The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 502 Chapter 38: The Truth

Chapter 502 Chapter 38: The Truth

Qi Tongli said lightly: "Yes, it's just advice. I know he is your son, and I also know that he hasn't broken any laws in China, but I guess you don't know much about Zhao Pengchao's experience in Australia? Then you should check it out."

Speaking Qi Tongli handed over a document, Wang Ya quickly picked it up and looked at it, her face turned pale, she didn't expect her son to join the underworld in Australia, and he was also the boss of the underworld.

"This is not true, is it?"

Qi Tongli shook his head regretfully.

"It's true. We used to have an undercover agent lurking in the Zhao family. He originally wanted to use Zhao Pengchao's identity as a springboard to investigate the Zhao family's affairs. Unfortunately, Zhao Pengchao is not as simple as we thought."

Wang Ya was stunned and took a long time to recover.At this time, the secretary on the side stepped forward and reminded: "Leader, the time is up, and there is still a meeting to be held later."

Wang Ya immediately said: "Please ask a certain comrade to preside over it, I have some things to do here."

After speaking, he picked up the information on the table and looked at it. This information was provided by Li Tao, and it was all about what he experienced when he was an undercover agent next to Zhao Pengchao.Among them, there are many jokes about gang fights.

After reading the materials, Wang Ya murmured: "I sent him to Australia just to let him avoid the Zhao family, but I didn't expect..."

Qi Tongli simply revealed two things to Wang Yaduo: "When Zhao Pengchao's law firm first opened in Australia, it encountered three cases: robbery, drug trafficking, and gang vendetta. Confidence, it was through these three cases that Zhao Pengchao came into contact with Australia's black zone, which was actually arranged by Zhao Xiaosheng."

"You want to send your son away, so Zhao Xiaosheng also thinks. Although Zhao Jiaming has four sons, only Zhao Pengchao is born out of wedlock, and the other three are illegitimate children."

Qi Tongli couldn't help complaining. At first he thought that Zhao Xiaosheng had been married four times, but when he actually got the information, he found out that this scumbag Zhao Xiaosheng had only been married once, and that was to Wang Ya, and the other three sons were all married. his illegitimate son.

Wang Ya found out that Zhao Xiaosheng had an illegitimate child, and knew that his family history had done enough illegal and punishable things, so she decisively divorced him, and then sent Zhao Pengchao to Australia, in order to get rid of the influence of the Zhao family on Zhao Pengchao.

As a result, it still hasn't gotten rid of.

Wang Ya asked sharply: "Qi team, what do you mean, your supervisory team has the criminal evidence of the Zhao family?"

Qi Tongli didn't shy away from saying directly: "That's right, the Zhao family can't escape no matter what."

Wang Ya was angry: "Then why haven't they been arrested?"

Qi Tongli explained indifferently: "Our primary goal now is to wipe out the protective umbrella behind the Zhao family. I want to tell you one thing, which is the origin of the Zhao family's first pot of gold."

"Eleven people died in the No. 20 mine accident more than [-] years ago, and then another person died in the second mine accident. Four of the five people involved in the case at that time must have heard their names."

"Policeman Xiao Zhen from the police station, security captain Zhao Xiaosheng, No. [-] mine supervisor Cheng Lin, and mine manager Zheng Tian."

Hearing these names, Wang Ya couldn't help shaking her body, and asked with a very pale face, "Is what you said true?"

"I will not slander any comrade." Qi Tongli said calmly.

Wang Ya said in surprise, "Aren't you afraid that I will tip off the news?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "Since I dare to speak out, it means that we have obtained complete evidence, and we can convict them without their confession."

Said Qi Tongli sighed and continued: "I went to Zhao Pengchao, but unfortunately he didn't listen. According to the information I have, he seems to have taken over the position of the Patriarch of the Zhao family."

Hearing this, Wang Ya was furious: "If he dares, let him stay away from Zhao's house and he will ignore it."

Qi Tongli sighed and reminded: "I must remind you that no matter how much you hate the Zhao family, it will not change the fact that Zhao Pengchao is your son and Zhao Xiaosheng's son at the same time. He is a member of the Zhao family."

Wang Ya was completely stunned, and Qi Tongli said slowly: "There is one more thing I want to tell you. Zhao Pengchao discovered a secret when he returned to China this time."

Wang Ya suddenly had a bad feeling: "What secret?"

Qi Tongli said directly: "Chang Wei's background."

Hearing this, Wang Ya was on the verge of falling, and murmured with horror on her face: "How is this possible?"

"If you don't want people to know you, you have to do nothing. Let me remind you that if you have problems with Zhao Pengchao's discipline, you are all parents. I understand your worries, but you seem to have forgotten one thing. Parents are the best for children. Good teacher. You let him live alone in Australia since he was a child, and he can only see him once or twice a year. His feelings for you...or your influence on him is definitely not as great as you imagined. "

"I think Zhao Pengchao should be very envious of Chang Wei."

After speaking, Qi Tongli got up and left, walked two steps and stopped, then turned his head and said sincerely: "Although Liu Ran didn't tell Chang Fei who Chang Wei's child is, Chang Fei already knew, so I can tell you casually." In a word, Comrade Chang Fei was killed by Zhao Xiaosheng, now Chang Wei is a member of our supervisory team, I will not hide his background."

Wang Ya was shocked and begged, "Do you have to tell him? Please don't tell him."

Qi Tongli shook his head: "We are all people who seek truth from facts. Facts are facts, and no one can change them."

Wang Ya continued to plead: "Qi team, please don't tell him, it will ruin him."

Qi Tongli said solemnly: "You are wrong. It is the environment and education that affect a person, and it is definitely not the background. I have interrupted your precious time, and I will leave."

After speaking, Qi Tongli walked out directly.

Wang Ya sat on the sofa with a blank expression. She never expected that the biggest secret she kept in her heart would be exposed like this.At this moment, she didn't think about Zheng Tian's affairs at all. At this moment, she was just a mother who was worried about her son.

She had a deep understanding of Qi Tongli's horror. Wang Ya didn't think he was bluffing. She could feel the power in the other party's words, so she took out her mobile phone:

"Peng Chao, come to my place right away."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ya called Yan Guohua again: "Old Yan, do you understand Qi Tongli from the supervision team?"

Yan Guohua was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a serious expression: "He went looking for you?"

Wang Ya immediately sensed Yan Guohua's nervousness, so she asked, "What's wrong with him coming to me?"

Yan Guohua didn't answer but asked instead: "Are you sure he just wanted to chat with you?"

Wang Ya became more and more uneasy: "He just told me about my personal affairs, nothing else, is there something I can't ask?"

"He didn't invite you to the police station?" Yan Guohua asked again.

Wang Ya was not troubled by the question: "Are you kidding me? I didn't break the law, why did you invite me to the police station?"

Only then did Yan Guohua feel relieved: "Then I am relieved."

Wang Ya wondered: "Is there something you are hiding from me? Is this Qi person very powerful?"

Although Qi Tongli is well-known in the public security system, Wang Ya is not from this system, so he doesn't know Qi Tongli very well.

After inquiring about some of Qi Tongli's past achievements, Wang Ya lay powerlessly on the sofa after hanging up the phone.Yan Guohua's words made her a little scared.

She was not worried about herself, but her son Zhao Pengchao.

At this moment, Zhao Pengchao came to Wang Ya in a personable manner, and asked with concern: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Ya took a deep breath, and was about to scold, when suddenly she thought of what Qi Tongli said just now, so her tone immediately softened: "Pengchao, Mom wants to confess something to you."

Zhao Pengchao was slightly taken aback: "What is it?"

Wang Ya gritted her teeth and said it directly: "After I married Zhao Xiaosheng and gave birth to you, I realized that he had three illegitimate children outside, and vaguely realized that the family history of the Zhao family was very bloody, so I told him Divorced."

Zhao Pengchao was taken aback. He never expected that Wang Ya would tell him such a thing.

"I found out after the divorce that I was pregnant."

Zhao Pengchao opened his mouth slightly, a sense of absurdity rose in his heart, he didn't know why his mother brought up this matter, he already knew that Chang Wei was his brother with the same father and mother.

Wang Ya continued to say with a dazed expression: "On a certain heavy rainy day, I couldn't bear the fact and ran out. Your sixth aunt was worried that I would follow. I remember it very clearly. It rained heavily that day and the voice was noisy , I can freely say what I usually dare not say. I don’t want to affect my future because of Zhao Xiaosheng, I don’t want this child, but I am reluctant to kill him, and I don’t want Zhao Xiaosheng to know that I am pregnant with this child.”

"I'm very selfish. I don't know what to do. At this time, your Auntie Liu seems to feel my pain. Our two families are family friends, or we are still young. Your Auntie Liu said let me give birth to the child and she will raise it. So I gave birth to the child and gave it to your Aunt Liu."

Wang Ya raised her head and looked at her eldest son: "You have a younger brother named Chang Wei, who is now a policeman and has joined Qi Tongli's supervision team."

A warm current rose in Zhao Pengchao's heart: "I know, Mom, I know."

Wang Ya smiled wryly and said, "Mom sent you to Australia because she was selfish. Mom wanted you to avoid the Zhao family, but she didn't expect Zhao Xiaosheng to take advantage of the loophole and lead you into the underworld."

Zhao Xiaosheng paused, and Wang Ya didn't mean to blame him at all: "Qi Tongli told me that you haven't committed a crime in China, and it's still too late to get away. Don't take chances, Zheng Tian and Cheng Lin have already been locked up. Zhen surrendered himself, and Li Dong was also arrested."

Hearing this, Zhao Pengchao completely lost his composure.


In the branch police station.

Zhang Feng looked at Chang Wei in shock: "Xiao Zhen turned himself in, and Li Dong was arrested?"

"Yes." Chang Wei nodded.

Zhang Feng was in a hurry: "Why are you arresting them? Why didn't you get rid of the Zhao family first? Isn't this scaring the snake away?"

Ma Liang interjected: "Our team leader said that before destroying the Zhao family, we must sweep away the protective umbrellas behind them. Without these protective umbrellas, it would not be easy to eliminate the Zhao family."

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and said, "The Zhao family is not so easy to clean up. We have been tracking them down for more than ten years, and every time we try to succeed, we always fall short."

Li Tao patted Chang Wei on the shoulder: "Is this going to be silly, take out the things quickly."

Chang Wei woke up like a dream, and quickly took out a file.

Zhang Feng looked at everyone puzzled: "Have you found out the truth about the No. 20 mine accident more than [-] years ago?"

"Da Zhang, do you know about this case?" Chang Wei looked at him and asked.

Zhang Feng muffled: "Your father died while investigating this case."

Chang Wei couldn't calm down at all: "What's going on?"

Zhang Feng was not in a hurry to read the files, and simply told the truth: "Your father and I have been investigating this case back then, and we both felt a lot of resistance, so the two of us discussed it. question."

"So the day before your father's departure, we two had a big fight on purpose. It wasn't that we had any conflicts, but that we did it on purpose for others to see. Because we had agreed before that instead of such a blank investigation, it would be better to fight into the enemy, but who would have thought that he would actually be murdered."

Speaking of this, Zhang Feng's face was full of anger.

Chang Wei was stunned: "You knew that my father was murdered?"

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes at him: "Aren't you talking nonsense? I get along with your father day and night. How can I not know his mental state?"

"Then you're still on Li Dong's side?" Chang Wei asked puzzled.

Zhang Feng explained: "If I want to find out the truth about your father's murder, I have to infiltrate them. Besides, if I don't have proper rights, how can I protect you?"

Chang Wei was stunned for a moment: "You protect me?"

Zhang Feng was too lazy to talk to him, looked down at the file in his hand, and slapped his thigh fiercely after reading it: "Okay, okay, the No. 20 mine disaster was finally going to be solved more than [-] years ago. No wonder Team Qi is not afraid of leaking the news." .”

Zhang Feng asked excitedly: "Did Zheng Tian and Cheng Lin be arrested by the supervisory team?"

Ma Liang shook his head: "No, the level of these two people is there, Team Qi has already reported to Team Yan to deal with it."

Zhang Feng nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I was the one who was abrupt. What Captain Qi meant was for us to catch Cao Long first, right? Then what are you waiting for, let's go now?"

Chang Wei suddenly said: "I understand what the team leader means, he asked me to apologize to you."

After speaking, Chang Wei suddenly stood at attention and bowed deeply to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng quickly stepped aside in disgust: "Go, go, I'm not dead yet, so there's no need to bow."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and patted Chang Wei on the shoulder: "Your father is right, you didn't embarrass him."

In an instant, Chang Wei's eyes became moist.Just as he was about to speak, a "plop" woke everyone up. Li Tao, who was a special soldier, suddenly opened the door, and a person jumped in. It was Li Xiaogui, the auxiliary police officer of the sub-bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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