Chapter 494 Arrest
"Pingkang County's economy is not good, and they have messed up the law and order. These people deserve to die." Qi Tongli said expressionlessly.

Chen Ming stopped persuading, Qi Tongli and Chen Ming shook hands, walked out of the County Public Security Bureau, and slowly took out the phone to call Li Weimin.

"Director Li, I've already started the first stage of work here, and I think it's time for the Municipal Criminal Police Force to make a move."

"According to what we discussed before?" Li Weimin asked with a smile.

"That's right, after all, there is Qin Dachuan in the city, so you have to make preparations in advance." Qi Tongli said bluntly.

Li Weimin was stunned.


Ding Chunmei ran a small shop near Miaogao Township Middle School. When Wang Qi and Ma Liang arrived, they suddenly noticed something strange. There was a little boy over two years old at the door of the small shop.

Ding Chunmei was very happy to see a guest coming in, but when she knew the identities of the two, she became panicked.

Ma Liang showed her his police ID: "I'm Ma Liang from the Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps. The one holding the law enforcement instrument is Wang Qi, the captain of the city's criminal police. We have been ordered to arrest you."

"I didn't break the law, why did you arrest me?" Ding Chunmei said in a panic.

Ma Liang was expressionless: "You once reported that Hou Guiping raped you, did you forget?"

"Isn't this all over? Besides, I'm a victim?" Ding Chunmei shouted.

"It doesn't matter whether you are a victim or not. We have evidence. After our verification, Hou Guiping was framed. You have to go back with us for investigation. Let's go."

Ding Chunmei's face was pale, and just as she was about to leave, she suddenly saw the little boy sitting on the small bench, so her face turned even paler.

Ma Liang's voice sounded: "You are a widow and have never been married. Where did the child come from? The shape of the child's face and the corners of the eyes don't look like yours! Could it be that you kidnapped it?"

Ding Chunmei was frightened to death and quickly opened her mouth to defend, "Officer, someone dragged me to take care of this child, I really didn't abduct it."

"The other person you mentioned is that person. Let's verify it after you tell it. After thinking about it, Police Officer Wang is videotaping us. You will be legally responsible for every word you say."

Ding Chunmei was a little confused, but Ma Liang was not in a hurry, he took out two benches from the shop and sat down with Wang Qi.

"If you don't explain it well, I'm afraid you will spend the rest of your life in prison."

Ding Chunmei was terrified. She was about to answer when suddenly a yellow hair rushed over and shouted at Ding Chunmei: "Don't say it, don't say it."

Ma Liang looked at him curiously: "Are you very attractive?"

"I just pulled it, what's the matter?" Huang Mao raised his head and said.

"Your name is Yue Jun, right?"

"Yes, it's me."

Ma Liang took a look at the law enforcement instrument in Wang Qi's hand: "It's a pity, if it weren't for the law enforcement instrument, I would have you know what the sky is high and the earth is thick."

Wang Qi hurriedly said: "Ma Liang, our law enforcement device is turned on, if you really hurt this guy, it will be hard to explain when you go back."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Huang Mao immediately restrained his posture: "You are policemen, you don't like beating people."

Ding Chunmei hurried to Huang Mao's side, as if he could give her support.

Huang Mao hurriedly told Ding Chunmei: "Remember, if they ask you, don't say anything."

Ding Chunmei nodded frantically.

Ma Liang looked at Ding Chunmei with pity, he could see through such a woman at a glance, eager for quick success and short-sighted, the most important thing was her soft ears, she took everything a man said seriously.This yellow hair looks like a local ruffian, but Ding Chunmei obeys him.

Huang Mao wanted to leave after giving Ding Chunmei a few words, but Ma Liang grabbed him: "Where do you want to go?"

Huang Mao gasped immediately: "I want to go home, can you still stop me?"

Ma Liang smiled and took out his police officer ID: "I'm from the Provincial Criminal Police Force, Yue Jun, right? You've been arrested."

Huang Mao was taken aback: "Why did you arrest me, what crime did I commit?"

"We originally planned to arrest Ding Chunmei first, and then arrest you later. Who would have thought that you would show up. Then I'm sorry. We have to arrest you as well."

Huang Mao said with a pale face: "Don't make fun of me."

Ma Liang's face darkened: "I'm a policeman, can I joke? Not only are you arrested, but Li Dabei and Wang Jianjun are also arrested."

"Did they commit a crime?" Huang Mao's face turned even paler.

Ma Liang shrugged: "What did they do, you don't know?"

Huang Mao's eyes dodged a little, deliberately not looking at Ma Liang: "I don't know."

Ma Liang sneered and said, "That's weird. Kong Mingyuan, the head of the Pingkang Criminal Police Team, seems to have called someone, saying that the supervisory team is here for Hou Guiping's case, and that the whole case must be dealt with quickly. Yue Jun , Ding Chunmei, Wang Jianjun, and Li Dabei can no longer stay, now is not the time to be soft-hearted. We recorded a video, do you want to see it?"

Hearing such words, Huang Mao was completely dumbfounded, his face turned from white to red and said bravely: "You lied."

Ma Liang said coldly: "If I wasn't a policeman, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you scumbags, let you be chopped up by Hu Yilang's people, and save wasting air here."

Ding Chunmei's reaction to these words, after all, she didn't know who Hu Yilang was, but Huang Mao's pupils shrank. Since the police could say the name, it seemed that the matter should be true.

While the few people were talking, a group of people suddenly appeared on the opposite side and surrounded them with iron bars. Seeing these people, Huang Mao's face turned pale, because he knew all these people, and the leader was his immediate boss ——Wang Haijun.

Huang Mao looked at Wang Haijun in disbelief: "Brother Jun, you...are you sent by Brother Lang to kill me?"

Wang Haijun said slowly with a ferocious expression: "Huang Mao, we have a bit of a passion anyway, you can end it yourself, it's more decent, don't blame me, if you want to blame, you can only blame the supervisory team, whoever told them to come down Investigate the case of Hou Guiping."

Huang Mao struggled expressionlessly and asked, "Did Brother Lang ask you to kill me alone, or all three of us?"

Wang Haijun connected to him like he was looking at an idiot: "Huang Mao, don't be stupid, the three of you are going to die, yes, these two people are going to die too."

Huang Mao collapsed to the ground all of a sudden, his face was full of despair, and Ding Chunmei held onto his arm tightly, not daring to let go.

It wasn't until this time that they realized that the two policemen in front of them had never lied to them, and Hu Yilang really wanted to silence them.

Wang Haijun turned to Ma Liang and Wang Qi and said, "It's unlucky for you to encounter something you shouldn't have seen. When you reincarnate next time, remember to choose a good family."

Ma Liang sighed, dragged the little boy beside him to Wang Qi's hands, and asked Wang Qi to turn off the law enforcement device in his hand.

"Wang Haijun, right? I'm Ma Liang from the supervisory team. You've been arrested. Disarm immediately. If you dare to resist, don't blame me."

Wang Haijun's eyes widened, his body took a step back involuntarily, and he looked at Huangmao in disbelief: " dare to betray Brother Lang!"

Huang Mao rolled his eyes vigorously, and at the moment of life and death, he finally became wise: "Comrade police, I confess, please save us."

Huang Mao's words immediately stimulated Wang Haijun, and he shouted ferociously: "Huang Mao, I think you are really stupid. Who is the biggest in Pingkang County? Sun Dong is the biggest. As long as Sun Dong does not fall, even if we are defeated If they are caught, they will be released. And this bullshit supervisory team, labor and management killed them and threw them into the wild mountains, and they can be found in ten or eight years?"

The more Wang Haijun spoke, the more excited he became, and the younger brothers behind him also screamed in excitement...Both Huang Mao and Ding Chunmei were in despair, and Wang Haijun became more and more excited when he saw them.

Just when it was about to say a few words, a figure suddenly approached, and then Wang Haijun was knocked to the ground by a bench.

The younger brothers were stunned for a moment, and just as they were dazed, they saw Ma Liang grab the iron rod from Wan Haijun, and then slammed it down on Wang Haijun.Wang Haijun's arm was smashed and turned [-] degrees, and he screamed in pain.

Ma Liang said with an evil face: "Dare to say murder in front of the police, it's really courageous, don't you want to kill people? Come here specially."

Ma Liang roared, and Wang Haijun's younger brothers all took a step back. Ma Liang said disdainfully, "You guys dare to come out and kill people?"

"Bang" another stick was thrown down, and Wang Haijun's other arm also showed a ninety-degree bend.His head was sweating from the pain, he couldn't help shouting, he didn't dare to move, for fear of touching the wound.Wang Haijun was in so much pain, he roared, tears and snot all flowed out.

Ma Liang gave him a disgusted look, kicked him to Huang Mao's side, and then fixed his eyes on Wang Haijun's younger brothers.

"Aren't you scumbags very loyal? Come here!"

However, after Ma Liang yelled for a long time, this group of people did not dare to come over. After all, even their boss was no match for them, and they could only deliver food in the past.

Seeing Ma Liang beside him, Huang Mao suddenly came to life, stretched out his hand, and slapped Wang Haijun on the face.

Wang Haijun was stupefied by the yellow hair, and it took him a long time to react. He felt the salty corner of his mouth bow his head and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Wang Haijun shouted with red eyes: "Huang Mao, you dare to hit me?"

"You're going to kill me, why don't I dare to hit you?" Huang Mao raised his arm and slapped him hard.

Wang Haijun's face on the other side was also red and swollen, but his two arms were already useless, and his younger brother was watched closely by Ma Liang, so even if he wanted to take revenge, he had no choice.

So he struggled to climb to Ma Liang's feet and begged: "Comrade police, help me, I want to surrender, I want to surrender."

Ma Liang turned his head and glared at Huang Mao, which instantly woke Huang Mao up. Ma Liang said angrily, "Go back. Sit down obediently."

"Hey." Huang Mao obediently agreed, and hurried back to Ding Chunmei's side.

Ma Liang pouted, then pointed an iron rod at the group of gangsters and said, "Get out of the way, or you will all be arrested at the police station."

The gangsters hurriedly threw away their sticks and ran away crazily.

Ma Liang looked at Wang Haijun disdainfully: "Just relying on these mobs to fight against our police, you are stupid enough to step on a horse."

Wang Haijun was speechless.


Qi Tongli looked at Wang Haijun's appearance, and frowned slightly: "What did you do at this time? Did you fold your arm?"

Wang Haijun couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart, you, who is riding a horse, can break his arms by himself!

He immediately understood that if he wanted to make a complaint to make Ma Hao look good, then don't even think about it, the police on the opposite side are all in the same gang.

Ma Liang said with a sneer: "Qi team, you don't know the situation at that time, this kid brought a bunch of gangsters to kill Yue Jun and Ding Chunmei under the order of Hu Yilang, if we didn't go in time, maybe we would have let him It worked. Do you think this guy is stupid?"

Qi Tongli agreed: "It's really stupid."

Wang Haijun couldn't help protesting: "Two police officers, I'm not stupid."

"Being used as a gunman without knowing it, if you are not stupid, who is stupid?" Qi Tongli waved his hand: "Wang Qi, let them watch the video of Kong Mingyuan."

After watching the video, Wang Haijun, Ding Chunmei, and Yue Jun's expressions were all dull.

Ma Liang sighed: "This Hu Yilang really made a good plan. Let Wang Haijun lead someone to kill Ding Chunmei and the two first, and then find someone to kill Wang Haijun. How perfect."

"Comrade police, we want to expose." The three shouted again and again.

Qi Tongli waved his hand, Wang Qi impatiently led the three of them down to make confessions.

After the few people left, Qi Tongli turned to Ma Liang and asked, "Has the little boy settled down?"

Ma Liang nodded: "It's settled, he is safe now, according to your order, I brought back a few of his hairs."

Qi Tongli nodded: "Okay, call Zhong Wei, let's go to Kahn Group to have a look."

Ma Liang suddenly asked excitedly: "Are we going to arrest them?"

Qi Tongli nodded: "Of course, but the capture of Sun Chuanfu and Hu Yilang of the Kahn Group is just an appetizer. The real battlefield is not here."

After speaking, Qi Tongli took his master and went straight to the Kahn Group. Seeing the arrival of the supervisory team, Sun Chuanfu was stunned. He held the Buddhist beads in his hand and pushed them vigorously, as if he couldn't accept the current result.

Hu Yilang yelled arrogantly: "Who are you? Why did you break in?"

Qi Tongli showed the arrest warrant: "Just because we are the police, take us away."

With a wave of Qi Tongli's hand, several criminal policemen rushed up. Hu Yilang wanted to resist at first, but when he saw Qi Tongli smiling at him, he became inexplicably afraid and his body softened.He had an intuition that if he dared to do it himself, the result might not be so beautiful.

Sun Chuanfu sighed: "I'll go with you."

As soon as a group of people returned to the gate of the supervisory resident group, an unexpected situation appeared. The county magistrate of Pingkang County led a large group of people to stop there, and asked with an uneasy face: "Captain Qi, is this the case?" What is the misunderstanding?"

Qi Tongli looked back at Sun Chuanfu and Hu Yilang, then turned to the county magistrate and asked, "I also want to ask, is there any misunderstanding here?"

(End of this chapter)

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