The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 461 The general attack begins

Chapter 461 The general attack begins

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang lowered his head and thought for a while, then said to Li Yunlong: "Old Li, I thought about your proposal, I really have to move the regiment headquarters from Zhaojiayu, otherwise it will be too far away and it will be inconvenient to manage.

But I also have some concerns, such a big Ping'an county was taken down by us, do you think the little devil can be reconciled?If it is like before, even if we are not the opponent of the little devil, it is a big deal to move the resident to another place, but the county seat is different... "

Although Zhao Gang didn't say it clearly, Li Yunlong knew that he was afraid that he would not be able to defend the county seat. After all, in the southwestern part of Shanxi, the Eighth Route Army had only three forces: the New First Regiment, the Independent Regiment, and the New Second Regiment. The scope is the Central Army or the Jinsui Army or bandits and bandits. It is not so easy to defend a county.

"Don't worry, old Zhao, you have to know that the strength of our regiment is not what it used to be. Let alone defending a safe county, we can still do it." Li Yunlong said confidently.

He had already calculated that as long as he could withstand this wave of attacks from the devils and rely on Ping'an County to expand the area of ​​defense, the new regiment would definitely usher in great development.

But the Japanese army has already set in the west, and the Pacific battlefield has already involved most of their troops, and they can't take care of the domestic battlefield at all. This operation can be regarded as the devil's last counterattack.

If they can't gain an advantage in this battle, then they can only find a way to hold on to the occupied area. After all, the little devils have only so many comprehensive strengths. Compared with the domestic battlefield, they pay more attention to the Pacific direction.

After all, even if the domestic battlefield fails, as long as they keep their homeland, they can fight back, and the Pacific battlefield is related to the life and death of their homeland, and they still know which is more important.

Just when Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang agreed to move the headquarters of the new regiment from Zhaojiayu to Ping'an County after this difficulty was over, Zhang Dabiao hurried in from the outside.

"Regimental Commander, Political Commissar, our troops have all returned to the station, and the casualties and seizures of this battle have also been counted." Zhang Dabiao came in and reported to Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang.

Hearing Zhang Dabiao's words, Zhao Gang hurriedly said: "Battalion Commander Zhang, hurry up, sit down and tell us, how are the casualties of the troops sent by our Xinyi Regiment to stop the Japanese army this time?"

When Li Yunlong heard Zhang Dabiao's words, he also looked at him. Although he was curious, he didn't urge him.

Zhang Dabiao sat down, took a sip of water, and then slowly said: "Head, political commissar, the troops we sent to stop the little devils this time have gained a lot. Although we can't get specific data, according to the seized materials, we This time the enemy suffered at least 700 casualties, while we only suffered more than 900 casualties, of which 360 were killed, 420 were slightly injured, 180 were seriously injured."

"A total of more than 600 [-]-type rifles, eleven light machine guns, three heavy machine guns, two grenadiers, one mortar, bullets, shells, and a lot of logistical supplies were seized..."

Hearing the numbers Zhang Dabiao said, both Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang smiled.In this battle, although the little devil can't say that it hurts his muscles and bones this time, it is enough for them to suffer for a few days.

After all, in the last battle, the Japanese army’s logistics supplies had been blown up by the Xinyi Regiment, and it was finally replenished by Li Yunlong who consumed so much. The new second regiment and the independent regiment launched an attack, which was impossible in a short time.

Afterwards, the initiative on the battlefield has passed from the Japanese side to the Eighth Route Army headed by Li Yunlong.

As long as a way is found to prevent the Japanese army from getting sufficient supplies, it will only be a matter of time before these two Kwantung Army divisions are eliminated. Li Yunlong has already seen victory beckoning to him.As long as you follow the steps on your own side, slowly consume the opponent by boiling the frog in warm water.No matter how elite the little devil is, he can't stop the fact of failure.


For a period of time after that, apart from sending people to monitor the movements of the devils and sending troops to attack the Japanese army's logistics convoy, Li Yunlong had already focused all his attention on Ping'an County.In Li Yunlong's mind, as long as his own strength is strong, it is only a matter of time before the little devil is eliminated.

Although Ping'an County has been taken down by Xinyituan, there must still be many devils in the city. In order to prevent these people from causing damage to the county, Li Yunlong suggested to Zhao Gang to confiscate guns in the city.

Post a notice that if anyone has a gun, no matter what kind of gun, as long as they turn it in, they can be rewarded, but if they don't turn it in within a fixed time, they will be severely punished once they are found out.

And if someone exposes it, a certain reward will also be given.

Since the notice was posted, countless people have turned in their guns throughout Ping'an County. Even some homemade shotguns and some guns that don't work have come to hand them in.

Of course, some people must hide their guns. This is unavoidable, even in later generations, not to mention in this era, even so, the action of collecting guns has to be done.

Under Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang's series of actions, Ping'an County has been stabilized by the Xinyi Regiment, and many devil spies and intelligence personnel from other forces have been arrested.


Half a year passed in a blink of an eye, and now it is [-]. During the past six months, the Japanese army launched several attacks on the Xinyi regiment in Ping'an County, but they were all stopped by Li Yunlong.

And after half a year of training, Xinyi Regiment has grown to a force of more than 2 people.

Not only the new first regiment, but even Kong Jie's independent regiment and Ding Wei's new second regiment are also on the rise.

Using Li Yunlong's method of encircling the city from the countryside, the defense area of ​​the two regiments has changed from one or two towns before to a vast rural area occupying an entire county.

Except for the county town, it is under the control of their two regiments.The strength of the army has also increased from more than 3000 to more than 7000, but the weapons and equipment are not as sophisticated as the new regiment. Because the strength of the army has grown too fast, many soldiers can only be equipped with those outdated shotguns, and some can only hold big knives and spears. spear.

But there is no way to do this, after all, there are only so many weapons and equipment, and as the Eighth Route Army, the bald head will not give them supplies.But this is not bad, in the ranks of the Eighth Route Army, except for the pervert Xinyituan in the regiment-level troops.The strength of the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment basically has no rivals at all.

In the base area in southwestern Shanxi, the new first regiment, the new second regiment, and the independent regiment have a combined strength of more than 4 troops, accounting for one-tenth of the total strength of the Eighth Route Army.

In stark contrast is the little devil, whose strength has not only not increased, but has also declined severely.The strength of the Kwantung Army has changed from 3 troops in the previous two divisions to less than 2 now.Even if the defenders in the other two counties are added, the force will not exceed 5000. Compared with Li Yunlong and his three regiments, they are already at a disadvantage. Can be whimsical.

And it is not so easy to transfer troops from other places. After all, the Northeast Kwantung Army has to transfer troops to the Pacific Theater in addition to defending the northern powers, and the local troops are almost exhausted.

Even on the domestic battlefield, many child soldiers have appeared.Li Yunlong knew that the devil had reached the moment when his body was exhausted, as long as he persisted for more than a year, the little devil would surrender.

What I have to do now is to develop my own strength, prepare for a large-scale counterattack, and wait until the critical moment to give the little devil a fatal blow.

But before that, the Kwantung Army of the two divisions had to be wiped out. After all, how could others be allowed to sleep soundly in the couch.

The development of strength has reached its peak now, if it wants to develop further, it can only drive out or eliminate the little devils nearby.

So Li Yunlong sent people to summon Ding Wei and Kong Jie, intending to discuss it and launch a general attack to wipe out the devils from these two divisions.


In Ping'an County, in the headquarters of the New First Regiment, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were looking at the map, while the eight battalion commanders represented by Zhang Dabiao sat around the table, waiting for Li Yunlong to give orders.

"Li Yunlong, don't say a word to greet your old comrades when they come, isn't he a little bit drifting?"

Hearing the sound, Li Yunlong knew that it was Ding Wei and Kong Jie, so he turned around and looked at the door.

"Come in when you're here, why don't you let me go out to pick you up?" Li Yunlong said with a smile.

Leaving the guard at the door, Ding Wei and Kong Jie walked in alone.

"Old Li, you called me and Lao Kong over this time, what are you doing?" Ding Wei asked Li Yunlong in front of the group after he came in and looked at the situation in the house.

The new second regiment has developed so fast during this period, and it is inseparable from Li Yunlong's support. However, there are still some sequelae of the rapid development of the army, that is, the proportion of recruits is too large, the weapons and equipment are somewhat stretched, and the combat effectiveness has declined seriously. Therefore, for Li Yunlong to send people this time Calling himself over, Ding Wei had great expectations.

As long as he called him and Kong Jie over this time, Li Yunlong must have made a big move, and he was very happy to fight the little devil.

After all, this will not only train the recruits, but also capture a lot of weapons and equipment if they fight well. Although in the past six months, they have surrounded the two divisions of the Kwantung Army to fight for aid, and they have seized supplies, but after all, the scale of the battle is a bit small. And there are casualties and losses on one's own side.

Even if there are occasional harvests, the accumulation is not too much. These small fights alone cannot solve the actual problems in the group.

"Sit down and talk." Li Yunlong took the map off the wall and spread it on the table, and then said to Ding Wei and Kong Jie beside him.

After several people were ready, Zhao Gang poured a cup of tea for everyone with a teapot, and then Li Yunlong said:

"Old Ding is right. Old Zhao and I have studied for several days before, planning to launch a big operation for the little devils, and beat up the devils near our three regiments at once."

As he spoke, Li Yunlong pointed to the four places on the map where the Japanese troops were concentrated.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Ding Wei looked at the map carefully and didn't speak, but Kong Jie was a little surprised and said:
"Let me tell you, Old Li, you have to think about it. Although the little devil has suffered a lot in the past six months, he still has strength. If we act rashly, we might get into the little devil's trap."

It’s no wonder that Kong Jie was worried. After all, although they had won many battles before, especially when the Xinyi Regiment took down Ping’an County, these battles were all fought with an absolute advantage. They were either sneak attacks or Occupy the commanding heights to defend, or play more and play less.

However, in terms of field battles, the overall strength of the Eighth Route Army is still not as good as that of the Devils. Even if it has more troops than the Devils, it still does not have a decisive advantage.

Take the Xinyi Regiment as an example. The quality of individual soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment is considered the highest in the Eighth Route Army, but it is not as good as that of the devils. twice as many troops.

Even if the three regiments together have 4 people, the devils on the opposite side have a lot of troops. Although the overall strength is more than the devils, they do not have an absolute advantage.

Especially in the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment, there are still many soldiers who are not even equipped with rifles, and these fighters account for one-third of the two regiments.

So Kong Jie was a little worried. After all, the development of the independent group was not easy. He didn't want to ruin his hard work for so many years because of a battle.

"Old Kong, you can't say that. Although our overall strength is indeed inferior to the devils, there is no way out." Hearing Kong Jie's words, Ding Wei said before Li Yunlong could refute.

"Why old Ding, what do you think?" Kong Jie looked up at Ding Wei and asked.

Li Yunlong, who was at the side, saw Ding Wei say this, and also looked at him.

Ding Wei saw that the servants looked at him and thought he didn't care, he just laughed, and then said unhurriedly:
"I do have some ideas. Although the overall strength of the devils is superior, we can't let other people's ambitions destroy our prestige, and we don't just look at the data on paper. If this is the case, our Eighth Route Army will be wiped out by the enemy. It will develop so strong, don’t you think?”

"I'm talking about Lao Ding, so don't be foolish, just say what you have to say, I know, I, Kong Jie, are not as smart as you are." Hearing that there was something in Ding Wei's words, Kong Jie asked anxiously.

But Li Yunlong's eyes lit up when he heard Ding Wei's words. When he discussed with Zhao Gang before, he had already thought of a way to deal with the devils, but since Ding Wei wanted to stand out, he would not bother him.

"Although the strength of our three regiments does not have an absolute advantage over the little devils, it is not impossible to win. You see, the Japanese forces around us are divided into four, and they are not close to each other." Ding Wei pointed to the map. He introduced to several people: "If we concentrate our forces to attack the devils near Anhua County, even if the other three Japanese troops want to come to support, they will have to arrive at least an hour later."

(End of this chapter)

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