don't need to persuade me. I know all these things. Qiangzi may come back in a few days. He's just busy recently." Kong Yuqin said with a cold face. She also knew that Master Pian said this for her own benefit. But she couldn't tell Yan Xiecheng directly, so she could only find a reason to shirk it.

Yan Jiecheng had been busy in the restaurant until he got off work, and then returned home with Kong Yuqin, and stayed at her home for a while, seeing that it was getting late, so he hurried back to his own home.

When Yan Jiecheng got home, Wang Yi had already returned. Knowing that Yan Jiecheng didn't have to go home to eat, she just did her own share. At this time, Wang Yi was waiting for Yan Jiecheng while eating. It is said that Yan Jiecheng should have arrived home a long time ago. An hour late.

When Yan Jiecheng came back, Wang Yi hurriedly asked, "Xiecheng, why did you go and why did you come back so late?"

"Hey, the water pipe in Kong Yuqin's house is broken. I went to help her fix it. You also know that she is alone at home with a big belly and no one to take care of her. Now that I have found her, I can't help but tell you if it is right. "

"That's right, why is this Qiangzi so cruel? My daughter-in-law is pregnant with a child and she doesn't say she came back from her hometown. Even if she is busy, she has to find time to come back and have a look." Chen Xueru didn't doubt Yan Jiecheng's words, but complained from the sidelines. She looked at Qiangzi and defended Kong Yuqin. She used to have a good relationship with Kong Yuqin. They were like sisters, but after they got married, they didn’t see each other very much. noodle.

"Yes, if it were me, I would have to go home to accompany my wife even if my career was over." Yan Xiecheng walked up to Wang Yi and sat down, then put his arms around Wang Yi's waist and said.

"Okay, I'll go and wash the dishes, we'll talk later." While talking, Wang Yi broke away from Yan Jiecheng's hand and went to the kitchen with the bowl.

Yan Jiecheng quickly pulled off his clothes and sniffed it in front of his nose. He felt that there was no smell, so he let go of his heart, as if he was afraid that Wang Yi would smell something.

When Wang Yi returned to the bedroom from the kitchen, Yan Jiecheng had already undressed and was lying on the bed.

It was more than half an hour of fighting. Afterwards, the two lay side by side on the bed. Wang Yi looked at Yan Jiecheng suspiciously. Usually, the two of them would finish in an hour, but today's time was reduced by half. Wang Yi thought Yan Jiecheng was tired. Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Xie Cheng, are you tired? Do you need to see a doctor?"

Hearing this, Yan Jiecheng couldn't bear it, although he was tired enough, he still decided to give Wang Yi a good look, so he turned over and pressed Wang Yi under him, and started exercising without listening to Wang Yi's words.

Immediately, the voice that had just stopped in the room rang out again, this time it took much longer than before, and Yan Jiecheng didn't plan to let her go until Wang Yi begged for mercy.

The next morning, Yan Jiecheng came to the store refreshed, and when he entered the door, he saw Mr. Pian cleaning with a broom.

Seeing Yan Jiecheng coming, he walked over directly: "Xie Cheng, you have been married for more than two months, why is Wang Yi's stomach still not moving? Look at Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu next door, they are the same as you and Wang Yi We got married around the same time, and Xu Huizhen is pregnant."

As he spoke, he looked at Yan Jiecheng suspiciously, as if he had a physical problem, but Yan Jiecheng knew that he must be fine, otherwise how could Kong Yuqin be pregnant.

It is only a time period that Wang Yi is not pregnant. After all, they have only been married for two months, and Wang Yi has been busy with work and has no plans to have a child now.

The two of them had agreed to wait a year or two until Wang Yi stabilized her job.Director Wang will just retire in a year or two, and Wang Yi will be able to take over at that time.

After Director Wang retires, he can help them take care of their children. If they give birth now, Wang Yi will definitely not be able to go to work by then, and she will not be able to go to work when her mother retires.

But Yan Jiecheng couldn't tell Master Pian directly, he could only say that the two wanted to live together for a period of time, and didn't want to have a child so early. Anyway, they were not too old, so there was no need to worry so much.

"Xie Cheng, it's not that Mr. Pian said you. How can you not have children when you are married? The sooner you have children, the better. Didn't the leaders say that there are more people and more power." Hearing that Yan Jiecheng didn't want to have children so early Master Pian kept persuading him.

To say that Mr. Pian is a person who worries about his life and cares about everything, otherwise his son and daughter-in-law don't want to live with him, and would rather go back to his hometown in the Northeast than live with him in the capital.

It's not that this person is so bad, it's mainly because he's too nosy, if something happens to his family, the film master has to go over, and even watch the excitement, he can't help but go up and say a few words.

"Master, you don't need to worry about it all the time. If you have the time, you should worry about your family's affairs."

"What is there to worry about in our family? Your aunt and I have food, drink, and money to earn. We don't feel tired after going to work every day. Our children can still farm the land in their hometown, and they can give us food if we can't run out. Send some over." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Master Pian continued to babble.

"If it's possible, why don't you let my elder brother and the others come back? Isn't it better to find a job in the capital than to farm in your hometown?" Yan Jiecheng thought that the allocated land would be taken back in a few years, and it would be implemented in the future. Collectivized communes, farming like this is meaningless, it is better to go back to the capital to work.

But Mr. Pian didn’t think so. How could he say that he didn’t want the tens of acres of land in his hometown? After all, he got it with great difficulty, even if he didn’t work, he had to plant the land.

So he directly shook his head like a rattle drum: "This business, the people's government has finally divided it, so how can they say that they can't plant it. Besides, even if I want their brothers to come back, they can't come back. They are already dead. If you have a rural household registration, you won’t be able to get food if you come to the city, so you can’t keep buying high-priced food, no one can afford it.”

Since Mr. Pian didn't want to listen to Yan Jiecheng, he didn't plan to say any more. Anyway, Mr. Pian's hometown is the Northeast. Wherever the land is sparsely populated, even in difficult times, people there won't go hungry. It's just that life is a little more difficult. The couple just supported some money in the past.

After working in the shop for a whole day, Cai Quanwu approached him just as he was about to leave work, and said that he was about to have a child, and wanted to recognize the child in Xu Huizhen's stomach to Yan Jiecheng.

After all, he didn't have any other friends in the capital, Yan Jiecheng was the only one he could talk to, and the relationship between the two of them had been pretty good for so many years.

So I found Yan Jiecheng, and wanted to share the joy in my heart with Yan Jiecheng.

After watching the TV series, Yan Jiecheng knew that the child in Xu Huizhen's womb was their second child, Xu Jingping.

Yan Jiecheng is still willing to recognize her as a daughter-in-law, after all, this girl is not only good-looking but also cute.

I don't know how Xu Huizhen educates the children, all of them are generous and decent. I have to say that Xu Huizhen is much better than Chen Xueru in educating children.

Just like Chen Xueru's second son in the TV series, Yan Jiecheng knew at a glance that he was spoiled by others, but he didn't know whether it was Chen Xueru's problem or Fan Jinyou's.

However, it is estimated that Fan Jin is more likely. After all, Chen Xueru is too ambitious and usually does not take care of her children, and puts all her thoughts on her career. Otherwise, why is the second child not good? .

So Yan Jiecheng agreed directly, and the two agreed that after Xu Huizhen gave birth to the child, both male and female would recognize it to Yan Jiecheng.

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