The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 415 Crossing the Sword World

August 24, [-] was the day when the Beijing Olympics ended, and it was also the moment when Yan Jiecheng's life came to an end.

Yan Jiecheng lay on the hospital bed, looking at the grandchildren standing in front of him.

More than 80 years have passed since it came to this world.

From being the first three confidante friends to being alone now, Yan Jiecheng has no regrets in his life.

"Okay, don't cry, people are going to die after all, just bury me and your grandma together after I leave." Wang Xiecheng said with a smile while watching Yan Xiaoyu who was crying beside him.

Yan Xiaoyu is 40 years old this year, and she is no longer the little girl who rode on Yan Xiecheng's neck asking for sweets.

"Grandpa, I don't want you to die." Yan Xiaoyu shouted while throwing his arms around Yan Jiecheng's arm on the hospital bed.

But Yan Jiecheng was out of breath and couldn't hear what she was saying.


I don't know how long it has passed, but when Yan Jiecheng woke up again, he heard a rough voice next to him.

"Either he is a lunatic, or it is a conspiracy, but I still can't judge what kind of conspiracy it is." Old devil Sakata is also a little puzzled, after all, he has never encountered such a situation.

"Regimental Commander, the devils on the opposite side have already started to charge, you can give orders quickly." Zhang Dabiao and I looked at Yan Jiecheng a little absent-mindedly, so I shouted anxiously.

"We have to find a way to support them, even if we give them artillery support." Chu Yunfei took the telescope from the soldier behind him and looked in the direction of Cang Yunling.

"Yes, this group of eight roads must be finished, it's just a matter of time, Sakata has already besieged them on the top of the mountain, and they can't hold on for long no matter what."

"Don't worry, Commander, it's definitely fine." After speaking, Wang Chengzhu directly put the shells into the barrel, only to hear a loud noise, and a big crater was blown out on the opposite hillside, but it missed. department was not affected.

At this time, the correspondent sent instructions from the brigade headquarters to let the Xinyi regiment break out from behind.

"Captain, the Sakata Alliance is the so-called devil's elite, or let's just..."

You must know that the little devil's marksmanship is not bad, if he is hit, he will die unjustly.

"Da Biao, which army is the little devil on the opposite side?" Yan Jiecheng didn't know what to do at this time, so he thought of the plot in the TV series and asked Zhang Dabiao who was on the side.

"He attacked his, let's attack ours, go, let me order everyone to put on bayonets and prepare to attack." Yan Jiecheng repeated.

After a short while, they advanced 500 meters, and Yan Jiecheng hurriedly asked Wang Chengzhu to bring the grenadier and set it up.

At this time, at the station of the 358th regiment of the Jinsui Army, Chu Yunfei was standing on the city wall with a telescope and watching the situation in the direction of Cangyunling.

"Da Biao, let's see how many big fish we caught in one catch." Yan Xiecheng said happily looking at the scene in front of him.

"Why don't I understand this truth, well, let's not mention it, and notify the forward observation post to pay close attention to the movements of the devils."

"I'm sorry, Captain, I'm just too happy." Hearing the bullets whistling past his ears, Wang Chengzhu rubbed his head and said a little embarrassedly.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army on the frontal battlefield was also ready, and began to countercharge according to Yan Xiecheng's order.

This scene was so familiar, three words immediately came to Yan Jiecheng's mind, Cangyunling, this is Cangyunling in the world of bright swords.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Wang Chengzhu gestured with his thumb.Then he replied honestly: "Commander, the distance is too far, it's out of range."

"Da Biao, we caught a big fish this time. Did you see the hill ahead? I suspect that is the enemy's command post, but the enemy is cunning and insists on building the command post out of reach of our artillery fire. I calculated that if our grenadiers want to hit anywhere, they have to advance at least 500 meters.”

"Yes." The adjutant agreed and ran to give the order.

"Come on, Zhuzi, look at that tent on the hillside, can your cannon reach it?" Yan Jiecheng pointed to Wang Chengzhu.

"Well, this old devil Sakata is not easy to mess with. During the Battle of Xinkou, Sakata's regiment defeated two divisions of the Central Army. The last time our regiment fought him in Luye, we lost casualties in just an hour. Nearly 300 people, if it weren’t for the Kuai 358 regiment we withdrew, I’m afraid he would have eaten them all.” The adjutant also said in harmony, and couldn’t help sighing after speaking, as the main force of the national army, it’s not his own. Too much food, mainly because the enemy's troops are too capable of fighting.

Yan Jiecheng hurriedly pressed the pillar to the ground: "You're fucking dead."

"Okay, grab the cannon and follow me, let's rush out." Yan Jiecheng let go of the pillar, got up and waved at his teammates with a pistol, and then took the lead and rushed towards the enemy's command post.

But at this time Yan Jiecheng walked up to Wang Chengzhu and patted him on the shoulder.

"There is a way. Push forward 500 meters, but we only have two shells left." Wang Chengzhu said with a little confidence.

And the person who called his team leader just now was Zhang Dabiao, "I have traveled through time again, and I have become Li Yunlong in the world of bright swords." Yan Jiecheng thought excitedly at this moment.

"I don't understand, and I can't judge their intentions. It doesn't seem to be in line with common sense." Mustache said, shaking his head.

"You forgot that during the anti-sweeping campaign in Yunling, the [-]th Brigade Independent Regiment had an encounter with the Bantian United Team. As a result, the head Kong Jie was injured and the political commissar Li Wen died. You said that the Bantian United Team was our brigade. His deadly enemy." Seeing that Yan Xiecheng was a little confused, Zhang Dabiao explained to Yan Xiecheng.

Before Zhang Dabiao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Xiecheng on the side: "What are the elites on horseback? I am fighting the elites. Pass my order, and all of them will bayonet and prepare to attack."

"Leader, I succeeded, Captain, I succeeded." Zhu Zi opened his eyes and saw his achievements, so he immediately shouted happily.

Just as Yan Xiecheng was thinking wildly, a bullet whistled past his ear, scaring Yan Xiecheng to squat down quickly.

"Two rounds are enough. In this case, I will ask Zhang Dabiao to send you to a position 500 meters ahead. You should think about how to use two rounds to knock down the enemy's command post. As long as you can do it, I will reward you with the half bottle of sweet potatoes." Yan Xiecheng was not as angry as he was in the TV series when he heard Wang Chengzhu's words, but said encouragingly.

Yan Jiecheng took advantage of this opportunity and rushed towards the enemy's front.

After all, every Chinese boy has a dream of raising millions of soldiers and horses to Tokyo since he was a child.

"Bantian United? Why does this name sound familiar to me?" Yan Xiecheng said in the tone of his imitator Li Yunlong.

I saw that the soldiers took out their bayonets and hung them under the bolts one by one.


But Yan Jiecheng still decided to break out from the front as in the TV series. After all, the enemy has already launched an attack at this time. If he followed the instructions of the brigade to break out from behind, he would expose his back to the enemy, so Yan Xiecheng continued to let Zhang Da Biao launched the attack according to the plan.

"Here is it?" Yan Jiecheng looked around and looked at his clothes, "Isn't this the uniform of the Eighth Route Army in the early days?"

"Head, head."

At this time on the battlefield, Zhang Dabiao brandished a broadsword and led the first battalion to the front, and with the advantage of numbers, he defeated the little devils on the opposite side step by step.

"Commander, what do you do, just give an order, I promise I won't embarrass you." Zhang Dabiao took a look through the binoculars, and there was an antenna standing outside the tent, which really looked like the enemy's command center, so he said firmly .

"The person living in this tent must be the headquarters of the little devil. Think about it, is there any other way to attack it?"

"All bayonets ready to attack." This time Zhang Dabiao heard clearly, so he walked up to the soldiers and shouted loudly.

"Captain, I really caught a big fish. One senior commander, two middle commanders, and one major commander. It seems that this is really the headquarters of the Sakata Regiment." Zhang Dabiao stretched out his hand to count, and then said to Yan Jiecheng with a smile.

"I know this, but seeing the devils wipe out our own allies, we still don't move. I really don't feel good. Alas, in the end, it is our national defense force that is lost." Chu Yunfei slapped the brick hard with his hand. On the wall, he said with some unwillingness in his heart.

"Bantian United? Hehe, it's really a narrow road for enemies. Last time we fought against him." Chu Yunfei handed the binoculars to a soldier behind him and said after tidying up his military uniform.

Looking at the actions, voices, and bullet casings all over the place, it doesn't look like filming a TV series at all.

Hearing Zhang Dabiao's voice, Yan Xiecheng looked forward, only to see waves of little devils rushing towards him in wave after wave using sudden tactics.

Yan Jiecheng looked at it and did not speak. Wang Chengzhu took a deep breath, then reset the gun mount, picked up the last shell with both hands, closed his eyes and loaded the shell into the barrel.

Although the enemy is numerous and powerful, they are too scattered to concentrate their forces, and without a headquarters, they cannot receive orders from above, so they can only run around like headless flies.

Yan Jiecheng also handed the binoculars to Zhang Dabiao and asked him to have a look.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Zhang Dabiao stood at attention and said, "Reporting to the commander, the opposite is the Sakata Regiment of the Little Devil's Fourth Brigade."

And Zhang Dabiao was taken aback when he heard Yan Jiecheng's order: "Regimental Commander, the enemy is attacking now."

With a loud noise, the command post on the opposite hillside was immediately blasted into a big hole, and even the communication antenna standing outside the command post was blown down.

"If it was our national army that was surrounded, we would have to help even if we disobeyed orders, but this is an army of the Eighth Route Army, only a friendly army in theory, but in fact it is Chairman Jiang's confidant, and it will be resolved sooner or later. Hearing Chu Yunfei's words, the adjutant kindly reminded him that he was afraid that Chu Yunfei would commit a crime and support Tuba Road without authorization.

"It's the head of the regiment, and I promise to complete the task." Hearing that there will be wine to drink after the fight, Wang Chengzhu immediately saluted Yan Xiecheng and promised.

"Captain, are you looking for me?"

"Zhuzi, success or failure depends on this, it's all up to you." Yan Xiecheng stood by Wang Chengzhu's side and said when he saw that he was preparing the shells.

The little devil on the opposite side was a little caught off guard by this sudden action. After all, they have been fighting for so many years, and it was the first time they encountered their own charge when the opponent also charged.

"Damn, it's unlucky for us to run into him as a little devil. I was thinking about venting my anger for my two comrades-in-arms. I didn't expect him to come again. I must smash that bastard Sakata to pieces."

"Captain, we caught a lot of big fish this time." Zhang Dabiao looked at the corpses in front of him. Identify the size of the official position.

Yan Jiecheng forced himself to open his eyes, only to find a familiar man tugging at his arm and shouting wildly.

"Okay, let's get ready." Yan Jiecheng sent Wang Chengzhu away and asked Zhang Dabiao to be called.

"Tuan Zuo, I'm afraid we can't do anything about this matter. Commander Yan of the World War II Zone has issued repeated orders. Cooperating with the Eighth Route Army in combat requires a written order from the Commander's Department of the theater. Apart from that, no soldier or soldier shall be transferred. Anyone who violates the order will be severely punished."

In the headquarters of the Sakata Regiment, the old devil Sakata led a few men to watch the situation on the battlefield with binoculars. Seeing the Eighth Route Army launch a counter-charge, he asked them with some doubts: "What is our opponent going to do?" What is the purpose of daring to carry out a counter-attack with his little force?"

"The Eighth Route Army is in trouble this time. Their equipment is too poor and their ammunition is insufficient. I'm afraid a firefight with such a formidable opponent will be fatal." Chu Yunfei sighed and said regretfully.

"Tuan Zuo, this time the Eighth Route Army has encountered a tough problem. This is the Sakata Regiment of the Fourth Brigade of the Japanese Army." The adjutant came to protect Chu Yunfei.

Although Yan Xiecheng knew that the sacrifice would be huge with their firepower attack, but there was nothing he could do about it, just like what Li Yunlong said in the TV series, if they retreat now, the devils will definitely press up, so it would be better to break out from the front Woolen cloth.

"Okay, before the enemy reacts, we have to rush out, or we will be in trouble when they react. Da Biao, you lead the brothers forward first, I will come to the rear, don't save bullets, Even if we run out of bullets, as long as we can rush out safely, we will be victorious."

Yan Jiecheng wanted to stay at the rear of the palace, mainly because he had free time to talk about the ring, and it would be much more convenient to clean up the battlefield, so as to save himself from being chased by the enemy like in TV dramas, so even if he rushed out, he would have to sacrifice the lives of many brothers.

You must know that this is the start-up period of your career, and every veteran like this is very precious, and you must not waste it on unnecessary things.

"Captain, why don't I stay behind and cover." Zhang Dabiao said.

"I am the leader or you are the leader, don't waste time, rush out with the team, or you will be in trouble when the enemy catches up." Seeing that Zhang Dabiao was disobedient, Yan Xiecheng had no choice but to show the posture of the leader and ordered .

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