Li Yunlong returned to the station of the new regiment, and immediately arranged for the distribution of the seized weapons and equipment, and transferred 50 people from each battalion plus newly recruited recruits to form the fourth infantry battalion of the new regiment.

Wang Chengzhu and Sun Desheng were transferred from the elite squad, Wang Chengzhu was in charge of forming the artillery company of the new regiment, and Sun Desheng was responsible for the formation of the cavalry company of the new regiment.

Because of the recent battles between the new regiment and the little devils, the new regiment has a high prestige among the people nearby. Zhao just sent out the recruitment notice, and within a few days, it recruited all the soldiers. This situation is rare in other troops.

Since then, the new regiment has four infantry battalions, an artillery company, a cavalry company, a guard company, and a special warfare team of more than 50 people.

The total strength has reached more than 200 people, which is not far behind Chu Yunfei's 358 regiment in terms of numbers and weapons and equipment.

After all, the 358th regiment is the ace unit of the Jinsui Army, and it is also the main strengthening regiment.

After recruiting people, Li Yunlong nervously began to let the soldiers train.

A few days later, I didn't wait for the little devil's counterattack, but I waited for Chu Yunfei to visit.Originally, Chu Yunfei was going to the headquarters with the leaders above, but he insisted on taking a look when he passed by the Xinyi regiment's residence.

After all, Chu Yunfei had known Li Yunlong for a long time. Since the last Cangyunling battle, Li Yunlong not only rushed out of the encirclement from the front, but also killed Sakata Ichiro with a mortar.

Chu Yunfei had already become interested in Li Yunlong, and had long wanted to come over and take a look to see what kind of army could defeat the elite of the devils, but he never found a chance.

This time, I happened to follow the chief to visit the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, so I took the initiative to bring it up.


"Tuan Zuo, the troops of the Eighth Route Army... are very strange!" Fang Ligong rode a white horse on the rope and came to Chu Yunfei in a low voice and said in a low voice.

"Walking along the way, almost all the Eighth Route Army soldiers we saw were wearing new clothes and carrying brand-new [-] caps... They were not at all like other Eighth Route Army teams. And when I passed by Yingkou just now, I I also vaguely heard the cry of war horses, as if they were training cavalry, does this miscellaneous regiment of the Eighth Route Army also have cavalry troops?"

"I'm wondering, where did they get so many [-] big caps and war horses?"

As the adjutant staff officer of the 258 regiment, Fang Ligong, who graduated from a university and was born in a wealthy family, must have a good vision.

Judging from the clothes, equipment, and complexion of these Eighth Route Army soldiers, it doesn't look like the Eighth Route Army at all.

Hearing Fang Ligong's words, Chu Yunfei looked around, looked at the dozens of Eighth Route Army soldiers accompanying him, especially the equipment in their hands, and said with a cold snort: "It's more than that, look at the dozens of people around, What they have in their hands is a German-made submachine gun, which even we don’t have.”

It is not uncommon for Chu Yunfei to have new clothes and the [-]th Dagai, but the submachine gun is different. This kind of equipment is not even equipped with a regular main force regiment. How can a miscellaneous regiment of the Eighth Route Army equip it? It's not scientific.

Especially the cavalry unit that Fang Ligong mentioned just now, although they don't know the exact number of troops, but this is cavalry, and even the 358th regiment did not own this unit.

Hearing Chu Yunfei's words, Fang Ligong nodded, of course he also noticed this.

However, according to all the information and information that has been circulated, the weapons and equipment of the Eighth Route Army are scarce and of poor quality.

But now it seems that this rumor is really not credible, at least not completely.

There are backward and inferior firearms, and they are indeed the main equipment.

Like Hanyang made in the last century, it has been used for decades, and has changed from a line gun to a smoothbore gun. This kind of goods that should be retired is one of its main equipment. You can also see many privately made shell guns. Broken guns from the First World War, and even some local troops are equipped with this front-loading shotgun.

But it is not true to say that the weapons and equipment are very poor. This is not the case with the new regiment they saw before.

There are not only a large number of [-] big covers, but also dozens of light and heavy machine guns. I heard from Fang Ligong just now that there seems to be cavalry troops, plus the dozens of submachine guns in front of me.

This kind of equipment strength, even compared with his 358th regiment, is not bad at all, and even slightly exceeds it. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that Tubalu could have this kind of equipment strength.

"Where did they get so much good equipment?" Fang Ligong looked enviously at the gun on the waist of the Eighth Route Army machine gunner in front of him, and said with envy.

Battles at the regiment level cannot be resolved with just how many crane guns are equipped.As long as the tactics are proper, the soldiers are vigorous, and the commander is powerful, the old light machine guns before World War I can defeat troops equipped with the latest light machine guns.

But on the battlefield, a regiment has dozens of good machine guns with good quality and few faults, which can take a lot of advantages, reduce casualties, and cause more casualties to the enemy.

"do not know."

"It seems that they also have their own connections. I'll have someone check it out after I go back." Chu Yunfei held his horsewhip, looked back and said with a serious expression: "The situation of this regiment is better than we predicted. Too much."

"That's right." Fang Ligong knew what his regiment leader meant. You must know that since the KMT and the CCP cooperated, the CCP's troops have expanded rapidly, more than ten times larger than before, and the weapons and ammunition assigned to them by the central government have not changed.

It stands to reason that the quality of soldiers in the Eighth Route Army will inevitably decline on a large scale, and the supply of weapons and ammunition is seriously insufficient. But now it seems that this situation exists, but it is far from as serious as they imagined.

Before the two came, they had already predicted Li Yunlong's new group, but after seeing it with their own eyes, their previous speculation was completely overturned.

Along the way, the two of them saw four infantry training grounds, and a cavalry training ground that they had never seen before.

The size of the troops is roughly the same as his own 258 regiment, and he also knows the ideological education of the Eighth Route Army.

If such troops were common in the Eighth Route Army, it would be terrifying.

"When the devils are driven away... I'm afraid..." Fang Ligong's face was a little gloomy.

In his opinion, compared with devils, this group of people should not be underestimated at all. If one is not careful, it will become a serious problem. After all, the strength of this group of people has grown too fast. With the same weapons and equipment, he feels that the national army Not necessarily their opponents.

But given his family background, it is definitely impossible to take refuge in the past, after all, he disagrees with the Eighth Route Army's proposition.

"Let's talk about the future. Now we are still friendly forces and have a common enemy. They are powerful, so it may be a good thing for us for the time being." Chu Yunfei shook his head and did not continue this topic. He stayed for a while, He smiled and said: "Although it was unexpected, the overall strength is still far behind ours. If the Eighth Route Army only has this little equipment, then Chief Yan's expectations may soon be fulfilled.

The 258th regiment is a plus regiment with a reservation establishment of 500 people, which can be changed into a division-level unit at any time in the future.

It is envisaged that a separate artillery battalion and three reinforced infantry battalions will be formed in the future, equipped with eight mountain cannons with a password of [-], but they have not yet.

"Li Yunlong's here is at best the size of us plus a group, which is nothing to us."

Fang Ligong nodded slightly, although he was still a little brooding in his heart, but since the head of the group said so, he couldn't refute it.

So the two rode on horses and followed the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army towards the front.


"In front is the station of the new regiment." A veteran of the Eighth Route Army tightened the [-]-type rifle on his back and pointed at the village entrance of Zhengjiazhuang: "Now wait here for a while, our regiment leader will come out soon."

"Okay." Chu Yunfei looked up at the entrance of the village and said.

As seen along the way, the Eighth Route Army is stationed in mountain villages, almost integrated into the village as a whole.As long as the opponent's troops don't wear military uniforms and don't come out for training, it's hard for ordinary people to find out.

After a while, seven or eight people appeared at the entrance of the village in the distance, and they were all in gray military uniforms.

"This is Chu Yunfei, the commander of the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, and this is his deputy official meritorious service." The accompanying soldiers introduced to Zhao Gang and his party.

"Commander Chu, I am Zhao Gang, the political commissar of the Xinyi Regiment, and I welcome you on behalf of the Xinyi Regiment. Lieutenant Li has made arrangements for an urgent matter, so I will come later. Let's go to the regiment headquarters first." Zhao Gang finished speaking. He held out his hand in a please gesture.

"Political Commissar Zhao is polite. Military affairs come first in special times." Chu Yunfei smiled slightly. Commander Chu had already prepared for this situation. Given what the government had done before, it was not easy for the other party to agree to this exchange group.

Chu Yunfei got off his horse and handed the rope in his hand to the guards on the side. During this period, Chu Yunfei looked around, from Zhao Gang, the soldiers around him, the sentinels at the village entrance, and finally the whole Zhengjiazhuang.

From the outside, if the guard sentries and soldiers were ignored, Zhengjiazhuang was nothing unusual, it was just an ordinary weak and pitiful village, without any military facilities in sight, not even a bunker, a ravine, or a machine gun fortress.

But Chu Yunfei knew that it wasn't that the other party didn't dig and build, but was hidden. If the devils came to attack, there would probably be a lot of perfect bunker facilities here. He was right, and this didn't surprise him.

"Political commissar, let's go back to the team for training." The Eighth Route Army soldier who led Chu Yunfei saw Chu Yunfei dismounted and said to Zhao Gang with a military salute.

"Okay, let's go." Zhao Gang nodded, and then led Chu Yunfei and the two towards the regiment headquarters.

"Commissioner Zhao, I came here this time with the purpose of learning and observing your regiment. Chu really admires your regiment's record against the Japanese army, especially the battle when Captain Li defeated the Sakata United Army, which made me extremely excited." Shocking, let me see the cavalry training of your regiment." Chu Yunfei said to Zhao Gang while walking, just now Fang Ligong said that he heard the sound of war horses, so he wanted to test it out.

"Of course it's no problem, but it's almost noon now, let's have a cup of tea and take a break first. There will be training in the afternoon, and Commander Chu can watch it at any time."

Zhao Gang looked at Chu Yunfei and said, just look at it, anyway, there is nothing to hide, and the display of strength can dispel some other thoughts.

"Let's watch your regiment's training." Chu Yunfei's team couldn't wait to watch the new regiment's cavalry training.

So everyone turned their heads and walked towards the cavalry training ground.

In the open woods, there are nearly a hundred scarecrows with wooden piles.The new regiment of cavalry took the platoon as a unit, lined up to sprint at the scarecrow, and slashed with a saber. During the period, there were also events such as parking at a high speed and shooting immediately.

Company Commander Sun Desheng rode on horseback, uttered a loud voice, and directed the training of the soldiers, without paying attention to the arrival of Zhao Gang and others.

More than 100 war horses, this is the equipment of a whole cavalry company.

Chu Yunfei looked at the more than 100 people in front of him, and said with shock and envy in his weapons: "The strength of your regiment is really extraordinary. This cavalry company alone can suppress an infantry squadron of devils."

What Chu Yunfei said was completely true. An infantry squadron of Devils only has about 160 people, which is about the same number as a cavalry company of the Eighth Route Army.

In terms of equipment, each man has a riding rifle and a saber, and some soldiers don't even have boxes on their waists, so they definitely have advantages in close combat.But long-distance combat still has some disadvantages. After all, the little devil's infantry squadron is equipped with light machine guns and grenades.

However, the maneuverability of cavalry is not comparable to that of infantry. In real fights, cavalry definitely has an advantage.

Chu Yunfei is really envious of this cavalry. Although the 358th regiment is a reinforced regiment, it is not capable of forming such an elite cavalry.

The most important thing is the lack of suitable war horses. Thinking of this, Chu Yunfei's heart tightened. It seems that the task assigned by Chief Yan is not easy to complete.

Chu Yunfei wavered in his plan to persuade Li Yunlong to surrender to the national army. With such an elite army, Li Yunlong might not be so willing to leave.

"Ha, ha, ha." Zhao Gang walked up to Chu Yunfei with a hearty smile and said, "The cavalry can decide the outcome of a battle if used well, and we have formed such a long-standing cavalry unit at the cost of fighting well." .”

After watching the cavalry training, Zhao Gang took Chu Yunfei and his party back the same way, intending to go back for dinner first.

Chu Yunfei, Fang Ligong and the two followed Zhao Gang towards the new regiment headquarters, looking around while walking.

At this time, the two were on the flanks of Zhengjiazhuang, and through the side view, they could finally see the complete fortifications of Zhengjiazhuang.

Ditches, bunkers, civil forts, air-raid shelters, machine gun forts, a complete field fortification system.Scattered and systematically distributed throughout Zhengjiazhuang.

Coupled with the tens of meters high cliff on the back, the whole new regiment presents a solid position that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"Surrounded by mountains on three sides, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is really a good place." Chu Yunfei glanced at Zhao Gang and sighed softly.

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