Lin Zonghui shook his head: "Every time the police force cracks down on drugs, there is a lot of thunder and little rain, and it's just a formality."

Cai Jun quickly said: "This time it's different. Except for Tazhai, all other villages have been cleaned up. Now only Tazhai is left. The most important thing is that they have certification."

Lin Zonghui's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of someone: "You mean, Shengwu..."

Cai Jun nodded heavily: "That's right, it's Shengwu! He surrendered himself."

Lin Zonghui was taken aback, and immediately flew into a rage: "How dare he betray his brothers and elders, does he still have the face to face his ancestors?"

Cai Jun snarled hard: "Dad, you are so stupid! What do you mean by being sorry to your ancestors? What Tazhai is doing now is to be sorry to your ancestors! If this continues, Tazhai will not even have a future!"

"Do you know what crime is punished for doing this kind of thing in China? Fifty grams is a death penalty! Don't tell me you want everyone in Tazhai to be sentenced to death, so you're happy?"

Lin Zonghui was stunned for a moment!
Cai Jun is also a veteran of observing Lin Zonghui's appearance at this time, and immediately said: "Why did Shengwu surrender? Apart from protecting his wife and children, he also doesn't want his children to be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives."

"You are the head of Sanfang and an important figure in Tazhai. You should make a decision early!"

Lin Zonghui covered his face in pain.

Cai Jun's words made him feel extremely painful. He knew who Cai Jun was. He was usually timid and fearful, and he would not say things that he was not sure about.Now that he dares to say this, it proves that this matter has been settled and nothing can be changed.

Lin Zonghui asked: "What does Bureau Li want me to do?"

Cai Jun was overjoyed, and quickly sat down and said, "Ju Li asked you to do two things."

"First, write down the list of participants in the village. Lin Shengwu has already given one copy, but Director Li means to compare the two copies. After all, Lin Shengwu escaped, so there are inevitably some omissions."

"The second thing is to ask you to stand up and do the work of the villagers when the police are arresting them, so as to prevent them from being incited by those who want to."

Lin Zonghui smiled wryly: "If I do this, what face do I have to meet my ancestors!"

Cai Jun was anxious: "Why are you still unable to think about it? Only when you survive can you lead Tazhai on the right path and Tazhai have a bright future. Think about it carefully."

Lin Zonghui gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll write."

Cai Jun was overjoyed: "It's good if you figure it out, as long as Lin Tianwu is arrested, the revenge of the second treasure and the third treasure can be avenged!"

Lin Zonghui shook his head and sighed.

He himself didn't know whether it was right or not.


In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

In the office of Qi Tongli, Dongshan Public Security Bureau.

"How's the situation at Tazhai?"

Li Yunbo gestured for Cai Yongqiang to answer, and the latter said, "Tazhai started the ancestor worship activities for more than a month ten days ago. Every household's stoves are fully turned on, and a strong smell of meat can be smelled from afar."

Qi Tongli asked: "The smell of lard?"

Cai Yongqiang confirmed: "That's right, it smells like lard."

"Tazhai has had the custom of worshiping ancestors since ancient times. In fact, there are such customs everywhere in Dongshan City, but this time it has been advanced by more than two months."

Qi Tongli asked again: "Has anything happened earlier?"

Cai Yongqiang thought for a while and said: "In the past ten years, eight out of ten ancestor worship activities in Tazhai were irregular, either advanced or delayed."

Qi Tongli understood.

Luo Yi asked, "Qi Bureau, are you sure that Tazhai has started construction?"

Qi Tongli stood up and said: "Confirmation, I went to Tazhai to smell the smell, the smell of animal fat, the smell of incense and the sea mixed with a pungent smell, this kind of pungent smell that is difficult to cover up, as long as you smell it once Absolutely never forget."

Qi Tongli came to the blackboard, and there was a simple schematic diagram of the surroundings of Tazhai on it.

"Why does Tazhai worship ancestors irregularly?"

"It should be that the time when Liu Haoyu from Hong Kong Island wants the goods is not certain. The big drug lords get the goods according to certain rules. They want a lot of goods. It is not only troublesome but also unsafe to start work temporarily. It is like the Golden Triangle. At the end of the year, determine the share for each drug lord in the coming year."

"Tazhai is the largest drug source in East Asia, and there is only one distributor for him, that is Haoyu Group in Hong Kong Island. At present, our Linhai Province has cooperated with the Hong Kong Island Police Department to monitor Liu Haoyu and his subordinates. "

"As long as we do it here, Hong Kong Island will also do it at the same time. This time we are fighting in coordination among the three places. Not only will we destroy Tazhai, but we will also destroy the entire drug trafficking route."

Li Yunbo immediately made a suggestion: "Qi Bureau, shouldn't we start? Every household in Tazhai opened fire for more than half a month."

"According to the confessions of Lin Shengwu and Lin Zonghui, more than 300 households participated in the construction."

Qi Tongli asked with a smile: "Then do you know how many goods Tazhai will produce?"

Li Yunbo shook his head.

Qi Tongli stretched out four fingers: "At least four tons of goods."

Everyone was taken aback.

Cai Yongqiang hurriedly asked, "Qi Bureau, how did you calculate it?"

Qi Tongli said with a sneer: "The last time we seized just two tons of cargo, plus the vacancy during this period, I conservatively estimate it to be four tons, maybe even more."

Qi Tongli clapped his hands and said seriously: "Comrade Cai Yongqiang, you have a good relationship with 300 million, keep an eye on him, as long as 300 million drives to Tazhai, it means they are ready to trade."

Luo Yi frowned: "You mean...Lin Yaodong will ask Chen Guangrong to use a police car to clear the way?"

Qi Tongli nodded: "That's what it means."

Luo Yi immediately suggested: "It's better to monitor Chen Guangrong's phone call directly."

Qi Tongli shook his head: "It's not safe. It's normal for one person to have multiple mobile phones now. It's better to lock his police car. Once he makes any changes, it's time to close the network."

Li Yunbo racked his brains to check for leaks and fill in the gaps: "What about Chen Guangze?"

Cai Yongqiang was also a little worried and said, "What if Chen Guangze comes out to interfere?"

Qi Tongli said indifferently: "We arrested at the same time. As soon as the 300 million incident happened, the comrades of the Disciplinary Committee set their sights on him. The reason why they didn't move him was because they wanted to cooperate with us."

Everyone was shocked.

Qi Tongli clapped his hands and said, "300 million has been monitored. If he moves, we will do it."

Everyone said yes.

Tazhai on the other side.

Lin Yaodong was furious, he was furious with the goods in his hands, without any gentleness.

"The quality of Lin Shengkui's goods is not good. Let's see, how can I deliver the goods with this purity? Will they be satisfied? Doing business must be honest, so hurry up and take it back for rework."

Lin Yaohua picked it up and looked at it, and explained the reason: "The proportion of the ingredients is not right."

Lin Yaodong determined the nature of this matter: "No matter what the reason is, if the purity is not enough, I will rework it, otherwise, I won't even get a penny."

Lin Yaohua waved again and again.

Lin Shengkui returned the goods directly.

Lin Yaodong returned to the office with his hands behind his back.

Lin Yaohua hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Brother Dong, the goods this time are from Sanfang..."

Lin Yaodong frowned and said, "Although Brother Lin Shengwu came out of Sanfang, the others have nothing to do. After all, they are an ancestor. They can't be forced too much, just reduce it a little."

Lin Yaohua was a little unwilling: "Wouldn't it be cheaper for them?"

Lin Yaodong smiled and said, "How can you take advantage of them?"

"They acted as guards and cover for us. Don't forget that Sanfang is still invested by other people. After all, it is an ancestor."

Lin Yaohua had no choice but to leave disappointed.

Lin Yaodong felt quite a headache.

He would like to see disputes between the second room and the third room, and he doesn't mind the fights between the two rooms.

But it is not such a critical time. When starting work, we must be absolutely united.

But thinking of Lin Zonghui's knife-like eyes looking at him at that time, Lin Yaodong always felt that something terrible was about to happen.

He gritted his teeth and said: "It seems that you have to be more cruel!"

Don't look at Lin Yaodong lightly ordering Lin Can, Lin Tianwu and others to execute Lin Shengwu, but when it was his turn to attack his cousin, Lin Yaodong was really hesitant to do so.

After thinking about it for a long time, he decided not to think about it, and after the deal was over, he was deciding what to do.

So he selected one of the three mobile phones placed on the desk and called Chen Guangrong.

"Captain Chen? I'll borrow your car tomorrow night and give you something."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yaodong finally felt better.


Qi Tongli soon got an excited report from Li Yunbo: "Qi Bureau, Lin Yaodong called Chen Guangrong! They will ship tomorrow night."

Qi Tongli snapped his fingers: "Very good, the final part of Thunder's acupoint sweeping operation will start tomorrow, has anyone else arranged it?"

Li Yunbo nodded heavily: "It's all arranged."

Qi Tongli chuckled and said, "Didn't Comrade An Min ask you to cook a pot of good soup for him? Serve it to him tomorrow."

Li Yunbo shouted loudly: "Yes!"

Qi Tongli took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Anmin: "Comrade Anmin, the special police team can be transferred tomorrow."

Dongshan City is only a county-level city, and its own police force is not much, but there are more than 1 people in Tazhai.

If the police force is not deployed in advance, it will be troublesome to cause a mutiny.Although Lin Zonghui was acting as an internal response, Qi Tongli still felt that it was not safe enough.

"You can inform Comrade Zhongjian that arrests will be carried out at the same time tomorrow night on Hong Kong Island."

Zhang Anmin laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay, I'll make arrangements here."

Qi Tongli hurriedly said: "Don't tell me, you first inform the comrades of the Discipline Inspection Commission that they will start working tomorrow."

Zhang Anmin patted his forehead: "I'm so happy, I almost forgot about this matter, I'll go communicate with them right away."

Zhang Anmin didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately notified him.

He had waited too long for this day.


The next day, Qi Tongli watched Chen Guangrong drive away from the police force, and immediately gave the order.

"The final stage of Thunder Sweeping Acupoint, move."

After speaking, he took the lead in wearing a combat uniform and a bulletproof vest and rushed out.

Behind him are Li Yunbo, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, and Cai Yongqiang, the captain of the anti-narcotics team.

The criminal investigation, anti-narcotics and other police officers all assembled in unison, and a continuous police car rushed towards Tazhai.

Qi Tongli was not afraid of scaring the snake at all. He no longer cared whether Chen Guangrong noticed the abnormality of the police force.

Chen Guangrong's actions today indicated that Tazhai was shipping goods, with an output of at least four tons. Even if they got the news and wanted to destroy the evidence, it was too late.

At this moment, there are not only the Dongshan City Police Force led by him, but also thousands of special police officers from Linhai Province who have long supported him.

Qi Tongli didn't want to use so many people, but Zhang Anmin wanted stability, so he couldn't object to such a thing.

More police force is always a good thing.

At the same time that Qi Tongli issued the action order, someone knocked on the door of Chen Guangze's house.

Chen Guangze thought someone else was here to give gifts, but he was stunned when he opened the door.

The three people outside the door were wearing uniforms, and the most conspicuous thing was that they all had a national emblem pinned to their chests.

The leader showed an arrest warrant: "Chen Guangguang, we belong to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, please come with us."

In an instant, Chen Guangming collapsed to the ground. He was double-regulated.


In the ancestral hall of Tazhai, Lin Zonghui stood in front of the ancestral tablet in a long robe, staring at it bewilderedly.

Lin Yaodong was greatly surprised: "Ah Hui, what are you doing here?"

Lin Zonghui felt a little melancholy: "I don't know how to face our ancestors after a hundred years, and how our ancestors will treat us unworthy descendants."

"I don't know how the descendants of Tazhai will think of me when I have the genealogy."

Lin Yaodong's heart skipped a beat, he forced a smile and said, "Ah Hui, what are you talking about?"

"Under our leadership, Tazhai has developed better than the surrounding villages. The village has schools, kindergartens, and its own business. Everyone can work without going out."

"How many villages are there in the world where the young are educated and the old are taken care of?"

"The ancestors will definitely be proud of us."

Lin Zonghui was even more melancholy: "Yes, if we can achieve such achievements without producing drugs, our ancestors will wake up laughing underground. Many of us will be remembered by future generations."

"But why did you take the lead in doing this?"

Lin Yaodong's face changed greatly: "Ah Hui, what's wrong with you? Why are you talking nonsense?"

Lin Zonghui turned around, Lin Yaodong was startled, he could clearly see the tear stains on Lin Zonghui's face.

"Brother Dong, you will be beheaded if you do this. The more you earn, the more people will be dragged into the water. In Huaguo, more than [-] grams is the death penalty."

Lin Yaodong turned pale with shock: "You don't know what news?"

Lin Zonghui said sadly: "Brother Dong, are you going to ship today? Did you ask Chen Guangrong to cover for you?"

Lin Yaodong breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, your son-in-law Cai Jun told you the news, right? Sure enough, Xiaolan did not marry the wrong person."

Lin Zonghui said sincerely: "Brother Dong, you should turn yourself in and leave more seeds for our Lin family and our Tazhai. Don't count on Chen Guangrong, he has already been targeted!"


Lin Yaodong suddenly grabbed Lin Zonghui's collar and asked, "Tell me, what do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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