The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 498 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 498 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
After all, in the eyes of the Zhao family, the fourth son, Zhao Pengchao, is a nerd, and he himself was sent to Australia since he was a child, and he has never participated in family affairs.

Ma Liang said in amazement: "This Zhao Pengchao is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

Li Tao nodded and said, "I heard that the old man of the Zhao family passed out and had a stroke when he heard that his second child was killed by the bomb."

Ma Liang clapped his hands and said with a smile: "What is this called? Heaven's cycle of retribution is not good. This old thing has done all kinds of bad things, so it has been retribution."

Qi Tongli was not so optimistic: "There is an old saying in the Huaguo Yuju Bureau that good people don't live long, and evil people live for thousands of years. Zhao Xiaosheng didn't have a stroke earlier and later, but he had a stroke at this time. I don't believe it's a coincidence."

Ma Liang and Li Tao looked at him together, and Qi Tongli explained slowly: "Think about it, we now know that Zhao Pengfei, the boss, killed Zhao's second son, and no one knows a son better than a father. If you are in Zhao Xiaosheng's position, when you hear the news What will you choose to do?"

The two looked at each other in a daze, and Ma Liang said incredulously, "Zhao Xiaosheng is pretending to have a stroke to avoid possible persecution?"

"Isn't it?" Qi Tongli said with a calm face: "Zhao Pengcheng is the second child of the Zhao family, and they are their brothers. They dare to kill their brothers, so what's the point of killing Zhao Xiaosheng?"

Ma Liang and Li Tao looked shocked. After all, killing brothers and fathers is something that refutes human relations, but after thinking about it, Zhao Pengfei can't do it. His original intention was to control the Zhao family. Now there are so many people in the Zhao family fighting with him. And he is an infertile disabled person.

It is the best choice for him to kill all the competitors. Only in this way can he control the Zhao family and become the head of the Zhao family.

Qi Tongli took out a Huazi, unpacked it and threw it to Ma Liang and Li Tao. Li Tao's eyes were straightened: "Qi team, are you dying?"

"I don't know about this. Team Qi has this condition. Don't look at Team Qi's salary is not high, but I can't help my sister-in-law is rich!" Ma Liang said with a smile on his face.

"You two pay attention, let's talk about the case." Qi Tongli smoked Huazi a few times, and then continued: "As soon as the Zhao family stabilizes, Zhao Xiaosheng will definitely wake up. We must be mentally prepared."

Ma Liang said with a smile: "We came to Wushi to eradicate evil. It is best for Zhao Xiaosheng to be sober, so that he can be judged by the law when he is sober. If he really becomes a vegetable, it will be really cheap for him."

"However, during the period when Zhao Xiaosheng pretended to be dizzy, it gave us a window period. The children of the Zhao family were busy competing for household chores, and no one would disturb our investigation for the time being. We need to figure out certain things as soon as possible. the truth."

"Where is Comrade Chang Wei, do you need our help?" Li Tao asked.

"Chang Wei won't be in danger for the time being." Qi Tongli stroked his chin and fell into deep thought. Ma Liang and Li Tao didn't dare to disturb him.

After a while, Qi Tongli said, "Zhao Pengchao wasn't in Wushi yesterday, was he?"

"No, he just came back from Australia yesterday." Li Tao nodded.

Qi Tongli smiled: "Who else came back with him?"

"Li Nian, the company's legal counsel." Li Tao replied truthfully.

Qi Tongli mocked: "It turns out that it was Zhao Lao Si who framed Comrade Chang Wei!"

Ma Liang and Li Tao didn't understand: "Qi team, how did you come to this conclusion?"

Qi Tongli smiled and said: "You may not know one thing. Chang Wei and Li Nian are lovers. They are each other's first love. They separated after middle school. Chang Wei was admitted to the police academy and became a policeman, while Li Nian went abroad to study. Now I know why Chang Wei went to the airport. He was there to pick up Li Nian. After all, how could he not pick up his girlfriend in person when he returned to China, but Chang Wei will not tell others about this matter. Can Zhao Pengchao who returned to China with Li Nian not know? Chang Wei's plane ticket must have been arranged by Zhao Pengchao."

Qi Tongli said with a gloomy face, "There is a ghost in the Zhao family in the police station."

Li Tao frowned and said, "But it doesn't make sense. If Zhao Lao Si wanted to frame Chang Wei, why did he ask me to shoot his innocent video?"

Qi Tongli replied: "There are two possibilities. The first is to show favor to Chang Wei and try to buy Chang Wei. The second is to drive a wedge between Chang Wei and Li Nian. Tell me, is it possible that Mr. How about handing over the video to Chang Wei when Nian is present?"

Li Tao frowned and thought about it seriously: "It's possible, this man is quite powerful, and he never does meaningless things. When I was by his side, I often saw Boss Zhao and Lao San Zhao's subordinates."

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "So, Zhao Pengchao has bought all his brother's men?"

"It should be about the same." Li Tao said seriously.

Qi Tongli clapped his hands: "Then I'm more sure that even if Chang Wei can be cleared of the crime, he will have conflicts with Li Nian. This fourth Zhao's mind is quite gloomy."

After a pause, Qi Tongli walked to the blackboard: "What we need to figure out now is why Zhao Pengfei was so anxious to kill Zhao Pengcheng. It is very unusual for him to start doing it while the old man of the Zhao family is still alive."

"I have an inference that Zhao Pengcheng should have grasped some criminal evidence of the Zhao family and wanted to exterminate relatives righteously, so he incurred the disaster of killing himself. Zhao Pengfei's actions are bad, but it may not be what other members of the Zhao family want to do. We are now We already know that Zhao Pengcheng was killed by someone sent by Zhao Pengfei, and all that remains is to wait for the Zhao family to stabilize and see how Zhao Xiaosheng will be arranged after he wakes up." Qi Tongli crossed his hands and dragged his chin and said, "Unfortunately, Comrade Zhao Pengcheng was killed. Although we know who did it, but we have no evidence against him."

Ma Liang and Li Tao were silent. After all, the police must pay attention to evidence when handling a case, and they cannot rely solely on reasoning.

Qi Tongli knocked on the table: "I'll follow up on this matter. You go and visit the school Li Dong's daughter went to before, and focus on investigating her grades and the real estate under Li Dong's name. We can't let a black man The police sneaked into our ranks."

"Yes." Ma Liang and Li Tao stood at attention.

Qi Tongli looked at his watch: "It's time for dinner. No matter how you investigate, you have to come back and gather."

After the two left, Qi Tongli tidied up his clothes and went out.The place he went to was none other than Chang Wei's father's graveyard.He had a bold guess. Although Zhao Pengcheng had criminal evidence of the Zhao family in his hands, he didn't have the courage to arrest his relatives with his own hands, so he wanted to hand over the evidence to Chang Wei.After all, there are very few people who dare to oppose the Zhao family in Wushi, and Chang Wei is the most famous one, not only because he is a policeman, but more importantly, Chang Wei has always believed that his father's death was done by the Zhao family.

Therefore, if Zhao Pengcheng wants to pretend to be someone else, Chang Wei is the best choice, but Qi Tongli doesn't think that Zhao Pengcheng will hand over the evidence to Chang Wei on the yacht, he will definitely put it in a safe place, one is related to Chang Wei, and the others Another unexpected place.

So Qi Tongli came to Chang Wei's father's cemetery and saluted solemnly.Then slowly opened the Dormition Hall under the tombstone, and beside the urn, there was actually a USB flash drive.At this time, Qi Tongli already understood that Chang Wei's father was killed by the Zhao family.Zhao Pengcheng put the Zhao family's criminal evidence here, which is a kind of atonement mentality, after all, he is also the Zhao family.And besides the Chang family, no outsiders would come to this place at all.

Qi Tongli couldn't help but feel sorry for Zhao Pengcheng. If he had handed over the USB drive to Chang Wei earlier, he would have died. However, human nature is so complicated, even if the Zhao family did a lot of evil, they were still his relatives.Momentary soft-heartedness and hesitation led to today's irreversible ending.

Qi Tongli got what he wanted and strode out of the cemetery. What Zhao Pengcheng hadn't finished had to be done by him.


In the Zhao family's company, Zhao Pengfei sat in a wheelchair and said with a gloomy face, "Fourth brother, you really dare to come, aren't you afraid that this is a Hongmen banquet?"

There were only two people in the room, one was Zhao Pengfei, and the other was Zhao Pengchao who had just returned to China.

Compared with Zhao Pengfei, who had a gloomy face, Zhao Pengchao poured tea for his elder brother with a smile on his face like a nobleman.

After pouring tea, Zhao Pengchao sat down and said nonchalantly, "You are my elder brother, how could you harm me. Even if elder brother really wanted to kill me, he would not choose to be here, but on the third brother's cruise ship."

Hearing this, Zhao Pengfei was startled. If it had been two days ago, he would never have taken the fourth child seriously. After all, in his heart, the fourth child was a nerd who was dumbfounded by reading.However, the day Zhao Pengchao came back, he changed his mind.

He still remembers the scene at that time clearly. He said to the fourth child: "The second child was killed, and the father was lying in the hospital after a stroke." He was satisfied that Zhao Pengchao would turn pale with shock, but he didn't expect Zhao Pengchao's expression to change. .He just said, "People have misfortunes and blessings."

This made him look a little different, and then he knew that he was wrong. When he and the third child were not paying attention, Zhao Pengchao actually took the old man Zhao Xiaosheng from the hospital to his manor.

This stepping on the horse is to narrow down the emperor to order the princes!How can this be.So he and the third child hurriedly surrounded Zhao Pengchao's manor with people, trying to bring the old man back.

Unexpectedly, something even more unbelievable happened. The third child, that reckless man, couldn't beat this nerd in a one-on-one match.That's not to mention, all the younger brothers of the third child also ran behind Zhao Pengchao. It turned out that they had been bought by Zhao Pengchao a long time ago.

How could this be a nerd who was dumbfounded by his studies?

At this gathering today, Zhao Pengfei didn't have any confidence in his heart: "Are you going to blame the second brother's death on the elder brother?"

"Why, brother, don't you want to admit it?" Zhao Pengchao narrowed his eyes and smiled gently.

Of course Zhao Pengfei didn't want to admit it. After all, this kind of thing is not something glorious. If he admits it, how can he inherit the family business.

Zhao Pengchao smiled lightly, and tapped on the table with his hands.

Zhao Pengfei stared at the door dumbfounded, and his personal bodyguard Jin Niu strode in.

The boss of the Zhao family yelled that it was not good.

Taurus walked up behind Zhao Pengchao and shouted respectfully, "Brother."

"Taurus, I have treated you well, why did you betray me?"

Taurus was silent, Zhao Pengchao said with a smile: "Taurus was my man when he was a mercenary before. It took me a lot of effort to send him to you. I did this for your own good. Who It makes your legs uncomfortable."

When Zhao Pengfei heard this, he almost died of anger. Why did he do it for his own good? He was clearly spying on him.Isn't everything he does under the eyes of the fourth child?
Zhao Pengfei was in a panic.

"I sent someone to kill the second child." Zhao Pengfei said directly: "You also know the temper of the second child. He wants to drag our Zhao family to surrender. How did we get rich? If we really surrender, we will all have to eat peanuts , I have no choice."

"No, brother, you not only killed the second brother, but also the third brother." Zhao Pengchao retorted.

"Fourth brother, don't wrong me. The third child is still alive and well."

Even though he dropped several vases one after another when he heard the news, he still can't admit it now. Once he admits it, he will be finished.After all, it is reasonable to kill the second child, but it is too much to kill the third child.

Zhao Pengchao smiled, and said unhurriedly: "Then why did you let the third brother go to the yacht first, and you go to the airport to pick me up alone?"

"You saved the third child?" Zhao Pengfei said dumbfounded.

He said that there would be an accident if it was planned. It turns out that the problem lies with the fourth child.

"I lost, what are you going to do with me?" Zhao Pengfei said listlessly.

"Brother, you really don't understand me." After speaking, Zhao Pengchao took out a document: "This is the account of the years since you took charge of the company."

Zhang qingyang's eyes widened. What he saw was the evidence of his corruption over the years.

Zhao Pengfei, you just feel powerless and slumped on the chair: "Are you suspecting me of corruption?"

"The public house is called corruption, and this can only be regarded as illegal possession by you." Zhao Pengchao corrected.

"Then what if I don't admit it?"

Zhao Pengchao knocked on the table with a smile and said, "You stole the company's money and killed the second brother, if Dad wakes up..."

Zhao Pengfei's expression changed immediately, everyone said that he and the third child in the Zhao family were the most ruthless, but the most ruthless one only thought that it was Zhao Xiaosheng.

"If I tell third brother about this, you won't be able to live a stable life in the future." Zhao Pengchao said again.

Zhao Pengfei felt cold all over. He found that he was being controlled by the fourth child, and he had no room to resist.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Zhao Pengchao said slowly: "You pay back the money in the name of the investment company, this way you can save your face, and everyone can live with it. I came back to China this time to rectify the Zhao family. Look at the surrounding provinces. Xujiang in Linhai Province has fallen, and Sun Chuanfu in the neighboring city has also fallen. If we don’t rectify it, our Zhao family will be next.”

(End of this chapter)

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