The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 470 Prepare for the Japanese surrender

After Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang discussed the new address of the school, they immediately called for manual work. During this period of time, the farmers just finished the autumn harvest and had nothing to do after harvesting the grain, so it was easy to mobilize enough manpower.

The architectural design of the new school was all completed by Li Yunlong, and all the buildings were basically two- or three-story buildings.

The project volume of the first phase is not very large. In Li Yunlong's vision, it will take at least two or three years to complete the construction of the school.

In order to build these two schools, Li Yunlong also specially asked people to build several brick and tile factories, a small ironworks and a glass factory, and the products produced were mainly provided to the schools.

The equipment used to build the factory was collected from seven counties. Shanxi had a good industrial capacity under Yan Xishan's management before, otherwise the Taiyuan Arsenal would not have become the second largest armory in China.

After the Japanese army occupied Shanxi, in order to reduce the logistical pressure, some equipment was left behind. This is a good thing, and it is all cheaper for Li Yunlong.

Because of the popularity of high-quality grain seeds before, all the agricultural land in the defense area is now planted with the seeds that Li Yunlong took out.

Grain production must have more than doubled from before. In addition to satisfying people's normal consumption, large-scale feeding of livestock is also required.

When Li Yunlong was in the new regiment before, the several breeding farms he built were also popularized in the army on a large scale. Basically, every regiment and battalion had their own breeding farms.

In addition, in the vast rural areas, people in every household are allowed to breed rabbits.

Because of the provision of a large amount of meat, the physical fitness of the soldiers has been greatly improved, and the amount of training has also been increased for this reason.

The improvement of physical fitness has enabled many fighters to meet the conditions for entering the elite squad. For this reason, the elite squad has also ushered in a great development. Now the elite squad has more than 500 members. It has three squadrons and nine squads. The increase in personnel It also increased the need for talents, so Li Yunlong added special operations to the school's compulsory subjects.

It has been more than two years since the establishment of the elite team, and they have also figured out a set of fighting methods suitable for themselves, and gradually got on the right track. For this reason, Li Yunlong also planned to change the name of the elite team.

Originally, Li Yunlong was in charge of the affairs of the elite team, so he didn't need to discuss with Zhao Gang, Ding Wei, and Kong Jie, he could make his own decision.

Li Yunlong thought about changing the name of the elite team for several days, and finally changed the elite team directly to the Dragon Soul Special Forces, which consisted of three squadrons—Spike Fang, Dagger, and Seal.

In order to distinguish the difference between special forces and ordinary forces, Li Yunlong also increased the management of special forces. The captain is at the same level as the regiment leader, and the squadron leader is at the same level as the battalion commander. The target is at the same level as the company commander. The soldier level is also the squad leader.

Although there is no need to discuss the name of the special forces with Zhao Gang and the others, but Ding Wei and the others must discuss the promotion of special forces. After all, the troops have been merged, and the affairs of the troops are not in the hands of Li Yunlong alone.

Especially the matter of improving the treatment of the special forces team. After all, Ding Wei and the others are not too familiar with the elite team.Although they knew about the existence of the elite team before, Li Yunlong was always in charge of the specific affairs. After the merger of the troops, they were busy with other things and did not pay too much attention to the elite team.

After all, the number of elite teams is only so small, even if the combat power is strong, it will not change the situation on the battlefield in their eyes.

So when Li Yunlong proposed to improve the treatment of the special forces, both Ding Wei and Kong Jie opposed it.

"Old Li, it's not that I disagree with you about the promotion of the special forces team. The main reason is that the promotion is a bit big? After all, there are only about [-] people in this troop, which is not as many as a company." Ding Wei directly objected after Li Yunlong proposed to improve the treatment of the special forces.

After all, since the merger of the three of them, the strength of the troops has grown rapidly, and now it has more than 6000 troops. This number of troops has only been divided into twelve regiments, ten infantry regiments, one cavalry regiment, one The artillery regiment has an average of more than 4000 people per regiment, more than 500 people per battalion, and more than 500 people per company.

The elite squad was only [-] people before, even if it was expanded, it would only be [-] people, at most it would be the size of an infantry company.

However, Li Yunlong had to raise the strength of a company to the regiment in terms of treatment. He felt that this was a bit unbelievable, so he objected.

After all, although Ding Wei has been on the battlefield for a long time, his vision is limited. If he had experienced the afterlife, he would not be so surprised.

In later generations, for a 500-member special operations team, the rank of the military commander is always at the division level, and the last one must be at the brigade level.

But this treatment is not up to Li Yunlong to decide. After all, his current position is that of a column captain, which is about the same as a brigade commander in terms of rank.

After all, there are not many regular division commanders in the Eighth Route Army. Although Li Yunlong's army has a large number of troops, the ranks have to be reduced.

This is not just one of their units, it often happens in other units as well.Take the 386th Brigade of Li Yunlong's old army as an example. Although it is at the level of a brigade and can only use two regiments, there are seven or eight regiments in private. These things are normal in the Eighth Route Army. The regiment does not have a formal number.

"Old Ding, this special forces team is different from ordinary troops. You can't treat it as an ordinary army. Although this seems abnormal to you, special forces are treated like this all over the world." Li Yunlong looked at Ding Wei and said speechlessly.

"Old Li, how about this? Let's raise the treatment of this unit to the battalion level first. If this unit can really play an unexpected role, it won't be too late for us to raise the treatment for him. You What do you say?" Seeing that the two were still arguing, Kong Jie persuaded him from the side.

He didn't know much about the special forces that Li Yunlong said. After all, Kong Jie was originally a mud-legged voice, and he didn't have much culture. There were not many people fighting, and Ding Wei and Kong Jie happened to be among them.

After all, they don't have enough Chinese characters, let alone foreign characters. Even if they have a high level of education, if they are not in this industry, they will not pay attention to the concept of special operations.

But compared to Kong Jie, Ding Wei is more able to accept the changes brought about by emerging things. The reason why he opposed Li Yunlong before was because he felt that Li Yunlong took too big a step.

He believes that it should be done step by step. After all, the appointment of a regiment is not a small matter. If it is not suitable, they will also be implicated.

And even the headquarters does not have a unit that can be called a special operations force.

"I think otherwise, let's have a simulated battle in the army. Twelve regiments will take turns to fight against Wei Dayong's special forces. If the special forces fail once, it will be regarded as nothing. But if the special forces keep maintaining Victory, then do as I say." Li Yunlong thought for a while and felt that this method was very good, and it happened to let Ding Wei and Kong Jie see how powerful special operations are.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Ding Wei and Kong Jie glanced at each other, and both felt that Li Yunlong was a little out of his mind. You know, this is a regiment of more than 4000 troops. 500 people just want to win, even little devils shouldn't be so rampant.

So the two agreed in unison: "Old Li, you said this, you can't go back on your word, I'd like to see if the troops you brought out by Li Yunlong are all superhuman."

"Hey, it's a mule or a horse, let's pull it out for a walk. Just talking about it without practicing it is a fake move. Since I, Li Yunlong, dare to say it, I must be sure of it." Li Yunlong responded with a smile.

Li Yunlong was not worried about the outcome of this confrontation at all. After all, Wei Dayong and the others had experienced countless battles in the past two years, and they had long since honed in on their own fighting style.Isn't it just a group? For them, it will take a little trouble at most.

So in the next month, Wei Dayong took about [-] members of the special forces team to and from various stations in the defense zone, and his whereabouts were basically erratic. Although the other twelve regiments had received Li Yunlong and Ding Wei. The order that people send down.

But for the arrival of the special forces, they were still not prepared at all, and they still defended as they did on the battlefield in the past.

But the special operations team is different from ordinary troops after all, so the twelve regiments have suffered a lot.The troops who have been in the new regiment before are better. After all, they have been in contact with Wei Dayong for a long time, and they all know how powerful the elite squad is.

But the troops from the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment didn't know about it. They still treated the Special Forces as ordinary troops, so they didn't pay much attention to the news when they got the news.

After all, in their thinking, a 500-man army would not be able to win in minutes, but the reality slapped them hard.

After being raided by the special forces team, he was on the verge of collapse, and he was defeated after a short time.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie's eyes lit up in this wonderful simulated confrontation. They didn't expect that the battle could be fought like this.

The two couldn't help trembling in their hearts, wondering if their troops would be able to persevere if they were subjected to such a surprise attack, and whether they could defend against the opponent's beheading action - the answer depends on luck.

Although some failed troops yelled that it was unfair, saying that the special operations team was invincible in raids.But Li Yunlong didn't spoil them, instead he severely criticized them, and Ding Wei and Kong Jie didn't help them.

After all, losing is losing, and there is no fairness on the battlefield.

After seeing the strength of the Special Forces, the two voted unanimously on Li Yunlong's proposal to improve the treatment of the Special Forces. After all, such a powerful force must be treasured.

After all, the safety of a few people may have to be guaranteed by special forces in the future.And there are not so many bells and whistles in the army, strength has the final say from beginning to end.

As long as you are strong enough, you can get treatment that others cannot get, and the special forces have such strength.

Neither Ding Wei nor Ding Wei would object to the promotion to the regiment level, even to the brigade level, not to mention the treatment of the special forces, but they did not have this authority.

The reason why the combat effectiveness of the Special Forces is so strong is that, in addition to their original training intensity, there is also Li Yunlong's support in equipment.

In the 500-member special forces team, basically everyone is equipped with automatic weapons. In addition to more than 300 submachine guns, there are also a large number of light and heavy machine guns. In addition, they are also equipped with a pistol and a dagger.

Other equipment is also much better than other ordinary soldiers. Li Yunlong said this, as long as there are members of the special forces in the army, they can take it at will, even if the army does not have it, as long as they bring it up, Li Yunlong will also Find a way to get it for them, whether by grabbing it or stealing it.

That's why the combat effectiveness of the special forces can be so powerful. After all, they were selected by Li Yunlong from tens of thousands of fighters, and everyone in the original army belonged to the elite.

When these elites get together, the combat power that erupts is not simply one plus one equals two.That is a geometric increase, especially after systematic training, everyone's strength has been greatly improved.

After dealing with the affairs of the special forces, the troops have entered into a stable development.

In a flash, six months passed.

During this period, the first batch of fighters who received advanced training have graduated and returned to their original troops.

And the new batch of students has also been recruited. The number of students in this group is much larger than before. Although the new school building has not been built yet, the completed part can accommodate these students.

Moreover, the training time for this batch of students will also be longer than that of the first batch. They will complete twelve months of study in the new school.

In the past six months, Li Yunlong didn't know that he was patronizing the development of the defense zone, and the strength of the troops has not fallen. Taking the strength of the troops as an example, after half a year of development, it has grown from more than 5 regular troops to more than 2 militiamen before. Now it has 5 regular troops and more than [-] militiamen.

Although the troop's strength has expanded a bit quickly, the training has not fallen behind, but the weapons and equipment are not enough. After all, there are so many troops, and the firearms alone are not a small sum.

No matter how powerful Li Yunlong is, he still can't change it alive, and Li Yunlong has thought about this problem before.

After all, after a period of time, the Japanese army will surrender, and as long as their troops move faster, their weapons and equipment will be like picking up garbage.

But now only Li Yunlong knows about this matter, and Ding Wei and Kong Jie don't know about it, so there is something wrong with Li Yunlong's blind expansion of troops.

I have discussed with Li Yunlong several times before, and I want Li Yunlong to be safer, but Li Yunlong finds various reasons to prevaricate.

Anyway, there is only one purpose, to expand the troops as much as possible without revealing their secrets. Anyway, the Japanese army will surrender in more than a month.

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