Chapter 513
Zhang Fei quickly shouted: "Do you have evidence? Where is it?"

Qi Tongli explained: "Didn't you just say that these villages feel a bit dirty, and the surrounding smell is smoky? Let's go to Houtian Village to see the sewage over there is the sewage discharged from the printing of paper mills."

"Just looking at the scale, it's been being processed these days, and the scale is not small."

Zhang Fei felt his scalp go numb.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and was about to call Li Yunbo.

Qi Tongli quickly stopped him: "What are you in a hurry for, I haven't finished talking yet."

"Now I finally know why Director Li has been here for more than two years, and he only caught some small fish and shrimp."

Zhang Fei looked at him in surprise.

Qi Tongli said in a deep voice: "We've been chatting for the past few days, haven't you heard any useful information? I want to follow others to make money, and they all dislike me."

Zhang Fei seemed to have thought of something, so he immediately said, "Yes, they only recruit blood relatives of the clan."

Qi Tongli nodded: "That's the reason!"

"Low educational background, indifferent moral values, powerful clan, Li Ju is an outsider, it is difficult to go deep."

Zhang Fei immediately said, "Even if it's difficult, you have to do it."

Qi Tongli nodded: "Of course, but don't tell Director Li about the counterfeit banknotes."

Zhang Fei was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Qi Tongli flashed a serious cold light: "Let's continue to investigate, I want to confirm one thing, how many of the villages in Dongshan do not manufacture drugs."

Zhang Fei was terrified by Qi Tongli's words: "Brother Li, no, Bureau Qi, don't talk nonsense."

Qi Tongli snorted coldly: "Nonsense? I'm not talking nonsense."

He took out a piece of paper, and Zhang Fei looked at it next to him, and he was surprised that it was a map of Dongshan.

Qi Tongli took out a pen and carefully drew a cross, and soon almost all the villages around Dongshan City were crossed by him.

Qi Tongli snorted coldly: "If you have studied forensic identification, you will understand that poisoning will pollute water sources, and you will never forget the smell. Coincidentally, after we have been shopping for a few days, almost all the villages have this smell .”

Zhang Fei suddenly thought of a village: "Is it the same as Tazhai Village?"

"They have been the anti-drug model village for two consecutive years."

Qi Tongli snorted coldly: "The entire Dongshan Mountain is a den of drugs, and all the villages are producing drugs. Will Tazhai Village be alone?"

Zhang Fei wanted to defend himself.

Qi Tongli said: "The drains behind their village also smell of drugs."

Zhang Fei immediately shut up and did not speak.

"Stranger things are yet to come. Tazhai Village's economic conditions are second to none, and it has its own village-run factory. The village director even went outside to see the world."

"However, they moved the garbage dump in Dongshan to the side of the village. The smell of the garbage dump is not good. What do you think they are doing?"

Zhang Fei blurted out, "Cover up the smell of drugs."


When Zhang Fei returned to the police station, everyone looked at him in surprise.

His self asked Yang Lin, "Where have you been these few days? What mission are you performing, so mysterious?"

Seeing that everyone in the police station was looking at him, Zhang Fei lowered his head on purpose. Yang Lin thought he was going to tell him.

I heard this guy say: "Confidential mission."

Yang Lin couldn't help but gave him a supercilious look.

Zhang Fei walked straight into Li Yunbo's office.

Li Yunbo looked at him happily and said, "Have you learned anything from Bureau Qi?"

Zhang Fei said sincerely: "Qi Ju has too many things worth learning from me."

After speaking, he put the map on the desk: "This is what Brother Li asked me to pass on to you."

Li Yunbo picked up the map and was taken aback: "What are these crosses?"

Zhang Fei sighed deeply, and then said in a low voice, "Bureau Qi and I have been visiting various villages during this time. According to Bureau Qi's judgment, the entire Dongshan Mountain is a den of drugs. There is no one in the surrounding villages that does not manufacture drugs."

"What?" Li Yunbo suddenly raised his head: "How did you investigate?"

Zhang Fei said truthfully, "It's just wandering around."

Li Yunbo laughed angrily: "Are you kidding me? You can find out the situation in every village by just strolling around? Don't tell me that the achievements of our anti-drug police in two years are not as good as that of Qi Bureau in half a month." hang out?"

Zhang Fei explained how Qi Tongli visited him from beginning to end.

"By the way, Brother Li also found a production point of counterfeit banknotes, which is in Houtian Village."

Li Yunbo's eyes widened: "Houtian Village? The counterfeit banknote group? This is what you found out by wandering around?"

Zhang Fei didn't dare to take the credit: "I didn't discover it, it was Bureau Qi who discovered it."

Li Yunbo immediately shouted to the door: "Chen Guangrong!"

Chen Guangrong, the captain of the criminal investigation team, trotted in.

"Junior Li."

Li Yunbo said with a serious expression: "Received a reliable tip that someone in Houtian village is making counterfeit banknotes, go find out this counterfeit banknote factory."

Chen Guangrong was very surprised: "Houtian Village? Where are the exact coordinates?"

Li Yunbo learned and applied it flexibly: "Check along the sewage pipes. The sewage is so bad, don't say you can't find it. Bring more people and fight for a nest."

Zheng Guangrong claimed it was.

Hearing him give Zhang Fei a strange look, he thought to himself that Zhang Fei is an anti-narcotics policeman, when did he switch to checking counterfeit banknotes?
But he didn't dare to be negligent at all, and he dispatched quickly with all his hands.

Li Yunbo turned back to Zhang Fei and asked, "How many villages are producing drugs?"

Zhang Fei gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, almost all the villages are producing drugs."

Li Yunbo frowned: "Where is Tazhai, a model anti-drug village?"

Zhang Fei whispered: "Brother Li said Tazhai is more suspicious."

Li Yunbo frowned: "This is the anti-drug model village we have published for two years. It is even more suspicious in the eyes of Bureau Qi? What is the basis?"

Zhang Fei said in a deep voice: "The Tazhai is well-defended, outsiders can't get in at all, it's super xenophobic."

Li Yunbo shook his head: "Many villages in Dongshan are xenophobic, that's no reason."

Zhang Fei said: "Then there are surveillance everywhere in the village? Is it normal?"

Li Yunbo tapped on the table lightly: "Continue."

Zhang Fei continued: "The sewage behind Tazhai Village flows across."

Li Yunbo still shook his head: "This is not a reason, after all, their village has its own village-run enterprises."

Zhang Fei immediately said: "The sewage from the factory is completely different from the sewage from the drug production."

Li Yunbo's expression changed again: "Continue talking."

Zhang Fei said the last point: "Lin Yaodong, the secretary of the village party committee of Tazhai Village, is a capable person who has seen the world, but he just brought the new garbage dump in Dongshan City to the side of Tazhai. Who dares to ask?"

"One time is accidental, twice you have to pay attention, and three times, there must be something wrong."

"Bang!" Li Yunbo slammed the table down: "What a model anti-drug village, it's so deceptive, what does Bureau Qi say?"

Zhang Fei smiled wryly and said, "This is quite rare."

Li Yunbo frowned and asked, "What's the reason?"

Zhang Fei said blankly: "The clan is too powerful."

Li Yunbo sighed: "That's right, almost everyone in Tazhai Village is surnamed Lin, and the head of the Lin family can almost represent the whole village, so it's not easy to investigate them."

He raised his head and looked at Zhang Fei: "You have grown a lot, you don't just shout and kill every now and then."

Zhang Fei said what was in his heart: "If I follow Wei's thoughts, then I must have forced my way."

The smile on Li Yunbi's face disappeared.

Zhang Fei continued: "But the time I've been with Brother Li made me think that there might be another way to deal with Tazhai better."

Li Yunbo nodded again and again: "It's right for you to have this awareness. Even if Tazhai has a population of nearly [-], what if Tazhai has a population of nearly [-]? Even if it is a drug maker, it must be arrested. The key is to obtain evidence. If there is no evidence, it will only cause social chaos."

Li Yunbo was teaching Zhang Fei when a phone call came suddenly.

When he picked up the phone, Chen Guangrong's voice sounded on the other side: "Ju Li, we've caught them, we've caught them all."

"It's unbelievable that we have caught so many counterfeit banknotes here. There are a ton of counterfeit banknotes with a denomination of only [-] yuan."

"Big case!"

Li Yunbi stood up abruptly.


The quality of this batch of counterfeit banknotes is quite high, and it can almost be faked.

This is not a small case, this is a very big case.

Li Yunbo quickly reported the matter to his superiors.

Zhang Fei was also dumbfounded. He never imagined that the counterfeit banknote group that Qi Tongli mentioned really existed.

He even didn't expect that the case Qi Tongli mentioned would be so big.

At this moment, Zhang Fei made up his mind, no matter what, he must learn Qi Tongli's skills.

Li Yunbo got up and reported to his superiors.

Zhang Fei quickly asked: "Ju Li, what about me? Do you still want to continue the mission?"

Li Yunbo said meaningfully: "Aren't you talking nonsense? You haven't finished the mission yet. You have to know, what is Bureau Qi doing in Dongshan? Hurry back to Bureau Qi."

Zhang Fei got the approval letter and left the office immediately.

Coincidentally, he met Yang Lin again.

Yang Lin hurried forward.Exchange the information you just got with him.

"Did you hear that, Captain Chen of the criminal investigation team received a tip and seized a very large counterfeit banknote manufacturing group."

Zhang Fei said in a low voice, "I sent the informant."

Yang Lin was dumbfounded.After waking up, I was quite puzzled: "You are an anti-narcotics policeman, why are you investigating this?"

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes: "That's the information I got while carrying out the mission."

Yang Lin became even more curious: "What mission are you performing?"

Zhang Fei lowered his head and said, "Secret mission."

Yang Lin got angry and gave him a hard hammer.

Cai Yongqiang, the head of the anti-drug brigade, shouted at Zhang Fei: "What kind of mission are you performing? You haven't returned to the team after so long?"

Zhi Le, who was watching by Yang Lin, told you to pretend to be mysterious with me, and let me see how you explain to the captain.

Zhang Fei hurried over, tilted his head and said in a low voice, "Secret mission."

Captain Cai frowned: "It's not suitable for my team members to tell me about their secret missions?"

Zhang Fei wondered: "Captain Cai, you should ask Director Li."

Cai Yongqiang said angrily: "Go, go, go quickly, and return to the team as soon as you are done."

Zhang Fei saluted and strode away.

Yang Lin was dumbfounded, good guy, you are still so arrogant against Team Cai?
He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked with concern: "Captain Cai, what kind of secret mission is Zhang Fei carrying out? Will there be any danger?"

Cai Yongqiang said sternly: "Who is not dangerous for our anti-drug police?"


Zhang Feigang met Qi Tongli.

Qi Tongli's phone rang, and it was Zhang Anmin calling.

Zhang Anmin was very surprised and asked: "Comrade Qi Tongli, which song are you singing? Please go to the anti-drugs department. You are lucky. In the end, a major case of counterfeit banknotes was seized, and the thank-you calls from the leaders of Dongshan City were received." I'm here."

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "It was caught by the way during the investigation, and it is an unexpected harvest."

Zhang Anmin sighed: "Your sense of touch is too keen, how did you find such a big case?"

Qi Tongli's expression became serious: "You won't believe it when you say it, but the villagers in Houtian Village told me when they were bragging."

Zhang Anmin was very surprised and said: "Is there such a thing?"

Qi Tongli explained: "Dongshan, the clan concept is quite prominent. They only identify with clan and blood relatives, and they never bring outsiders with them."

"For example, if they think that they can make money by doing the wholesale market, then a lot of people will go to the wholesale market, all of whom are relatives. When these people have mastered the process and gained experience, they will be self-reliant. I have been to the port , The wholesale market at the port is all with a Chaoshan accent, and the Dongshan side doesn’t give way too much.”

Zhang Fei listened from the side, he thought, I thought they were bragging at the time, but I never thought it was true.

Qi Tongli said with a particularly serious expression: "I've been here for half a month, and I didn't do anything else. I just wandered around the villages around Dongshan. I heard a terrible news."

Zhang Anmin's heart skipped a beat: "What news?"

Qi Tongli said coldly: "Those people are bragging when chatting at the entrance of the village. Some say that our village makes counterfeit banknotes, and some say that our village is producing drugs..."

The three of them feel uncomfortable being blocked.

Qi Tongli said calmly: "Comrade An Min, don't blame Ju Li, it's not that he's not good enough, it's because Dongshan is a den of drugs, no one can escape, and Ju Li himself is a little bit powerless."

Zhang Anmin was silent for a while, then asked, "Then what should we do? Do you have any countermeasures?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "Of course, just follow my previous plan, you know my style."

Zhan Anmin said, when did you tell me your plan?

Suddenly he heard Qi Tongli's last words.

Qi Tongli's style?

Zhang Anmin suddenly realized that this meant purifying himself first, and then sweeping away the evil.

Zhan Anmin understands that if Dongshan City is really a den of drugs, then someone must be acting as their umbrella.

Qi Tongli wanted to uproot the poison nest together with the umbrella.

Zhang Anmin smiled and said, "Then follow your plan."

Qi Tongli changed his voice: "Comrade An Min, you didn't say you put your son in Dongshan."

Zhang Anmin said with a smile: "He is still young and still needs to practice."

Qi Tongli said bluntly: "Comrade Zhang Fei is with me now. I'll take him out for a stroll, just in time for him to talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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