Chapter 519 Anzi
Luo Yi and Li Yunbo were moved at the same time.

The two understood that Zhang Anmin's suggestion was normal. After all, Qi Tongli came down on behalf of the Provincial Narcotics Control Bureau. For Dongshan City, he was the superior leader.

If Qi Tongli was the host, even if Luo Yi and Li Yunbo had credit, it would be a joint credit, not as great as the current credit.

After these two actions, the two of them were able to gain a firm foothold in Dongshan City. Even those who were not convinced by them had to say something in admiration for such achievements.

Luo Yi thought for a while, and immediately knew what Qi Tongli wanted to do.

"Qi Bureau, do you mean to conduct self-examination?"

Qi Tongli nodded: "Of course we have to do a self-examination. Does Bureau Luo support it?"

Luo Yi smiled bitterly: "Of course I support it!"

He suddenly figured it out, the reason why Qi Tongli gave these two credits to himself was in exchange for his support for this matter.

As the director of the Linhai Provincial Narcotics Control Bureau, Qi Tongli can of course push for an investigation, but this will anger Luo Yi and Li Yunbo.

Qi Tongli didn't care about that credit, because he knew that as long as he finished the case, his credit would not be less, but it was Luo Yi and Li Yunbo who needed this credit even more.

Only with this credit can they gain a firm foothold and carry out their work smoothly, and no one will question their authority.

But Luo Yi still reminded: "Qi Ju, this Chen Guangrong's background is not ordinary."

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "The people I sent in have a lot of unusual backgrounds."

Luo Yi was dumbfounded.

It was only then that he remembered that the young and a little too much Director Qi in front of him was originally a criminal policeman, and there were quite a lot of people who were sent in with a higher rank than Chen Guangze.

Chen Guangrong's background is really not worth mentioning when he is serious, so Luo Yi is relieved now.

"Qi Bureau, if you have any instructions, just ask, and we will cooperate."

Qi Tongli smiled and raised his wine glass: "The Luo situation is serious, it's all for work."

After Qi Tongli's blunt words, there was no ties between the people, and they got along happily. Even Zhang Min who was on the side raised his glass to accompany them to drink a glass of wine.


Back home after dinner, Qi Tongli immediately called Zhang Anmin.

"Comrade An Min, please ask the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps to check the financial situation of Dongshan Criminal Police Division Captain Chen Guangrong and Narcotics Control Division Captain Cai Yongqiang."

Zhang Anmin was taken aback: "You suspect that they have a problem?"

Qi Tongli was silent for a while and then said calmly: "I don't trust these police officers in Dongshan City now. I want comrades from the Economic Investigation Detachment to help me confirm their credibility. I think there may be something wrong with Chen Guangrong."

Zhang Anmin paused for a moment and said, "Chen Guangrong's brother is Chen Guangrong. I'm afraid Chen Guangrong is not the only one you want to investigate, right?"

Qi Tongli said calmly: "Of course it's not him. Don't forget, my style is to clean myself first, otherwise how can I fight against the big drug lord behind the scenes?"

Zhang Anmin said with a wry smile: "You have made such great achievements, are you still modest? Two meals, isn't this a big drug lord?"

Qi Tongli said bluntly: "Comrade An Min, I am a criminal investigation policeman, and I have some experience in solving crimes. Think about it, Zhang Fei and I have been wandering around Dongshan City for more than half a month, and we can find so many clues. Don't believe that the people in Dongshan City are so incompetent, they don't even realize it?"

"Even if the photos of each of them are flooded to everyone in Dongshan City, it's not like they can't even find a movement, right? Either they are superfluous, or they have inner ghosts. Do you agree with this?"

Zhang Anmin's expression was quite serious: "Comrade Qi Tongli, we attach great importance to these things you suspect."

Qi Tongli chuckled and said, "Didn't you also notice that something was wrong with Dongshan, so you transferred Comrades Luo Yi and Li Yunbo to take charge of the overall situation?"

Zhang Anmin smiled wryly: "The two of them have been in the past for two years, and it's still not worth half a month of your hard work."

However, Qi Tongli said something fair: "Luo Yi and Li Yunbo are bright sons. They are stared at by countless pairs of eyes. It is really not easy to make achievements."

"But I'm different. I'm in the dark. It's easier to investigate whether anyone in Dongshan City knows me."

As soon as the conversation changed, Qi Tongli suddenly said: "Comrade An Min, you should tell me about the dark hand you have arranged for several years."

Zhang Anmin was stunned: "Comrade Qi Tongli, what do you mean by that?"

Qi Tongli said softly: "I have been with Zhang Fei for half a month. Zhang Fei showed me photos of his parents, but there is one thing that is very strange. There is one person's head portrait missing from his family portrait. You should know Who is he?"

Zhang Anmin was speechless for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "How did you find out?"

Qi Tongli explained: "This is very normal. Zhang Fei's mother, Wang Sujuan, was killed by a drug dealer. I read her file. Although she was considered a suicide, there was an element of Dongliang weak alkali in her body."

"Zhang Zhongjian is a policeman, but he left his eight-month-old child behind and destroyed the information of his own existence. Coincidentally, Wang Sujun's younger brother Wang Suweiye also disappeared, and he also destroyed the traces of his own existence. .Why are they so extreme? What’s even more coincidental is that you adopted Zhang Fei.”

Zhang Anmin was dumb, and after a while he said: "The detective is indeed a detective, Comrade Qi Tongli, your sensitivity to clues is too strong."

Qi Tongli declared: "I am a criminal investigation policeman. I have to take a look at the files of the Dongshan City Public Security Bureau. I still have some experience in forensics, so I will naturally find something."

Zhang Anmin shouted in his heart that he was a monster.

Just by investigating the files of the police officers in Dongshan City, so much information can be seized. Isn't this a monster?
Before he could explain, Qi Tongli said again: "Comrade An Min, you are like me, you don't trust the Dongshan local gang, right? Otherwise, Luo Yi, Li Yunbo, and Zhang Fei wouldn't have been sent here repeatedly by you. "

Zhang Anmin talked about all his thoughts about defending himself.

He had no choice but to confess: "You're right. Zhang Fei's father, Zhang Zhongjian, is indeed my special interest. Ever since Wang Sujuan was killed by a drug dealer, Zhang Zhongjian and Wang Suwei have been thinking of avenging her."

"So they destroyed their traces. Abandoning the eight-month-old Zhang Fei, they went to Hong Kong Island to track down the real culprit incognito."

Qi Tongli thought about everything: "That's right, when Zhang Fei was born, there were very few people in the mainland who could afford drugs, but most of them were in Hong Kong Island. If you want to track down drug dealers, you have to go to Hong Kong Island."

Linhai Province is close to Hong Kong Island, and they also communicate with each other in terms of language. It is normal to go to Hong Kong Island.

Zhang Anmin explained: "Zhang Zhongjian's investigation was quite difficult. After more than ten years, he came to a conclusion that surprised us."

Qi Tongli's heart moved: "What conclusion?"

Zhang Anmin smiled wryly and said, "The Dongliang weak base that caused Wang Sujuan's death came from Dongshan City."

Qi Tongli suddenly realized: "So it is, that is to say, there is a drug manufacturing center hidden in Dongshan City that we don't know about."

Zhang Anmin sighed: "We knew about it a little late. When we looked back, we found that Dongshan City had become a den of drugs."

"So, I had to transfer Luo Yi and Li Yunbo respectively two years ago. As for Zhang Fei, that was an accident."

"No one knows better than me how difficult it is to be an anti-narcotics policeman. After this kid went to the police academy, I wanted him to do intelligence work, but he said he wanted to be an anti-narcotics policeman like me."

Qi Tongli echoed: "Parents are the best teachers for children, there is no doubt about that."

Zhang Anmin sighed deeply: "It's just that I know that the anti-drug policeman is difficult to do, so I don't let him do this, but I didn't expect the child to be so stubborn."

Qi Tongli persuaded: "Comrade Zhang Fei has done a good job. After changing his faults, he is making rapid progress now."

Zhang Anmin was silent, there were some things he really couldn't say to Qi Tongli.

Zhang Anmin sighed: "It's because I didn't think carefully. I only thought that Li Yunbo was born and bred in Dongshan, and he could integrate into Dongshan smoothly. Now it seems that I took it for granted. Fortunately, your operation has made up for this loophole, otherwise it would be really troublesome." gone."

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about Zhang Zhongjian. He is the dark son of your arrangement for more than 20 years. Now it should be handed over to me, right?"

Zhang Anmin hesitated: "Zhao Jialiang, Zhang Zhongjian's current name is Zhao Jialiang, even our leaders don't know about this line."

Qi Tongli smiled and said, "You don't trust me, or what?"

Zhang Anmin said decisively: "How could I not trust you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked you to be transferred here. But, what do you want Zhao Jialiang to do?"

Qi Tongli explained to him: "I need him to put pressure on the people behind Tazhai."

Zhang Anmin was stunned: "The person behind Tazhai?"

Qi Tongli analyzed calmly: "Thunder's acupoint sweeping operation seems to have gained a lot, but it hasn't eradicated the root cause."

"Dongshan is now a den of poison, with its roots deeply buried in the ground, and Tazhai is the root. The Thunder Sweeping operation only removes those roots, so that the real roots are exposed."

"But it's not enough just to have roots. There is also someone who shipped them. According to my judgment, this person must be on Hong Kong Island."

"Now the problem is simple. To get rid of this matter with the least cost, then I need someone to put pressure on the people behind Tazhai to make them take action."

Qi Tongli paused for a moment and said, "I know your concerns. I'm not the kind of person who disregards the life and death of my comrades for the sake of credit. My credit doesn't need such credit."

Zhang Anmin hurriedly said: "How is that possible? Your credits are real. I know you never used such a method to obtain credits."

Qi Tongli said lightly: "I have talked with Comrade Luo Yi, and we are going to work hard to complete this case in winter."

Zhang Anmin was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Can it be completed in such a short time?"

Qi Tongli chuckled and said, "That's why I need you to be honest with me!"

Zhang Anmin gritted his teeth and said, "Wait a minute, I'll contact Zhang Zhongjian and ask him to talk to you."

Qi Tongli smiled.


Three days later, Qi Tongli came to a fishing boat and met Zhang Zhongjian.

Zhang Zhongjian's gray hair is very vicissitudes.It looks like he is five or sixty years old, with only one pair of eyes and a sharp smile.

Qi Tongli sighed, "Mr. Zhao, you look much older than your teens."

Zhao Jialiang smiled and said, "It's better to be inconsistent with your actual age, it's safe. But Mr. Qi, you look really young at your age."

Qi Tongli said truthfully: "I look young."

Zhao Jialiang personally made a cup of tea for her: "Dog, please trouble Mr. Qi."

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "Zhang Fei is good, he is willing to learn, I like him very much. If I have time to stay in Linhai Province, I will let him walk around me more."

Zhao Jialiang was slightly taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Qi Tongli said truthfully: "The main reason for my transfer this time is because Comrade Zhang Anmin has this need. The Dongshan case will not drag on for too long. After finishing this case, I don't know where I will be transferred. If I have time , I don’t mind teaching Zhang Fei a little more.”

Zhao Jialiang couldn't hide the joy in his heart: "I just learned about Mr. Qi's situation, and I can't believe it at all. You are too young."

Qi Tongli smiled: "Whether it's a police rank or a position, the most direct thing is that I can do it, and I don't care."

"How does Mr. Zhao feel on Hong Kong Island?"

Zhao Jialiang is very free and easy: "I went to Hong Kong Island a long time ago, and now I live well. On the surface, I am a real estate businessman, but secretly I am a fake drug lord. I have enough food and clothing."

"My goal is not to make money. I have been looking for that person, but I still haven't found a clue."

Qi Tongli asked tentatively: "Dongliang weak base?"

Zhao Jialiang thought deeply: "There is one thing that is very strange. After years of investigation, I found that Dongliang weak base is actually from Dongshan. It is not Hong Kong Island as we thought at first."

Qi Tongli frowned and said, "That means that what happened back then may have been done by a drug dealer who returned home from Hong Kong Island?"

Zhao Jialiang nodded: "That's right."

Qi Tongli tapped on the table lightly: "Zhang Fei is 25 years old now, and that person must be at least 50 or [-] years old now. If he has been alive, he is truly an uncle."

Zhao Jialiang's expression was indifferent: "If I don't find that person, I won't be reconciled."

Qi Tongli pondered for a while and suddenly said: "This person is easy to find."

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Jialiang's eyes, and his tone became hurried: "Is it easy to find?"

Qi Tongli nodded steadily, and he analyzed: "If you can tell me about the origin of Dongliang's weak base, then he will be easy to find."

Zhao Jialiang hurriedly assured: "It's definitely not bad. It took me more than 20 years to track down this news, and I'm sure."

Qi Tongli thought, no wonder.

Zhang Fei is just 25 years old this year. It took Zhao Jialiang 20 years to confirm the news, and at the same time let Zhang Anmin focus on Dongshan.

Looking at Zhao Jialiang's gray beard, Qi Tongli knew that this man had suffered a lot for this.

(End of this chapter)

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