"Trumpetmaster, blow the charge horn for me." Seeing that Zhang Dabiao had filled the devil's position, Li Yunlong shouted loudly.

When the trumpeter heard Li Yunlong's words, he picked up the horn and blew it directly. When the soldiers heard the sound of the horn, they jumped up from the trenches and rushed to the devil's position.

All of a sudden, gunshots, charge horns, machine guns firing, and the sound of bayonets piercing flesh rang out on the devil's position.

When the rain of grenades ended, Yamazaki Zhihei realized that he knew that the Eighth Route Army was about to attack, so he quickly ordered his men to get ready.

But Zhang Dabiao didn't give him time to prepare at all. Before Yamazaki Zhihei gave the order, Zhang Dabiao rushed up with a battalion of soldiers, just in time to catch the devil by surprise.

"Your Excellency, Captain, Balu has rushed up and is fighting with our people." The devil officer ran over and reported to Yamazaki Zhipinghui.

"Baga, why is the Chinese army so fast." Yamazaki Zhihei scolded angrily: "Hurry up and get the warriors to drive the Chinese army to their positions. Only by driving them out can we wait for the arrival of reinforcements."

Yamazaki Zhihei was still not confused at this time. He knew that if he wanted to survive, he had to stick to his position and join the reinforcements who rushed over.After all, they are now surrounded by the Eighth Route Army, even if they give up their positions, they will not be able to escape the encirclement, not to mention that they were attacked by a wave of enemy grenades just now. Although the casualties have not yet been counted, it is estimated that at most half of them can still fight.

With just this few people, leaving the position let alone rushing out of the encirclement, even the army on the opposite side would not be able to defeat it.

In this way, it is better to stay here, relying on the fortifications on the position, maybe it can delay a little longer.

"Kai." The devil heard Yamazaki Jihei's words and went to deliver the order.It can be said that Zhang Dabiao's first battalion has all rushed to the devil's position.Now the fighters of the independent regiment are holding back their anger, after all their regiment leader has promised the brigade commander to resolve the battle within two hours.And now more than an hour has passed, most of which was wasted digging trenches.

"Battalion Commander, is that a high-ranking devil?" A soldier slashed to death the devil next to him, and when he turned his head, he saw a group of people protecting Yamazaki Zhihei. He thought that this person must be a high-ranking official, so he immediately shouted to the battalion commander.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Dabiao turned around and ran towards Yamazaki Zhihei.Just as he was about to prepare for the battle, Wei Dayong rushed up at this time.

"Zhang Battalion Commander, leave these devils to me." Wei Dayong shouted at Zhang Dabiao with a big knife in his hand and a long gun on his back.

With the arrival of soldiers from the other three battalions, the battlefield immediately turned into a one-sided situation. After all, the Yamazaki Brigade had a total of more than 700 people. After the grenade attack just now, less than half of them were left. It's all about eight or nine fighters dealing with one devil.Even if the devils were elite, they couldn't withstand the siege of eight or nine people, and soon the soldiers surrounded Yamazaki Jihei and the others.

Just as Wei Dayong and Zhang Dabiao were talking, Li Yunlong's voice came over: "Stop it all for me, and leave these devils to me."

Li Yunlong saw that the battle was almost over, so he proposed to Zhao Gang on the side to take a look at the battlefield. Everyone went to kill the devils. You said that the regiment leader and political commissar and two national army officers who came to visit the regiment were left behind. It is suitable but Chu Yunfei who is on the side also wants to follow the past to have a look.Upon hearing this, Zhao Gang felt that this was indeed the case, and that the little devil might be gone when they went up, so he agreed to Li Yunlong's request.

When Zhang Dabiao and Wei Dayong heard the voice of their leader, they turned around and saw Li Yunlong rushing up with a ghost knife, so they quickly stepped aside, they still knew the character of their leader.

When Li Yunlong rushed up, he saw Yamazaki Zhihei who was protected by several little devils.I thought this should be Yamazaki Zhihei, the captain of the Yamazaki Brigade, so I quickly shouted: "Don't move, I will fight him."

Originally, when the soldiers of the new regiment attacked, several little devils were about to surround Yamazaki Zhihei and prepare to retreat.But it happened to be discovered by the soldiers of the new regiment, and now they couldn't run even if they wanted to.

"Wait for the next Chinese people to die together, throw grenades in crowded places while they are not paying attention, and the time has come to dedicate yourself to His Majesty the Emperor." Yamazaki Zhihei said to the little devils on the side with some fanaticism.

"Hi." Hearing Yamazaki Zhihei's words, several little devils around him replied immediately, without any expression of fear on their faces.On the contrary, there is a trace of fanaticism, which shows the depth of brainwashing.

Just when Li Yunlong was about to step forward to challenge the little devil, a devil made a move. Wei Dayong happened to see him when he took a grenade from his waist, so he took out a long gun from behind and threw it at the little devil. The devil was terrified.

Seeing that Wei Dayong moved his hand, and the grenade that the devil had not opened, the soldiers of the new regiment got angry and rushed towards the little devil with their machine guns.

In an instant, Yamazaki Zhihei and the remaining little devils were beaten into sieves by machine guns.

"What the fuck, what are you doing?" Li Yunlong was startled by the sound of the machine gun and turned around and shouted.

"Old Li, it's the little devil who wants to throw a grenade. If he throws it out, it will definitely blow up a big piece." Zhao Gang looked at Li Yunlong speechlessly and said.

As far as Li Yunlong is good, there is one thing that is not good. He likes to be impulsive, and he also likes to go one-on-one with little devils on the battlefield.

"It's enough to kill the devil who threw the grenade, as for killing them all." Hearing Zhao Gang's words, Li Yunlong did not stop but continued to complain.

"Okay, Lao Li, you are not finished talking about you. If the little devil throws out the grenade, you and I may be blown to death. You should thank him. Besides, there are other people like Captain Chu and others. Where's Staff Fang?" Zhao Gang frowned and said in a bad tone, if he wasn't afraid of being defeated, he really seemed to go up and give Li Yunlong a slap in the face.

Li Yunlong was not talking, but stepped forward and picked up Yamazaki Zhihei's command sword.

"Brother Yunlong, you're lucky. This command saber was bestowed by the Emperor." Chu Yunfei saw Li Yunlong pick up Yamazaki Zhihei's command saber with a chrysanthemum on the handle, so he said enviously.

"Oh, how did you know that?" Li Yunlong turned around and stared at Chu Yunfei and asked.After all, he has seized a lot of command knives recently, but he didn't find anything unusual.

"The command saber bestowed by the emperor has a chrysanthemum engraved on the hilt. Look, does this command saber you hold also have it?" Chu Yunfei pointed to the hilt of the command saber in Li Yunlong's hand.

"It's true." Li Yunlong picked up the knife and looked at it and found a chrysanthemum on the handle: "Old Zhao, quickly arrange for someone to clean up the battlefield. The brother troops are still fighting for help. I will report to the brigade commander."

"Okay, go quickly, I'll just watch over here."

"Brother Chu, I have something to do and I won't accompany you. Let's have a drink when we get back to the station." Hearing Zhao Gang's words, Li Yunlong turned his head and said to Chu Yunfei who was beside him.

"Business is important, brother Yunlong go get busy." Chu Yunfei cupped his hands.

"Okay, let's see you at the station." After speaking, Li Yunlong took Yamazaki Zhihei's command saber and Huzi got on his horse and rushed towards the brigade headquarters.

Li Yunlong rushed to the brigade headquarters on horseback, got off his horse and shouted loudly before entering the house: "Report, the new group of Li Yunlong is here to report."

"Come in." The brigade commander's voice came from the room.

"Report to the brigade commander, the new regiment has completed the task, and it took one hour and 47 minutes to wipe out all the Yamazaki brigade. This is Yamazaki Zhihei's command knife." The command knife was handed over to the brigade commander.

"This is Yamazaki Zhihei's command sword, and it is said that it was bestowed by the emperor." Li Yunlong whispered.

"Okay, okay, it really has to be you, Li Yunlong." The brigade commander laughed when he heard what Li Yunlong said, and then stretched out his hand to take the command knife.

"Well, this knife is not bad. It will be the commander's birthday soon, so I just gave it as a gift." The brigade commander took the command knife, looked at it, and said with a smile.

Said that he shouted to the telegraph operator on the side: "Hurry up and inform the headquarters, and say that the 386th Brigade has completely wiped out the Yamazaki Brigade."

"Yes." Hearing what the brigade commander said, the telegraph operator hurried to the telegraph room to send a telegram to the headquarters.


Taiyuan, the headquarters of the First Army.

"Your Excellency, Commander, Colonel Yamazaki has lost contact." The correspondent ran in and said to Shinozuka Yoshio who was sitting on the chair.

"Nani." Hearing the voice, Yoshio Shinozuka turned around and asked in disbelief.

"Ha Yi, I haven't received a telegram from Mr. Yamazaki for an hour." The correspondent continued: "And there is no response to calling them now, I think it should be..."

"Immediately send a telegram to the airport and ask them to send a few reconnaissance planes over to see what's going on in Lijiapo. In addition, let the reinforcements wait on the spot and don't rush into contact with the enemy."

"Kai." The correspondent heard Shinozuka Yoshio's words and went down to deliver the order.

"Your Excellency, Commander, do you think the Yamazaki Battalion has been wiped out by the Chinese Army?" Kusuyama Hideyoshi asked with some doubts.

"It's not impossible. If you think about it, I don't want this to happen to the Sakata Regiment, the Yamamoto Special Agent Regiment, and the Black Island Cavalry Regiment. But my previous experience tells me that the Chinese Army is not without An army with tenacious combat effectiveness." Although he didn't want to believe it, Yoshio Shinozuka had a feeling that this time the Yamazaki Brigade would be wiped out by the Eighth Route Army like the previous teams.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Yamazaki Brigade not to send a telegram to the headquarters for an hour.

"In such a short period of time, the Yamazaki Brigade was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army. I still don't believe it. After all, Colonel Yamazaki sent us a telegram saying that he has the upper hand." Kusuyama Hideyoshi expressed his central thoughts.

After all, the Yamazaki Brigade was an elite unit of their First Army. Although surrounded by the Eighth Route Army, the terrain of Lijiapo was not suitable for the deployment of large-scale troops.

"Shannan-kun, we have to wait until the airport picks it up. Don't jump to conclusions now." Although Yoshio Shinozuka didn't want to believe it, he had to speak with facts.

"Hi." After Kusuyama Hideyoshi finished speaking, he also pushed it down, and he had to wait for the airport to send the news after the investigation.

After Yoshio Shinozuka received the news, he immediately issued an order to the troops rushing for reinforcements.The telegram said, "There is no war in Lijiapo."

After receiving the telegram from the headquarters, the devils who were reinforcing from all walks of life retreated one after another without even hesitating.

Originally, they fought very hard, but if they were ambushed by the Chinese army, the loss would not be worth the loss.The devils in charge of reinforcements also knew why the headquarters ordered them to retreat. It must be that the Yamazaki Brigade did not hold on and was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army. It was useless to go for reinforcements, so they had to retreat.


Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the North China Dispatch Army Headquarters has dispatched another brigade from the Kwantung Army, and it is expected to arrive in Quanyang in four days." Kusuyama Hideyoshi came over with a telegram to report to Shinozuka Yoshio.

"Yoxi, be careful when telling them to come here, don't be ambushed by the Chinese army." Shinozuka Yoshio said worriedly.

After all, I don’t know what happened recently. First, the Sakata Regiment, then the Yamamoto Secret Service Regiment, then the Kuroshima Cavalry Regiment, and finally the Yamazaki Battalion. The Japanese army’s elite troops lost four successively. Some can't accept it.

After all, in his understanding, the Chinese army has no combat effectiveness at all, let alone the Tuba Road, which had fought guerrillas before, and did not dare to confront the Japanese army head-on.

Although a so-called Hundred Regiments War was launched not long ago, the damage to the Japanese army was limited, and the proportion of battle damage was not at the same level at all.


After Li Yunlong reported to the brigade commander, he took Huzi back to the station directly.

After all, after such a long time, Zhao Gang should have brought someone to clean up the battlefield long ago, perhaps earlier than when they returned to the station.

"Lao Li, Lao Li." Li Yunlong and Huzi were stopped by Zhao Gang before they returned to the residence.

"Old Zhao, are you all back?" Li Yunlong turned around and asked.

"They're all back." Zhao Gang pointed to his room and said, "Commander Chu and Chief of Staff Fang are in my room, you can go over and have a seat, and we'll talk about the seizures at the meeting tonight."

"Okay, Huzi, go back and rest first, don't follow me." Li Yunlong turned his head and sent Huzi away, then followed Zhao Gang into the room.

After all, I was very tired after being busy for a long time. Besides, this is the station of Xinyi Regiment. No one can threaten Li Yunlong's safety here. There is no need to follow the guards anytime and anywhere.

"Brother Yunlong." Seeing Li Yunlong entering the room, Chu Yunfei quickly stood up and cupped his hands.

"Brother Chu, it's like being in your own home. If you have anything to say, there's no need to be so polite." Li Yunlong walked over and sat next to Chu Yunfei and said with a smile.

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