Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands with the soldiers and said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to join the Eighth Route Army. From now on, everyone will be on their own. I am Zhao Gang, the political commissar of the New Regiment. If you need help, you can come to me."

"Thank you for looking for the political commissar, these political commissars Zhao." Everyone responded happily when they heard Zhao Gang's words, and let go of what they had been worrying about before. , in other people's territory, they must suffer a lot.They were not afraid of anything else, but they were afraid that Balu would treat them differently, but after seeing Zhao Gang's attitude and tone just now, they were relieved.

Li Yunlong said a few words to Zhao Gang, and asked him to arrange the soldiers of the national army who would lead him, and then he went back to his room and began to sleep.


It was already noon when Li Yunlong woke up the next day. After eating, someone called Zhao Gang over and wanted to talk to him about the future development of Xinyituan.

After all, it has been more than half a month since the three battalions were released by him. He doesn't know exactly how far they have developed, but he only knows a little bit.

Take the first battalion of Zhang Dabiao as an example. There were 380 four people when they left the camp. This time, they brought back a total of 520 seven people in the attack on the prisoner-of-war camp. More than 100 people were recruited in more than half a month. The situation of the other two battalions should be Pretty much the same.

Based on the calculation of 500 people in one battalion, there are more than 500 people in three battalions. Counting those who recovered from the headquarters hospital and the national army soldiers brought back from the prisoner-of-war camp this time, the new regiment now has almost 2000 people. force.

Compared with the previous confrontation with Bantian United, their strength has not only recovered, but also slightly improved. Not only have more personnel, but even weapons and equipment have also improved a little.

During the period of more than half a month, the troops of the three battalions destroyed a total of 180 enemy strongholds and wiped out more than [-] devils and puppet troops.

Although the harvest is great, there are also some casualties, but compared with the results of the battle, these casualties are worthwhile.

Because Li Yunlong knew that in a short time, the little devil would launch an anti-sweep against the Eighth Route Army.

If you don't take advantage of this time to improve your strength, you will definitely suffer a big loss by then.

"Leader Li, why did you ask me to come here?" Zhao Gang hurried over when he heard that Li Yunlong was looking for him.

"I want to discuss with you about the future development of Xinyituan."

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang was a little bit astonished. You must know that since he came to Xinyituan, Li Yunlong has the final say on all decisions, not to mention discussing with him, even notifying him. What happened today? Discuss the development of the new group by yourself.Zhao Gang stared straight at Li Yunlong and couldn't help thinking secretly.

"The current Xinyi Regiment is different today. Since the fight with the Sakata Regiment, the three battalions have been sent out by me to develop independently, and it has been more than half a month now.

Not to mention anything else, counting the national army soldiers brought back from the prisoner-of-war camp this time, our new regiment already has more than 2000 regular troops, and the number of personnel has skyrocketed by half.

Although the overall strength has improved, the combat effectiveness must have decreased a lot compared to before.Especially those newly joined soldiers and the national army prisoners brought back this time, they have not received our ideological education, and they are not qualified Eighth Route Army soldiers.

This is what I think, arrange the new recruits from the three battalions and the prisoners of war of the national army brought back this time to our regiment's garrison, and you will receive training during the day and give them political lessons at night. "

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang was a little shocked. After all, as a regular army with a number, the independent regiment led by Kong Jie only had more than 1000 or 2000 people, while the new regiment has now grown to more than [-] people, which is about twice the size of the independent regiment.

This is still the case that Li Yunlong's ability to lead troops can be seen without asking the superiors for a single shot.

Of course, Zhao Gang couldn't wish for political lessons for the new recruits. After all, an army without ideas is not a good army.

"By the way, I analyzed the news recently sent back by our intelligence personnel. I think that the little devil is going to carry out a large-scale raid on us. We should be prepared in advance." Li Yunlong remembered another thing. He watched the TV series Li Yunlong I know that it won't be long before the little devils will carry out a large-scale raid on the base areas of the Eighth Route Army.

This matter must be told to Zhao Gang, and he should tell the brigade commander, otherwise, even if the new regiment is ready, the other troops will suffer losses.

"Is there such a thing?" Zhao Gang asked back after hearing Li Yunlong's words. After all, this is a major event. If they don't respond in time, their troops may suffer heavy losses. If this is true, they must report to the brigade commander immediately.

"It should be about the same. There are signs of little devils' activities in many places around our station. In just over half a month, the three battalions we sent out destroyed the seventeen strongholds of little devils. According to the locations of these strongholds, The little devil must make a big move.

Whether it is true or not, there is nothing wrong with preparing in advance. "

"That's fine. Anyway, I don't understand military matters. If you say what to do, we will do what you want. If there is anything that needs my cooperation, you can just say it." Zhao Gang understands how much he is. The education level is not low, but let him command the army to fight, he is really not the material.

After talking about the devil's raid on the base area, Li Yunlong talked to Zhao Gang about the logistics of the new regiment. After all, there are so many more people than before. Although it is a good thing, it is not a good thing to support so many mouths. easy thing.

Food alone is a big problem. Although Li Yunlong still has hundreds of tons of food in his space, he doesn't plan to take it out. After all, it is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish.

He plans to use these grains as seeds, and let the common people plant them all after the base area is stabilized next year.

You must know that these seeds have been cultivated by generations of later generations. They not only have high yields, but are also resistant to damage and drought.

Compared with the seeds of this age, the yield is at least one cup higher, and it can even be doubled if it is well cared for.

In this way, their new regiment will not be short of food in the future, and they don't have to risk their lives to seize it from the devils.

After talking about the matter, Li Yunlong sent Zhao Gang out of the room, and then sent someone to call Zhang Dabiao over.

After all, there is not much time left before the devils' raids. He wants to use this time to update the equipment in the regiment so as to survive the devils' raids, and try not to let the soldiers die due to lack of weapons and ammunition.

"Regimental Commander, Zhang Dabiao, Commander of the First Battalion, is reporting to you." Zhang Dabiao gave Li Yunlong a military salute when he came in, and then shouted.

"Okay, when did you become such a mother-in-law? Hurry up and sit down and talk." Hearing Zhang Dabiao's words, Li Yunlong kicked him angrily, and then pointed to the stool opposite him to let Zhang Dabiao sit down.

After being kicked by Li Yunlong, Zhang Dabiao not only didn't get angry, but sat down with a smile. "Head, why are you looking for me? Is our regiment going to fight again?"

"It really made you fucking talk, that's right, I have this plan." As he spoke, Li Yunlong took a map from the cabinet next to him and spread it on the table.

Then pick up a pen and draw a circle on one of the positions.

"Huting stronghold." Zhang Dabiao couldn't help but said aloud, looking at the position of the circle drawn by Li Yunlong.

"That's right." Originally, Li Yunlong wanted to find a small county to fight down, but with the strength of the new regiment, there is no way to do it. The most important thing is the lack of heavy artillery for siege. If it all depends on the people coming and going Fill in, even if these more than 2000 people are filled in, it may not be possible to take down the county, and even if it is taken down, the loss is not something he can bear.

In the TV series, when Li Yunlong attacked Ping'an County, he also had more than 1 horsemen and heavy artillery, and sacrificed many soldiers to take down the county. During this period, there were two old comrades-in-arms Ding Wei and Kong Jie and Chu Yunfei Help to withstand the devil's reinforcements.

Otherwise, with Li Yunlong's strength at the time, he might not be able to take down Ping'an County before the devil's reinforcements arrived.

However, the current Xinyi regiment is full of only more than 2000 people, and its heavy weapon is only an [-]mm mortar. From the perspective of comprehensive strength, the current Xinyi regiment does not have the strength to attack the county at all.

So Li Yunlong could only look at the Huting stronghold not far away.

"Captain, the Huting stronghold is a tough nut to crack. Unless our regiment is mobilized as a whole, it will be impossible to take it down in a short time. If the Huhuting stronghold is attacked, the little devils from Qi County will definitely reinforce it. We won't be able to get cheap by then. Maybe you will suffer heavy losses." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhang Dabiao bowed his head and thought for a while, and said that although he also wanted to kill the devils, he could not let the soldiers die in vain just to kill the devils.

You must know that although the defense of the Japanese army is in the form of points and lines, the little devil's mobility is not bad, and each of his strongholds and county towns are not defended in isolation.

If one of the points is attacked, the devils in other strongholds and county towns will definitely provide reinforcements regardless of life and death, and there will never be a situation where the ministries preserve their strength and wait for death.

The previous three battalions were able to take down the seventeen strongholds of the little devil because those strongholds were newly built and hadn't been completely completed. Otherwise, with the strength of the three battalions, even if they could take down the strongholds, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Seeing that Li Yunlong was lost in thought, Zhang Dabiao went on to say: "There is a Japanese squadron and two puppet companies in the Huting stronghold, about 500 people, and the fortifications are complete and easy to defend and difficult to attack. Our regiment must come up with three to one, preferably four. Only with a more than one force can we safely take down the Huting stronghold, and the battlefield must be cleaned quickly, and the retreat must be timely, otherwise when the devil's reinforcements arrive, we will be in dire straits."

"No, the hard attack will cause too many casualties. It's better to lure the little devil out. Let's make an ambush and catch the little devil by surprise." Li Yunlong said with a frown, although he would definitely be able to take down the little devil's Huting stronghold , but the fortified battle is not so big, and the new regiment has to sacrifice less than half of the soldiers if it is not good.

He finally managed to save some money, but he was not willing to give it to the little devil.And in this way, it would be meaningless for him to attack the Huting stronghold.

The reason why Li Yunlong focused on the Huting stronghold was firstly because he could take it down with his current strength, and secondly because he wanted to replenish ammunition before the devils mopped up.

After all, as an important transportation hub, the Huting stronghold must have stored a lot of weapons and ammunition, and the little devil is about to launch a large-scale raid on the base of the Eighth Route Army, so the weapons and ammunition are indispensable.

As long as the Huting stronghold can be captured, the equipment of the new regiment can at least be upgraded to a higher level, and it can sacrifice as few personnel as possible in the face of the next devil raid.

"Captain, although this method is very good, the little devils are not stupid. If we send more people, they will definitely hide in the stronghold and cannot come out. If we send fewer people, it is equivalent to delivering food to the little devils. Zhang Dabiao said worriedly after hearing Li Yunlong's words.

"This method is still feasible. The task of luring the little devils will be left to the elite squad. The first and second battalions are responsible for ambush halfway, and the third battalion will move to the outside of the Huting stronghold. After we start operations here, we will start immediately Attack the stronghold. As long as you act fast enough, you can completely withdraw from the battlefield before the little devil’s reinforcements arrive.” Li Yunlong thought for a while, and it is better to leave the task of luring the little devil to the elite team. Equipped with a submachine gun, even if it is overtaken by little devils, it can be safely withdrawn, and it is convenient to move with a small number of people.

Li Yunlong discussed the details with Zhang Dabiao again, then sent him out, and asked Wei Dayong to be called in.

Since returning to the Xinyi Regiment's camp yesterday, Li Yunlong went back to his room to sleep before he could make arrangements for Wei Dayong. Zhao Gang didn't know much about Wei Dayong's situation, so he just arranged him with other nationalist prisoners of war.

But this person must not be arranged in this way, after all, Wei Dayong is also a talent, especially for the newly established elite team.

If he is trained well, Wei Dayong will definitely become the existence of the future soldier king.And with the addition of Wei Dayong, the elite squad also has an instructor. Although Wei Dayong is not good at marksmanship, he is still good at reaching out. Not to mention the new regiment, even the entire 386 Brigade, it is difficult to find such a skilled person. Authentic Shaolin monks have been practicing martial arts since childhood.

Hearing that Li Yunlong wanted to see him, Wei Dayong opened the door and walked in in a tattered central army uniform after a while.

Because of the rapid expansion of the new regiment's personnel, the regiment's military uniforms can't keep up, and the newly joined soldiers can only wear the previous clothes.

"Captain Li, are you looking for me?" Wei Dayong came to the room and asked Li Yunlong with a military salute.

Li Yunlong looked Wei Dayong up and down a few times, he was big-bodied, well-dressed and young, and he looked really powerful, giving people a sense of oppression.

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