Chapter 516 Action
Li Yunbo and Zhang Fei opened their mouths wide at the same time.

Qi Tongli stood up and said slowly, "When Zhang Fei and I wandered around the villages below, almost all the villages opened their doors to us, even Houtian Village."

"After all, the customs of Hua Country are like this. Hospitality is our instinct, but Tazhai is completely different. They don't allow strangers to approach. What does this mean?"

Lin Yunbo and Zhang Fei looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Qi Tongli stretched out his fingers and said calmly: "What I see may be different from what you see. Tazhai is producing drugs in an organized, planned and extremely covert manner, and they are even able to keep everyone in the village tight-lipped. This is inseparable from high-intensity organization and control, after all, there are many people who say nothing, but Tazhai has never spread any information."

"What does that mean? They've been kept under control, they've been told not to say anything about drugs."

"They can't explain why a model anti-drug village has residues from large-scale drug production, and they can't explain why a garbage dump is built next to the village."

"So I conclude that Tazhai is the biggest source of drugs hidden in Dongshan City. If Tazhai is not eradicated for a day, it is impossible to fundamentally solve the drug control in Dongshan City."

Li Yunbo only felt his scalp go numb: "What should I do?"

"Comrade Yunbo, your chance to make meritorious service has come."

Li Yunbo said in astonishment: "Qi Ju, don't be joking."

Qi Tongli said with a serious expression: "I never joke. Look, the Criminal Police Brigade has just caught a huge counterfeit banknote case. When the morale is officially high, the anti-drug team can't keep up with it?"

Li Yunbo frowned and said: "Tazhai is not easy to enter, and there is no absolute evidence, Chen Guangze will not allow us to move Tazhai, after all, Lin Yaodong is still a member of the city council."

Qi Tongli smiled and said, "Who told you that the Tazhai is going to be swept away?"

Seeing that Li Yunbo was a little puzzled, Qi Tongli explained: "Our target this time is not Tazhai, but other villages in Dongshan City, but he will arrest all exposed drug users, drug dealers, and drug manufacturers. At least Send a signal in Dongshan City, Dongshan does not tolerate drugs!"

Zhang Fei asked puzzledly: "But Tazhai is still there, so it won't have any effect?"

Qi Tongli said slowly: "Who says it won't work? What I want is that there are no other drug factories in Dongshan to supply, and all other drug dealers have only one place to get their goods, so that Tazhai can move. Think about it, other interference is ruled out , just staring at a tower village, isn't it much easier?"

Li Yunbo and Zhang Fei looked at each other, and their eyes lit up.

But the next moment Li Yunbo frowned: "The plan is a good plan, but where are the other factories, we have no proof?"

At this time, Qi Tongli took out a map: "I have found the location of these drug factories."

Li Yunbo quickly opened the map and looked at it. He was surprised to find that it was still a map of the township divisions of Dongshan City. Compared with the one he got before, the map in his hand was more refined, and the circled positions were more accurate.

Li Yunbo was shocked: "With this map, I can go to the master to hire someone."

He patted his forehead: "Qi Bureau, why bother to look far away, just ask you to coordinate?"

Qi Tongli shook his head: "No, this operation is still up to you Dongshan City."

Li Yunbo was slightly taken aback, he instinctively felt that Qi Tongli had a different purpose.


Qi Tongli reported his strategy to Zhang Anmin.

"I need Comrade Yunbo to carry out a necessary cleaning operation. The water in Dongshan is very muddy, and there are signs of drug production and trafficking in several towns, which can easily interfere with our sight."

Zhang Anmin immediately understood: "You mean this is a smoke bomb deliberately released by Tazhai?"

Qi Tongli said in a deep voice: "That's right, the more muddy the water, the easier it is to catch fish. If Dongshan City has a bay of clear water, you can see clearly what's in it. Tazhai turned Dongshan City into a city through intentional or unintentional guidance." A den of poison."

"However, they have forgotten that being alone is always a virtue. Their original intention is not to make themselves too conspicuous, but they don't know that in our eyes, it is more conspicuous than other villages!"

Zhang Anmin said rather straightforwardly: "Very well, let's do it according to your wishes. Do I need to cooperate? For example, communicate with the local armed police?"

Qi Tongli smiled and made his own plan and said: "I think it is better for Comrade Yunbo to preside over this operation. He has been in Dongshan for more than two years, and the anti-drugs are getting more and more. He has a fire in his heart. I have to vent, let him take the lead in this action."

Zhang Anmin asked suspiciously, "Do you have any other plans?"

Qi Tongli admitted: "Of course, I need to determine who in our team can trust and who can't. I still stick to that sentence..."

Zhang Anmin immediately said: "As long as our team is pure, any criminal group will be a paper tiger!"

This is Qi Tongli's famous saying, and in a small area, almost everyone knows his words.

Qi Tongli smiled lightly and said, "That's right, that's it."

Zhang Anmin reminded: "You can't always hide in the dark, you should step up to the stage."

Qi Tongli smiled and said, "I'm not hiding in the dark, I'm actually working all the time."

Zhang Anmin sighed: "I hope you can fill in the gaps for Yunbo, he is under a lot of pressure."

Li Yunbo is Zhang Anmin's apprentice, both in public and in private, he hopes that Li Yunbo's actions will not be flawed.

Qi Tongli said indifferently: "Don't worry about this. When Comrade Yunbo starts to take action, I will reward them as the leader of the Narcotics Control Bureau. It just so happens that I came to the front desk logically, so it doesn't seem abrupt."

Zhang Anmin was still a little uneasy,
"Yunbo has been in Dongshan for two years, and more and more poisons have been swept away. I am really worried."

Qi Tongli said calmly: "Don't worry, Comrade Yunbo's information was provided by me, and none of them can escape."

Zhang Anmin was instantly relieved. He was very optimistic about Li Yunbo at first, but he failed to catch a big drug lord in one or two years, so Zhang Anmin's heart was inevitably a little rough.

However, he was 100% assured of Qi Tongli. When he went to Dongshan to fight drugs, he could catch a huge counterfeit banknote case by the way. Isn't this a detective among detectives? Even the leaders of the Narcotics Control Bureau praised him greatly.

Zhang Anmin carefully studied Qi Tongli's growth history, and suddenly discovered that his colleague's current success rate in solving cases was as high as [-]%.

Whenever a case is targeted by him, it must be solved. There is also a legend about it, don't let Qi Tongli find you, otherwise no one will be able to save you.


On the other side, Li Yunbo was also reporting to Chen Guangze.

Chen Guangze was taken aback: "Are you going to carry out a thunder-sweeping operation in the villages around Dongshan City?"

Li Yunbo said quite seriously: "That's right, the upper and lower parts of Dongshan City are simply a drug den. We got information that there are not many towns below that do not manufacture and sell drugs. It is too rampant."

"Drugs bring too much harm and cause endless social problems. We want to destroy these drug nests through the Thunder Sweeping Operation, so as to protect the economic development of Dongshan City."

Chen Guangming was a little flustered, but quickly calmed down. He frowned and asked, "Is the situation really like this?"

Li Yunbo said blankly: "Although I don't want to admit it, this is the current reality of our Dongshan City."

Chen Guangming suddenly couldn't help asking: "Could it be that Tazhai, a model anti-drug village, is also involved in this operation?"

Li Yunbo pretended to be shocked and said: "What? Someone in Tazhai Village is also producing drugs? Where did you get the information? Why didn't we hear the news?"

Chen Guangze waved his hand and said, "Fortunately, the situation has not deteriorated to that point. We still have a little bit of face in Dongshan City."

Li Yunbo said truthfully: "The top and bottom are either making drugs or selling drugs. How can Dongshan have any face! I am the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. I have not done my job well, and I have no face."

Chen Guangming was choked up, the implication is that he has no face, right?

But he couldn't say that his subordinates' strong sense of responsibility was a bad thing, so he could only change the subject and said, "What are you going to do?"

Li Yunbo replied firmly: "Our Chunbei has carried out several months of thunder-sweeping operations, specifically targeting the drug factories in Dongshan City. Reliable information shows that our Dongshan City has become the largest source of drugs in the entire Huaguo, and even the supply of drugs. half of the Asian market's drugs."

Chen Guangze looked at him in surprise.

Li Yunbo sighed and said: "The situation is so serious."

Chen Guangze gritted his teeth and said, "Sweep, give me a hard sweep."

Li Yunbo is relieved: "With your support, we believe that this operation will be a complete success. As long as the drug manufacturing factory is destroyed, those drug dealers and addicts will become rootless, and we can slowly clean up. them."

"The whole plan is divided into three parts. The first phase is to clean up the drug manufacturing factory, the second part is to clean up the drug traffickers attached to the factory, and the third part is to clean up those addicts. The whole plan will probably take several months to complete. .”

Chen Guangze encouraged: "Okay, I will do as you say."

After Li Yunbo said goodbye, Chen Guangguang lay back, heaved a long sigh of relief, and thought to himself, "Fortunately, there is no Tazhai." If there was a Tazhai in this operation, he would definitely not agree.

Not only because Tazhai is his designated drug control model village, but also because...

After thinking about it, Chen Guangrong was still not safe, so he called Chen Guangrong directly.

"Glorious, Li Yunbo is going to carry out the thunderbolt sweep operation, did you know that?"

Chen Guangrong was very nervous: "Brother, I don't know, what's the big move?"

Chen Guangze felt relieved again: "It's okay, it's just an anti-drug operation. After all, your team has just cracked a major case of counterfeit banknotes, and the morale of the Public Security Bureau is high. But you have to keep an eye on Li Yunbo for me, and don't let him start an anti-drug operation." A model village."

Chen Guangrong smiled: "Brother, I got it. In fact, Director Li is a good person, and he also wants a bowl of water. Can't our Criminal Investigation Brigade take the lead and the Anti-drug Brigade leave nothing behind?"

Chen Guangze said in a stern tone: "Be careful that there is no big mistake, and you should inform all relevant aspects."

Chen Guangrong understood.


Chen Guangrong went to a place where no one was around, and called Lin Yaodong, the village director of Tazhai.

"My brother just got the news that Li Yunbo is going to carry out an anti-drug operation code-named Thunder Sweeping Caves in Dongshan."

Lin Yaodong asked urgently, "What do you mean?"

Chen Guangrong scolded the old fox secretly, and then said: "Don't worry, there is no Tazhai Village without you."

As soon as Chen Guangrong hung up the phone, Li Yunbo had already returned.

"Honorable, notify all field work, criminal investigation, anti-narcotics, and transportation to participate."

Chen Guangrong quickly said: "Yes."

Li Yunbo looked at his back meaningfully.

Zhang Fei also returned to the team.

Cai Yongqiang, the captain of the anti-drug brigade, asked angrily: "You still know when you come back?"

"I don't want to go either. Isn't this arranged by Director Li?"

Cai Yongqiang thought it was a task arranged by his immediate superior. How dare Zhang Fei, a small policeman, resist?
He asked with some concern: "Is the task completed?"

Zhang Fei shook his head: "No."

Cai Yongqiang was taken aback: "Why did you come back before the task was completed?"

Zhang Fei said in a low voice, "I received a notice, Director Li asked me to come back by name."

Cai Yongqiang's heart tightened: "What? Could there be some big move?"

Zhang Fei shook his head vigorously: "How would I know that?"

Although Zhang Fei knew what it was, he couldn't say it.

Cai Yongqiang let Zhang Fei go without thinking too much.

He felt that it was a good thing that Zhang Fei had made a mission, and that he had grown a lot in terms of worldly sophistication.

He was feeling relieved when Chen Guangrong came over with Li Yunbo's instructions.

Cai Yongqiang quickly asked: "What kind of mission is this?"

Chen Guangrong looked around and said in a low voice: "Director Li is an anti-narcotics policeman, and he will never forget your brother. This time you will take the lead."

Cai Yongqiang was confused, but he knew that Chen Guangrong was absolutely well informed, after all his elder brother was Chen Guangrong.Even if Li Yunbo made any major moves, he had to report to Chen Guangze first.

Soon Cai Yongqiang knew that the matter was serious, and they were going to carry out a several-month anti-drug operation in Dongshan.The anti-narcotics brigade was the main force in this operation, with the full cooperation of criminal investigation, traffic, public security, and grassroots police stations, and even the armed police were mobilized.

Cai Yongqiang was very excited. After all, this was a big battle that he hadn't seen in many years. He barely suppressed his shock, and suddenly saw his teammate Zhang Fei.

"Hey, why is he so calm? It's as if he knew it in advance. Cai Yongqiang remembered a legend. It seems that the huge counterfeit banknote case that Chen Guangrong made a big splash was the accurate news delivered by Zhang Fei. He thought, could there be Zhang Fei's shadow in this operation? ?
(End of this chapter)

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