Chapter 507 Provisional Cases
Robin looked at Qi Tongli expressionlessly.

Qi Tongli continued: "Six years ago, when you came back from a business trip and found that your wife and children were missing, you called the police, but you know how we deal with missing persons. After all, you are a forensic doctor, and you have countless cases to investigate. You want to track it down yourself. The whereabouts of your wife and children will conflict with your job, so you resign."

"But you seem to have forgotten one thing. When you are a policeman, it is impossible to devote yourself to the investigation of the case, but the police force is a big platform, and it has energy that you don't have. After you resign, you seem to have free time. It is also sufficient, but the force invested in the investigation is even less."

"You searched for a long time, but you didn't find any clues, and then you took the risk and directly used the things you found at home to do a big thing-use the snowman case to attract the attention of the police, and you want the police to find it for you. The murderer."

"I think you should have checked in the database when you resigned. This person has no criminal record. So the police have searched for so many years, but still have nothing. If it didn't happen, you would continue to work on the snowman case , but you suffered from uremia, and your physical fitness deteriorated so badly that you couldn’t continue to commit crimes. Later, you felt hopeless, so you used the 24-hour recovery time after dialysis to kill a snowman once, and Li Yunhong died just like that.”

Robin frowned slightly: "How did you find me?"

Qi Tongli shrugged: "Use the information you left on the scene to find you."

Robin's pupils shrank slightly. He was sure that he didn't leave any information about himself at the scene.

Qi Tongli counted with his fingers: "You left a lot of information, such as footprints. I can know your height and weight through the footprints on the scene and your modus operandi. I can know from the footprints how many times you rested in the middle Compared with the two cases three years ago, I know that you are seriously ill. You have done three cases in total, and the material is enough for us to make a profile of your behavior, and then find you through screening."

Robin smiled: "Captain Qi, the story is well written, but unfortunately you have no evidence."

Qi Tongli also laughed: "It's true, but it's not that I don't have evidence, it's just that it's too troublesome to find out by myself, I hope you can take the initiative to explain, and you don't have to get excited, Wei Wei knows what you want."

Qi Tongli glanced at Robin: "Actually, it's easy to find evidence. There must be a piece of A4 paper hidden in your room, which says, come and catch me. You should put it in the refrigerator."

Hearing this, Ma Liang was about to get up suddenly, Qi Tongli stopped him: "What are you doing? Anyway, Lao Luo is also our former colleague."

Robin changed his expression, then shook his head.

Qi Tongli still said calmly: "I can help you find out the whereabouts of your wife and children."

Robin couldn't help but said, "Have you found the owner of that fingerprint?"

Qi Tongli nodded: "That's right, we did find out. As for whether he can be convicted, I need you to tell me the answer."

Robin looked very excited and said quickly: "Who left those fingerprints?"

Ma Liang and Wang Qi stared at Robin dumbfounded. He had admitted in a disguised form that he was responsible for the three cases by speaking like this.

Qi Tongli said honestly: "Although we have found the owner of the fingerprint, you were a policeman once, and you know that evidence is needed to solve a case. So besides this fingerprint and a cow bone, what else did you find?"

Robin immediately said: "In addition to finding a fingerprint and a cow bone at home, I also found a cigarette butt, and I extracted a piece of DNA data from it. I admit that I am the murderer of the snowman serial case, please Hurry up and help me find him."

Qi Tongli told Ma Liang who was on the side: "Ma Liang, go to the refrigerator and see if there is an A4 paper."

Ma Liang opened the door of the refrigerator, and suddenly found three or four A4 papers inside, on which were written in large Song typefaces——Catch me!
Who would put this thing in the freezer, only the Yeti murderer would.Even if other people want to imitate, they don't know the size of the paper or what font to use, and they won't put this thing in the refrigerator to freeze it. Now it can be confirmed that Robin is the murderer of the snowman case.

Robin said a little decadently: "Six years ago, I was transferred to a task force. When I came back from a business trip, my wife and children disappeared. I was a little panicked, so I quickly called the police, but I couldn't find it after that." I know my wife well, we have a good relationship, she will not run away with her child, something must have happened."

"But I don't know when they disappeared, and I don't know where to find them. Even if I call the police, I know that according to normal procedures, there is little hope of finding them, but I am not reconciled, so I resigned. After looking for a job for a year, there is indeed a reason why the disappearance case is so difficult to solve, but in desperation, I remembered the fingerprints, cow bones and cigarette butts I found before."

"Suddenly, I came up with a bold and even crazy idea-to force the police to help me find it. I know that it is an iron law to solve a murder case. As long as a case is established, no matter how long it takes, it will not go until the case is solved. , and then I started making the first yeti case."

"But a year later, the police still haven't found the owner of that fingerprint, so I couldn't help it again, and I did another snowman killer, but after waiting for a year, the owner of the fingerprint still hasn't been found. It's like I committed another crime At that time, I suddenly collapsed, and I went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor said that I had uremia.”

"I am a medical student. I know that the current medical technology can't cure this disease. If I want to continue committing crimes, my body will not be able to. I have no choice but to go to treatment first. It has been delayed for three years. I knew I didn't have much time left. So I took the risk and did another Yeti Slayer."

After speaking, Robin raised his head and looked at Qi Tongli suspiciously: "Since you found me, you naturally know that I have uremia, and you know that I have been treated for several years. Why do you still think that I am the murderer?"

Qi Tongli said indifferently: "I have done some research on forensic identification. It is true that uremic patients are weak, but one thing is that within 24 hours after finishing dialysis, he will temporarily have the physical strength of a healthy person."

Robin looked at Qi Tongli in surprise: "Captain Qi also has research on forensic evidence?"

Ma Liang looked at Robin regretfully: "You may not believe it, but you were locked down by the Qi team less than 24 hours after we came into contact with the snowman serial murder case."

Robin was a little stunned: "You locked me in less than 24 hours?"

Ma Liang said with a wry smile: "If you believed our comrades, maybe your wife's case would have been solved long ago. There are so many clues in that case, but you didn't tell the police at all. You are indeed a genius forensic doctor, but you Do you think that with your own brain, you can beat many policemen?"

Robin was speechless, and Ma Liang continued: "With the support of Team Qi's thinking, we not only identified you as the murderer of the snowman case, but also identified the owner of that fingerprint. As long as your DNA here is true, then we can Make sure this person has something to do with your wife's disappearance."

Robin was very shocked. This completely overturned his cognition. When did the police handle the case so quickly? If so, it is impossible for the snowman case he created to remain unsolved for so many years.

Qi Tongli explained: "Originally we couldn't be sure, but he had an overlap with a case you handled, so we locked both of you at once."

Robin frowned and asked, "The case?"

Ma Liang said, "The case where I was sent to the police station."

Robin's pupils shrank slightly when he heard the words: "It's the stepfather's domestic violence mother. The son killed his father by mistake during the resistance. The mother wanted to take the blame for the son, but I found out. Is that the case?"

Ma Liang nodded: "In that case, the boy committed suicide and his mother died of illness. Unfortunately, the boy who committed suicide is the son of this person."

Robin shook slightly when he heard the words: "He, is he here for revenge?"

Qi Tongli looked at Robin and sighed slightly: "His original intention should be to seek revenge from you, but you were not at home at the time, and your wife and children took the responsibility."

Robin gaped.

Qi Tongli said seriously: "Robin, you shouldn't be on this road."

After being dazed for a while, Robin suddenly relaxed: "I surrender myself."

Qi Tongli was expressionless: "I have learned about uremia. According to your physical condition, you should be able to apply for medical parole, but you committed a serial murder case. It is impossible to apply for medical parole for the rest of your life. There is a high probability that you will be in prison for the rest of your life After that, I may not be able to wait for your trial. But don't worry, I will capture Zhang Yutian for you."

Robin said heavily after hearing the words: "Thank you."


Li Weimin looked at Wang Qi in surprise.

"What did you say, the snowman case was solved?"

Wang Qi nodded excitedly: "That's right, the murderer has been caught, and he has confessed to all the crimes. But you can never imagine who this person is?"

Li Weimin asked curiously, "Who is it?"

Wang Qi said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "Ex-forensic doctor Robin."

Li Weimin was really taken aback: "Robin? How could he do such a thing, did you make a mistake?"

So Wang Qi told what happened.

Li Weimin sighed: "A genius in the field of forensics, he just went the wrong way. Maybe he is too good, so he did such a thing."

Wang Qi asked strangely: "Director, what do you mean? What does this have to do with whether you are excellent or not?"

Li Weimin smiled wryly and said: "This may be a common problem of geniuses. They have a keen sense of smell that surpasses ordinary people, and they can solve any case in their hands. So when they encounter difficulties, they will have this kind of thought-I will solve it." Unsolved cases cannot be solved by others. But everyone knows that there are people outside the world, and when he makes a mistake, it is too late to think back."

Wang Qi sighed: "Fortunately, I am not a genius."

Li Weimin glared at her: "How can anyone comment on himself like this? Just learn if you are not good at technology, don't you understand the principle of stupid birds flying first?"

Wang Qi said: "Can this be learned?"

Li Weimin blew his beard and stared: "Why can't you learn it? You think it's absurd to infer the murderer's height and weight from a footprint. Then let me tell you, there is an old detective who can tell a man from a woman through footprints. He also accurately said that the owner of a certain footprint is pregnant."

Wang Qi opened her mouth wide: "Is this true?"

Li Weimin said angrily: "Why did I lie to you, little girl? This is footprint identification, and Qi Tongli is a master of it. You should ask him for advice when you have time."

Wang Qi was dumbfounded and said, "Isn't Team Qi a master of micro-expression forensics? How did he become a footprint study?"

Li Weimin said helplessly: "You have said that he is a genius. Is it difficult to understand if you have more skills? By the way, the case is basically clear, right?"

Wang Qi nodded: "We have now entered the final stage, but the case related to the Snowman case is not over yet. Team Qi and Ma Liang are following up."

Li Weimin was taken aback: "There are related cases to the Snowman case?" After speaking, he suddenly remembered: "The case of Robin's wife and children?"

Wang Qi said with a serious expression: "Yes, according to Team Qi's judgment, Robin's wife and child should have been killed by Zhang Yutian, if that fingerprint was Zhang Yutian's."

Li Weimin said, "How's the progress?"

Wang Qi confessed honestly: "Important evidence has been obtained during the follow-up. They brought back Zhang Yutian's used water cup and cigarette butts. We should be able to extract his DNA from them for comparison."

Li Weimin thought for a while and then whispered: "While Team Qi is still here, hurry up. Try to learn as much as possible from her side. She is obliged to come to Jiangyan City to help us. I will provide you with everything delicious and delicious. If you have done enough, it is up to you how much you can learn.”

Just as Wang Qi was about to speak, her phone rang, and her face changed drastically after she answered the phone: "What? A murder case?"

Li Weimin stood up suddenly: "Hurry up and ask Team Qi to help."

Wang Qi saluted Li Weimin and hurried out.

Li Weimin sighed, thinking that it would be great if Qi Tongli was his soldier.


When Qi Tongli, Ma Liang, and Wang Qi came to the crime scene by the river, they were speechless as they looked at each other. They had never encountered such a messy crime scene.

The deceased was a young man in his 20s with dyed yellow hair. He was stabbed to death in the car. There were dense footprints on the surrounding snow. It was impossible to tell which footprint belonged to the murderer. All clues were completely destroyed. .

After Qi Tongli observed for a while, he started working.Ma Liang frowned at the side: "How did this happen to destroy the crime scene like this?"

After finishing speaking, Ma Liang observed carefully, and soon found out: "I know how they destroyed the scene."

(End of this chapter)

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