Chapter 496 A Novel Idea
Qi Tongli thought for a while and said: "It's not enough to have a school without good teachers. These places are very poor, and teachers' salaries are low. Sometimes they are not paid on time. It is very difficult to retain talents."

"Don't worry, our platform is not here for face-saving. We will provide subsidies to old teachers in the school. The subsidy standard corresponds to the salary of teachers in the local cities, and our company will also send employees to support education in turn." Chen Shuting smiled. Said.

Qi Tongli was relieved and then told Chen Shuting: "It is best to communicate with the local people about the plan to build a school and ask for their opinions. We are going to do good deeds and not cause trouble to the local people. We should communicate in advance and wait for Hou Gui After being rehabilitated, he will come down and report with great fanfare."

"Miaogao Township is alright. Hou Guiping's reputation has improved just after we wiped out the evil forces, but the most important thing is Hou Guiping's hometown. Back then, Hou Guiping's parents died of depression because of the frame-up by Kong Mingyuan and others. This time we must visit The big fanfare of the report let everyone know that Hou Guiping was wronged."

"Don't worry my husband, I know what to do."


Qi Tongli left all his work for a short time, and accompanied Chen Shuting to visit the mountains and rivers in Jiangyan City for three days, and then reluctantly sent Chen Shuting off and returned to work.

Then Qi Tongli came to his office of Binhai Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps for the first time, and Ma Liang had been waiting for him in the office early.

"Isn't your position temporary? How did you get assigned to me?" Qi Tongli asked curiously.

"Qi team, you won't welcome me?" Ma Liang said with a smile.

"How come, it's too late for you to come and welcome me."

Later, Ma Liang told Qi Tongli the reason why he was transferred here. Originally, because of the mistake in the Snowman case, Ma Liang was assigned to the grassroots police station as a police officer.But he was lucky enough to be transferred to the task force by Yan Guohua to investigate the case of Pingkang County together with Qi Tongli. The Criminal Investigation Corps.

Ma Liang can accept this result, but the only thing he can't forget is the snowman case that was not solved in the past.

Qi Tongli patted him on the shoulder lightly: "Team Yan's errands are not easy to do, so you have to be careful."

Ma Liang nodded and said, "Captain Qi, I remember you said that the case in Pingkang County is not even a kitten. Do we have more important cases to investigate?"

Qi Tongli was silent for a while and then said: "That's right, you have to be prepared mentally for our next case."

Ma Liang frowned slightly: "Is it serious?"

"It's more serious than you think." Qi Tongli said expressionlessly.

Ma Liang didn't believe it, the case in Pingkang County was outrageous enough, could there be a more outrageous case than this?

At this moment, Yan Guohua came in, and said to the two of them, "How about it, can you two start working?"

Qi Tongli and Ma Liang stood at attention together: "You can do it anytime."

Yan Guohua nodded in satisfaction, and then said solemnly: "Your next task is very difficult and dangerous, and you must be prepared to sacrifice at any time."

Ma Liang was startled by the words of Commander Yan: "Captain Yan, what do you mean? Are we going to be an undercover agent?"

Yan Guohua said with a complicated expression: "You are going to Wushi. This place is a bit special. No one can cooperate. You have to rely on yourself to investigate the case."

Ma Liang frowned more and more: "Wu City? I heard that the economy there is developing well. If I remember correctly, it should be a county-level city with a population similar to that of Pingkang County."

Yan Guohua said seriously: "Yes, when you go to Wushi, the main task is to sweep away the Zhao family and the protective umbrella behind the Zhao family."

"The Zhao family?" Ma Liang was taken aback.

Yan Guohua explained: "There is a saying in Wushi that the Zhao family has four ones in Wushi, one kind of wine, one house, one mountain, and one boat. One kind of wine means that the Zhao family has monopolized the wine business in Wushi. One room means that the Zhao family has monopolized all the real estate business in Wushi, one mountain means that the Zhao family has monopolized all the ore business in Wushi, and one boat means that the Zhao family has monopolized the water transportation business in Wushi."

Ma Liang opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and said in disbelief: "Aren't you joking? Doesn't that mean that the Zhao family is like the Emperor of Earth in Wushi?"

Yan Guohua nodded: "That's right, the Zhao family is the local emperor in Wushi. Their rampant and unscrupulous behavior in Wushi is beyond words. Wiping out the Zhao family is the only goal of your work."

Hearing Yan Guohua's words, Ma Liang was about to scold his mother, and he waited for a while before he said, "How long has this phenomenon been happening? Has no one cared about it?"

"It's been more than 20 years. Although someone reported it during the period, there has been no evidence, and the reporter will disappear for no reason." Yan Guohua said helplessly.

Ma Liang laughed angrily, but at the same time he was shocked. This case was indeed more serious than he thought. No wonder Team Yan made them ready to sacrifice at any time.

Yan Guohua turned to Qi Tongli and asked, "When are you going to Wushi?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "You know that I don't fight uncertain battles, and I have to read all the information on the Zhao family before I go."

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Yan Guohua took the two into a filing room, and Ma Liang went in to see that the room was densely packed with filing cabinets.He couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yan, are these all the files of the Zhao family?"

"That's right, this is all the cases suspected to have been committed by the Zhao family for more than 20 years."

Hearing this, Ma Liang felt his scalp go numb, and he was dumbfounded. If he read so many files one by one, he would have to see the year of the monkey.

Yan Guohua said again: "This is the suspected case of the Zhao family that we have collected as much as possible. There are still many that have not been collected."

Ma Liang was in a cold sweat when he heard this. It was the first time he encountered such a big case. Compared with this case, the cases he handled before were just like pediatrics.

Just when Ma Liang was feeling emotional, Qi Tongli said: "Captain Yan, what I want is not this, what I want to see is the members, structure and history of the Zhao family, I want detailed information on each of them, the more detailed the better. "

Ma Liang was a little puzzled and said: "Qi team, shouldn't we investigate the case from the specific case?"

Qi Tongli smiled and nodded: "That's right, but you have to remember that cases are made by people, and everyone has their own style of committing crimes. Unless there is a major change, it is extremely difficult to change, so we have to investigate Zhao The family has to start with everyone in the Zhao family."

Ma Liang and Yan Guohua looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Yan Guohua found a document and said to Qi Tongli: "The head of the Zhao family is Zhao Xiaosheng. He used to be a civil servant and later went into business. Mining and water transportation are known as the underground emperor of Wushi.

Zhao Xiaosheng has been married four times, and each wife gave birth to a son for him. The eldest of the Zhao family is Zhao Pengfei, a disabled person with paraplegic legs. Has his pregnant wife.

The second child is Zhao Pengcheng, a prosecutor. According to the evaluation of many comrades in the political and legal system, this person has a sense of justice.The third child is Zhao Pengxiang, the leader of the Zhao family's thugs. It is said that this person is rampant and domineering. It can be said that he is responsible for more than half of the cases committed by the Zhao family. "

Ma Liang frowned and said, "If that's the case, why hasn't this person been brought to justice?"

"Either the evidence is insufficient or the evidence disappears, or the witness is missing or the case is withdrawn. In short, there is no way to convict him." Yan Guohua said expressionlessly.

After a while, Yan Guohua said again: "The fourth eldest son of the Zhao family is Zhao Pengchao, the youngest son of the Zhao family. He has just returned from Australia and has not done anything bad yet."

After waiting for a while and seeing that Yan Guohua was not talking, Qi Tongli said, "It's gone?"


Qi Tongli looked at him speechlessly: "Isn't your introduction too crude? What I wanted was the resumes of everyone in the Zhao family, but you gave me one sentence for each of them."

Qi Tongli made some complaints and said directly: "Captain Yan, I want Zhao Xiaosheng's news history, including his growth experience, his original work unit, when he went to sea, and his various social connections. What I want is His early social connections, I found this guy very interesting."

Yan Guohua paused for a moment and then asked, "What did you see?"

Qi Tongli pointed to this file and said: "Generally, parents rarely choose their children's names casually, and basically have special meanings. Zhao Xiaosheng's names for his four sons are also quite extraordinary."

"What do you mean?" Yan Guohua and Ma Liang asked in confusion.

Qi Tongli pointed to the names of the four sons of the Zhao family and said the names: "Pengfei means spread your wings and fly, Pengcheng means Pengcheng thousands of miles, Pengxiang means flying freely, and Pengchao means surpassing everything."

"What does this mean?" Yan Guohua still didn't understand, so he asked.

Qi Tongli explained patiently: "You still don't understand? The four names Zhao Xiaosheng gave up are not for his son but for himself."

Yan Guohua was stunned, and Qi Tongli continued: "Zhao Xiaosheng is quite interesting. He has been married four times and divorced four times, which shows that he is not a long-term lover. Then, he doesn't have long-term affection for his wife, and he has no long-term affection for himself. I guess, when the eldest son of the Zhao family was born, Zhao Xiaosheng should have just entered the sea, and he hoped that his vision could spread his wings and fly. When the second son was born, he must have achieved certain After earning some money and gaining initial success, the next step is naturally to think about going a long way.”

"Then how does Pengxiang explain?" Ma Liang asked, frowning.

Qi Tongli's face became gloomy: "Zhao Xiaosheng must have earned enough money at this time, but he is not satisfied. He wants to earn more, but there are legal constraints that prevent him from doing any profitable business unscrupulously. So he has the idea of ​​committing a crime, or he has embarked on the path of crime, so he longs to fly freely without being bound by any rules."

Hearing what Qi Tongli said, Ma Liang quickly said: "I understand the meaning of the name of the fourth brother Zhao Pengchao. At that time, he had already firmly established his roots in Wushi. He wanted to surpass everything and become the god and even the emperor of Wushi. Now it seems that he really did. arrive."

Yan Guohua looked at Qi Tongli in astonishment. He never thought that he could analyze the Zhao family from this angle. According to Qi Tongli, wouldn't it be possible to judge the criminal context of the Zhao Xiaosheng Group from the birth dates of the four children of the Zhao family?

Yan Guohua recalled the Zhao family files he had read, and it seemed that his analysis was exactly the same as that of Qi Tongli.This made him doubt whether what he had done all these years was useless. Comrade Qi Tongli could make such a clear judgment just by listening to the scribbled resume of the Zhao family.

Immediately, he was deeply impressed by Qi Tongli's ability again. It seemed that asking Qi Tongli to help him was really the right person.

Qi Tongli said with a serious expression: "Mr. Yan, you are going to Wushi to investigate the Zhao family this time. You will not just send the two of us there, will you?"

"That's right, Commander Yan, just looking at these files is enough for the two of us to work for half a year. How long will it take to finish the case of the Zhao family?" Ma Liang also said.

Yan Guohua said embarrassingly: "Don't worry, how come there are only two of you, I will arrange people for you."

At this time Qi Tongli suddenly said: "There is no need to worry about reading these files."

Seeing that the expressions of the two were not right, Qi Tongli explained: "The files in this room should all be unsolved cases. If you had enough evidence, you would have done it long ago, and you wouldn't bother to transfer me Come here. So, these invalid documents will only interfere with our thinking, I dare say. Most of the files here contain the figures of Zhao and his son, but they are definitely not the ones who did it. It is very difficult to convict them with these cases .”

After hearing Qi Tongli's explanation, Yan Guohua nodded in satisfaction: "I'm relieved that you can stay awake enough. Tell me what you want."

Qi Tongli smiled and said, "Let me lead the task force."

"Are you sure you don't need my name?" Yan Guohua asked in surprise. Even if he was also in the provincial criminal investigation team, Yan Guohua is the general captain, and Qi Tongli is just the detachment leader. If Qi Tongli is the team leader of the special case team, the level of criminal investigation will be lower Quite a lot, after all, Yan Guohua's position is not only higher than that of Qi Tongli, but also mobilizes more resources, so there will be much less resistance in handling the case.

Qi Tongli smiled and shook his head: "Zhao and his son are not as scary as we imagined. They dare not fight the police in the open, otherwise they will be doomed in the next moment. We are going this time to fight against the gangsters." To eradicate evil, it is natural to go to the past with great fanfare to give those criminals the greatest shock, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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