The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 418 Forming an Elite Troop

"Then it's settled. I'll send a telegram to Yan'an right now, and call Comrade Zhao Gang over." After speaking, the head of the headquarters asked the correspondent to draw up a telegram and send it to Yan'an.

At the time when the new regiment was stationed, Li Yunlong called all battalion and company commanders in the regiment to the combat command room for a meeting.

"Commander, what's the matter? Is our regiment going to fight again?" Second Battalion Commander Wang Dashan said excitedly after entering the room.

Don't blame him for thinking too much. After all, Li Yunlong didn't know how to hold meetings except for wars. He might as well sit down and have a glass of wine when he has this time.

"Okay, sit down quickly, I'll tell you what's going on later." Li Yunlong glared at him and said with a straight face.

After everyone entered the room and sat down, Li Yunlong opened his mouth.

"Let everyone come to the meeting this time, I have something important to announce."

But before Li Yunlong finished speaking, the third battalion commander beside him said anxiously: "Leader, please tell me, who are you going to do this time?"

"What are you doing? You know how to fight all day long. Use your brains when you have nothing to do." Li Yunlong pointed to his head and said angrily to the commander of the third battalion.

After speaking, Li Yunlong, the commander of the third battalion, continued: "Ever since our regiment fought against Bantian United in Cangyunling last time, I had an idea in my mind that our regiment should form a capable force for investigation and intelligence collection. , attack and sabotage, create harassment and riots for the enemy, and anti-agent anti-sneak attack...

"Today is the day when our regiment established an elite unit. I don't know anything else. If you have any questions, you should ask our regiment leader." The soldier on the side replied honestly. After speaking, he took the lead and led Zhao Gang into the The room where Li Yunlong eats.

"Commissioner Zhao, come, take a sip to warm yourself up." Although Yan Xiecheng knew that Zhao Gang didn't know how to drink, he did this mainly to temper Zhao Gang's temper and save him from antagonizing him in the future.

Li Yunlong saw that everyone had no objection, so he continued: "Since everyone has no objection, I will pick people tomorrow. Anyone who is selected by me must join unconditionally. This is a major event for our group. I believe you are very aware of it." Gao, I will definitely not object."


"It's the same thing. The head of the regiment is in charge of fighting and the political commissar is in charge of life. By the way, there is also political and ideological work. As for other things, you should worry less." Li Yunlong said this mainly because he wanted to convince Zhao Gang and separate out a big and small king. , after all, there cannot be two
Your Majesty, there will be trouble in that way.


Early the next morning, Li Yunlong finished selecting the team members, sent the three battalions out of the camp, and then led the team to the training ground to give lectures.

The next morning, when Zhao just woke up, he saw that the camp was quiet. Except for the cooking squad and a few security guards, there was not a single soldier.

"Comrade Zhao Gang, you've worked hard all the way, so hurry up and sit down and have a sip of tea." Director Chen welcomed him into the room and sat down and said.

"Who?" Li Yunlong was a little dazed when he heard this. He hadn't heard the news before that the political commissar was going to be sent to him, so why did he come here suddenly.

"Regimental Commander, does our regiment need to take action?" Seeing Li Yunlong's movements, the Third Battalion Commander grinned and said.

Discovering that the new political commissar was Zhao Gang, Li Yunlong hurriedly got up and went out to greet him.

Everyone was puzzled when they heard Li Yunlong's words. After all, it was just training. They did not lack training in their respective companies before. What's so difficult about it.

However, as soon as he entered the garrison, he could smell the smell of meat, so Zhao Gang asked the guard soldiers beside him, "What day is your new regiment today? Why do you still eat meat?"

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, everyone lost interest. After all, no matter how powerful he said, it was only a small army of 20 people. In their opinion, it would be useless on the battlefield.

Seeing that Li Yunlong didn't pay attention to him, Zhao Gang was not discouraged, and followed Li Yunlong into the house.

"I know that some of you are reluctant to part with the original team and don't want to come to this shitty elite team, but let me tell you, this elite team is not what you want to come. After two months of training, all those who fail the training will be sent back, and the rest will become regular members of the elite team." Li Yunlong stood on the training ground and looked at the people in front of him and said in a serious tone.

The number of people does not need to be too many, tentatively set at 20 people, just a group of six people, a total of three groups, plus the team leader and an instructor. "

"Okay, it's like this. The boss transferred you this time because we lack educated cadres like you in our grassroots army. I want to transfer you to the new regiment as a political commissar. What do you think?" The brigade commander looked at Zhao Gang in front of him and frowned, feeling that it was a little difficult for him to control Li Yunlong.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, anyway, this matter is settled like this. Xiao Wang, go, clean up the room for our Political Commissar Zhao, and take him to rest." The guard at the gate took Zhao Gang out.

Back in the house, Li Yunlong took off his shoes and got on the kang, then picked up the wine bottle and poured Zhao Gang a glass.

"If you don't drink, don't drink. By the way, there is something I have to tell you clearly when we first meet. The military and government are separated. We will do our own things. I have the final say in war, and you have the final say in life. No problem. Right?" Li Yunlong said to Zhao Gang while eating peanuts.

Li Yunlong's words left everyone speechless. Since the head of the group has made the matter so serious, if they object again, they are still human.

"Da Biao is a good question. Now that you have asked, let me explain to you. The troop I am talking about is not much different from the scouts. The most important task of the scouts is to scout on the battlefield to obtain enemy intelligence, As for the army I am talking about, intelligence detection is only one of its many tasks, the most important task is to use all means to destroy the enemy, just like the ancient swordsmen, and this army will not send Go out and confront the enemy head-on."

"Leader Li, I'm sorry, I don't know how to drink." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang said with a straight face.

"Come in. Brigadier Chen said without turning his head when he heard the voice."

Because the arrival of Yan Jiecheng changed some of the plot, Zhao Gang did not meet Monk Wei like in the TV series.

"Okay, let's talk about the completion of the establishment of the elite team. Next, let's talk about what you are interested in." Li Yunlong took the map and put it on the table, and then drew a few circles on the map with a pen.

"As long as it's not a matter of principle, I'll listen to him, so there will be fewer conflicts. After all, I'm an old comrade with rich experience in leading troops. I should learn from him." Zhao Gang said firmly while standing still.

I ran three laps before eating at noon. You must know that although Zhengjiazhuang is not big, it is about ten kilometers in one lap, and three laps are more than 30 kilometers, and there are at most two and a half hours before the meal.

"Okay, since none of you are interested, then I will lead this army myself." Li Yunlong looked around, seeing that no one was interested, he said.

"Well, I hope you can stop this donkey so that he won't cause me trouble."

"I'm not worried about your working ability. The key is your partner. That's a thorn. I'm afraid that your work will not be easy to carry out." Brigadier Chen said to Zhao Gang in advance, for fear that he would come to New Zealand. A group was bullied by Li Yunlong.

"Hurry up and go into the room. If it's cold outside, let's go in and say something." Li Yunlong didn't have a clue, after all, Zhao Gang is also a man, and he dislikes Yan Jiecheng shaking hands with men. It would be much better if he was a beautiful woman.

"It's nothing to talk about, it's just some appetizers. Last time our regiment fought against Bantian United. Although we retreated and took the opponent's headquarters, our regiment suffered a lot of losses. We have to find a way to make up for it." Take a moment." Li Yunlong said, pointing to the circles he drew: "Here, here, and here, I have already sent people to investigate, these are the strongholds of devils, and there are not many troops stationed inside. It's suitable for us to train soldiers. By the way, I will replenish consumption. Tomorrow, when I finish selecting soldiers, you three battalions will go out and pull out these enemy strongholds for me.

"Then how can our regiment pay these few people back, and what about the others?" Zhao Gang asked with some doubts. After all, even if he had never been at the grassroots level, he knew that a regiment must have at least a thousand people. Without combat missions, It is impossible to leave only so few people in the station.

"Commander, what's the difference between this and our regiment's scouts?" Zhang Dabiao, who was sitting beside Li Yunlong, asked.

"Oh, you're asking this. The regiment leader has dragged the others into the mountains for training, and they won't be back until lunchtime." Xiao Wang confessed honestly, but he didn't mention the situation of the other three battalions.

"It seems that Commander Li should really strengthen his political studies. You have a purely military point of view, and your superiors have already criticized you." Zhao Gang said a little unconvinced.

Not to mention Monk Wei, he didn't even meet a devil along the way, and arrived at the Xinyi regiment's station safely.

"You don't need the brigade commander, I can go by myself." Zhao Gang straightened his military cap and said

"It seems that you are very confident. Well, you go to the Political Department to complete a formality, and I will send someone to send you there later." The brigade commander also laughed when he saw that Zhao Gang was full of confidence.

"Zhao Gang, a graduate of the Anti-Japanese University, came to report, and asked the chief to assign tasks." Zhao Gang raised his hand and said in a military salute.

"I promise to complete the task." Zhao Gang gave another military salute to Brigadier Chen, then turned around and rode out on the horse he brought, and headed for the Xinyi Regiment's camp.

However, Li Yunlong's next order made them suffer a lot. The first thing they asked them to do was to run around Zhengjiazhuang.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, the three battalion commanders pinched their own thighs in disbelief. After all, this was letting them go out for independent activities. There was no such a good opportunity before, and then Qi Shengsheng agreed: "Don't worry, commander, We certainly won’t suffer.”


"Xiao Wang, does our regiment have any combat missions?" Because it was already midnight when Zhao Gang came to the Xinyi regiment yesterday, so he didn't realize how many people were in the station, and he didn't know that Li Yunlong released the soldiers of the three battalions. out.

"Of course it's okay for each to perform their own duties, but the matter of principle is not a matter of who has the final say. As long as it is within the duties of the political commissar, I will definitely take care of it." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang said with a cold face, thinking that this is Li Yunlong. It's really as bad as the brigade commander said, and I wanted to give myself a try as soon as I came here.

"Don't bother the chief, if you have any tasks, just talk about it."

You don't have to rush back to pull out the enemy's stronghold. I will give you a month of free time to move around. I don't care what you do during the period, but there is one thing, you can't bully the people, and you can't suffer. "

"Everything depends on the organization's arrangements." Zhao Gang did not refuse. Although the frontline combat troops were a little bit miserable, and they would be injured or even lost their lives if things went wrong, as an old party member, he had long dedicated everything to the great revolutionary cause, including own life.


"Xiao Zhao, you have to be mentally prepared. Your partner Li Yunlong can fight wars but can also cause troubles. If you are a donkey, you will be kicked at every turn. You can't get along well with the two political commissars in the new regiment. , I'm worried that you won't be able to surrender him." Seeing that Zhao Gang didn't take it seriously, the Brigadier turned a corner and reminded.

Everyone had no objection to Li Yunlong personally leading this small unit. After all, they were battalion commanders and company commanders, and no one was willing to surrender their status to lead such a small team.

And he blamed himself for staying in the house and continuing to eat peanuts and drink.

While Yan Jiecheng was training the team members, Brigadier Chen ushered in guests.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, the political commissar of our regiment is here."

"Brigade Commander, please rest assured, no matter who I partner with, I will do my best."

So he looked towards the door curiously, although he traveled through and changed some plots, but he didn't expect Zhao Gang to come to partner with him.

"Leader Li, I'm Zhao Gang. I'm your future partner. Please help me." Hearing that the person in front of him was Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang hurriedly gave a military salute, and then extended his hand to shake Li Yunlong.

The most important thing is that Li Yunlong said that all those who have not finished running before the meal will be eliminated and driven back to the original team.

But the person has already come, and he can't be sent back, so let's just treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Hearing Xiao Wang's words, Zhao Gang felt relieved this time. Before that, he thought something happened in the regiment.

After sending Xiao Wang away, Zhao Gang continued to wander around the station, but the more he turned, the more he frowned.

Looking at the empty barracks without even a quilt, it seemed abnormal. Even if Li Yunlong took his troops into the mountains for training, it would be impossible for him to bring all his luggage with him.

Moreover, there is also a problem with the food prepared by the cooking class. Although the food is good, there are vegetables and meat, just like a festival, but the amount of food is a little too small, which is not enough for 1000 people.

"Do you cook such a small meal at noon?" Zhao Gang pointed to the stewed pork and cabbage in the pot, and asked the few people who were cooking beside him.

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