The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 446 Chu Yunfei wants to join

"Regimental Commander, the Devil Command has been found, it's on the other side of the hillside, and they are eating now, I think this is an opportunity." Wei Dayong came to Li Yunlong and said to him.

"Damn it, the little devil finally showed his head." Hearing Wei Dayong's words, Li Yunlong got up from the trench and shouted: "Notify Wang Chengzhu, tell him the coordinates and __cpLocation, and let him immediately implement artillery coverage according to the coordinates and __cpLocation you provided. .”

"Good commander, I'll inform the artillery company now and let them get ready." Wei Dayong heard Li Yunlong's words, and immediately sent someone to notify Wang Chengzhu of the artillery company.

On the ground where the first battalion was located, Zhang Dabiao saw the little devil pushed down and quickly shouted to the soldiers beside him: "Quickly, let the soldiers clean the battlefield and build fortifications. In addition, the wounded will be transported down immediately." , and replenish ammunition."

"Yes, Battalion Commander." Hearing Zhang Dabiao's order, the soldiers next to him quickly got up and went to give orders.

On the other hand, Zhang Dabiao picked up the binoculars and continued to observe the devil's movements, and found that the devil had no intention of continuing to attack, and then saw that it was almost time for lunch, so he continued to shout: "Go, let the cooking team take the food!" Send them all up, let everyone replenish their strength, if the devils attack, we won't have time to eat."

"Yes, Battalion Commander, I'll go right away." Another soldier beside him immediately got up and ran towards the rear when he heard it.

After Zhang Dabiao arranged everything, he found an ammunition box and sat down, then picked up a water glass and took a sip of water.

At this time, the chief of staff of the first battalion ran over, walked up to Zhang Dabiao and reported: "Battle commander, when the devils attacked just now, we were knocked out of four firepower points, including one heavy machine gun and three light machine guns. Twenty-nine people were killed, seven were slightly injured, and there were no serious injuries."

Hearing the chief of staff's words, Zhang Dabiao raised his head and replied: "Fortunately, the casualties are not too great, let the soldiers be vigilant, the next battle is still the most cruel moment, the battle just now is just one for the devils. Fire power test."

"Good battalion commander, I will arrange it now."

After the chief of staff left, Zhang Dabiao refocused his eyes on the battlefield. He saw that the faces of many recruits were no longer naive as before, replaced by a determined expression.

Seeing the smile on Zhang Dabiao's face here, he believed that this group of recruits would grow into veterans in a short time.

After experiencing the baptism of the battlefield, the hope of surviving another battle will be even greater. This is a process that every recruit must go through, and no one can replace it.

Soon, the casualty data of the first battalion was reported to Li Yunlong.

"Old Li, the casualty data of the first battalion is out." Zhao Gang walked into the headquarters with the casualty data of the first battalion and said to Li Yunlong.

"Oh, how's the situation in the first battalion?" Hearing Zhao Gang's words, Li Yunlong got up and asked.

He also knew that after the last conscription, the ratio of recruits in the first battalion had reached one to one.

"29 people were killed and seven people were slightly injured. 53 Japanese soldiers were killed, 36 [-]-type rifles were seized, and some ammunition..." Zhao Gang reported to Li Yunlong with the casualty list of the first battalion.

"The first battalion fought well this time, and the casualty data is within the acceptable range." Hearing Zhao Gang's words, Li Yunlong nodded and said.

The reason why the First Battalion has such a high casualty ratio to the devils with so many recruits is also because of the geographical advantage. After all, the defensive side will have fewer casualties than the offensive side.

"How is the situation of the second battalion and the third battalion?" Li Yunlong continued to ask Zhao Gang.

"There is no news from them yet. I think the second battalion and the third battalion should not have exchanged fire with the Japanese army. Maybe the Japanese army is waiting for the situation in Dagu Town." Zhao Gang thought for a while and said to Li Yunlong .

"Tell them to pay close attention to the movements of the devils and stay vigilant at all times, so that they must not be attacked by a small devil.

"Okay, I'm going to inform the second and third battalions now, don't worry, Lao Li, nothing unexpected will happen." Zhao Gang turned and walked out after speaking to Li Yunlong.

On Wang Chengzhu's side, after receiving the request from the elite squad, he was arranging for the soldiers of the artillery company to adjust the artillery's shooting at Zhu Yuan according to the coordinates given by Wei Dayong, trying to catch all the military commanders of the little ghosts.

After finishing everything, Wei Dayong returned to the hillside.

"How is it? During the time I left, the little devil didn't move much. Wei Dayong asked the soldier who stayed behind.

Hearing Wei Dayong's words, the soldier turned around and handed over the binoculars and said, "Captain, the kid is still eating, look."

Wei Dayong took the binoculars from the soldier, and then looked at the devil's position in the distance. Sure enough, the little devils were gathering together.

"Okay, it's time for us to withdraw. Don't blow us up when the artillery company fires." Wei Dayong put down his binoculars and said to the soldier.

Five minutes later, Wei Dayong and the soldier withdrew from the hillside.

In the devil's combat command room, Feng Nakajima, who was eating, listened to the telegraph operator's report.

"Your Excellency, the Artillery Squadron has sent word that they will arrive around three o'clock in the afternoon."

Hearing what the telegraph operator said, Nakajima Feng put down the lunch box in his hand, and then said with a smile: "Yoxi, then we will launch an attack at four o'clock, and try to take down Dagu Town in one go."

"Hai." The devil officers hurriedly replied when they heard Nakajima Feng's words.

"Masters, continue to eat, take a break after eating, there is still a tough battle to be fought in the afternoon." Nakajima and others said to several people, and saw a red signal flare on the hillside not far away. flew out.

Seeing Feng Nakajima's expression, the others also turned their eyes away.

"Baga, that's bad, our position was discovered by the opposite Balu." At this moment, Nakajima Feng realized that something was wrong and shouted.

"Nani." Several officers looked at Feng Nakajima with doubts when they heard what Nakajima said.Didn't even realize what was going to happen next.

On Wang Chengzhu's side, the moment he saw the red signal flaring into the air, he began to issue orders for his soldiers to fire.

But this time, in order to get the little devil's commanding staff out of the way, Wang Chengzhu used all the cannons of the artillery company, in order to ensure a hit and increase the success rate.

And just when the devil officer was full of doubts, countless shells flew towards them with a whistling sound.

At this time they were aware of the troops, but it was too late, and it was too late to escape.

Because no one thought that the artillery of the new regiment would bomb them, and it was bombing with high precision. They were not prepared for defense at all, and there was nowhere to hide, so they had to lie on the ground and resign themselves to fate.

Soon the entire open space of the devil's headquarters was covered by a new round of artillery fire.

Whether it was Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, or Zhang Dabiao and Wei Dayong, they all saw Wang Chengzhu's artillery company firing shells to the destination, and they could only see a sea of ​​flames through the binoculars.

"Go and tell Zhang Dabiao, after the shelling is over, launch a charge immediately to drive back the devils on the opposite side, and then divide into two parts, one part will help the second battalion, the other part will help the third battalion, and give back all the devils they face Get rid of it, and finally the whole group will gather to surround the devil's Ping'an County." Li Yunlong put down his binoculars and said to Huzi beside him.

"Yes, regiment commander, I'll go and inform Battalion Commander Zhang right now." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Huzi turned around and went to the command room to inform Zhang Dabiao.

"Old Li, isn't it too risky to do this?" Zhao Gang said to Li Yunlong who was on the side, looking at Hu Zi who was leaving.After all, they didn't know whether the devil's headquarters had been taken over by the same pot. If they rushed up so recklessly, they might suffer a loss. In this way, they might as well stay in the fortifications, even if the little devil launched an attack, they would still have the advantage.

"Adventure, what an adventure, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the opportunity is fleeting. If you are afraid of everything, then why fight? Just go home and pick up the child." Li Yunlong said to Zhao Gang After taking out the pistol from his waist, he rushed out of the house.

"Old Li, what are you going to do?" Zhao Gang asked with some doubts when he saw Li Yunlong's movements.

"I'll take a look ahead and help Zhang Dabiao command the troops." Li Yunlong turned his head and said to Zhao Gang after hearing Zhao Gang's words.

Although he said so, Li Yunlong went out this time to kill devils on the battlefield.But this matter must not be told to Zhao Gang, otherwise, with Zhao Gang's temper, he must be stopped.

"Old Li, Battalion Commander Zhang is in charge ahead, why don't you join in the fun?" Zhao Gang hurriedly shouted to her seeing Li Yunlong walk out of the command room.

However, Li Yunlong did not stop because of this, and disappeared after a while. The angry Zhao Gang stayed where he was and cursed, and then chased in the direction of Li Yunlong Pao.

On Zhang Dabiao's side, when he didn't receive Li Yunlong's order, he saw that the devil's position was being bombarded by his own side. He immediately realized that this was an opportunity, and immediately organized his troops. one knife.

While Zhang Dabiao was waiting for the shelling to end, he received Li Yunlong's order.

"Battalion Commander Zhang, the regiment commander ordered to launch an attack on the devils immediately after the shelling is over. After the devils are beaten back, the troops will be divided into two groups to support the second and third battalions. After the battle is over, the troops will gather and march towards Ping'an County." Hu Ziqi Panting, the first battalion of artillery shells said to Zhang Dabiao on the ground.

"Okay, I see." Zhang Dabiao was overjoyed when he heard Huzi's words, and shouted to the soldiers behind him, "Be sloppy, don't let our battalion lose the chain."

After finishing speaking, he began to check his own equipment again, preparing to take the lead in the charge later.


"Zhang Dabiao, how is the situation, are you ready?" Li Yunlong came to the first battalion and asked Zhang Dabiao.

"Regimental commander, don't worry. When did I, Zhang Dabiao, disappoint you in my work? Just wait for the brothers in the artillery company to ask when the shelling is over." Zhang Dabiao said to Li Yunlong with a smile.

"The battle plan is clear." Li Yunlong asked again.

"Leader, just wait and see."

"Okay." Hearing Zhang Dabiao's answer, Li Yunlong nodded and said.

At this moment, the shelling of the artillery battery stopped.

"Brothers, kill the little devil." Seeing that the artillery fire finally stopped, Zhang Dabiao took the lead and rushed towards the devil's position immediately.

After seeing Zhang Dabiao's movements, the soldiers of the first battalion also rushed towards the devil's position behind him, and Li Yunlong was among them.

And at this time the regiment headquarters of the 358 regiment.

"Teacher, there is a situation." Fang Ligong hurried into the command room and said to Chu Yunfei.

"What's wrong, brother Ligong? Take it easy, the sky won't fall." Seeing Fang Ligong in a hurry, Chu Yunfei got up and tried to persuade him.

"Tuan Zuo, the devils are attacking Dagu Town where the Xinyi Regiment is stationed. And according to intelligence personnel, there is the sound of large-scale shelling coming from the direction of Dagu Town. I'm afraid Li Yunlong won't be able to hold on." Fang Ligong pointed Chu Yunfei said that he thought it was the devils shelling the Xinyi Regiment. After all, although he was a little impressed by the strength of the Xinyi Regiment, he would never believe that a Tuba Road would be equipped with so many artillery pieces.

"Tuan Zuo, this is an opportunity for a tummy tuck consultation." Seeing that Chu Yunfei frowned and did not speak, Fang Ligong continued.

But Chu Yunfei did not open his mouth, but walked back and forth in the command room, and after staying for a long time, he said slowly: "In this case, Li Yunlong's new regiment will be in danger, after all, they are retaking Dagu There were already heavy casualties in the town.”

Chu Yunfei didn't think about the big lonely town that Fang Ligong mentioned later, after all, it was not his style to take advantage of others' dangers.

"Brother Ligong, order the troops to assemble. Follow me to save people." Chu Yunfei turned around and said to Fang Ligong.

"Tuan Zuo, why don't we wait for a while, and when the two sides are fighting and almost lose, wouldn't it be better for us to take action." Fang Ligong was afraid that Chu Yunfei would disagree, and continued: "In the final analysis, the Eighth Route Army is the principal's job after all. This is an opportunity for us."

"Brother Ligong, don't mention this matter again. I, Chu Yunfei, am not the kind of person who takes advantage of the fire. Even if I want to take it back to Dagu Town, I will take it back upright and aboveboard." Chu Yunfei interrupted Fang Ligong's words, somewhat He said angrily, what he hates the most is infighting. Before the enemy is wiped out, his own people will fight infighting. Isn't this a joke for outsiders.

Seeing that Chu Yunfei's weapon was not good enough, Fang Ligong didn't dare to say anything, he could only sigh and said, "Okay, I'll let the whole group gather."

"Brother Yunlong, I hope you can persist until my arrival." Chu Yunfei looked at Fang Ligong's back as he went out, and muttered to himself.

On the devil's side, when the artillery company continued to shell, they had no way to enter to save people. When the artillery fire stopped, they rushed in.

But when they rushed in, what they saw was a mess, stumped limbs and broken arms were everywhere, and there was no living person to be found.

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