He Yong thought for a while and agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he suddenly found himself drenched in sweat. Thinking of Qi Tongli's words, He Yong hurriedly reported the matter to the team leader Luo Shanhe.

Even with Luo Shanhe's concentration, he was also taken aback, after all, this matter is really unimaginable.


In a manor in Yihe New Village, Shimen District, Lvteng City, Gao Mingyuan, chairman of Changteng Capital, was listening to Hu Yiwei from the Nanshan Road Police Station complaining.

"Director Gao, we are in big trouble. Qi Tongli, the promotion manager of Mengwang.com, is a person who has seen the world. In just two or three sentences, he can control me to death."

"For this reason, I had to spend 10 yuan to reconcile with Xu Yingzi's siblings in private. Otherwise, once they go to court to sue me, I will be finished."

Gao Mingyuan remained calm and nodded considerately: "Hu Suo, I'm sorry, this incident has caused you to be wronged."

"The reconciliation money cannot be paid by Hu Suo." He said to his adopted daughter Zheng Yihong, "Hurry up and get ready to go to Hu Suo."

Hu Yiwei breathed a sigh of relief in the case: "Director Gao, Xu Xiaoshan is such a foolish kid, and he doesn't dare to tell about Sun Xing. Let's stop here, okay?"

Gao Mingyuan nodded with a smile: "That's right, Xu Xiaoshan, a kid, knows what, so he will do as Hu said."

Hu Yiwei was overjoyed, and quickly picked up his wine glass: "Come, come, let me respect Gao Dong."

Gao Mingyuan smiled and touched him.

Zheng Hongyi came back carrying a bag with a smile, and he put it gently beside Hu Yiwei.

"Hu Suo, the 20 you deposited here can be regarded as returning to Zhao today."

Hu Yiwei was slightly taken aback, isn't it one hundred thousand?How did it become 20?
But in a flash, he realized that there was shame on his fat face: "Manager Zheng is bothering you."

Gao Mingyuan and Zheng Yihong smiled and sent Hu Yiwei to the car.

Turning around, Gao Mingyuan's face darkened.

"Have you found out about Qi Tongli?"

Zheng Yihong looked very serious: "I called their headquarters according to the number on the official website of Dream.com. There are not many promotion managers on Dream.com. Qi Tongli is one of them. He is currently in charge of the work of Zhongjiang Province."

"He is the veteran of Dreamnet. He is from Jinghai City, Linhai Province. He is from the same hometown as the boss of Dreamnet. It is very troublesome to touch him."

Gao Mingyuan clasped his hands together: "Hua people value nostalgia. Since this Qi Tongli is a fellow of Mr. Chen, it's not easy to touch him."

After all, Dream Group is not comparable to Changteng Capital. If Changteng Capital is bigger, it may only be famous in Zhongjiang Province, but Dream Group can be a large company with a national nature.

Gao Mingyuan pondered for a long time and asked again: "Have you found out the specific experience of Qi Tongli?"

Zheng Yihong shook her head: "I started the relationship, it's just that I vaguely know that he seems to have been a soldier, and I don't know much about the others."

Gao Mingyuan sneered: "I'm afraid it's not an ordinary soldier. I've seen Sun Xing's injuries. This method is not something ordinary people can do. This is a dragon crossing the river!"

Zheng Yihong suggested: "Would you like to take it easy?"

Gao Mingyuan waved his hand: "Sun Xing's matter has a lot to do with it, we must deal with it well, and we can't leave any trouble behind."

"Someone told me the news that the guidance team from the imperial capital stayed in the provincial capital in shock, and may be coming down in a few months."

Zheng Yihong's heart tightened: "Is the guidance team coming to Lvvine?"

Gao Mingyuan nodded heavily: "So, this matter should be handled strictly, and no news should be leaked."

After speaking, he turned around and shouted, "Old Ning!"

A staff member who looked like he was collecting electricity bills walked over slowly.

His appearance is really ordinary, if you throw him into the crowd, you are guaranteed to never find him again.

Gao Mingyuan patted Lao Ning on the shoulder: "When Hu Yiwei leaves Xu Yingzi's house, you will kill Xu Yingzi's brother and sister."

Lao Ning nodded expressionlessly: "Okay!"

After finishing talking, Lao Ning turned around and was about to go out, Gao Mingyuan said quickly: "If you meet someone named Qi Tongli, you have to be careful. He may be a retired master from the army."

Lao Ning's face remained unchanged: "Okay!"

He waited for a while, before Gao Mingyuan could speak, he went out directly.

Gao Mingyuan and Hu Yiwei agreed to let Xu Xiaoshan go, but turned around and sent the killer.

His face was very calm, as if it was normal to do so.

Gao Mingyuan sat down and continued to drink tea, when a gust of fragrant wind broke in.

"Mingyuan, are you done with your work now?"

A tall girl sat in Gao Mingyuan's arms.

Gao Mingyuan smiled and said: "Mengmeng, you are naughty again. By the way, have you gone back to see your mother? What does your mother say?
Mai Mengmeng was quite distressed: "My mother disagrees with the two of us."

Gao Mingyuan was not in a hurry: "It takes a long time to see people's hearts, by the way, I don't think your name is very good, I invited a Feng Shui master to give you a nice name, you will be called Maijia from now on! "

As he spoke, he handed her an ID card with Mai Jia's name written on it.

Gao Mingyuan said again: "I hired a famous physique teacher from the imperial capital for you, and I also gave you a graduation certificate."

Mai Mengmeng opened the graduation certificate and was immediately filled with joy.She will also be a graduate of Zhongjiang Art Institute in the future.

Gao Mingyuan instructed: "Physical courses and art appreciation courses must be taken well. Only in this way, you will not be seen by others. You are a genuine high-achieving student from the Art Academy."

Mai Jia hugged Gao Mingyuan excitedly and kissed him.

Gao Mingyuan accepted it with a smile, and he pointed to the next door: "The physique teacher from the imperial capital is waiting for you. If you practice well, I will give you money to make you a star. That's all, go quickly."

Mai Jia flew out like a happy little swallow.

Zheng Yihong said with a smile: "Your move is really powerful."

"After our actions, Mai Zili and Xue Mei's daughter disappeared without a trace."

Gao Mingyuan drank tea with a smile, he was in a very good mood at the moment.

Seeing him happy, Zheng Yihong congratulated him, "I will help you train her to be the best horse."

Hearing Zheng Yihong's words, Gao Mingyuan's mood improved even more.


Lao Ning drove an unremarkable van, followed Hu Yiwei's car silently, and watched Hu Yiwei go upstairs with a bag of money.

Lao Ning despised Hu Yiwei very much, thinking that he was a softie, and if it wasn't for the clothes on his body, he would have killed him.

People like them admire tough guys the most, and people like Hu Yiwei who eat black and white are the most looked down upon.

On the body of the van that Lao Ning was driving, there was a big word - electric maintenance.

It is most suitable to be placed in this old community.

The house here is not owned by Xu Yingzi's sister and brother, but they rented it. Xu Yingzi is not from the city.

Lao Ning didn't have the slightest feeling about the murder. He knew his identity, and the chairman of Changteng Capital had treated him with great kindness.

Because of Gao Mingyuan, not only did he get out of death row, but his family even lived a prosperous life.

Lao Ning was very grateful to Gao Mingyuan, he felt that apart from his own life, he had nothing to repay him.

So from that day on, he became Gao Mingyuan's shadow and the sharpest knife.

If Gao Mingyuan is good, his family will live better. If Gao Mingyuan is not good, then his family will not live well either.

Lao Ning is very satisfied with his current life. For him, killing people is just a kind of ordinary work, no different from killing chickens and pigs.

Anyway, if you hit it with a knife, you will die.

Lao Ning's usual work is very easy, planting flowers, fishing, strolling, living a very comfortable life.

The bigger Dong Gao's business is, the fewer people dare to provoke him. Lao Ning hasn't done anything for a long time.

After receiving the order today, let's start working again, anyway, he's used to it.

Lao Ning smoked a cigarette calmly, with a calm and calm expression.

If someone in the community sees him at this time, they will only think that the wires in the community are aging and need to be repaired.

Lao Ning is very much like those maintenance workers who have been tired for a long time and returned to the car to rest.

He is very patient.

To do this job, the most important thing is to have a hard heart. Lao Ning is already familiar with it, and he has never exposed it.

He never thought it was an easy job to do.

Even if you kill a pig, the pig will struggle, let alone a living person.

Maybe it's not just one or two things to get rid of today, maybe three.

Gao Mingyuan almost never talked nonsense. Now that he mentioned Qi Tongli, Lao Ning fell in love with him.

Obviously, Qi Tongli is one of the rare people who can be valued even by Gao Dong.

It's not that Lao Ning is afraid of Qi Tongli in his heart, it's nothing more than a dead word anyway.The problem is, he has to die like everyone else.

If his identity was revealed while working, then Lao Ning would rather not do this job.

It's not that Lao Ning cherishes his life. Ever since he did his first job for Gao Mingyuan, this life has not belonged to him.

He is just a knife in Gao Mingyuan's hand. If Gao Mingyuan is exposed for his own reasons, this is not what Lao Ning wants to see.

After Lao Ning finished smoking a cigarette, Hu Yiwei hadn't come down from the stairs.

He was not in a hurry, and slowly lit another one.

He smoked very slowly, barely finished a cigarette before Hu Yiwei was sweating profusely.

The corners of Lao Ning's mouth turned up slightly, and the look of contempt in his eyes became stronger.

This Hu Yiwei has never been so nervous in front of Gao Dong, but now...

But he is cowardly!

Very incredible.

Lao Ning was very sorry, if only Hu Yiwei offended Director Gao.

In this way, he can deal with Hu Yiwei the same way he dealt with Lin Han.

No, no!
Lao Ning immediately rejected the plan.

What is Hu Yiwei, and he deserves to be compared with Lin Han?
That Lin Han is tough, Hu Yiwei is just a clown.

Seeing Hu Yiwei's police car go away, Lao Ning was even more contemptuous.

This guy actually drove over in a police car, for fear that others would not know what was going on.

Will Hu Yiwei become a suspect when he finishes the work by himself?

Lao Ning shook his head regretfully, didn't think about it, then picked up his tool bag and went upstairs.

Lao Ning walked unhurriedly and very calmly. He came to the door of Zhu Yingzi's house and knocked on the door politely.

The door opened, but it wasn't Xu Yingzi's siblings who opened the door, it was Qi Tongli whom he had seen in the photo.

Lao Ning met Shang Qi Tongli's eyes, and suddenly lost his mind for a while, as if he was being seen thoroughly by the other party.

His heart was beating non-stop.

A bad premonition came to mind, Lao Ning had experienced many things, and had already developed a sixth sense, especially keen on the perception of danger.

All of a sudden, he understood what Gao Mingyuan meant, that Qi Tongli was a dangerous person.

Just as Lao Ning felt that Qi Tongli was in danger, Qi Tongli also sensed Lao Ning's identity.

He naturally stood at the door, blocking Zhu Yingzi's siblings, and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Lao Ning said in a low voice, "I'm an electrician who repairs old wiring. I just finished the new year and it's the peak electricity consumption period, so I just came here to check it out."

Qi Tongli looked at him with a smile: "No need, there is no problem with the wires here, please go back."

"Go back and tell your leader, it's just this one time, don't take it as an example, I don't care if the person behind you is surnamed Sun or something."

Lao Ning said with a embarrassed face: "Don't be surprised, this is a task assigned by the leader."

Qi Tongli's attitude was very firm: "How about I call your leader?"

Lao Ning borrowed the donkey from the slope and hurriedly said: "No, no, let's go back and study it."

After speaking, he turned around and left, not daring to stay in the slightest.

Back in the car, Lao Ning suddenly discovered that his back was covered with sweat, and cold sweat was streaming down his face.

Lao Ning didn't dare to stay here any longer, so he drove the car around twice to make sure no one was following him, and then hurried to Yihe New Village.

Qi Tongli is an extremely dangerous person, and he wants to report the news to his master immediately.


Qi Tongli closed the door and said to the two of them, "Yingzi, you haven't gone back to see your parents for a long time, so take the money and go back and have a look."

Xu Yingzi hesitated: "But brother Li, I still have to go to school, why don't you let Xiaoshan go back with the money?"

Xu Xiaoshan nodded quickly: "Brother Li, leave it to me, and I will handle it."

Qi Tongli glared at him: "Here? Let you use the money to play cards?"

Xu Xiaoshan couldn't hold his head up when Qi Tongli said it.

Qi Tongli said coldly: "Boy, I'm afraid you don't know how much your sister paid for your affairs. She was almost beaten to death by Sun Xing."

Xu Xiaoshan's body was trembling, he was still a child now, he was scared out of his wits long ago.

Xu Yingzi said, "Brother Li, I'm going to ask for leave now."

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "No, I'll take a good leave of absence for you, let's go straight away, and I'll take you two home now."

Xu Yingzi was a little surprised: "Why did you ask me for leave?"

Qi Tongli explained: "Dream.com has a very good relationship with your school. As the promotion manager of Dream.com, it's okay to ask you for a leave."

(End of this chapter)

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