The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 472 Race against time to expand the territory

Chapter 472 Race against time to expand the territory
"What's the point of guessing? You know, the U.S. military dropped two atomic bombs on the devils before, killing tens of thousands of them. Isn't it just a day or two before they surrender?" Li Yunlong waved his hand and said.

"I said why did Lao Li disperse his troops a few days ago, so he was waiting for this day." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Ding Wei nodded and said thoughtfully.

Then he became happy again. After all, the surrender of the devils was a big event. The eight-year war of resistance was finally over. For this war, the people in the country sacrificed too much. Now they can finally live in peace.

Li Yunlong saw that the expressions of several people were a little loose, so he said:

"Although the devils surrendered, the war is not over. As soldiers, we must not relax at all."

"Lao Li, what do you mean..." Kong Jie asked, frowning.

After all, this is a period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Although it is inconvenient to say some things, everyone of them understands, but they just don't want to think about it.

After all, the common people in China have experienced decades of war since the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Everyone doesn't want to go through war anymore, but some things don't happen if you don't want to.

"Old Li is right. Although we as soldiers should not care about politics, we still need to make necessary preparations." Zhao Gang nodded in agreement when he heard Li Yunlong's words.

"Old Li, since you have long believed that the Japanese army will surrender, how did you prepare?" Ding Wei looked at Li Yunlong and asked.

Li Yunlong took out a map and spread it on the table, then turned around and said to several people:

"There is nothing to say about this. Of course, it is a windfall when the Japanese army surrenders. Given the geographical location of our defense zone, if we want to get the most interest, we only need to confiscate the devils' weapons and equipment in the direction of Taiyuan and Beiping. Then we can at least get half of the weapons and equipment of the Japanese army in North China."

"According to the information from the front line, Taiyuan, as the headquarters of the Japanese First Army, has a total of 3 troops, while Beiping, as the headquarters of the Japanese army in North China, may have more than 5 Japanese troops stationed there."

After finishing speaking, Li Yunlong took a sip of water and continued: "I have dispatched troops to divide into two groups, heading towards Taiyuan and heading towards Beiping, in order to seize the opportunity when the Central Army and the Jinsui Army did not respond. Receive the weapons and equipment from the devils."

Hearing Li Yunlong's arrangement, Zhao Gang was a little moved and said, "Old Li, are you taking some risks? After all, our defense zone is not close to these two places, and Beiping is especially Taiyuan. Not only the Japanese army but also the Jinsui army are nearby. What about the army, can Yan Laoxi watch us eat such a big piece of fat in front of his eyes?"

"What else can he do if he is unwilling? I, Li Yunlong, have to look at his eyes when I do things." Li Yunlong said with some disdain. Anyway, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was doomed to crack at the moment the Japanese surrendered.

Before that, the first thing he has to do is to develop his own strength.In this way, no matter what difficulties you face in the future, you can face them calmly.

When Li Yunlong and the others were discussing at the headquarters, the troops Li Yunlong sent to Taiyuan had already entered the city. They were all dressed in the uniforms of the Jinsui army, so the Japanese army did not find anything wrong.

The devils stood obediently in a row, and neatly stacked all the weapons and equipment in a large open space.

This was the first time the Eighth Route Army soldiers had seen such a scene, and everyone was a little shocked.

Zhang Dabiao took the list of weapons from the commander of the Japanese army, and while arranging for the soldiers to count, he arranged for the soldiers to load the counted weapons and equipment into the vehicles.

In order to bring back so many weapons and equipment at one time, Zhang Dabiao and the others took away most of the mules and horses in the station when they came again.

Looking at the equipment data on the list, Zhang Dabiao couldn't help admiring Li Yunlong.

You must know that these equipments are not a small sum. If you bring all these equipments back, you can easily arm an army of more than 3 people, all equipped with Japanese equipment.

After Zhang Dabiao and the others loaded all their weapons and equipment into the car and left Taiyuan City, they headed towards Ping'an County non-stop along the way. Compared with this place, they are very close to the Jinsui Army's territory, and they might meet them at any time. If he is empty-handed, he is not afraid,
But there are a lot of weapons and equipment in the army, if something goes wrong, how can he go back and explain to the old regiment leader.

Although Zhang Dabiao was frightened along the way, he was lucky. The journey went very smoothly and he didn't encounter any emergencies. Even so, Zhang Dabiao didn't completely let go of his heart until he returned to Ping'an County two days later.

He finally lived up to Li Yunlong's expectations and brought back the devil's weapons and equipment from Taiyuan safely.

Because he brought a lot of weapons and equipment along the way, he didn't dare to slack in the slightest, and his spirit was always tense. After two days and two nights of marching, he fell down directly after returning to the station.

I didn't wake up until after three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, and then went to the headquarters to report the situation to Li Yunlong and others.

"Da Biao, you've worked hard all the way, sit down quickly, let's sit down and talk about anything." Li Yunlong patted Zhang Dabiao on the shoulder and said.

I am very satisfied with the result of Zhang Dabiao's operation. He brought back more than 3 weapons and equipment without a single soldier. Although it was as expected, I couldn't help being excited.After all, this is the most he has seized since crossing over.

Although there is no news from Beiping yet, it seems that nothing will go wrong.

"Captain, this is the list of weapons we confiscated from Taiyuan this time, take a look." As he spoke, Zhang Dabiao took out a notebook from his pocket and handed it to Li Yunlong.

The main reason is that they confiscated a lot of weapons and equipment this time. Besides, there were a lot of machinery and equipment. After the Japanese army occupied Taiyuan, in order to solve the logistical pressure, they kept a lot of equipment in the Taiyuan Arsenal and continued to let the workers produce , Now it's all right, it's all cheaper for Li Yunlong.

Although Taiyuan is a big city, it is a little far away from Li Yunlong's defense zone, and there are still Jinsui troops stationed around, so Li Yunlong didn't think about occupying Taiyuan, but asked Zhang Dabiao to bring back all the weapons and equipment.

Li Yunlong took the notebook handed over by Zhang Dabiao, drooling while reading it.

Yes, this trip was not in vain. More than 2 rifles were seized, in addition to more than 1000 light and heavy machine guns, more than 200 artillery pieces, more than 300 trucks, and more than 100 Japanese army small beans.

In terms of machinery and equipment, most of them are machines for producing bullets, shells, and repairing firearms. Most of the equipment for producing artillery and firearms is shipped to the Northeast.

This is not bad, anyway, it is better than nothing, as long as this batch of equipment is put into production, then the first column can be self-sufficient. After capturing a large number of Japanese ordnance, there is no shortage of firearms in the army, what is lacking is like bullets Consumables such as shells.

In the past, the supply of weapons and ammunition in the Eighth Route Army relied entirely on confiscation, and some of them were made in the border areas.

Before the Eighth Route Army was incorporated into the Kuomintang army, Lao Jiang never gave a bullet or military salary except in the early stage and the middle and late stages.

In order to resist Chiang's separatist policy, the Eighth Route Army's ammunition was in short supply, and there was no place to repair the weapons, so they were seriously damaged.

Therefore, after the Eighth Route Army advanced into Shanxi, it immediately established many border manufacturing plants for the manufacture of ammunition and weapon maintenance.

The border factory mainly manufactures weapons such as grenades, landmines, and explosive kits.In particular, hand grenades are the most produced. When the production is overloaded, the daily production can reach tens of thousands. They basically meet the combat supply needs of the Eighth Route Army.

The daily production of grenades in the border area can reach tens of thousands, but they are all low-quality homemade grenades that explode with two pieces. After the explosion, only two pieces of shrapnel fly out.

The landmines manufactured by the Border Area Manufacturing Plant, due to the long production time, shortage of raw materials, and easy discovery by veterans of the Japanese army, etc., the factory often manufactures some stone landmines, because its process is simple, its lethality is no less than that of iron mines, and its manufacturing cost is also low. few.

The explosive packs manufactured by the border area are real home-made bombs, which are only a little less powerful than the Japanese mountain cannons, and are specially used to blow up the tanks and gun towers of the Japanese devils.

There are three things not to manufacture in the border areas: first, cannons, machine guns, and aircraft and tanks are not allowed.

Yan Xishan's Taiyuan Ordnance Factory can make cannons and shells.

The arsenal in the border area of ​​Taihang Mountain imitated the German Type 79 rifle to create its own Type 54 rifle.

Before the production of the Type 1939 and Type 40 rifles in the Shanxi-Hebei-Yuan base area, from [-] to [-], the improved Zhongguan also produced.

It is normal to make guns in the north, but the accuracy and durability become problems. After firing more than 10 rounds, they will not be usable.

During the period of the Red Army, all the base areas tried their best to obtain machine-made guns, and there were preservation exhibitions in Nanchang and Beijing.

At least at that time there was indeed a rifle named after Mr. Zhu.During the Anti-Japanese War, a town in East China has been famous for its ironware since modern times, and later it attracted the attention of all parties for making guns.The New Fourth Army lacked light machines, and the authentic ZB26 gun was copied by blacksmiths.

Therefore, after obtaining this batch of equipment, Li Yunlong is fully capable of establishing a weapon repair shop comparable to the border manufacturing institute.

So Li Yunlong, after reading these lists, immediately asked Zhao Gang to mobilize the people to build factories.

But Zhang Dabiao and the others were dispatched by Li Yunlong after returning to the station to rest for a day. This time, they directly broke up the troops and scattered them in all directions to compete with the Central Army's Jinsui Army for territory.

This operation caused by the surrender of the Japanese army lasted for more than two months before it ended. Both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party fought for each other and desperately expanded their occupied areas.During this period, it is inevitable that there will be friction or even fire.

Li Yunlong's troops met several times, but basically his troops took advantage. Once Sun Desheng went to a county to confiscate the Japanese army's equipment, but after he went, the Japanese army's equipment had been confiscated by the Jinsui Army, so Sun Desheng directly When the robbery started, not only the weapons and equipment of the Japanese army were confiscated, but also the equipment of the Jinsui Army was also confiscated.

Because there are many uniforms of the Jinsui Army in Li Yunlong's army, sometimes they don't know which army they are encountering.

Therefore, Li Yunlong's troops have both sides in the Jinsui Army and the Central Army, and they have taken advantage of it.

The troops sent by Li Yunlong to Beiping to confiscate the devil's equipment also received news three days after Zhang Dabiao completed the task.

Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, the task was finally completed, but this time Lao Jiang was very angry.

Originally, in order to save time, Lao Jiang asked the U.S. military to help use U.S. warships to transport the Central Army directly to Tianjing Port, in order to accept the surrender of the Japanese North China Command as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect that there was an accident in the middle, and Li Yunlong gave him the first step.Although the US military had put pressure on the Japanese army before, they could only disarm the national army.

But who knew that Li Yunlong did not follow the common sense, and directly sent the team headquarters to block the Central Army at Tianjin Port. They were handed over the weapons as soon as they landed, and then all the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army changed into the clothes of the Central Army, and went directly to Beiping City to confiscate the Japanese army. weapons and equipment.

Such a big movement directly alarmed the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

The head of the headquarters was overjoyed when he got the news. He was worried about the Eighth Route Army's advance into the Northeast. After all, the Northeast is the center of heavy industry in the country. If they want to have the right to speak in the next period, they must take the heavy industry in the Northeast into their pockets. .

Now it's all right, Li Yunlong sent a pillow when he was dozing off.

So the headquarters directly issued an order to Li Yunlong to divide his first column into two, and the troops in Peiping were directly connected with the Shandong troops, and then rushed into the northeast and sent Ding Wei Kongjie to command the troops.

The troops remaining in Shanxi were directly assigned to the North China Field Army, with Li Yunlong as the commander.

Although during the surrender of the Japanese army, Li Yunlong took a lot of advantage because of his quick actions, but he still suffered a lot if he was awarded such a point.

After all, there were more than 7 troops brought by Ding Wei and Kong Jie to the Northeast, and a large number of captured weapons and equipment. If they stabilized and expanded their troops, it would be easy to exceed 10 troops.

Although there are only more than 5 troops in Shanxi and North China, the weapons and equipment confiscated are not small. Especially when the base area was expanded later, it occupied many counties. Not only did the territory expand, but also a lot of weapons and equipment were confiscated. A large number of puppet troops were captured.

Although the combat effectiveness of these puppet troops was not very good, Li Yunlong still asked Zhao Gang to do some ideological work for them. Except for the group of people who committed the most heinous crimes, the rest were recruited by Li Yunlong.

So after the land grab ended, although most of the troops were taken away by Ding Wei and Kong Jie, after two months of expansion, the number of troops still reached more than [-].

Not only that, Li Yunlong also has his own gun repair shop, which can produce bullets, shells, mines, grenades, and other consumables.

The combat effectiveness of the troops is also among the top ranks in Huaye.

(End of this chapter)

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