Chapter 504 Work Arrangements
After hanging up the phone, Zheng Tian didn't have time to pack his luggage. He took his wallet and documents and was about to go to the airport. When he opened the door, he was stunned.

There were several people in uniform outside the door, and the leader took out an arrest warrant: "Zheng Tian, ​​we have something to ask you for clarification, please cooperate."

Zheng Tian stretched out his hands helplessly, put on a pair of silver bracelets, and followed several comrades into the car.

The leader shook hands with Qi Tongli: "Team Leader Qi, thank you."

Qi Tongli smiled: "Everything should be done."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the leader said again: "We have sent people to arrest Cheng Lin, so you don't have to worry."

Qi Tongli nodded: "Then, the Zhao family should also be shut down."

After sending a few comrades away, Qi Tongli returned to the Public Security Bureau.

"Comrades, it's time for us to act."

Chang Wei rubbed his hands excitedly: "Team leader, you can give orders, Director Zhang said, all of us will obey your orders."

There was no other way, Xiao Zhen turned himself in, and Li Dong, who was in charge of daily work, was also arrested. Now only Qi Tongli is suitable.

Qi Tongli did not pretend to arrange it directly: "Ma Liang, you take people to arrest Zhao Pengfei, Li Tao, you take people to arrest Zhao Pengzhan, and if there is any resistance, you will directly shoot them to death."

After the two left, Chang Wei asked, "Team leader, where are we going?"

"Of course I went to the Zhao Family Headquarters, but all the people inside are controlled, and no one can be let go. Don't worry about catching the wrong person. We have enough time and manpower to screen."

Everyone said yes.

Qi Tongli said loudly: "Everyone should bring guns and bulletproof vests to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry and setting off."

Dozens of police cars honked their horns and headed straight for the headquarters of the Zhao family. The passers-by who saw them all speculated who the police were trying to arrest after making such a big noise.

Someone sighed: "If only they went to arrest the Zhao family."

Hearing this man's words, it attracted countless echoes, and some bold ones hung directly behind the police car, getting more and more excited as they followed. They could clearly see that the police were going to Zhao's house, and everyone became more excited and also I don't know who made the call, and more and more vehicles gathered behind the police car.

Soon someone reported the matter to Qi Tongli.

Qi Tongli said in a deep voice: "There is no need to drive them away, and don't take any extra actions. The people in Wushi need to vent, and they need to see what we do. This is the meaning of our campaign against evil."

Everyone agreed in unison.

Naturally, such a big movement cannot be hidden from the Zhao family.

After receiving the news, Zhao Xiaosheng collapsed on the ground, and said in a daze, "It seems that our family is really going to be doomed this time!"

Zhao Pengchao raised his head slowly, full of pity, he came back too late, if he came back earlier, the Zhao family's property should be able to be laundered, so that the money can be transferred abroad smoothly.

Zhao Xiaosheng was a little desperate. He knew that with the things he had done these years, he would definitely die.

But Zhao Pengchao wasn't worried at all. Just like what Qi Tongli said, he had never broken any law in the country, so even if the Zhao family was ruined, he would be able to escape unscathed.

When Qi Tongli brought the police in, there was almost no resistance. Only Zhao Xiaosheng's personal bodyguard wanted to fight, but was shot dead by Qi Tongli directly. The others were all arrested and none of them ran away.

Zhao Pengchao still wanted to say hello to Qi Tongli, but Qi Tongli accidentally gave him a pair of bracelets.

Zhao Pengchao frowned and looked at him: "Group Leader Qi, didn't you say that I have no criminal record in Huaguo? Why are you still arresting me?"

Qi Tongli said coldly: "You still don't know me well enough. If I take the initiative to find someone, he will never escape. As for why you were arrested, you gave Li Dong a lot of souvenirs."

Zhao Pengchao's expression changed drastically.


Zhao Xiaosheng was very unconvinced in the interrogation room, and shouted with a straight face: "Our Zhao family is the economic pillar of Wushi, you can't arrest me without a reason."

Qi Tongli looked at him amusedly: "Let me introduce myself, I am Qi Tongli, the leader of the special case team, you may not understand my style of doing things, but it doesn't matter, you will realize it immediately, if I am not fully sure, I will not catch your."

Zhao Xiaosheng was stunned for a moment, and Qi Tongli continued: "You also came out of the system, and you are also a classmate of our Yan Corps, and you are also a person of culture. You can look at the history of the country, when will it be your turn to cover your business with your hands?" God, from ancient times to the present, whoever dares to have such an idea is to kill himself."

"Do you know why I cut out your Zhao family's protective umbrella first? By the way, the big umbrella in your family's ancestral hall is really spectacular. If you set up a shrine for the living, you are not afraid of breaking their life. Thank you so much for leaving us so many clues, we brought back all 54 of your playing cards."

Zhao Xiaosheng was dumbfounded, and Qi Tongli took out a USB flash drive from his pocket: "Do you know whose it is? This is left by your son, Comrade Zhao Pengcheng. By the way, if Zhao Pengcheng is not dead, he will also be a member of our task force. "

"What's in this USB flash drive, don't I need to tell you?" After speaking, Qi Tongli inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and then opened a folder. There were dozens of files in it. If you open any of them, all of them will catch your eye. Shocking photos and a list of criminals.

Zhao Xiaosheng lowered his head and said nothing, Qi Tongli suddenly asked: "Do you know why I was able to crack down on your Zhao family so smoothly?"

"Why? It's not that no one has come to investigate our Zhao family for more than 20 years. Everyone has failed. Why did you find a breakthrough?" Zhao Xiaosheng raised his head and asked. He has been very puzzled by this question. The family is an existence that covers the sky with one hand, and he can clearly see all the actions against their family.

Qi Tongli said a very heart-wrenching sentence: "I think of your Zhao family lower than others. I know that your moral lower limit is very low, or even has no lower limit. The comrades who came to handle the case before me are all people with principles. , and I am different, I will not be bound by you."

"First of all, I acquiesced that you are a person who has not been offline, and then I checked the file. I found that, as I thought, three of your four sons are illegitimate children, and only Zhao Pengchao is your legitimate child. Among them Comrade Zhao Pengcheng’s mother was deceived by your rhetoric, and you drove her back to the countryside directly after she became pregnant. The old man finally dragged the child until he was ten years old, but you snatched him back. It was not until Comrade Zhao Pengcheng started working Freedom, so I took my mother with me. It's just that the poor old man died of illness after only enjoying the family happiness for one year."

"I really doubt that you have any feelings for your children. In my opinion, you don't need a son. You just need a tool person with a blood relationship. This can be seen from the names you gave them. See it. You are a selfish person, you can sacrifice anyone for yourself, the name you give them is your real desire during that time. So I went through your experience, Sure enough, a lot of evidence was found.”

Everyone in Zhao Xiao was stupid, looking at Qi Tongli was like watching a ghost, as if he had no secrets in front of him.

Qi Tongli took a sip of tea and continued: "Back to the topic just now, why don't you move your Zhao family first? In my opinion, as long as our team is clean, no matter how powerful the Zhao family, Wang family, or Li family are, we will all be fine. Can be easily dealt with. So far our team has handled three cases like this. Do you know where we spend the most time in the crackdown? The people corrupted by you guys. Their Both body and mind are black, constantly causing trouble for us."

Qi Tongli looked at Zhao Xiaosheng sarcastically: "If you want to confess, you should confess quickly, and if you don't want to confess, then don't confess. Anyway, we have solid evidence here, and we can convict you even without your confession. Your sons."

Zhao Xiaosheng couldn't help trembling, he was really told by Qi Tongli, he had such an idea a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have handed over the family business to his sons, just thinking about taking himself out when something happened .

Qi Tongli said flatly: "The 54 cards are all under your control. Others don't know that you have such cards."

The corners of Zhao Xiaosheng's mouth twitched, and when he was about to quibble, Qi Tongli stopped him with words: "Don't say it was done by your fourth son, he was always in Australia during that time."

Zhao Xiaosheng said decadently, "Okay, I'll explain."


Zhao Pengchao looked at the handcuffs on his hands and was a little dazed. He had never encountered such a thing in foreign gangs. This time he returned to China and wanted to clean up the Zhao family, but he hadn't waited for him to show his ambition. He was caught in it.At first he thought it was the Zhao family who got him involved, but when Qi Tongli talked about procuring special products, he secretly screamed that it was too bad, maybe he himself got the Zhao family involved.

Li Dong is a very important card in the Zhao family's hands, and his position is also very important. He can only do the gift of souvenirs by himself, but whoever talks about it is actually targeted by someone, and even secretly took photos as evidence.

Zhao Pengchao could only sigh: "It turned out to be because of this."

Qi Tongli shook his head: "You really don't understand me. According to the laws of our country, as long as you are a citizen of the country, no matter where you committed a crime or what crime you committed, you must be judged by the country. These photos are just Li Dong has confessed everything about your bribery evidence. Not only are these the current head of the Zhao family, but you have also committed the crime of organizing and leading the underworld. You are the leader, and you have to bear part of all the crimes committed by the people below you. Unfortunately. , I hope you will make a good transformation inside."

This really scared Zhao Pengchao. Although he is a lawyer, he doesn't know everything about the country's laws. After all, he has been living abroad, and there are some laws and regulations in China that are not available in foreign markets.

So he can only honestly confess everything he knows and strive for leniency. He regrets it now and is anxious. He should have listened to Qi Tongli's words and not mixed up with the Zhao family's affairs. Now he finally understands a sentence As the old saying goes, listen to people's advice and eat enough.

Half an hour later, Qi Tongli asked Zhao Pengchao to sign, then stood up and said, "Go out, someone is waiting for you outside."

Zhao Pengchao got up puzzled and pushed open the door, his feet stopped for a moment, and it was his mother Wang Ya and Chang Wei who came outside.

Wang Ya's face was full of tears, and Chang Wei's eyes widened in disbelief.Qi Tongli hissed as he looked at the three of them. It was the first time the mother and son got together, and it was on this occasion. He didn't care about the three of them, and went straight back to the office. Yan Guohua of the Criminal Investigation Team was still waiting for him.

Team Yan smiled happily and said, "Tong Li, thank you for your hard work."

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "It's all my job, what's not hard work, there are some public security officers who are running on the front line that don't work hard."

Zhang Ju sighed: "We are not arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat. We really have the style of a general. Team Yan, otherwise leave Comrade Qi Tongli with us. I will apply to promote him to the director general."

No one knew that there was a subtle expression on the face of Chief Yan.

"Whether you agree or not, you can tell me." Director Zhang said dissatisfied.

Yan Guohua sighed: "I can't help whether Comrade Qi Tongli will go or stay. I advise you not to have such thoughts."


After more than two months of finishing work, the Zhao family has done too many evils, and the common people are miserable, and no one will let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Qi Tongli and the others solved the case, but the sentencing is a matter for the court.A few months later, Qi Tongli found out that except for Zhao Pengchao, the other three members of the Zhao family had been sentenced to death, and even their subordinates had received the justice they deserved.

Zheng Tian, ​​Cheng Lin, Xiao Zhen, Li Dong and others, Zheng Tian and Li were sentenced to death, Cheng Lin was sentenced to life, and Xiao Zhen was sentenced to 20 years for surrendering himself.

Qi Tongli attended another commendation meeting, mainly because the case was handled so beautifully. After all, the Zhao family in Wushi City is not an ordinary criminal organization.

It took Qi Tongli only a few months to uproot them. Therefore, all members of the special case team won the collective first-class merit. However, Qi Tongli's age is right, and he has already resisted two three-stars before he was 30 years old. , it is not easy to go up temporarily.

Yan Guohua made adjustments to Qi Tongli's work.

"Comrade Qi Tongli, I originally wanted to keep you to take over my class slowly, but both Lao Meng and Lao An hope that you can go back."

Qi Tongli directly expressed his opinion: "I obey the organization's arrangement."

Yan Guohua was very satisfied with Qi Tongli's attitude: "The thing is like this, because you participated in three anti-crime cases, a leader noticed you and wanted to transfer you to another place to perform a task."

(End of this chapter)

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