Qi Tongli immediately stopped him: "Who do you want to call?"

Li Chengyang said: "My former immediate boss, He Yun, is now the deputy director of the Lvteng City Public Security Bureau."

Qi Tongli shook his head at him.

Li Chengyang raised his head in astonishment and asked, "Brother Li, what do you mean?"

Qi Tongli asked a question that made the three of them tingle: "40 years ago, what was this He Yun's job?"

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Li Chengyang's expression changed drastically.

Da Jiang asked Ma Shuai: "Brother, were you familiar with the Public Security Bureau at that time? What is He Yun's job?"

Ma Shuai couldn't help swallowing: "He Yun was the immediate boss of Yangzi and his master, and the head of the criminal police team."

Da Jiang's expression also changed drastically.

There was another roar in Li Chengyang's ears, and he suddenly thought of his unruly dismissal and the 14 years of grievances of his master.

A terrible idea appeared in Li Chengyang's mind.

"His master knew the news of Gao He's coming out, and then went to investigate. The news was too shocking. He didn't tell him, so he reported it to He Yun, but He Yun leaked the news, which brought death to his master."

"If the news is true, then He Yun must know who the murderer is!"

Li Chengyang looked ferocious: "I'm going to find her!"

Said to go out the door.

But was soon stopped by Qi Tongli.

"Stupid, you just go like this. Isn't that like a sheep going into a tiger's mouth? You had so many classmates back then, wouldn't it be enough to ask them to help you check it?"

Li Chengyang's eyes lit up.

Qi Tongli said, "It's a pity that you were a policeman before, why are you so restless?"

He seemed to understand something: "You seem to have such a temper, otherwise you wouldn't have been framed by others, and you couldn't stand the anger, so you just resigned and left."

Li Chengyang panted heavily and remained silent.

Qi Tongli talked about his sore spot. If he had been able to persist in the investigation back then, wouldn't the case of his master have been exposed to the world long ago?
Li Chengyang was quite remorseful.

Then he heard what Qi Tongli said next.

"But then again, thanks to your temper, you left the police station early, or you will be punished to death sooner or later."

Li Chengyang raised his head suddenly, and looked at Qi Tongli in astonishment: "Brother Li, you have told me all the truth and irony, and everything I do is wrong?"

Qi Tongli didn't mean to be joking at all: "What I said is true, think about it, your master Lin Han is such a seasoned criminal policeman, he has been murdered to death, let alone you?"

"Besides, your resignation did not comply with the rules. He Yun, and even the person who signed the form, are all under serious suspicion. Of course, all of this is based on a fact."

All three looked at him.

Qi Tongli said categorically: "Sun Xing is Gao He and not someone else. Our previous inferences were all based on this. Now we can only make a clear judgment if we prove this matter."

Li Chengyang immediately said: "I'll call my classmate right away."

He took out his mobile phone and suddenly encountered a problem. There are so many classmates, who should I call it for?
Qi Tongli reminded: "Don't look for students from Lvteng City, it's better to look for students from the province."

Li Chengyang's eyes lit up: "Brother Li said so, I really think of one."

Ma Shuai asked, "Who is it?"

Li Chengyang said in a deep voice: "He Yong, the head of the criminal investigation team."

Ma Shuai was taken aback: "You still have such a classmate?"

Li Chengyang said strangely: "Brother, you know about this matter, but I have mentioned it to you before."

Ma Shuai sighed: "You mentioned too many things to me, how can I remember so clearly."

Li Chengyang found He Yong's phone number and called him directly.

The phone was answered in seconds, but before he could speak, He Yong spoke first: "Yangzi, I was just looking for you. I want to ask you something. What case was your master investigating before he died?"

Li Chengyang's heart moved: "Why do you, the captain of the big detachment, care about this case?"

He Yong lowered his voice: "Now the province is reviewing old cases, and your master is a veteran criminal policeman with outstanding achievements. His death is very strange. I remember that he is your master, so I would like to ask you a question."

"By the way, by the way, there is also a problem with your resignation report. It is against the rules for you to quit the team."

Li Chengyang's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"About what case my master was investigating at that time, he didn't tell me. Don't ask this, please help me investigate someone."

He Yong frowned: "You did this before, and you know the rules."

Li Chengyang said in a calm voice: "Don't worry, I won't let you do things that violate discipline. What I want to investigate is a death row prisoner 14 years ago."

He Yong pretended to be curious and said: "The death row prisoner 14 years ago can still live to this day? Are you joking?"

Li Chengyang said seriously: "I got the news and found that this death row prisoner named Gao He is still alive."

He Yong pretended to be shocked: "What you said is true?"

Li Chengyang urged: "Hurry up and check it out. If it's true, maybe my master's death has something to do with it."

He Yong gritted his teeth: "Okay, you wait for me, is that Gao He's case handled by your master?"

Li Chengyang nodded again and again: "Yes."

He Yong said bluntly, "Give me 10 minutes and wait for my news."

Before he hung up the phone, Li Chengyang hurriedly said: "Be sure to investigate quietly, and don't disturb other people."

He Yong said unhappily: "I will be more cautious than you think."

After hanging up the phone, the corners of He Yong's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Luo Shanhe, who was sitting next to him, asked, "Did Li Chengyang call?"

He Yong said with a smile: "The arrangement of Team Qi is absolutely perfect. Li Chengyang is now the second-in-command of Xinshuai Group, a star enterprise in Lvteng City, and he can mobilize a lot of resources. If he joins the investigation, it will greatly speed up our investigation."

Luo Shanhe smiled and said: "I said, Comrade Qi Tongli will not let us down, start the timer now, and call the other party in 10 minutes."

He Yong immediately looked at his watch: "Yes!"

It turned out that all of this was arranged by Qi Tongli, and it was impossible to investigate without the help of a local snake in Lvteng City.

He needed a helper, and it happened that he remembered that Li Chengyang and He Yong were classmates, so he came up with such a design.

He needs to see if Li Chengyang still regards himself as a policeman in his heart, and if he has forgotten about his master Lin Han.

The result of the trial naturally did not disappoint him, and that's why He Yong and Li Chengyang got married.

He Yong looked at his watch, and it was 10 minutes soon, so he immediately picked up the phone and called Li Chengyang.

"Chengyang, you are fine. Gao He is still alive. You heard me right. Gao He is indeed still alive."

"According to the data, he changed from death penalty to death sentence with a reprieve, then to indefinite sentence, and finally to 20 years in prison. Four years ago, he was released on medical parole due to physical reasons."

"He, come out."

Li Chengyang cursed: "Fart, my information shows that Sun Xing appeared 14 years ago, and he has never been in prison at all."

He Yong turned pale with shock: "Really?"

"You check slowly in Luteng City, I will confirm it for you in the province, pay attention to safety, and keep in touch at any time."

Li Chengyang fell to the ground weakly after hanging up the phone.

"Brother, Sun Xing is Gao He. It is very likely that my master was framed to death when he saw Gao He come out. What should we do now?"

Qi Tongli said indifferently: "If Sun Xing is Gao He, then there is a solution. We can start with his parents."

"Think about it, apart from his parents, who would do such a thing for Sun Xing?"

The three of them had no objection, it was obvious.

Li Chengyang said hesitantly: "But I remember that Gao He has no parents. He is an illegitimate child. How do we find out?"

Qi Tongli asked: "Isn't Gao Mingyuan Gao He's father?"

Ma Shuai shook his head: "Probably not, I remember that Gao Mingyuan is not married... But it's hard to say, a person like him never lacks a lover, maybe it's not necessarily that lover who gave birth to him."

Qi Tongli thought for a while and said: "It's simple, just find a way to get Gao Mingyuan's secretions, and you can verify their DAN!"

Li Chengyang was stunned: "Paternity test?"

Qi Tongli nodded: "Yes, this method is the simplest and most effective, I think you can give it a try."

Li Chengyang frowned: "Then who will take their hair?"

Qi Tongli spread his hands: "Of course it's you, it can't be me, right?"

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Li Chengyang looked at Ma Shuai who was at the side.

Ma Shuai suddenly panicked: "Then shall I go see Gao Mingyuan?"

Li Chengyang smiled and said: "Brother, you have to help me, right? Besides, if it is really proved that Gao Mingyuan is Gao He's father, then our affairs will be much simpler, and once Gao Mingyuan is taken down, no one in the real estate industry in Lvteng City will compete with us."

Ma Shuai was dumbfounded, good guy, there are so many reasons!
Qi Tongli glanced at everyone, and suddenly said: "Brother Yang, Brother Jiang, it's getting late, you guys go back quickly, I'm chatting with Mr. Ma for a while."

Li Chengyang was willing to go, he just wanted to tell, but he nodded immediately when he met Shang Qi Tongli's eyes.

Li Chengyang felt Alexander, and so did Dajiang.

Qi Tongli smiled and said: "Only after resting can we seriously investigate the case. You must know that the opponent we are facing is not ordinary, so we must be cautious."

Li Chengyang had no choice but to go back with Da Jiang.

Ma Shuai also wanted to leave. After all, Qi Tongli was too scary. In front of him, he was as if he had no clothes on, and he had no secrets at all.

He really didn't want to stay here.

Ma Shuai smiled and said, "Mr. Qi, we are neighbors. If I go back to rest first, can we talk another day?"

Qi Tongli shook his head: "I deliberately dismissed Li Chengyang and Dajiang, and there are some things I can only say to you alone."

Ma Shuai's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt a bad premonition.

Qi Tongli took out a certificate and put it in front of Ma Shuai.

"Open it up and take a look."

Ma Shuai picked it up and took a look, his eyes widened in vain. It turned out to be a police certificate.

"Are you a policeman?"

Qi Tongli nodded slightly: "Yes, I am a policeman. Let me introduce myself. I am Qi Tongli, deputy chief of the Zhongjiang Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps."

Ma Shuai gasped, unable to believe it at all: "You... aren't you the promotion manager of Dream Group?"

Qi Tongli smiled slightly, took out his wallet and revealed a photo.

"I didn't lie to you. I am indeed the promotion manager of Dream Group. This is not just a cover, it can also be found on Dream Group's official website."

What Qi Tongli took out was a photo of their family of three. In the photo, Qi Tongli hugged his son and snuggled up next to Chen Shuting.

The family of three laughed happily.

Ma Shuai's eyes popped: "Who is Chairman Chen of Dream Group?"

Qi Tongli smiled and said, "My love!"

Ma Shuai suddenly realized that this is the case. No wonder Qi Tongli dared to use the identity of the promotion manager of Dream.com as a cover. His wife is the big boss of Dream Group. What are you afraid of?
Ma Shuai calmed down: "Why did you disclose your ID card to me?"

Qi Tongli said to him very sincerely: "I need to find some information from you, such as Mai Zi's case back then."

Ma Shuai's face suddenly changed, he managed to calm down, and whispered: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

Qi Tongli said indifferently: "14 years ago, you and Dong Yao, the current mayor of Shimen District, Mai Zili, and Chen Jianbo were all on the same construction site."

"That project is connected to every village. The biggest contractor is Changteng Capital, which is Gao Mingyuan's company. At that time, you were a contractor under Changteng Capital. Dong Yao was just a staff member, and that Chen Jianbo was not as famous as he is now. He was just a small worker who placed explosives."

"What is Mai Zili's position? He is the supervisor of the project department. Although it seems that the position is not big, he has a right."

Ma Shuai's face turned pale.

"Yes, if he doesn't sign, the project cannot be accepted."

Qi Tongli clapped his hands and said, "So someone killed Mai Zili. After Mai Zili disappeared, the village-to-village project got a new supervisor and passed the inspection very quickly."

"And you were the one who called Mai Zili to go out."

Ma Shuai was frightened and shouted: "I didn't kill Mai Zili."

Qi Tongli nodded: "You are telling the truth, but only half of it. You know who killed him, and you were there during the whole process."

Ma Shuai's pupils shrank slightly, and he was very surprised.

Qi Tongli said slowly, "Who did it? Dong Yao? Yes, it's Dong Yao!"

Ma Shuai was stunned. Is this man a devil?How to know everything, just like seeing it with your own eyes.

Qi Tongli carefully observed the changes in the expression on Ma Shuai's face, supporting his inference bit by bit.

"Who buried the body? Dong Yao? No, it was Chen Jianbo?"

"It's really him!"

The room fell into a strange situation. From the beginning to the end, Qi Tongli was asking and answering himself. Ma Shuai didn't say a word at all. It can be seen that Qi Tongli completely recounted the whole process.

(End of this chapter)

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