The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 441 Reinforcement of the 69th Division

"Brother Yunlong, to tell you the truth, I have considered Dagu Town for a long time, and I also thought about sending troops to take it down, but I had to give up because the devil's defense was too tight. My brother just came and took down Dagu Town, enough It shows that the strength of your new regiment has to be admired." Chu Yunfei said to Li Yunlong with emotion.

As far as military command ability is concerned, there are really few people who can admire Chu Yunfei, and Li Yunlong is one of them. Judging from the recent battles of the Xinyi Regiment, he thinks that even if he is replaced as the commander, it will be impossible for him to command. It may not be so neat.

After Li Yunlong heard Chu Yunfei's words, he also understood the purpose of his visit this time. Most likely, he wanted to find out how the Xinyi Regiment brought down Dagu Town in such a short period of time.

However, this matter can be told to the Jinsui Army or not, it all depends on Li Yunlong's mood, but Li Yunlong doesn't want to tell Chu Yunfei the truth at this time.

So Li Yunlong had no choice but to lie and said: "Oh, brother Yunfei, I'm not afraid of your jokes. This time, brother, I hit Dagu Town too abruptly. Back then, when Lao Zhao persuaded me, I didn't listen to Lao Zhao and scolded him. After a pause, our new regiment suffered heavy casualties this time. Alas, I have no other choice. At the beginning, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, but after the fight, my brother regretted it. The damage was too great, and the gain outweighed the loss." Li Yunlong pretended With a heartbroken look, he said to Chu Yunfei and then winked at Zhao Gang who was at the side.

Zhao Gang understood Li Yunlong's meaning after hearing Li Yunlong's words and seeing his eyes, so he said to Chu Yunfei:
"Yes, Commander Chu, this time our new regiment has suffered a great loss of vitality. Although we have become famous, our eyesight has been damaged. If the little devils invade our base area again, it's hard to say whether we can hold it. Don't let other people see the joke."

When Chu Yunfei heard this, his heart was relieved. His main purpose of coming here was to find out the strength of Xinyituan.

After all, it is said that now is the period when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperate to deal with the little devils, but Chu Yunfei has his head, he knows that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party will have a war sooner or later.And as his neighbor, he definitely doesn't want Xinyituan to be too strong.

And this time there were more than one regiment's troops, besides the Xinyi regiment, there were two other regiments, which were also quite a force in the vicinity.Not only is it a threat to the devils, it is also a threat to the [-] regiment.

"Don't worry too much, Brother Yunlong, Brother Zhao, if the devils come to commit crimes, you can just say hello to me, if you can help, Chu will definitely help, and you will never watch your brother's army be wiped out by the devils, please rest assured .” Chu Yunfei was talking to Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang.

"Then I will deal with brother Yunfei first. If there is something wrong with brother, you have to support me, otherwise brother will have to go back to Northwest Shanxi." Hearing what Chu Yunfei said, Li Yunlong pretended to thank him Said.

"It's okay, it's a trivial matter, we brothers don't need to say thank you." Chu Yunfei waved his hand at Li Yunlong and said.After speaking, he stood up and said to Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang: "Brother Yunlong, Brother Zhao, Chu came today uninvited. Excuse me. I have something to do over there, so I will go back first."

"Hey, brother Yunfei, what's the matter, I have to finish my meal before leaving after I finally come here, otherwise if it spreads, I will think that I, Li Yunlong, can't entertain guests." Li Yunlong said pretending to stay.

"No need, Brother Yunlong, Brother Zhao, take your leave. When you have time, go to my [-] regiment as a guest. Then I will treat you guys well." After Chu Yunfei finished speaking, he went out directly. Seeing this, Sun Ming followed suit up.

"Brother Yunfei, walk slowly, Brother Yunfei." Li Yunlong did not walk out of the regiment headquarters at this time, but stood on the spot and shouted a few times.

Seeing Chu Yunfei walking away, Zhao Gang said to Li Yunlong, "Lao Li, this Chu Yunfei is not a good person, and he has come here this time to find out about us."

"Hmph, he doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but it doesn't matter. Although he Chu Yunfei is a character, the [-] regiment is not enough in my eyes. It's fine if he behaves peacefully. I don't mind even taking care of his tricks," Li Yunlong said disdainfully.

But it is true, Li Yunlong's Xinyituan does have this ability and strength now.


After Chu Yunfei took Sun Ming out of the new regiment's residence.

"Tuan Zuo, this Li Yunlong doesn't seem to be telling the truth. According to what we saw in the military observation team last time, it doesn't match what he said today." Sun Ming said to Chu Yunfei on horseback.

"It's nothing surprising. Although the strength of Li Yunlong's new regiment is really good, you know the defense situation of Dagu Town. Even our [-]th regiment is not sure enough to attack. Li Yunlong and the others seem to be fighting this time. The loss is indeed a bit big. Didn't you realize that they don't have many troops in the entire regiment headquarters?" Chu Yunfei retorted to Sun Ming.

"But Tuan Zuo, there are indeed some strange things in it. I think what Li Yunlong said must have some water. Although I haven't met Li Yunlong several times, I feel that he is not a master who will suffer." Sun Ming still feels that the situation is not good. Not as serious as Li Yunlong said.

"I believe there is moisture. After all, no one will expose their strength to the eyes of outsiders. If it were me, I would not tell the truth." Chu Yunfei smiled indifferently, although he was not sure about the specifics of Xinyituan. The number of casualties, but he felt that the casualties would definitely not be small. After all, Dagu Town was heavily guarded by devils. If it was defeated so easily, it would be impossible for the little devils to run rampant in the country for so many years.

After Chu Yunfei finished speaking to Sun Ming, he raised the whip in his hand and rushed towards his regiment headquarters.Seeing this, Sun Ming stopped talking, but chased after Chu Yunfei.

On the Taiyuan side, Kusuyama Hideyoshi also received three telegrams from Muto.But after seeing the content sent by Muto Mibo, he immediately rushed towards Shinozuka Yoshio's office.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is an emergency." Kusuyama Hideyoshi said to Shinozuka Yoshio immediately after entering the office.

Nanshan Army, don't panic, speak slowly if you have something to say. " Yoshio Shinozuka said to Kusuyama Hideyoshi calmly.

"It's like this, Commander, the 69th Division sent information, and Li Yunlong and the other two regiments went to their side. This is the specific situation." Said Kusuyama Hideyoshi and passed the telegram to Shinozuka Yoshio .

"Nani, did Li Yunlong go to Southwest Shanxi?" Shinozuka Yoshio was very puzzled, but he still took the telegram from Kusuyama Hideyoshi, frowning as he read it.

"What, Dagu Town was taken down as soon as we arrived in Southwest Shanxi. What is Muto Sanbo doing?" Shinozuka Yoshio said angrily after reading the contents of the telegram.

"Your Excellency, Commander, this is normal. After all, the fighting strength of the Xinyi Regiment cannot be underestimated, and Li Yunlong's tactical command ability is also obvious to all."

Hearing Shannan Hideyoshi's words, Shinozuka Yoshio's mood calmed down a lot. After all, this is not the first time such a thing has happened. It is not that the so-called elite troops in their army did not fall into the hands of Li Yunlong.

"In this way, send a regiment under the 37th Division to Ping'an County to strengthen the strength of the 69th Division. In addition, a regiment is transferred from Taiyuan to supplement the 69th Division. Remember that it cannot happen again. It was severely damaged by Li Yunlong's troops. about it." Yoshio Shinozuka thought for a while and said to Hideyoshi Yamanan.

After all, the Eighth Route Army had sent three regiments in the past. If he didn't give support to the 69th Division, the 69th Division would be in danger, and Li Yunlong might bite him at some point.

"Kai, Your Excellency, Commander, I'm going to deliver the order." Kusuyama Hideyoshi responded and walked out of the office, and began to deploy troops to the 69th Division.

As soon as the devil made a move, the headquarters received the news.

"Report, there is a change in the two devil's regiments, and the target should be in the direction of Ping'an County, where the 69th Division is located." The telegraph operator reported to the head of the headquarters with a telegram sent by the intelligence personnel.

The head of the headquarters said after reading the telegram: "It seems that the targets of the little devils are the New First Regiment, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment. They are afraid that Li Yunlong and the others will attack the 69th Division."

"Tell Li Yunlong and the others the news, and ask them to step up their guard. Now that it's over, do it well for me, and don't come back in a mess."

"Chief, I think you're a little bit overwhelmed. With Li Yunlong's personality, he's a loser? With Kong Jie and Ding Wei around, the three old comrades get together. That one is the master of security. In my opinion, don’t worry, just tell them the news so that the three of them can be mentally prepared.” The No. [-] chief told the first chief his opinion on this matter.

"Okay, let's do as you said." The first chief felt that the second chief was right, and as for Li Yunlong, it was the devils who should be careful.

Not long after, Li Yunlong received a telegram from the headquarters.I also know that the devils from two alliances will come to their side.

"Old Li, two regiments of devils have been sent to our side. The strength of the 69th Division needs to be strengthened." Zhao Gang said frowning as he watched the telegram sent by the headquarters.

"Aren't they the devils of the two alliances? There's nothing to be afraid of. At most, it's just giving our new regiment extra food. It's okay if they don't come. I'll let them all stay here when they come." Li Yunlong After hearing Zhao Gang's words, he said very confidently.Because the current Xinyituan has the capital to make him arrogant.

"Old Li, don't underestimate the enemy." Zhao Gang persuaded Li Yunlong, and he found that Li Yunlong's mentality was a bit frivolous during this time.

"Old Zhao, you are completely overthinking. After our recruitment is over this time, I estimate that the number of people will reach 8000-[-] people. In addition to the local army and district squads, it will definitely exceed [-]. What is this? Concept? Although we are a regiment in name, our strength has already reached a division. Just wait, after the recruit training is over, even if the little devil does not come to me, I will go to the little devil. Only recruits in actual combat can become elites and maintain their combat effectiveness." Li Yunlong explained to Zhao Gang.

"Besides, I estimate that after the arrival of the devils from these two wings, the little devils will start to attack us in a short time, so we don't have much time left, let the troops below be ready for battle at any time." Li Yunlong continued to talk to Zhao Gang.

"Come here soon, tell me, should we inform Commander Ding and Commander Kong, after all, it's really difficult for us to have a regiment of tough little devils and a division." Zhao Gang suggested immediately after hearing Li Yunlong's analysis.

After all, although their new regiment is not far behind the little devils in terms of strength, after the expansion of troops, the combat effectiveness must have declined. Relying on their own strength alone, if they want to defeat a division of the little devils, the success rate is almost negligible.

To be on the safe side, it's better to call the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment.If possible, it would be better to drag the three-five-eight group into the water.

Otherwise, when his strength is weakened by the little devil, the territory will definitely be occupied by other forces, which is not what Zhao Gang wants.

Hearing Zhao Gang's words, Li Yunlong pondered for a while and then said: "The notification must be made, but I just don't know if their two regiments are stable. In this case, I will go to their two regiments tonight and listen to their two regiments. People’s thoughts. Do we work together with our new group or do it alone? If we do it alone, then we have to plan carefully.” After Li Yunlong told Zhao Gang, he ordered Huzi to prepare, and he will take it with him later Huzi went to the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment together.

"Well, it's good for you to meet with Lao Kong and Lao Ding to discuss things, but the situation around here is not very stable, so don't have any accidents on the way." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang told him road.

"Old Zhao, don't worry, the person who wants Li Yunlong's head hasn't been born yet." After speaking, Li Yunlong got up and walked out.

In Ping'an County, Muto Sanbo also received a telegram from Shinozuka Yoshio.

"Yo Xi, Your Excellency the Commander sent us two regiments of troops, so that our troops will be sufficient, and it's time to retake Dagu Town." Muto said, looking at the telegram with joy.

Originally, he wanted to take back Dagu Town, but after receiving the information about the strength of the new regiment sent by the intelligence personnel, he temporarily put this idea on hold.

Although he has the strength of a division, he can't draw out all his troops for a big isolated town. After all, there are still three counties that need to be stationed.

If the number of troops to be deployed is small, he is worried that he will not be Li Yunlong's opponent, so he can only bear with it.

But the situation is different now. With the strength of the two regiments sent by His Excellency the Commander, he believes that he is fully capable of taking back Dagu Town from Li Yunlong.

"Nakajima Army." Muto Mibo shouted towards the door.

"Your Excellency, Head of Division, you are looking for me." Nakajima Feng hurried in after hearing Muto Sanbo's words.

"Nakajima-kun, please read the telegram that Commander-in-Chief just sent to us." As he spoke, Muto Mizo passed the telegram to Nakajima Feng.

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