The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 394 Cai Quan Wu Borrowed Food

Chapter 394 Cai Quan Wu Borrowed Food

It took more than ten days for Yan Jiecheng to go. During this time, the restaurant was run by Mr. Pian. Although Mr. Pian's craftsmanship was not as good as Yan Jiecheng's, it was still good compared to others, and he could make do for a while.

After returning to the capital, Yan Jiecheng went directly to the restaurant, wanting to see if there was any problem in the restaurant during his absence.

"Yo, Xie Cheng is back. Come on, you'll be in charge today." When Master Pian saw Yan Jiecheng coming, he quickly stopped his work and gave up his seat.

"Master Pian, what's the matter, hasn't anything happened to our restaurant during the few days I've been away?" Yan Jiecheng didn't rush to take over the work from Master Pian, but asked him instead.

"It didn't happen, but you also know that my cooking skills are definitely not comparable to yours. The guests who come here to eat often complain that the food is not as good as before." Master Pian handed the spoon in his hand to Yan Xiecheng, a little bit He said embarrassingly, after all, he hasn't learned how to cook for a long time, so it's certain that he can't cook well.If it wasn't for the fact that the restaurant didn't have the right staff, he wouldn't have taken over the job.

Although he didn't have any major problems during the cooking period, the number of guests who came here to eat was much less than before, especially these few days.

If Yan Jiecheng didn't come back, maybe the restaurant's turnover this month would be more than half of what it was last month.

Yan Jiecheng also knew that the restaurant's business was definitely not as good as before when he was away, but he didn't worry too much. Now that he is back, it is only a matter of time before the business returns to the same level as before.

Yan Jiecheng took the spoon from Master Pian and stood in front of the stove and started cooking.While cooking, he turned his head and said to Mr. Pian, "Master Pian, from now on, you will watch me while I cook and study hard. If I am not around in the future, you will be able to take over. Our restaurants can't just point at you. I."

"I'd like to learn, but I'm a bit old after all, isn't it too late to learn now? Or let Xiao Ma learn, he is fast at elementary school at his age." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, the film master said hesitantly, it wasn't him He doesn't want to learn, mainly because he is afraid of delaying the work in the restaurant. After all, if he learns to cook with Yan Jiecheng, he will not be able to do other things while Yan Jiecheng is cooking. If he has to guard Yan Jiecheng, he is not afraid of anything but Other employees gossip.

"It's okay, you can learn as much as you can. I'll tell Manager Kong later and ask her to transfer you off work. From now on, let Ma Liansheng cook breakfast, and you just follow me and learn how to cook."

"This..., okay."

Yan Jiecheng put the fried vegetables aside and walked up to Kong Yuqin, and told her about Mr. Pian.

Kong Yuqin was quite supportive, after all, the restaurant couldn't just point at Yan Jiecheng, if something happened to him, the restaurant would be affected.

Although you can go outside and invite a master to come back, but the good masters are all in big hotels, and it is impossible for people to see their small temple.

Even if someone is willing to come, the level cannot be compared with Yan Jiecheng. After all, although their restaurant is a public-private partnership, it is a small restaurant after all, with limited levels, and it is impossible to compare with other big restaurants in terms of treatment.

Take the level of cooks as an example, their restaurants can give them up to level five at most, but other restaurants can directly give them level one, and it is much easier to upgrade than their restaurants, so good masters definitely don’t want to come to them here.

Now that Kong Yuqin agreed, Yan Xiecheng notified Ma Liansheng directly, and asked him to transfer to Master Pian, and he would be in charge of breakfast in the restaurant together with Master Pian's wife.

Although Ma Liansheng was a little reluctant, after all, no one wanted to get up so early to make breakfast. Although he could rest at noon, it was definitely not as good as the normal shift.

Since Yan Jiecheng and Kong Yuqin both agreed, he can't change anything but agree.

Yan Jiecheng was busy in the store until after eight o'clock in the evening. When he got home from get off work, Wang Yi had already returned.

Seeing Yan Xiecheng and Wang Yi hugging him directly, they haven't been away for such a long time since they got married and wanted to inherit.

Sudden separation for such a long time Wang Yi is really not used to it, can't sleep every night, besides, this era is not like the later generations who can make phone calls anytime and anywhere.

Even if it is like contacting, it will take a lot of time and cost a lot of money.

"In the future, you can't leave me alone. If there's anything else, let's go together." Wang Yi hugged her hands tightly and continued to cry in her voice.

"Don't worry, it will definitely not be like this in the future. By the way, nothing happened at home while I was away, and Ziyang, where did you put him?"

"I can't take him alone, and I can't leave him alone. It's a little late today. You can bring him back tomorrow. He has been crying for several days. He has been clamoring for his father these days." Wang Yi shed tears while talking.

Yan Jiecheng had no choice but to hold Wang Yi in his arms and keep comforting her. After comforting her, the two went directly to the bedroom. After a while, the sound of playing music sounded in the room.

Early the next morning, after Wang Yi left, Yan Jiecheng went directly to Chen Xueru's house, and he had to tell her when he came back after leaving for such a long time, otherwise he would have to blame himself if she found out.

"Yan Jiecheng, when did you come back?" Chen Xueru was taken aback when she saw Yan Jiecheng, and then asked, Yan Jiecheng had been away for more than ten days and Chen Xueru still missed him.

"I came back yesterday. I'm not afraid of you worrying. I came here to report to you early in the morning." As he spoke, Yan Xiecheng walked up to Chen Xueru and hugged her, then asked: "Where is Chen Lei, where did you put him in your mother? "

"Well, by the way, I have something to tell you." Chen Xueru looked up at Yan Jiecheng and said.

"What is it?"

"My parents know about my divorce from Chen Hu and keep blaming me. If you have time, you have to enlighten them, and my parents can listen to your words. In their hearts, I am a daughter It's not as good as your godson."

"Okay, I'll go there in the next two days, so don't worry. By the way, how is Chen Lei doing with Hou Kui at your mother's house? They don't know how to fight, right?" Yan Jiecheng asked worriedly.

"Children, there are often quarrels, but fighting is not enough. Anyway, it's something between children, and it's not easy for us adults to participate in it, but with my parents around, there will be no major problems."

Instigated by Yan Jiecheng before, Chen Xueru wanted to change Houkui's name, but Houkui's father disagreed. After all, he gave Chen Xueru his family's house before going abroad, and left Chen Xueru a lot of money. He also calculated the maintenance fee. of.

Later, this matter had to be left alone. At the beginning, Chen Xueru's parents were still sad for a while, but after Chen Lei was born, the old couple focused on Chen Lei and stopped thinking about changing Houkui's name.

"Okay, I'll leave if there's nothing else to do." Yan Jiecheng said as he let go of his hands and was about to walk out.

But before Yan Jiecheng could leave the room, Chen Xueru grabbed him and looked at Yan Jiecheng with affectionate eyes.

"It's all here. How can you do it without paying the public rations? You haven't paid the public rations for more than ten days. You have to make up for it together today. If you don't have enough, you will continue until you finish it." Chen Xueru directly pulled Yan Xiecheng to the bedroom inside.

It wasn't until an hour later that Chen Xueru released Yan Jiecheng contentedly, letting Yan Jiecheng out of the room.

Originally, Yan Xiecheng wanted to go to Kong Yuqin's place after leaving Chen Xueru's place, but it was delayed for more than an hour. It would be too late to go now. If Kong Yuqin forced him to pay the public rations for another hour, then he would not have to go to work today up.

After leaving Chen Xueru's house, Yan Jiecheng went back to take a shower, then changed into a set of clean clothes, and then went out and walked towards the restaurant.

When I came to the restaurant, I met Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu at the door. They were playing with Xu Jingtian at the door of the tavern.

Seeing Yan Jiecheng coming, the two walked over directly. Cai Quanwu asked Yan Jiecheng while hugging the little girl: "Yan Jiecheng, why did you go these few days? You don't know. During your absence, The food in your restaurant is not tasty at all, and there are quite a few customers who come here to eat."

"I went out for something, so I won't chat with you for now. It's getting late, and I have to go to work later." Yan Jiecheng dealt with Cai Quanwu, then turned his head and went into the restaurant to start his busy day.

I already made an agreement with Mr. Pian yesterday. When Yan Jiecheng was cooking, Mr. Pian would just watch and learn. Occasionally, Yan Jiecheng would explain.

Anyway, the skill of cooking depends on talent, if talent is not enough, no matter what Yan Xiecheng teaches him, he will not be able to learn it.

And the talent of the film master is only average. After all, at such an age, he must learn things much slower than the young guy.

Even so, Yan Jiecheng didn't think about changing people. It's not that Ma Liansheng's talent is not good, but Yan Jiecheng thinks that Ma Liansheng is not a good person. Yan Jiecheng would rather teach film masters than Ma Liansheng.

Although Master Pian's talent is average, after all, he had cooked breakfast in restaurants for a long time before. Yan Jiecheng had mastered spoons for more than ten days when he left, so he still has some experience in cooking. Yan Jiecheng will not have nowhere to start when teaching .

In this way, after more than half a year of Yan Jiecheng's comfortable teaching, Master Pian's cooking skills have been greatly improved.

Now the restaurant's meals are all made by the film master, and Yan Jiecheng just watches from the sidelines. The workload is much more relaxed than before, and there are people who can shift shifts with Yan Jiecheng, so they won't be tied to the restaurant all day.

Now it’s the spring of [-], and natural disasters are coming as scheduled. Since the end of the new year, there hasn’t been a single rain in a few months. I don’t know about other places. Anyway, it’s like this around the capital. Everyone knows something is wrong, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Yan Jiecheng was also making the last effort. He filled all the noodle tanks at home and the warehouse in the restaurant with grain, and freed up space for storing sea fish.

Although the staff in the store and Wang Yi were a little confused, they didn't know where Yan Jiecheng's food matter came from, after all, it was a ticket for implementation now.

Even if their restaurant is a public-private partnership, the food station will not sell them food without food stamps.

In response to everyone's inquiries, Yan Jiecheng just explained that it was all saved up before. After all, food coupons were not implemented when the restaurant first opened, and food could be bought with money at that time.

Moreover, Yan Xiecheng did have a lot of food coupons in his hand. These food coupons were bought by Yan Xiecheng after selling the food in the space, and then took the food coupons to the food station to buy them. With evidence to check, this is the same as money laundering in later generations, and Yan Xiecheng can use it openly.

Because it hasn't rained for several months, even a fool knows that today's harvest will definitely drop. Although Beijing is the capital, the ration of each household has also been reduced.

The situation in the countryside is even worse. The countryside is not like the city. Farmers don’t have rations of grain to eat. If the harvest is not good, they can only starve. That price is not what they can afford.

It is very impossible to count on national disaster relief. After all, this is not a disaster in one place, but a natural disaster of a national nature. Most parts of the country will face the problem of reduced food production.

Whether or not the local leaders can overcome the difficulties depends on the local leaders. If the problems can be found in time and all the drought-resistant crops can be replanted, they may be able to barely eat enough. Otherwise, there will definitely be problems, and problems are not small problems. Time is strategic material.

Even if the ration is reduced in the city, people will not starve to death. At most, they will not be full and suffer from malnutrition.

Especially for families with a large population, they can only take care of the people who go to work. After all, they can’t work without enough food. If there is an accident, it will be a big earthquake for the whole family.

This day, Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi had just finished eating when Xu Huizhen brought Cai Quanwu to find them.

It means that they want to borrow food from their family. After all, there are only one child in their family of three, and there is still a restaurant at home.

Not to mention food, there will definitely be no shortage, just the leftovers from restaurants every day, and their family can't finish it.

Not to mention that Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi both have jobs and their rations are not low. Even if the rations are reduced during this period, it will not affect their family too much.

Otherwise, their kid Ziyang wouldn't be fat like this, other people's children are thin and skinny, but their kid Ziyang not only has a rosy face, but also a fat body.

"Xie Cheng, the two of us have no other choice but to ask you. We bought this grain from you at the black market price. What do you think?" Cai Quanwu looked embarrassed Said that although their family is rich, they can't buy food even with the money at this time.

There is a black market, but it is too risky, and their family still runs a tavern. If they go to the black market and find out, Xu Huizhen's position as the manager of the tavern will definitely be taken down.

If it is serious, they may even be locked up for a period of time. There is nothing wrong with the two of them, but there are three children in the family. Even if they are hungry, they cannot let the children in the family go hungry, so they can only ask Yan Jiecheng.

After all, among the people they knew, Yan Xie's conditions for starting a family were not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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