The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 543 The Secret Revealed

The two are no longer chatting about what happened 14 years ago, nor are they talking about the Yihe New Village project. Both of them understand that the other is a ruthless person.

When Zheng Yihong and Li Chengyang came back, they could feel that the atmosphere was not right.

They are smart people who don't say anything.

So after drinking three cups of tea, Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang said goodbye and left.

After the two left, the smile on Gao Mingyuan's face froze immediately: "Shuai Ma is really promising, he dared to threaten me!"

Zheng Yihong asked, "Do you want to cut him off?"

Gao Mingyuan shook his head slowly: "No, it's too late, you should deal with Sun Xing's matter as soon as possible."

Zheng Yihong was keenly aware of the change in the matter: "Ma Shuai brought new news?"

Gao Mingyuan nodded: "I underestimated Qi Tongli...."

Zheng Yihong was taken aback: "What's the matter with Qi Tongli?"

Gao Mingyuan smiled wryly and said, "That idiot Sun Xing told him to stop those messy things earlier, but he refused to listen. This angered, and Qi Tongli reported the situation in Lvteng City to Mr. Chen."

"Then Mr. Chen reported to the Imperial Capital..."

"Ma Shuai got the news from Qi Tongli three days earlier than us."

Zheng Yihong lost her voice: "The supervisory team is here for Sun Xing? He can't enter the Public Security Bureau!"

Sun Xing is Gao He, and Gao He is Sun Xing. The supervisory team must not let Sun Xing be taken away, otherwise his true identity cannot be concealed.

Gao Mingyuan had a smile on his face: "Fortunately, Ma Shuai reminded me inadvertently, otherwise we would miss the line of Sun Xing, and we would lose everything."

"Now, it's time to fix the patch!"

Zheng Yihong hurriedly said, "I'll do it now."

Gao Mingyuan stopped him: "Although Ma Shuai's words are not pleasant, what he said is the truth. To cut off Mai Zili's affairs, we must not let the slightest leak out and let those two people keep their mouths shut."

Zheng Yihong frowned and said, "Where is Shuai Ma?"

Gao Mingyuan waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about his side, I've already arranged it."

Zheng Yihong went away with a thump.

Gao Mingyuan leaned back on the chair, feeling quite stabbed.

Lao Ning came out from behind the screen: "Do you want me to kill Ma Shuai?"

Gao Mingyuan shook his head: "No, the timing is not right now."

Lao Ning said blankly: "I will kill Lao Ning even if he drinks Li Chengyang."

Gao Mingyuan still shook his head, "The supervisory team is coming, these two people have just been to the Red Mansion, Qi Tongli and Ma Shuai are also good neighbors..."

He just felt quite unlucky: "Why did Qi Tongli know Li Chengyang and the others?"

Lao Ning replied: "I've checked. When Qi Tongli came to Shimen District on the first day, he randomly found a chaotic restaurant to eat, and then met Li Chengyang and the others."

"They belong to friends who share a table and eat together."

"Originally, if this meal was finished smoothly, there might not be such an intimate relationship. Who would have expected Xu Yingzi's incident."

Gao Mingyuan was furious: "About Xu Yingzi?"

Lao Ning nodded.

Gao Mingyuan felt more and more unlucky.

"Don't worry about Ma Shuai's affairs. He's always said what he says. He values ​​friendship and cares about his family. Unless he doesn't want his wife and children, he won't say anything."

Lao Ning nodded slightly.

After waiting for a long time, Gao Mingyuan didn't give any orders, so he walked out quietly.

Gao Mingyuan rubbed his temples and fell into deep thought again.

The supervisory team is coming soon, he must arrange everything well, there must be no mistakes, otherwise...



A slap hit Sun Xing fiercely in the face.

The woman stared at him like a knife.

If eyes could kill, Sun Xing would have been hacked into pieces long ago.

Sun Xing gasped, not daring to tell the difference.

He Yun, deputy director of the Lvteng City Public Security Bureau, looked at him with disappointment on his face, and the expression of hatred for iron and steel was clearly revealed in his eyes.

"You have died once, and you are still so high-profile in doing things. Isn't it good to do your business honestly? Why do you do these unconscionable things?"

He Yun said in an unquestionable tone: "Quickly stop those messy businesses and hide with your sister Hong."

"Listen to me, don't come out until the supervisory team leaves."

Sun Xing was stunned, he was beaten half to death by Qi Tongli, and now his body is still in pain, he finally fell asleep, and just woke up when he was slapped by He Yun, his whole head turned into a paste .

"Mom, what's going on?"

He Yun's body trembled slightly, but finally softened.

"You did something wrong. They reported your matter to the imperial capital. The supervision team will come down in three months. Once they catch you, you will die."

"Don't forget who you really are!"

Sun Xing's face turned pale, and he forced a smile and said, "No way, I'm just a loan shark."


He Yun couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped him hard again.

"Is your messy loan still a trivial matter? Do you know how many college students' families have been ruined by this matter? I can suppress one for you, but I can't suppress the second one for you.'"

"Is it so difficult for you to run a good business? Thinking about these crooked things all day long! Human life is so worthless in your eyes?"

The more He Yun said, the more he disagreed, and he slapped Sun Xing directly on the face again.

He Yun lowered his voice, and said sharply, "Do you know how much effort we went through to get you out?"

"It's good for you to change your face and start a new life. You have to be a beast! If I knew this, I might as well just let you eat peanuts. It's just a one-hundredth."

Although Sun Xing was beaten, he didn't dare to say anything.

He Yun said coldly: "It seems that until now you don't know how big a mistake you have made. Do you know how precious college students are in China?"

"That's all right now. I'll report the matter to the imperial capital directly. That's why the supervisory team came down."

Sun Xing felt frightened all of a sudden, fell to his knees with a thud, and shouted loudly: "Mom, you must save me!"

He Yun wished he could slap him to death. If he had known this day, he should have knocked out this nemesis in the first place.

However, no matter what, he is his own son.

Disgust is disgust, but if something really happens, the gang has to help.

Although I have to help.But he also had to have a long memory, so he raised both hands and beat Sun Xing savagely.

The corner of Sun Xing's mouth was bleeding from the beating.

He Yun said in a low voice: "I was too indulgent to you, which led you to go astray. I decided to discipline you in the future."

Sun Xing nodded again and again, his face was full of excitement, and he didn't feel any unwillingness or pain from being beaten.

It seems that He Yun can take care of him, which makes him the happiest thing.

But He Yun looked at Sun Xing's face with increasing disgust.

"I'm busy with work, so I don't have much time to discipline you personally. I hired someone for you, and I'll let your sister Hong take care of you."

Zheng Yihong?
Sun Xing was terrified for a moment.

If He Yun and Gao Mingyuan came to take care of him, he wouldn't be so afraid.

After all, no matter what, they would not take his life.

But Zheng Yihong, that crazy woman, he was really scared.

Sun Xing said with fear on his face: "Mom, you should change someone else, don't let sister Hong come."

He Yun was almost pissed off by him, grabbed Sun Xing by the collar, and shouted in a low voice: "How long are you going to be self-willed? The supervision team of the Imperial Capital came here just for you. Once you are caught by them, As long as you have a fingerprint, you can't escape."

"This is to save your life! Are you still so willful?"

She said again in an unquestionable tone: "Listen clearly to me, and listen to your sister Hong honestly, and don't keep causing trouble for me."

"Do it yourself."

After speaking, he opened the door and went out.

Sun Xing watched He Yun get into the car through the window, his face twisted.

There was his mother outside, but he didn't dare to send it off in an open and honest manner.

When He Yun got into the car, all the strength in his body seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

She lay on the steering wheel, tears welling in her eyes, what kind of evil did she do, how did such a thing happen to her.

At night 30 years ago, if only I hadn't followed Gao Mingyuan to see the so-called world.

Once you make a mistake, you have to spend your whole life to pay back.

He Yun didn't dare to cry out loud.

After a while, he wiped away the tears on his face to wake himself up.

He took out his mobile phone and called Zheng Yihong: "I told Sun Xing that you will take care of him from now on. You have to correct all his problems, as long as you can't beat him to death."

After He Yun put down the phone, his eyes were lost. This son is a beast, and he was born by himself.

In the end, it's up to him.


"The paternity test results are out."

Qi Tongli's home in Jingya Community, Lvteng City.

Qi Tongli held several appraisal certificates and said to Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang:

"But something went wrong."

Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang hurriedly said: "Mr. Qi, don't be a fool, tell us quickly."

Qi Tongli took out an appraisal report: "This is the appraisal result of Sun Xing and He Yun. It did not exceed our expectations at all. They are mother-child relationship."

Li Chengyang's hair exploded suddenly: "He Yun is Sun Xing's biological mother?"

"That's no wonder! My master's death has nothing to do with her."

Qi Tongli continued: "One thing is beyond our expectation, Gao Ming is far from Gao He's biological father."

"What?" Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang's expressions changed drastically.

Li Chengyang lost his voice and said: "Impossible, if Gao Mingyuan is not Gao He's biological father, why is Gao He's surname Gao? How could he kill someone for Gao He?"

Ma Shuai also said, "Could it be that the hospital made a mistake? Except for the biological parents, who can treat other children like this?"

"Anyway, I don't believe that anyone will do this."

Qi Tongli said firmly: "The hospital can't make mistakes. If there is a mistake, then there might be a mistake about He Yun being Gao He's mother!"

"Gao Mingyuan is really not Gao He's biological father."

Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang were both dumbfounded.

Li Chengyang frowned and said: "Then Gao Mingyuan is stupid? For a person who doesn't want to do it, spend such a high price to open up relationships and rescue Gao He from death row?"

"Normal people wouldn't do that!"

Both of them frowned in thought. When Ma Shuai looked up, he saw Qi Tongli's calm face.

So he asked, "President Qi, you don't seem surprised at all!"

Qi Tongli invited the two of them to drink a cup of tea, and then said slowly, "Who is Gao Mingyuan essentially?"

"What's the problem? Isn't he just a businessman?" Ma Shuai replied directly.

"Think about it, you two, he doesn't have much power as a businessman, otherwise there is no need to have so many relationships, so... Is there a possibility that Gao Mingyuan is raising children for others?"

The eyes of Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang almost popped out.

Will Gao Mingyuan of Changteng Capital raise children for others?How can this be.

Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang didn't believe it at all.

Qi Tongli said very calmly: "Why is it impossible? Don't forget that Gao Mingyuan 30 years ago is not Gao Mingyuan now."

"He was only a small businessman then."


Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang woke up instantly.

yes! How does Gao Mingyuan 30 years ago compare with Gao Mingyuan now?

There is no comparison at all.

At that time, Gao Mingyuan was still a young man in his 20s, so what energy could he have.

In this way, it makes sense that the child in He Yun's belly is not Gao Mingyuan.

Qi Tongli reminded again: "I guess, Gao He's biological father must be a person of prominent status, at least for Gao Mingyuan at that time."

"At that time, He Yun was pregnant but couldn't give birth to the child openly, so Gao Mingyuan came forward and asked He Yun to give birth to the child and let him raise it."

"Although this is not Gao Mingyuan's original intention, he will definitely be happy, so that he can climb up to Gao He's biological father."

Ma Shuai nodded slightly, agreeing with Qi Tongli's statement.

"It makes sense logically, but..."

Ma Shuai frowned and asked, "Who will make Gao Mingyuan willingly raise his son?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "Probably I am an outsider, and I see things from a different angle than you. You all say that Gao Mingyuan has great energy, but in my opinion, he is just a businessman."

"He used illegal means to obtain an improper protection relationship and illegally obtained profits. Does this matter make sense?"

Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang had no way to refute.

Qi Tongli told them a story: "During the Warring States period in Hua, there was a great businessman named Lu Buwei. He met the son of Qin who was being a proton in the capital of Zhao, and then invested crazily and spent a lot of money. Do your best to help Qin Yiren become the monarch of Qin."

"What is his reward? Prime Minister of Great Qin, Marquis Wen Xin!"

Ma Shuai and Li Chengyang were shocked.

Qi Tongli said indifferently: "It seems unreasonable for Gao Mingyuan to raise children for others, but after 30 years, his Changteng Capital has developed to what it is now."

Ma Shuai frowned and asked, "Gao Mingyuan can raise a child for others, so who is Gao He's biological father?"

(End of this chapter)

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