The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 458 Attacking Ping'an County again

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Commander, I will handle the delivery of supplies myself." Kusuyama Hideyoshi said to Shinozuka Yoshio and walked out.


And Li Yunlong's side.

At the beginning, I didn't know how much damage the shelling caused to the devils. It was the news sent back by the intelligence personnel a few days later that I realized that the shelling had actually damaged the devils' combat supplies.

To launch combat operations against them, materiel must be redeployed.

So Li Yunlong's eyes lit up and he immediately summoned the troops, planning to take action before the devil's supplies were dispatched to catch the little devil by surprise.

Li Yunlong stood in front of the map and studied it carefully. With the strength of the new regiment of less than 2 people, it was a bit whimsical to think about eating two divisions of the devils.

Even if the combat materials were destroyed by him, the [-] troops of the two divisions, relying on the fortifications, are not the bones that he can gnaw down now, and if things go wrong, his teeth will collapse.

If you want to eat the two divisions outside Ping'an County, you must call the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment, but in this way, the Muto Triple in Ping'an County behind is particularly important.

Ping'an County must be taken down beforehand to prevent them from playing tricks behind their backs and attacking their side back and forth.

Thinking of this, Li Yunlong immediately called the eight battalion commanders in the regiment over, and then ordered someone to notify Ding Wei and Kong Jie, so that they were ready to give up their defense and take the initiative to attack.

Then let the first battalion, second battalion, third battalion and artillery company move to the outskirts of Ping'an County, let the third and fourth battalions, fifth battalion, sixth battalion, seventh battalion, eighth battalion, and cavalry company abandon the garrison and take the troops Guard the commanding heights on all roads.

After all, if Li Yunlong wanted to attack Ping'an County, the devils would definitely provide reinforcements, occupy the commanding heights in advance and fight steadily, slow down the enemy's offensive edge, and if it didn't work, they could blow up the road bridges in the defense area.

Ding Wei has a saying that Li Yunlong agrees with very much, don't be afraid of these altars and pots, they can still be built in the future if they are broken.

After defeating Ping'an County, turn around and destroy these troops who came to support, just like Ding Wei's tactics when Li Yunlong attacked Ping'an County in the TV series.

With Li Yunlong's order, more than 8000 people in the entire Xinyi regiment immediately took action.

That afternoon, Li Yunlong led two battalions and an artillery company to surround Ping'an County, and then ordered the artillery company to start shelling the city gate.

Then, the sound of howling shells moved towards the gate of Ping'an County.

Before the intelligence personnel reported, the sudden explosion woke up Muto Miyoshi in the command room.

With a serious face, he shouted to the guard at the door: "Quickly ask, what happened."

Hearing the commander's words, the devil at the door immediately turned around and ran outside, but before he could pulse, he was knocked down by the devil who came to report.

"Your Excellency, Commander, it's not good, Balu, Balu is attacking the city again." The soldier stood up from the ground in panic and rushed into the command room and shouted at Muto Sanbo.

"Baga, why is it this Li Yunlong?" Wu Teng Sanbei heard the person's words, and immediately judged that the person must be Li Yunlong,
Although the soldiers who came to report didn't say anything, he knew that there were not many in the Eighth Route Army with such courage, and it was impossible for other troops to come all the way to attack Ping'an County.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?"

"Come up to the city wall with me first." Muto Sanbei still doesn't know the situation outside, and he doesn't know whether Li Yunlong is besieging and not attacking like the previous two times, or is planning to take down Ping'an County.

So he wanted to go up to the city wall to see the situation before making a decision.If it really doesn't work, contact Li Yunlong privately to see if you can pay a little price in exchange for Li Yunlong's retreat.

In order to keep his position, in his view, it is not a big deal to pay a little price, anyway, it won't be long before Li Yunlong's new group will be wiped out.

After all, it was the Kwantung Army with two entire divisions. He did not believe that Li Yunlong would survive the siege of so many elite troops.

When Muto Sanbei led the people up the city wall, he looked at the densely packed Eighth Route Army troops not far below the city wall.

He knew that the city might not be able to defend. If the new regiment didn't have artillery, he still had some confidence that he could hold out until the reinforcements arrived, but now...

Muto frowned three times, thinking that since the new regiment fired, it must be prepared to tear the face of both sides today.

The only way now is to plead for support with the Xinyituan. As long as Li Yunlong can be held back for a while, the support troops will surely rush over. The risk of being flanked back and forth by one's own side.

Thinking of this, Muto Sanbei hurriedly called the adjutant over and asked him to go out of the city to the Xinyi Regiment to find Li Yunlong to negotiate terms.He also clearly told him that as long as Li Yunlong's conditions are not too excessive, he can agree first.

After a while, Matsushita Nosuke, the deputy of the No.60 Ninth Division, came to Li Yunlong.He was responsible for the private collusion between Sanbei Muto and Xinyituan before. He and Sanbei Muto are already grasshoppers on the same rope.

It's okay not to be discovered, as long as it is wanted by outsiders, it will definitely not end well. After all, no matter what the reason is, colluding with the enemy in private without the permission of the superior is a big problem everywhere.

But Li Yunlong didn't care, he had reported to the brigade commander about the triple contact between Xinyituan and Muto, so he wasn't afraid what would happen to him after the news got out.

But the only trouble is that the national army cannot know about it. Although many people in the national army are doing this kind of thing, it cannot be put on the table after all.Moreover, the Kuomintang and the Communist Armies are in a period of cooperation on the front, but private competition is not small, especially during this period, many senior executives in the national army have discovered that the Eighth Route Army has expanded too quickly and its strength has increased greatly. , will definitely be publicized in the newspapers, saying that he is a traitor.

But sometimes Li Yunlong will definitely be hard to argue with. After all, this kind of thing can't be explained at all, so he is so anxious to take down Ping'an County.

In this way, even if people knew about the private contact between himself and Muto Mibo, they would not believe it, thinking that it must be fake.

Faced with Muto sending people to negotiate with him three times, Li Yunlong was a little surprised, but it was also reasonable.

He didn't need to think about what the little devil was playing. He might have gone to the doctor in a hurry. After all, the army was approaching the city and the army was besieging the city.

No matter what conditions he raised at this time, he would almost agree as long as Muto did not open the city gate and surrender three times.

After all, this person has the desire to survive.Until the last moment, I will not choose to give up.

Li Yunlong thought about it, this is an opportunity for him.

The conditions should be discussed, things should be collected as they should be, and Ping'an County should be beaten as needed. Anyway, there is no need to talk about honesty with the little devil.

Based on the immoral things the little devils have done in the country, it is not an exaggeration to kill them all.

That is to say, his own strength is not enough, otherwise he must drive a horse to ride Tokyo.After all, strictly speaking, Li Yunlong is also a cynical youth, and from the beginning to the end, he kept an envelope, that is, the blood feud must be repaid with blood.

After all, in modern history, the little devil has done so many immoral things to our country, just thinking about it, you can't help but want to flay the little devil.

So ever since Li Yunlong came to this world and became the head of the new regiment, every time he fought, unless he was forced to, he would not keep any prisoners.

Even if the little devils wounded soldiers, they would let the soldiers go straight up to make up the knife. In short, after fighting so many battles with the little devils, the new regiment did not leave a single prisoner behind.

Even if you beat the devils to death, you have to strip them naked, leaving only a pair of pants for them, and then dig a hole and bury them directly.

If it wasn't for the fear that the corpses would rot and cause plague, Li Yunlong wouldn't even bury them. It would be better for them to expose the corpses to the wilderness and feed them all to wild dogs.

Thinking of this, Li Yunlong proposed conditions.It's okay to retreat by yourself, but Muto Mibo has to pay some benefits.

Li Yunlong and Matsushita Nosuke, the two bargained for a long time, the main reason for this is that Mito Muto wanted to be more realistic, after all, if he didn't even pay back the offer, it would definitely arouse suspicion from others.

So after talking for a long time, I saw that Li Yunlong had no intention of letting go, and when the two were negotiating, Li Yunlong did not ask Wang Chengzhu to stop the shelling.

It was not long before the gate of the city was about to be bombarded by Li Yunlong with artillery, and Matsushita Nosuke didn't want to waste any more time. Even though Li Yunlong's offer was indeed a little too much, he still agreed.

Anyway, the reason why they did this was to save time and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Before he came here, Muto Sanbo had already asked for help from Taiyuan, presumably at this time the reinforcements were on their way.

As long as they procrastinate for a little longer, when reinforcements arrive, Li Yunlong must die without a place to bury him.

At that time, the price I paid will still come back, but I just let Li Yunlong keep it for some time.

Thinking of this, Matsushita's support also showed a smile: "Li Jun, we are happy to cooperate. I will go back and report to your Excellency, the head of our division. As a sincerity, would you first stop your artillery and stop shelling Ping'an County?"

"This is not acceptable. I have to see something before I can trust you. As long as you send it over, I will lead my soldiers back." Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew that the reason why Muto Sanbo sent someone over Negotiating with myself is just to delay time, but why not myself.

Although as long as the county is breached, the contents inside will be his own, but he is afraid that the devils will take risks and destroy all the weapons and equipment in the warehouse before they break through the county.

In this case, he would have lost a lot, so he and the people sent by Muto Sanbo made a promise.

As for what to do after receiving the items, of course he continued to attack the county seat, and he didn't take the private treaty with the devils seriously at all.

Before leaving the county to not attack, it was just for low-key development and not attracting attention.

But it's different now, the devils are already on the doorstep, so why keep a low-key development and preserve their strength, anyway, when they fight with the little devils, their strength will be exposed sooner or later.

As for tearing up the private treaty with the little devil, Li Yunlong can't be blamed for this, but the little devil himself, after all, the little devil never takes the treaty seriously.

They've done this before.

Li Yunlong smiled when he sent Panasonic support out of the camp.

I thought that if the devil did what he said, then Xinyituan would really gain a lot.

You know, this is the weapons and equipment of two entire battalions. Of course, this is not the current battalion of the Xinyi Regiment. After all, although the Xinyi Regiment still arranges positions according to the previous ranks, although Zhang Dabiao and the others take the post of battalion commander , but actually commanded the strength of a regiment.

"Head, what's the good thing, so happy?" Seeing that the devil had gone away, Li Yunlong was still giggling there, so Zhang Dabiao walked up to Li Yunlong and asked curiously.

Although he also knew about the connection between the new regiment and the little devil, after all, Zhang Dabiao, as the battalion commander of the new regiment, forced the regiment headquarters in the defense area, and he had followed Li Yunlong for so many years, so Li Yunlong didn't deliberately hide some things He, but he didn't explain it to him, he didn't understand the specific things.

"Haha, of course it's a good thing, just wait, the little devil will bring me a present soon." Li Yunlong said to Zhang Dabiao with a haha ​​smile.

"Gifts, commander, we attack the county, the little devil will give you gifts instead of getting angry?" Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhang Dabiao was a little different, wondering if the commander's mind was broken.

Just relying on the little devil's previous style of doing things, it's fine if he doesn't work hard with us, and he will come here to give gifts with good intentions.

Besides, even if the little devil gave someone a gift, someone had to dare to accept it. You must know that the little devil is not a believer in men and women.No matter how many things he gives you, you have to pay him back twice as much.

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, go to the front line and watch, remember to wait for the next three rows to collect things." Li Yunlong gave Zhang Dabiao a white look and said angrily.

"Regimental Commander, when will we launch an attack? Let Company Commander Wang and the others save some shells and leave the task of breaking the city gate to our first battalion." Zhang Dabiao said a little depressed.

After arriving, Li Yunlong let them besiege the city, and then began to let the artillery company shell the gate of the city. It has been more than half an hour now, and there is no further action, so he came to ask Li Yunlong.

I don't know what the leader is calling attention to. Even if the little devil gives you a gift, you can't give them water.

Hearing Zhang Dabiao's words, Li Yunlong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "When the little devil delivers the things to us, we will start attacking the city. Go and tell the second battalion and the third battalion to get ready and start immediately after hearing the gunshots." Siege."

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