Uncle Tai glanced at Bai Jiangbo and said, "The person you are looking for is disobedient and messed up the matter, shouldn't you hand him over?"

Bai Jiangbo hesitated.

Seeing this, Xu Jiang was immediately angry. He came to Bai Jiangbo, pointed at his head and shouted, "Do you know why you can't beat me these years? Cowardly! You dare not kill anyone, why don't you kill me?" If you dare, find a safe place to hide for two months, and you will come back when I finish my work. But remember, you must come back with your tail between your legs, and sit at the child's table when eating."

"Jiuchang Street, the brothers of the Tang family did it." Bai Jiangbo said helplessly.

Xu Jiang was stunned when he heard the name, the Tang family, brothers.I have never heard of this name on Jinghai Road, so these two people are at most a gangster.He thought that Bao Jiangbo found some ruthless person to kill his son, but he never expected that it was two gangsters, and Xu Jiang wanted to kill them now.

"It seems that the old man is still a bit thin-skinned. This matter will be turned over in the future. Come on, old rules, let's shake hands and make peace." Chen Tai got up, winked at Bai Jiangbo, and then hugged Xu Jiang's shoulder said.

Xu Jiang didn't refuse either, and shook hands with Bai Jiangbo graciously. Chen Tai was relieved when he saw this. After all, Xu Jiang's momentum has been fierce in the past few years, and Chen Tai was really afraid that he would not give him face.

After the matter was over, Xu Jiang stayed longer, and after bidding farewell to the two of them, he walked away with a pace of disapproval.Bai Jiangbo left in a hurry after thanking Uncle Tai, and called his wife while walking: "Honey, take your son and go to the airport to buy a ticket and go back to your hometown."

"Husband, what's the matter?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just go."

After hanging up the phone and getting into his car, Bai Jiangbo heaved a sigh of relief. Although he shook hands with Xu Jiang and made peace, he was still a little worried. After all, Xu Jiang was not a man who obeyed the rules.

Encountering such a thing, Bai Jiangbo was really tired. From the beginning to the end of this matter, he didn't feel that he was at fault. Xu Lei played in the casino and refused to pay back the money, and even called the person who asked for it. Is it wrong to find someone to clean him up?

But after all the calculations, I didn't want the Tang brothers to be so ruthless and kill people directly.As a last resort, he invited Uncle Tai to make peace. In order to invite Uncle Tai, Bai Jiangbo spent a lot of money. For the next year, he had to provide earthworks to the Construction Engineering Group at cost price, and his grandma's family lost all the money. up.

He needs to know that there will be such a big disturbance because of the 5 yuan, and he will not do it if he is killed.

Fortunately, everything is over now, as soon as the pressure is gone and exhaustion strikes, Bai Jiangbo leans back on the seat and falls asleep.I don't know how long it has passed, so I heard the driver shout: "Boss, we are here."

Bai Jiangbo, who was a little sleepy, didn't hear the driver's words at all. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. There were five or six men in black looking at him fiercely outside the car window.

Bai Jiangbo woke up immediately with a jerk. Looking to the right, there were also five or six men in black staring at him, and the men in black surrounded the entire car.He didn't even have time to think about it before opening the car door, and two men in black came over and dragged him out of the car.

They dragged him all the way down the pier of the viaduct, at this time Xu Jiang was waiting for him not far away, and next to Xu Jiang was a deep pit.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Jiangbo came to Xu Jiang trembling all over, and said in a trembling voice: "Xu Jiang, if you do this, you are not afraid of Uncle Tai? We just shook hands and made peace, and the previous things have been reversed." gone."

Xu Jiang looked up at the sky, then spit on the ground and said, "The weather is fine today. I heard that you are leaving. I'll come and see you off."

Hearing Xu Jiang's words, Bai Jiangbo's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Tai will not let you go."

"Uncle Tai?" Xu Jiang smiled contemptuously: "Respect him and call him uncle, if you don't respect him, I will send him to the grave."

Bai Jiangbo still wanted to struggle, so he said, "Is there really no room for maneuver?"

Xu Jiang said coldly: "I want to let you go, but Lei Zi dreams for me every night, saying that he misses you, there's no way I'm just such a cub, of course I have to listen to the child."

Bai Jiangbo knew that what happened this time was irreversible. After all, Xu Jiang, a lunatic, doesn't even care about Uncle Tai now, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "The rules of Taoism can't hurt your family."

"Okay, I'll make an exception and keep the rules for you today. You can call your family to say goodbye." Xu Jiang thought for a while and said.

Hearing Xu Jiang's words, Bai Jiangbo turned around and took out a phone from his pocket to call his wife, but he hadn't waited for his call to get through.Xu Jiang took a few steps back, and then suddenly accelerated and kicked violently.


Bai Jiangbo's whole body fell into the deep pit, and he mustered up his courage under the panic, trying to climb out of the pit.As soon as he showed his head, Xu Jiang's titanium alloy golf head was oncoming.

Bai Jiangbo didn't even say a word and went straight back into the deep pit. Xu Jiang's real body picked up a huge stone and threw it at Bai Jiangbo in the deep pit.

Seeing that there was no movement from Bai Jiangbo in the pit, Xu Jiang closed his eyes, turned around and waved vigorously: "Buried, buried."

The younger brothers shoveled down the bricks, stones and soil that had been prepared a long time ago. Xu Jiang turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Bai Jiangbo's cell phone, so he kicked him into the pit.Then he raised his pants and left with a smile accompanied by Lao Ba.

The eighth boy in the car said to Xu Jiang: "Boss, shall I take someone to kill the Tang family brothers?"

Xu Jiang pondered for a while and said, "The brothers of the Tang family are just bullies who bully the market. It's okay to bully small traders, but they don't have the guts to kill people."

"You mean, there are people behind them?" Lao Ba asked in surprise.

"Isn't that obvious." Xu Jiang gave him a blank look without curiosity.

The old eight immediately said: "Then I'll go and arrest the two brothers, and I won't be afraid that they won't tell me about the torture."

"Don't catch them all, keep one." Xu Jiang said to Lao Ba while looking at the scenery outside the car.

Lao Ba nodded, and after a while he continued to ask: "Boss, what about Bai Jiangbo's wife and children?"

Xu Jiang hesitated for a moment and said: "Lei Zi just left, I can't do anything to orphans and widows, as long as they are sensible, let them go."

Lao Ba nodded, and the matter was settled.


Time passed quickly, and it was several days in a flash.

This afternoon, when Qi Tongli was at work, he saw Gao Qi walking around the gate of the Public Security Bureau with a fish in his hand, and walked over quickly as soon as he saw him.

"Gao Qiqiang, why are you here?" Qi Tongli asked curiously.

Gao Qiqiang was a little cautious and wanted to stuff the fish into Qi Tongli's hands.

Qi Tongli said angrily: "A policeman cannot accept gifts. Don't force me to make mistakes. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Gao Qi took the fish back brightly, then touched his head and said cautiously: "Qi team, can you find someone for me?"

"Who is it?" Qi Tongli asked Gao Qiqiang, squinting his eyes.

"Tang Xiaohu, he has been missing for several days. His brother has been looking for him everywhere, but he has not been found." Gao Qiqiang stammered.

"Tang Xiaohu? Isn't that the guy who bullied you on the night of Chinese New Year's Eve? Why, are you reconciled?" Qi Tongli said with a snort.

"We are all neighbors. Although there was a little misunderstanding before, it has been resolved now." Gao Qiqiang said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, it's not convenient for me to ask about the matter between you, are you here today to report the crime?" Qi Tongli asked seriously.

"No, no, I just came here today to ask if you can help me find it. Tang Xiaohu is playful and sometimes stays away for several days. We are a little worried." Gao Qiqiang waved his hand quickly and said.

"Well, I think it's better to call the police. We can't help you find someone without calling the police." Qi Tongli looked at Gao Qiqiang and said.

Gao Qiqiang laughed dryly: "Then I'll go back and discuss it with Tang Xiaolong, after all, they are brothers." After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Qi Tongli watched Gao Qiqiang's back slowly disappear, and then walked towards the police station.

He once said to Gao Qiqiang before that people are faced with countless choices all the time, and some choices are unique and exclusive. If you choose this, you cannot choose that. All the choices come together to become the path you have traveled.

There is no way to turn back the path we have traveled, unless it is crossing. He is sure that Gao Qiqiang will not be able to go back to the past. He is no longer the cautious fishmonger he used to be.

When Qi Tongli came to the conference room, everyone had already spoken—Meng Dehai, An Changlin, and Cao Chuang. Qi Tongli walked over and pulled a chair and sat down.

Cao Chuang stood up and said: "After these days of investigations, it has basically been determined that the infertility hospital is the den for harvesting organs, and we have also found out the source of the goods."

"Crazy Donkey will send his men to select two types of people in various hospitals in the city. These two types of people have one thing in common—that is, they are terminally ill. One is very rich and willing to spend any amount of money on medical treatment. The other The other is that I have no money at all, so I just want to leave something for the family." Cao Chuang said in a deep voice:

"For rich people, they say they can provide matching organs. For those without money, they say they can sell their organs to keep something for their families. In other words, these people who sell their organs are all voluntary. "

An Changlin said coldly: "Even if it is voluntary? They are still breaking the law."

Meng Dehai asked: "By the way, last time, didn't you mean to send someone to the detention center to approach this crazy donkey? How is the situation now?"

"An Xin has already integrated into it, and there are many messages sent back, but there is one thing that deserves our attention. Yesterday, An Xin sent back a message saying that the crazy donkey is going to go up the mountain soon." Cao Chuang was stunned for a moment and then said.

"Up the mountain?" An Changlin and Meng Dehai frowned together: "What does this mean?"

Cao Chuang shook his head: "I don't know."

So Qi Tongli stood up and put forward his own opinion: "We don't have many mountains in Jinghai City, and most of them are in the wilderness. I don't think going up the mountain is the right direction."

An Changlin asked, "Then what do you think?"

"I think what they mean by going up the mountain should be going down to the sea. They said going up the mountain is just a cover." Qi Tongwei thought for a while and said, "Compared with going up the mountain, going down the sea is relatively safe. No matter it is day or night, as long as there is a cruise ship, you can leave the port." , and it is very convenient to do things on the cruise ship, and it is not easy to be noticed."

Meng Dehai frowned and said, "This logic is more reasonable, but we need to pay attention to the evidence. Let's talk about it after Anxin's news comes."

Cao Chuang, who was on the side, said, "What is the purpose of their going up the mountain? It has been found out that the mad donkey is the main operator of the illegal organ trade, but organ transplants are time-sensitive, so they can't contact Shangshan anyway." Get up."

Hearing Cao Chuang's words, everyone fell into deep thought.

Qi Tongli said, "Captain Cao, you sent the crazy donkey to jail the last time. What was the reason?"

Cao Chuang said without thinking: "He organized women to sell...!" At this point, Cao Chuang suddenly understood something, and stood up angrily.

The eyes of An Changlin and Meng Dehai also lit up.

Qi Tongli asked again: "Who is the biggest groom in Jinghai City?"

"It's a crazy donkey!"

Qi Tongwei shook his head, stood up from the chair and took two steps, said: "I'm a bit puzzled, if all this is caused by the mad donkey, then why is this guy so easily caught by others? He won't find someone out Sitting in this position, are you hiding behind the scenes?"

"You mean there are people on the crazy donkey?" Meng Dehai frowned.

At this time, Cao Chuang said, "It should be like this. An Xin sent news that there is a boss on top of Crazy Donkey, and Crazy Donkey is very afraid of this boss."

An Changlin looked at the table: "Then who is his boss?"

Qi Tongwei looked at Cao Chuang: "Captain Cao, Crazy Donkey is the biggest groom in Jinghai City, he is the one who gets all the women who stumbled, right?"

Cao Chuang nodded.

Qi Tongli continued: "Huang Cuicui is not an ordinary woman who has lost her footing. She should have a fixed club, and other girls like Huang Cuicui, where are they?"

"Buckingham!" Cao Chuang said without thinking.

Qi Tongli smiled: "We all know that Buckingham's boss is Xu Jiang, so who has a higher reputation on the road, Xu Jiang or Crazy Donkey?"

"Of course it's Xu Jiang. Xu Jiang is a well-known entrepreneur in this city. He had already become famous ten years ago. How can a mad donkey compare with Xu Jiang?" Cao Chuang thought for a while and said.

"You mean, the boss of Crazy Donkey is Xu Jiang?" An Changlin asked with a smile on his face.

"Even if it's not, it can't be separated. There must be a certain connection between the two." Qi Tongli said.

Meng Dehai nodded: "It makes sense logically, and I'm also inclined to this point emotionally, but there is no evidence to support it! All this is just our conjecture."

This made the point. The police must pay attention to evidence in handling cases. Without evidence, it is impossible to arrest people casually.The reason why Xu Jiang was able to run rampant in Jinghai for so many years was because the chain of evidence was insufficient, and there was no evidence to prove that he committed a crime.

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