"Hi." Masao Ono, captain of the Devil Artillery Corps, picked up the binoculars and observed it before he nodded.

Then return to the position of the artillery squadron and command the soldiers under him to build a mortar position.

When the devils heard Masao Ono's words, they quickly got off their horses to build a mortar position, and the gunners unloaded the shell boxes from the horses.

The Type 3 mortar is divided into three parts: a square bottom plate, a triangular gun mount and a barrel, and it takes about [-] minutes to assemble.

Since the devil's mortar position was behind the devil's cavalry formation, Wang Chengzhu did not see the location of the devil's artillery position.

Eight [-]-style mortars were lined up, and the shooting elements had been adjusted, and the ghost gunners were holding shells and waiting for orders.

"Wait." Fujita Ichiro said, "Use chemical bombs."

"Nani." Masao Ono and the artillerymen looked at Ichiro Fujita in astonishment.

The Japanese army generally used gas bombs as a killer weapon in combat. They were weapons used to turn the tables when they were unable to defeat them. It was very rare to launch gas bombs as soon as they came up.

The Japanese army had four gas bombs in total, red bombs, green bombs, blue bombs, and yellow bombs.

Among them, the red bomb is also called the tear gas bomb, which is the gas bomb with the least damage and power.

The green bomb is a poisonous gas that releases a strong irritating respirator tube, commonly known as a spray bomb.The blue bomb releases erosive gas bombs, which can cause the enemy's skin and mucous membranes to fester after use.Yellow bombs, this kind of poisonous gas bomb is filled with strong poisonous gas, which will directly cause the person who inhales the poisonous gas to die of exhaustion.

In real history, Brigadier Chen was actually hit by a devil's poison gas bomb.

In response to the devil's gas bomb tactics, the Eighth Route Army has special release and chemical cadres who continue to organize soldiers to carry out training.And prepared the poisoning equipment as best as possible.

For example, towels and garlic are necessary for every Eighth Route Army in combat.

"Baga, why are you still standing there?" Fujita Ichiro said with a frown.

Fujita Ichiro was also very anxious by the Eighth Route Army. Even if the Eighth Route Army's machine gun positions were plowed with artillery fire, ordinary shells could destroy some of the Eighth Route Army's machine gun firepower points, but they could not destroy all of them.

In this way, even if the Japanese army can rush to the slope in front, there must be many casualties.More than half of the cavalry regiment had been lost, and there was no way to lose any more cavalry. Otherwise, even if he wiped out all the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side, he would be punished when he returned, and even asked to commit seppuku. This was not what Ichiro Fujita wanted.

But the use of poison gas bombs is different. It can directly make all the Eighth Route Army lose their combat effectiveness in an instant. Not only can the cavalry go up to harvest heads, but they can also seize dozens of light and heavy machine guns and bullets.

"Hi!" Masao Ono hurriedly nodded to Ichiro Fujita, then turned his head and shouted to the artillerymen: "Change to chemical bombs, haha ​​Gu."

After the Devil Artillery heard it, he immediately put back the ordinary shells in his hand, then opened the box engraved with the skull pattern, and took out the poisonous gas bombs.

After a while, all gun positions were ready.As the flag commander waved down the small flag in his hand, the devil gunner loaded the gas bomb into the mortar.

With a muffled sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom," the gas bomb rushed out of the cannon hall and soared into the air, drawing an arc in the air, and smashing into the new group of machine gun positions with a sharp whistling sound.

At the same time, at the machine gun position of the Xinyi Regiment, Li Yunlong heard the sound of shells piercing the air and shouted loudly: "Hidden, fire."

When the soldiers heard Li Yunlong's shout, they immediately lay down on the ground to defend against the artillery shells, and they did not panic. The reason for this was that they knew that they would not be able to withstand a few shells, and their own artillery would return to the enemy.

The next moment, the mortar shells landed on the machine gun positions of the new regiment, and exploded with bang bang bang, but to the surprise of the soldiers, it was not mortar shells that fell.

Seeing the red gas spreading, Li Yunlong's face changed, and he shouted loudly: "No, it's poisonous gas, put on a gas mask quickly."

As Li Yunlong ordered the soldiers of the new regiment to react instantly, the hundreds of people who were lying on the ground all stretched out their hands to grab the gas masks beside them.

It's not the kind of gas mask made by wet towels and garlic, but the gas mask seized during the attack on the Huting stronghold last time, which has an excellent poisoning effect.

Needless to say, veterans, the whole process of wearing gas masks was calm and easy, and even the recruits did not panic. They wore gas masks in an orderly manner, and there was no snatching of gas masks among soldiers.

As for how to deal with the devils after firing the poison gas bombs, they have practiced this set of actions countless times, and they are very familiar with it.

Except for dozens of soldiers near the impact point of the poison gas bombs who inhaled some poison gas, most of the soldiers did not inhale the poison gas.

The Devil Artillery fired green bullets this time, and only inhaled a small amount of poisonous gas. Although it would not kill people, it could make people vomit, have difficulty breathing, and lose their combat effectiveness.

When the second wave of gas bombs fell and exploded, the soldiers all put on gas masks. Through the transparent mirrors of the gas masks, they watched the green gas spread around the machine gun positions. The soldiers were not afraid at all, and even a little excited .

The devils cavalry rushed over and we had machine guns, and the devils fired gas bombs and we had gas masks. It feels good to be well equipped.

Looking at the green gas spreading from the enemy's machine gun position through the binoculars, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army did not move at all, and Fujita Ichiro sneered again and again.

The exposed heavy machine guns and light machine guns are still there, which shows that the Eighth Route Army did not choose to escape, otherwise, with the poor appearance of the Eighth Route Army, they would never give up so many good equipment when they escaped.

Under such a thick poisonous gas, the poisonous equipment made of wet towels and garlic of the Eighth Route Army could not be effective at all.Waiting for two or three minutes at most, the Eighth Route Army will be all poisoned to the ground, and then the cavalry can be sent up to collect corn.

Ichiro Fujita estimated that the Eighth Route Army used so many machine guns and machine gun ammunition that it probably took out most of the property of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

If this battle completely wiped out the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side, the entire division of the Eighth Route Army would be affected, and its combat effectiveness would definitely decline.

In this way, he wouldn't have to commit seppuku, and not only that, maybe Yoshio Shinozuka would buy him a drink and arrange for him some imperial ladies.

Fujita Ichiro showed a smug expression: "Order, the guards and the second squadron are ready to attack.

After the devil cavalry received the order, they ran to the artillery squadron to get gas masks. Gas masks are also very precious things for devils.The cavalry artillery squadron is responsible for carrying them, and the entire cavalry wing has only more than 200 gas masks.

In addition to the 200 people in the second squadron, Ichiro Fujita transferred 50 people from his own guard to form an offensive team of 250 people.

Although people can wear gas masks to prevent poisonous gas from being inhaled into their lungs, they cannot wear gas masks on horses, so the attacking team can only advance on foot.

The little devil thought that wearing a gas mask would harvest heads if he went up, everyone was very excited.

Fujita Ichiro drew out his command knife and pointed forward and shouted: "Attack."

Wearing gas masks, wearing cavalry swords, and holding rifles, the little devils excitedly rushed towards the machine gun position of the Eighth Route Army.

"Ha Ya Gu."

"Ha Ya Gu."

The deputy squadron leader of the cavalry squadron waved the command knife in his hand with a grim expression.

On the machine gun position of the new regiment of the Eighth Route Army, when the poisonous gas became thinner, Li Yunlong put on a gas mask, poked out half of his head quietly, and raised his binoculars to observe the situation below the slope.

About 200 devils?The wearer's gas mask rushed towards him, already reaching the range of five hundred and five.

Seeing this situation, Li Yunlong sneered twice, thinking that the devil is rushing to give away the head.

Retracting behind the slope, Li Yunlong told Zhang Dabiao on the side: "Tell the soldiers not to worry, put the little devil at a distance of 50 meters from us before doing it.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhang Dabiao said to the soldiers on the side: "Put the devils at a distance of 50 meters and fight."

Because I was afraid that speaking loudly would cause the devils to be alarmed, I could only pass the news one on one.

After all, no one can guarantee that there are no wounded soldiers among the devils who were shot.It is very possible that the devil hid behind the belly after falling off the horse, so that the machine gun could not shoot.

But at this time, the soldiers were all wearing gas masks, and the sound transmission effect was not very good, and it sounded like an army.

Soldier A: "Put the devil at 50 meters and fight."

Soldier B: "Put the devil at five meters and fight."

Soldier C: "Let the devils in and fight."

"Regimental Commander, the soldiers who inhaled the poisonous gas have lost their combat effectiveness." At this time, Wang Chengzhu ran over and said to Li Yunlong.

"Soldiers, is your life in danger?" Li Yunlong said in a cold tone.

"It doesn't look life-threatening, but some soldiers vomited and had difficulty breathing. I have sent someone to take them to a safe place in the rear."

"These little devils raised by sons of bitches are still the same old way. If they can't beat them, they will release poisonous gas." Li Yunlong's tone was still cold. Li Yunlong hated devils to release poisonous gas in battle. When the little devils used this trick in the early days, the Eighth Route Army didn't know What kind of thing is this? The soldiers were caught off guard and caught a lot of tricks.

"Fujita Ichiro, an old devil, certainly never imagined that we are equipped with so many gas masks." Zhang Dabiao sneered and said in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

While speaking in a low voice, the devil had come to a position 300 meters away from the machine gun position.This position has already entered the cover area of ​​the barrage, and the devils who tried to nod and escape last time were all shot and killed in this position.

As Li Yunlong expected, many devils who survived by luck kept getting up from the ground and joining the attacking team.

"Look, regiment commander, all the devils and wounded soldiers have joined in." Zhang Dabiao whispered to Li Yunlong on the side.

"It just so happens that this time I can take the little devil out of the pot." Li Yunlong said in a cold voice, picked up the heavy machine gun next to him and pulled the bolt.

As the devils advanced rapidly, the devil's wounded soldiers who crawled out of the corpses continued to get up and join the devil's attacking team. , There were at least 20 injured little devils one after another. "

The poisonous gas gradually became thinner under the blowing of the breeze, and the little devil with a rifle was also quickly approaching the machine gun position.

200 m.

100 m.

50 m.

"Fire." Seeing that the little devil had reached a distance of 50 meters from the position, Li Yunlong roared, and then pressed the weight of the heavy machine gun.

"Da, da, da, da, da, da, da." Accompanied by the shaking of the heavy machine gun, continuous bullets were ejected from the muzzle of the heavy machine gun, and a long tongue of flame was emitted, and the shell casings were scattered all over the place. .

Putting a devil on a horse within 50 meters is undoubtedly seeking death, but a devil cavalry who dismounts is equal to infantry, and this distance is equivalent to shooting a heavy machine gun on the devil's forehead.

The moment the sound of the heavy machine gun sounded, the soldiers wearing gas masks set up the machine guns on the position almost at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the firing sound of the heavy machine gun rang out like popping beans.

The little devils who swarmed in realized something was wrong the moment they heard the gunshots, but it was too late.

The bullets poured down like migratory locusts, and there was no way to avoid it. The devil who was shot fell down convulsively like an electric shock, and his body was shot into a blood sieve by the machine gun.

It was really beaten into a blood sieve. Many devils were hit by more than a dozen bullets in an instant, and some devils were shot in the head by two bullets at the same time.Half of the head was directly cut off, which looked extremely terrifying.

Although the devil cavalry is also equipped with light and heavy machine guns, but at such a short distance and such powerful firepower, there is no chance of taking out the light and heavy machine guns at all.

Seeing the devils in front falling down in pieces, the devils behind panicked, looking for cover in panic to avoid the harvest of bullets.

But what made the devils desperate was that they couldn't even find a rock shelter where they were, so they had to lie on the ground and pray that the bullets would not hit them.

In less than 2 minutes, the devils swarmed up with gas masks and rifles, all of them were shot and killed on the ground, and no one escaped.

Seeing this scene through the telescope, Fujita Ichiro froze in place, motionless like a sculpture.

His face was pale, and there was a deep disbelief in his expression and eyes.Originally, he thought it was a harvest bureau, but he didn't expect it to be harvested.

In just a few hours, the entire elite cavalry regiment was basically finished.In the end, there were only dozens of guards around him left.

This belly must be fixed, Fujita Ichiro looked at his stomach, and couldn't help shivering.

"Co-captain, co-captain." Katsuo Suzuki shouted cautiously.

"Yeah." Fujita Ichiro's body wobbled and almost fell off the horse.

"The captain, the machine gunners of the Eighth Route Army all wore gas masks, and our chemical bombs didn't work at all." Katsuo Suzuki said with trembling lips.

"Baga." Fujita Ichiro's face darkened: "I'm not blind, I need you to report?"

Hearing Fujita Ichiro's words, Suzuki Katsuo didn't dare to speak.In fact, he has long been dissatisfied with Fujita Ichiro in his heart. If Fujita Ichiro had listened to him before, how could he have become like this.

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