Chapter 397
After resting at home for half a day, Yan Jiecheng came to the restaurant in the afternoon, and everyone looked at him as soon as he entered the room.

"I said, Xiecheng, why did Wang Yi invite you this morning? Are you sick?" Master Pian walked up to Yan Jiecheng and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, it's nothing. I feel a little uncomfortable and just take a rest. It's no big deal. Everyone, go get busy and don't surround me." Yan Jiecheng waved his hand at everyone.

After hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, everyone dispersed, and before leaving, Mr. Pian told Yan Jiecheng that a man knows how to express.

After all, as someone who has been there, I can tell at a glance that Yan Jiecheng is excessively indulgent, but he is too embarrassed to say it in front of so many people, thinking that he will give Yan Jiecheng a folk prescription when no one is around, and let him take some medicines to make up for it. medicine for the body.

At this time, in a village on the outskirts of the capital, Cai Quanwu was walking towards an adobe house with a bag of cornmeal.

Before coming to the courtyard, Cai Quanwu put the bag on the ground, and shouted a few times towards the room, and after a while, a woman dressed in rustic clothes came out of the room, followed by a little girl.

Seeing Cai Quanwu especially, the bag next to Cai Quanwu immediately grinned.

"Brother-in-law, if you said you came all the way, why don't you still bring things? I'm so tired and panicked, go into the house and rest for a while." After speaking, he turned his head and shouted into the room: "Yongqiang, come out quickly, brother-in-law is here." gone."

He just yelled several times but there was no movement, so he could only smile awkwardly at Cai Quanwu.

The main reason is that none of these things can reach the hands of the old couple. After all, they are old and can't eat much, and they will be snatched by Wang Yi's sister-in-law in the end.

"Three hundred, you can just lend me 300 yuan, don't worry, I will definitely not miss you." Cai Quanwu said quickly when he heard Yan Jiecheng's words.

"Your father, he went out for a walk. He originally wanted to find someone to play chess, but you also know that his chess skills are not very good. He is not happy every time someone wins chess. Now no one in the whole courtyard wants to play chess." Play chess with him." Director Wang sighed while talking.

Seeing this, Yan Jiecheng quickly took a few steps forward, picked up the little guy from the ground, and then kissed her little face a few times.

After Cai Quanwu left, Yan Jiecheng also took Ziyang out, and walked towards Wang Yi's natal home.

He Yongqiang was a little angry when he heard Xu Huizhi's words. Didn't he clearly say that he is not good enough:
"It would be nice to send you some food. The tavern of our He family is still occupied by the two of them. Sending things should be done. Hurry up and cook. Remember to cook more. I haven't eaten enough for several days. This time I have to eat whatever I say, even if I die, I have to be a full ghost."

But He Yongqiang was very aggressive, and He Yongqiang wouldn't listen to what she said, so he could only angrily take the bag and put it in front of He Yongqiang, and then said in a bad tone: "Look at what they brought here."

The main income of the family is Xu Huizhen's dividends and wages from the tavern. Although the distribution is not a lot, there is still no problem for their family to eat and drink.

Moreover, he usually had little contact with Wang Yi's sister-in-law, and he didn't know that she had taken his things to her natal family.

Cai Quanwu hurriedly stepped forward to take the money from Yan Jiecheng's hand, and then said some polite words to Yan Jiecheng, then got up and took Xu Jingping out of Yan Jiecheng's house, and walked towards his own home.

Now children don't need to go to kindergarten, they go to elementary school from the first grade, and the normal school age is seven or eight years old, but Xiao Ziyang's birthday month is a bit young, he said he was six years old but his actual age is less than five years old.

If it weren't for Cai Quanwu's regular monthly aid, He Yongqiang's family would starve to death at least one or two people.

Before he broke his leg, Cai Quanwu paid him to see a doctor. He thought that Cai Quanwu came to their house this time to ask for a bill, so he didn't dare to go out just now.

Since he married Xu Huizhen, Cai Quanwu has been taking care of the children in the family. Apart from occasionally going to the cowshed to fetch wine, he has no other job.

To say that Wang Yi's eldest brother is also useless, even his own wife can't control him, but if he can be tougher, Wang Yi's sister-in-law will not become what she is now, and her parents will also suffer.

At this time, the other two girls gathered around when they heard the meal, clamoring for Xu Huizhi to cook more when they were hungry.

When he arrived at Director Wang's house, before Yan Jiecheng could park his bicycle, Xiao Ziyang jumped off the bicycle in a hurry, and then trotted all the way towards the house, calling grandma and grandpa while running.

Now that Wang Yi's sister-in-law is not at home, I have to hide the things quickly, otherwise if Wang Yi's sister-in-law sees it, I will definitely show up at her natal house the next day.

"Xie Cheng, tell me, you always bring things with you when you come back. You can't do this next time. Your dad and I have no shortage of food or drink. We can get pensions every month. You can spend your money on what's needed. "Director Wang said angrily looking at the big and small bags that Yan Jiecheng brought.

It would be fine if Wang Yi's sister-in-law took it for her family to eat, but every time she took something, she would take it back to her mother's house.

To say that my wife is okay with other things is that he can't lose chess, and when he loses chess, he will be impatient with others, let alone outsiders, even Yan Jiecheng is unwilling to play chess with him.

Fast forward to the summer of [-], and the three years of continuous disasters have finally passed. This year, it has rained several times since the beginning of spring, and it looks like a bumper harvest year.

"What can I say, you just don't know who to rely on. Brother-in-law is really nice. My sister is married to the right person this time."

So the children can only be handed over to Director Wang and the old couple. Anyway, their family has many children. Wang Yi's eldest brother and second brother have two or three children in their family, and it looks lively when several children gather together.

After entering the house, Yan Jiecheng sent the two children to play, and then chatted with Cai Quanwu without saying a word.

Cai Quanwu borrowed the money from Yan Jiecheng mainly to pay back the master. The food he sent to Xu Huizhi's family in the previous year was all on credit from the master. Although some of the debt was paid off with wine, there was still more than half of it. The money was not given, and now that the disaster is over, he doesn't have to buy food from Mr. Pian, so Mr. Pian found Cai Quanwu and wanted him to settle the accounts for this year.

Director Wang has nothing to do at home since she retired. She is not too old. She is just 59 years old and her body is considered handsome. Yan Jiecheng is alone. She doesn't even have any relatives. Although she recognizes Chen Xueru Her parents are godfathers and godmothers, but after all, they still have two grandchildren to take care of.

Hearing Xiao Ziyang's voice, Yan Jiecheng hurried out of the room.

This year is [-], and Xiao Ziyang is already six years old. In recent years, Xiao Ziyang has lived at Director Wang's house most of the time. After all, Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi are usually at work and have no time to take care of their children.

"Don't call Yongqiang, it's not easy in the village during this time, I brought you some food this time, and I'll deliver it to you after eating, that's it, I'll go back first if there's nothing else to do." Cai Quanwu He waved his hand and said to Xu Huizhen.

Xu Huizhi came to the house and saw He Yongqiang half lying on the kang with his hands in his pockets, so he asked angrily: "Didn't you hear me, why don't you go out when relatives come?"

In fact, it's good if He Yongqiang doesn't come out, it saves the embarrassment of the two of them together, Cai Quanwu's inability to deliver food to their family depends on Xu Huizhi being Xu Huizhen's cousin, otherwise, with He Yongqiang's personality, Cai Quanwu will definitely not Send him.

"I heard from Mr. Pian that you are off work today. Anyway, I have nothing to do at home so I came to take a look." Cai Quanwu was still the same, with a straight face, and he couldn't see his expression.

Since Fan Jinyou married Stationmaster Ma's cousin, he seldom confronted Xu Huizhen in the tavern, and he was quite comfortable both in life and work.

Hang around at home all day, playing cards and drinking with a bunch of friends.

After hearing Xu Huizhi's words, He Yongqiang opened the bag and looked at it, then said in disbelief: "He actually delivered food to our family."

"Then go into the room, let's talk in the room if you have anything to say." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng turned his head and led Cai Quanwu into the room.

"Godfather." Xu Jingtian ran towards Yan Jiecheng on her short legs, spreading her hands as she ran.

"What kind of relative, Xu Huizhen and I are enemies, he just came to see our family's joke, don't think I don't know." He Yongqiang twisted his neck when he heard Xu Huizhi's words. He hates everyone, after all, if he didn't hate Xu Huizhen, he wouldn't choose to divorce her.

Xu Huizhen's careerism is as strong as Chen Xueru's, and she concentrates on work and doesn't care about other things. Cai Quan doesn't care about everything at home.

After Cai Quanwu walked away, Xu Huizhi picked up the bag and walked towards the house with the child.

But Cai Quanwu didn't directly say who he lent it to, and Yan Jiecheng said that it would be inappropriate not to borrow it, so he asked, "How much do you want to borrow?"

"Father, Uncle Cai brought my god-sister over here." Little Ziyang shouted to Yan Jiecheng who was in the room while running.

For the next year, Cai Quanwu came to their house every other month, and every time he came, he brought dozens of catties of grain and occasionally some meat, mainly fish.

After all, he is still worried that the money is in other people's hands, even though he knows that Cai Quanwu and Xu Huizhen will not send him money.

This is all because Wang Yi's sister-in-law got used to it. There is no shortage of food and drink at home. If she has no money, she asks Wang Yi's sister-in-law for it. Over time, she puts out the idea of ​​looking for a job.

"By the way, what are you doing here this time?" Director Wang asked Yan Jiecheng while taking the things Yan Jiecheng brought to the bedroom.

"Brother-in-law, since you're here, you have to go into the house to drink water. You haven't eaten yet. I'll cook something later, and you and Yongqiang will have a drink." Given the distance from the city to their home, Cai Quanwu couldn't help it. He must have come here without eating, otherwise it would be impossible to arrive so early, so Xu Huizhi said politely.

"Quanwu, why are you free today?" Yan Jiecheng said to Cai Quanwu who was beside him.

What He Yongqiang said made Xu Huizhi's chest hurt from anger. You must know that the food at this time can save lives. If it weren't for the fact that the two families are relatives, why should they send food to her home? People heard it, and they will definitely not care about their family next time.

"Don't be too busy, I have something to do when I go back, you can quickly carry the bag into the room." Before Xu Huizhi could speak, she waved her head and left.

It's not that she is not allowed to be filial to her parents, but there must be a limit. Her family has only one younger brother, who is in his 20s and doesn't go to work.

Xu Huizhi looked at the two thin daughters, held back her words, turned her head and took the bag into the kitchen.

Yan Jiecheng, who has watched TV dramas, knows that Cai Quanwu’s borrowing money is definitely not for his relatives. The relatives brought by his hometown are empty, and they are designated by Xu Huizhen’s side, and they don’t want Xu Huizhen to know. It must be Xu Huizhi’s right .

"Xiecheng, don't think too much about it. This matter has nothing to do with Huizhen. I borrowed it myself. My relatives in my hometown found me after encountering some difficulties. I don't want Huizhen to know about this. Don't worry, I will assign you the money." I'll give it back to you." Cai Quanwu patted his chest and told Yan Jiecheng to pack the ticket.

When Yan Jiecheng parked his bicycle and entered the house, Ziyang had already played with a few cousins.

After chatting with Yan Jiecheng for a long time, Cai Quanwu finally got to the point:
"Yes, can you lend me some money?
Hearing Cai Quanwu's words, Yan Jiecheng was a little dazed. It is said that Cai Quanwu should not be short of money. His family has only three daughters and usually has no other expenses. The family has a house and a car. Although Xu Huizhen's monthly income cannot match Yan Jiecheng's Compared with Chen Xueru, it is not too small in an ordinary family, so how could they borrow money from themselves.

"I have something to ask you. I heard that the principal of our street primary school is your classmate. Ziyang is six years old this year. I want him to go to school earlier. But when I went to sign him up, people said he was too young. You have to wait at least a year before you can accept it." Yan Jiecheng said while sitting on the sofa while drinking tea.

"Where's my dad? Isn't he at home?" Yan Jiecheng didn't take Director Wang's words seriously. After all, the old couple took care of their children for several years, so how could they come empty-handed.

"Okay, I'll give it to you later." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng got up and went back to the bedroom, and came out again after a while, still holding a stack of ten yuan bills in his hand.

Ordinarily, Yan Jiecheng wasn't too anxious about going to school, but Xiao Ziyang saw that Xu Jingtian was going to school too, so he insisted on arguing to go, so Yan Jiecheng had no choice but to sign him up, but they said he was too young and wanted him to wait for a year.

But Xiao Ziyang didn't care about these things, he was constantly distressed and annoyed, even Yan Jiecheng beat him twice, it didn't work, and he had no choice but to agree in the end.

"That's all you are looking for? Why are you in a hurry to go to school? Anyway, he is still young, so even if you wait another year or two, he won't be too old." Besides, she doesn't want to ask for help just because of this, so what would she do? .

"Mom, it's not that I'm in a hurry, but he's in a hurry. If you can't fight at home, you have to go to school. The two of us can't do anything about him. I heard that you and your classmates from the principal's office came to ask." Yan Xiecheng told Director Wang Pulled down the sofa and said.

(End of this chapter)

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