The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 468 Running a Military Academy

Knowing that the Japanese army will surrender in more than half a year, Li Yunlong has no need to provoke the devils anymore, and puts all his thoughts on the development of the army and the base area.

After eradicating bandits and bandits in the defense area, Li Yunlong summoned Zhao Gang, Ding Wei, and Kong Jie to discuss the establishment of a group of military schools to train low-level commanders in the army.

After all, since the merger and establishment of the North China First Column, the number of troops has expanded rapidly, and now the total strength of the militia has reached more than 7.

Although the strength has increased a lot, the shortcomings have also been revealed, that is, the quality of the bottom-level officers has seriously declined.Some military officers, let alone literacy, can't even read maps.

Although Li Yunlong asked Zhao Gang to run a literacy class when he was in the Xinyi Regiment, there were very few people who could read and understand maps, and after several major battles, the number of people who could read and understand maps also decreased a lot.

So Li Yunlong thought of setting up a military academy to train officers in one step. After all, with so many troops now, it is not enough to rely on the superiors to send officers, and the headquarters does not have so many talents to send to Li Yunlong.

After all, the Eighth Route Army did not only have Li Yunlong's troops to expand its strength. Since the KMT and the Communist Party cooperated, the Eighth Route Army's strength has expanded from tens of thousands before to tens of thousands now, an increase of more than 10 times. Cultivate by yourself.

And even if there are intellectuals, most of them are doing logistics work, just like Zhao Gang, so most of the commanders in the Eighth Route Army think that Li Yunlong doesn't know a big character. Few, and most of them are in the national army.

That's why Li Yunlong thought of setting up a military academy to solve this problem once and for all.

After all, there are still more than half a year before the Japanese army will surrender. At that time, they will definitely accept a large number of Japanese army equipment, and the expansion of the army is a certainty.

Then the personnel and weapons and equipment are all there, and the rest are mainly officers, especially low-level officers. Although those who can fight do not necessarily have to be literate, literacy is always a good thing. As a latecomer, Li Yunlong knows that the future of the army is the knowledge development trend.

In the future, not only military officers must have knowledge and academic qualifications, but even leading soldiers must have knowledge, otherwise who will control those technical weapons.

Although Zhao Gang, Ding Wei, and Kong Jie didn't have the long-term vision of Li Yunlong, they still supported the establishment of a military academy. Although some of them were not well-educated, they also knew the importance of talents.

Moreover, Zhao Gang also drew inferences from one instance, proposing not only to establish a military academy, but also to establish a comprehensive college to train administrative personnel.

After all, the first column has occupied seven counties, as well as a large number of rural towns in North China, so many areas have to be managed by Zhao Gang.

He was very busy every day, and Zhao Gang was a bit out of his wits, so when Li Yunlong proposed to set up a military academy, he agreed without saying a word.

"Old Li, how did you come up with the idea of ​​building a military academy, not to mention, this idea is really good." Kong Jie asked Li Yunlong while drinking tea.He is very much in favor of Li Yunlong's proposal to establish a military academy. Although he has no culture, he respects people of culture from the bottom of his heart.

"Let's not talk about this first, let's talk about the military academy, Lao Li, I am not attacking you, although I also caused the military academy to train military commanders, but this military academy is not so easy to run, let's not talk about anything else, Let’s talk about this teacher first, where do you go to invite him? Although Lao Zhao’s education level is not low, but in terms of military...” Although Ding Wei didn’t say it clearly, the meaning is already clear. It’s true that Zhao Gang is a college student, but he Since I participated in the revolution, I have been holding civilian jobs, and I am not as good as them in terms of military command.

But even though their positions are not low and their military command ability is not weak, let them teach in a few districts, so forget it.

Hearing Ding Wei's words, Zhao Gang also reacted. Among them, there are almost no people who have attended the school system and studied military commanders, so who will be the instructor? Zhao Gang was still a little worried about letting him serve as the instructor. After all, Li Yunlong still learned his culture from him.

So after Ding Wei finished speaking, Zhao Gang frowned and said, "Yeah, Lao Li, where do we go to hire this teacher? Let the headquarters support? Although the headquarters has some talents in some fields, there are not many, and they will definitely not give us much help."

Hearing what the two said, Li Yunlong thought for a while and said, "It's easy to handle. Since the headquarters can't provide support, let's find a way by ourselves. In terms of cultural courses, Lao Zhao will arrange people to be teachers. As for military teachers, we will find them from our own team. , Let those regiment and battalion commanders take turns to be teachers, as for how the course is taught, anyway, it’s better to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor than to do nothing.”

"Can this work?" Zhao Gang asked worriedly after hearing Li Yunlong's words.

"I think it's pretty good. Old Li is right. It's better to learn than not to learn. Anyway, it's like this. Can it be worse than before?" Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Ding Wei opened his eyes and said.

"I think we can give it a try. We are self-reliant, right? Besides, we all come from mud legs, so we still fight." Kong Jie also agrees very much. Anyway, there is no way. Who would want to do this if they are talented?

Seeing that a few people had no objections, Li Yunlong said, "Okay, let's make a decision like this. Next, we will find an address for the school and give it a name, and quickly set up the school, so that we can cultivate talents as soon as possible."

"Why don't we call it "Northwest Shanxi Military Command Squad"? I think it's a good name, what do you two think?" Ding Wei nodded and said, looking at Li Yunlong and Kong Jie at the side. Anyway, there are only three of them in the military field. Make up your mind, Zhao Gang only cares about life in the army.

"Well, Lao Ding is a good name, I think it's very good." After Ding Wei finished speaking, Kong Jie agreed. Anyway, he didn't know how to name it himself, and he didn't have this level. It's a good name, Northwest Shanxi, isn't that where the three of them made their fortunes.

"No, no, even though this name can be reached, I think it's almost meaningless." Li Yunlong objected.

The main reason is that he thinks the name is too restrictive, and it also has regional attributes. Although they started their business in Northwest Shanxi, they can't stay here forever.

"I said, Lao Li, if you think my name is not good, then you should come up with another one." Ding Wei thought that Li Yunlong was deliberately finding fault, and thought that Li Yunlong didn't know what level he was. The name he chose was almost meaningless. Anyway, Ding Wei felt that the name he had chosen was good. Even if he was killed, he would not believe that Li Yunlong could choose a better name than himself.

But Li Yunlong's next words made him dumbfounded and a little surprised.

Li Yunlong laughed and said, "Don't tell me, old Ding, I've already named you before. The reason why I said that just now is to see what level you two are at."

When Kong Jie on the side heard Li Yunlong's words, he gave him an angry look and said mockingly: "Then you are telling me, I see, you, Li Yunlong, are just Zhu Bajie wearing glasses and pretending to be a college student, and you also dislike the name given by Lao Ding Not good enough, I think the name you gave is not as good as Lao Ding."

Li Yunlong was not angry when he heard Kong Jie's words. After all, he has been an old comrade in arms for so many years. He still knows Kong Jie's character, so he said with a smile: "University students are still pretending to be college students. To tell you the truth, the level of college students is not as good as that. What about us?"

After speaking, Li Yunlong glanced at Zhao Gang. Li Yunlong's cultural level is really not low. He was a graduate of TV University before time travel, and he also attended the foreign language class of Peking University in his previous life. If nothing else, his foreign language proficiency must be better than that of Zhao Gang. , but he couldn't say anything about it.

"I'm talking about Lao Li, what are you talking about, after all, why do you see me? Why, you still want to make gestures with me?" Seeing Li Yunlong looking at him, Zhao Gang couldn't help but said.

"Li Yunlong, stop stretching, and tell me the name you gave the school." Ding Wei poked Li Yunlong with his hand and said.

"All right, all right, let me say it's not enough." Li Yunlong waved his hand and said, "The military academy is called the National Defense Military Academy." As for the cadre training class that Lao Zhao mentioned, why not just call it the "National School of Administration"? Is it more atmospheric than Lao Ding's "Northwest Shanxi Military Command Squad"? "

""National Defense Military Academy", "National Administration Academy"" Zhao Gang lowered his head and muttered a few words, then raised his head and said in disbelief: "This name is really good, but Lao Li, isn't your name a bit... ... a bit big."

This was really beyond Zhao Gang's expectations. Originally, he thought that with Li Yunlong's little ink, he couldn't think of any good names at all.But I didn't expect that Li Yunlong really gave him a surprise, but he was a little embarrassed. After all, these two schools also played the role of a training class according to his intention.

It's not that Li Yunlong's name is not good enough, but he feels that the school run by him is not worthy of the name at all.

"Let me tell you, Lao Li, you have a lot of ambition. We can also use the word country? I think it's better to use the name I chose. The name "Northwest Shanxi Military Command Squad" is low-key enough." Ding Wei looked at Li Yunlong. With two eyes, the image of Li Yunlong in my heart has changed a lot.

"I think the name has to be louder, to make people feel majestic, otherwise it won't be attractive." Li Yunlong didn't care what Zhao Gang and Ding Wei said. Important, just like the names given by those third-rate schools in later generations, although the strength is very poor, it does not affect his enrollment.

"Okay, let's do as we said. The name is decided. Next, let's talk about the location of the school. Lao Zhao, do you think the county is suitable for setting up a school? First find a place to make do with the school. Anyway, we will wait for us later. When the conditions are good, we have to rebuild.” What Li Yunlong wanted was to arrange the two schools in Ping’an County, because among the seven counties they occupied, Ping’an County happened to be in the middle, and it was the largest among the seven counties. The geographical location of a county is extremely superior, otherwise it would be impossible for Li Yunlong to set up the headquarters here.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang thought for a while and then said: "We happened to confiscate the assets of a group of Japanese businessmen when we were confiscated in Ping'an County. Now we still have five yards empty in our hands. Take out two yards. It’s nothing to run a school, but I don’t know which two are suitable, why don’t you take a look.” Zhao Gang took out the county map, circled the location of the five courtyards with a pen, and handed it to Li Yulong.

Li Yunlong took the map and looked at it, and then circled the two adjacent courtyards. Although these two courtyards are not the largest here, they are in a good location and the two courtyards are still next to each other, separated by a road wall.

Anyway, the scale of the school will not be very large at the beginning. When the conditions are good, I will definitely build a school with a large-scale building alone. Now the two yards are enough for improvisation.

After choosing the name and arranging the location of the school, Li Yunlong discussed with the three of them about the first batch of teachers and the subjects to be studied.

After a short negotiation and Li Yunlong's proposal, the first batch of teachers and study subjects were determined.

The School of Administration runs the school completely according to Zhao Gang’s ideas. As for the Military Academy, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, and Kong Jie have discussed it, especially Li Yunlong. In the past few years, most of the connections were made by Li Yunlong. Ding Wei also raised a few points. As for Kong Jie, basically Just nodded.

The learning subjects of the military school are determined to include basic cultural courses, reading pictures, drawing pictures, and homework on pictures. The major subjects include infantry, artillery, cavalry, and special warfare. There is a transportation department and a logistics support department.

Basically, all the arms in Li Yunlong's army have entered the school's learning subjects.The first batch of instructors are all excellent commanders and fighters selected from the army.

To organize the appointment of the school's management, the School of Administration was handed over to Zhao Gang, all administrators and teachers were selected from the political commissar's office, and the post of school principal was assumed by Zhao Gang.

The principal of the military academy was also Li Yunlong. Of course, Ding Wei and Kong Jie were not idle either. They served as vice principals, one principal and two vice principals, which were about the same level as the three of them in the army.

After handling the school affairs well, the next step is to select students, because the conditions are limited, and not everyone can come to further studies. The first selection is to have a certain cultural background, and at least they must be able to read. After all, time is limited and they cannot start from scratch. Learning, although most of the Eighth Route Army came from mud-legged backgrounds, there are still quite a few people who can read.

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