Han Chunming took out cigarettes from his pocket and each of them smoked one. His eyes were full of flattery. After all, it was a profitable business, and no one would have trouble with money.

"Then stop the ink, and move in quickly, brothers, be quicker with your hands and feet."

Han Chunming and Taozi also quickly got to work, and the [-] catties of eggs were moved within a short while.

"500 catties of eggs, one yuan per catty, that is [-] yuan, let's go, follow me to get the money."

When Cai Xiaoli and Taozi heard this, they really didn't work in vain for more than half a month. The price they collected eggs was seven cents an egg, and a catty of eggs made a net profit of [-] cents. In short, they were going to get rich again...

Taozi watched Han Chunming enter the factory, feeling itchy in his heart, and he couldn't calm down when he thought of the banknotes he was about to get.

"Look at you like that, your eyeballs are about to fall out, I don't even want to stand with you, it's too embarrassing..."

Taozi giggled nonchalantly, it's nothing to be ashamed of making money, so why hide it.

"Look, maybe someone is staring at us..."

Cai Xiaoli is still vigilant, after all, strictly speaking, this matter is definitely not bright, people in the factory don't need to worry, they are afraid of being targeted by outsiders...

"Relax... don't worry, with my buddies here, who would dare?"

Taozi patted himself on the chest, indicating that he should not worry about going down, but at this point in time, there was no one outside...

Especially in Yanjing City in November, the temperature has dropped at night, who would look for something to do in the cold weather, staring at two broken three-wheelers in the middle of the night.

Soon, Han Chunming walked out with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Cai Xiaoli asked hastily, this time they collected the eggs but put all their money in it, if something unexpected happens, it will be the end of the calf.

"Don't worry, I, Han Chunming, will go out, what can't be done?"

"Look, what is this?"

The three of them found a remote place, and Taozi's eyes lit up when he saw the stack of banknotes in Han Chunming's hand.

"My... my dear brother, it's the first time I've seen so much money when I grow up so big."

"Chunming, we're really getting paid. We still have 500 catties of eggs in our yard. That's another [-] yuan. It's only half a month. If we work for a few more months, my God..."

In this day and age, anyone who sees a 500 yuan bill in front of him will probably feel the kind of happiness hit by wealth, especially if the money belongs to the three of them!


In the first ten days of November, there is still a week before the college entrance examination, and millions of educated youths across the country are waiting for the opportunity to change their destiny.

The anger in the courtyard became more and more quiet. No one would disrupt other people's study at this time. Even Han Chunming came back early every day, reviewing for two or three hours more than before.

Taozi and Cai Xiaoli are mainly in charge of the egg and bicycle project, and they have no objection to this. After all, Han Chunming led them to do the money-making work.

After Han Chunming traveled through time, perhaps the biggest change is that his memory has improved, his physical fitness has also become much stronger, and he has a special feeling for objects of this era. The longer the year, the stronger the feeling.

There are many good things in Han Chunming's house, but the oldest one is a Yuan Qinghua from the Yuan Dynasty, which is almost a thousand years old.

Han Chunming put his mind back and continued to read the book.

In the dead of night, there were only Su Meng and Cheng Jianjun's houses with lights on in the courtyard.


In the streets and alleys around here, basically all the old bicycles that can be collected have been collected, and there are only a few unpopular alleys left in the east and west of the city.No, Han Chunming discussed with the two of them not to give up on collecting bicycles.

"Chunming, what you said is right. For the bicycle project, if we collect the bikes, disassemble them, assemble them, and then sell them, it will take time and effort, and we won't make any money. Why don't we just give up and collect eggs with peace of mind."

"The most annoying thing is we can only sell one at a time at the same repair shop."

Cai Xiaoli thinks a lot. They are collecting bicycles every day these days, so they will inevitably be suspected.

"Xiaoli, keep talking."

Han Chunming also realized that, obviously, so many days of good luck have made him paralyzed. If he does too much, he will be suspected. Even if we have nothing, but in the long run, we must not go on like this.

"A few days ago, when I went here to count the bicycles, I felt that someone was following me, but I kept an eye out and dumped them in the alley beside the front gate..."

When Cai Xiaoli was speaking, she carefully looked outside the door, and after confirming that there was no one, she continued:

"Chunming, I think we should change our thinking about our bicycle project. We don't sell whole bikes. Instead, we disassemble useful parts from broken bikes and sell them to car repair shops or hardware stores. This way, there will be many choices. Even if someone finds out Now, it’s hard for others to say anything, after all, we collect waste products, so it’s understandable to do so.”

"Otherwise, according to the previous method, if he is caught, the money earned from the bicycle project will probably be fined..."

Taozi's face was a little ugly, and he was a little panicked when he said it this way, just like when he was caught stealing bread in a bakery before, he didn't have any confidence in his heart...

"Xiao...Xiao Xiaoli, I also remembered when you said that. It seems that someone has followed me..."

Han Chunming frowned. The development of the matter may not be optimistic, and it seems that he can only die and survive.

This is also a last resort. Since the first time he sold the bicycle, he has made this plan. If someone finds out that day, he will pop the balloon on his own initiative...

"Taozi, Xiaoli, from now on, we will quit the assembly of bicycles. We will dismantle all the bicycles we take back, keep the useful ones, and throw the useless ones into scrap copper and rotten iron to sell as scraps. ..."

"Taozi, how many assembled bicycles are there in our yard?"

Hearing Han Chunming's question, Taozi immediately replied: "Three cars are [-]% new, one is [-]% new, six are [-]% new, two are [-]% new, and there are twelve cars left in total. .”

Taozi remembered clearly that although he didn't pay much money when he received it, he knew exactly how much these cars could sell for. After all, it was a huge fortune.

"Okay, after we finish dismantling the scrapped cars in the yard in a few days, we'll send the three [-]% new bicycles to the nearest car repair booth to sell."

"It's not about selling one by one, it's about selling the three cars together. Don't sneak around at night, just go during the day when there are many people."

Han Chunming's head turned quickly, guessing that the person who wanted to report him might have been collecting evidence recently, but coincidentally, the three of them were busy collecting eggs recently, and they didn't sell a bicycle.

So even if he is really convicted of speculating, Han Chunming will be able to quibble.

"Chun...Chun Chunming, are you out of your mind? Selling three cars in one go, isn't it obvious that you will be invited over for questioning?"

Taozi was puzzled, and his expression became irritable, thinking that Han Chunming had lost his mind and went crazy.

Cao Xiaoli was also full of doubts. After all, selling three bicycles at once, I am afraid that even a car repair stall would not dare to take them. This is not selling cars, this is clearly going to die...

"Since we can't hide the matter of collecting the cars, we might as well sell ourselves. How much are these three [-]% new bicycles worth? Think of it as spending money to eliminate disasters."

"If we don't shake things out, someone will keep staring at us, and we can't do anything, so it's better to get things out."

Han Chunming's explanation finally made them understand that Han Chunming had planned this way.

"Brother...Brother, why don't you say that you are my own brother..."

Taozi walked up to Han Chunming and smiled obsequiously, which made Han Chunming get goosebumps all over his body.

"Stop talking nonsense, we need to clean up the bicycles in the yard as soon as possible..."


After the three of Han Chunming had lunch, they busily dismantled the bicycles. Many parts of these dilapidated and discarded bicycles can still be used, but more can only be sold as scrap copper and rotten iron...

As the night approached, Han Chunming and the three of them were full of rubbish, and there was no way around it. When these cars were collected, they were full of all kinds of greasy stuff, just like the trash collectors, who spent the whole day with the trash.

On the other hand, Cai Xiaoli, a woman of the generation, didn't take much rest in the afternoon, and didn't even complain.

Maybe children from poor families are like this, and they have already gotten used to it.

"Cai...Cai Xiaoli, give me a rest, the elders can do this job..."

Han Chunming and Taozi had persuaded him countless times, but this woman just didn't listen.

The three of them worked until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and finally dismantled all the old bicycles in the yard. They piled up useful parts and piled up useless scrap metal...

"We can put these in the courtyard. No matter who comes to check, they can't say anything!"

"Taozi, you and Cai Xiaoli will ride these bicycles tomorrow, two at a time, and send them to Zhangjiawan. You will rent a yard with Uncle Wang, and you must send these nine bicycles out of the city tomorrow."

Taozi and Cai Xiaoli also know that the matter is of great importance, and this matter must not be sloppy.

Han Chunming finally thought about it, and decided to go to the car repair shop to sell the car by himself. After all, Taozi sometimes doesn't have a bright mind, and although Cai Xiaoli is cautious, she is a woman after all.

If he was really arrested, it would not be good for Cai Xiaoli's reputation, and it doesn't matter if he is a big man.


The stars and the moon were shining, and the bright moon was in the sky. After locking the door, Han Chunming turned his head and looked around.

"Are you adding two more locks?"

Cai Xiaoli didn't notice anyone around, it seemed that she was worrying too much.

"Okay, then add two locks."

Han Chunming winked at the two of them, and Taozi also understood, pulling Cai Xiaoli to leave.

"Let's go, let's go, I'm exhausted today, go back and take a good shower and sleep..."

Wan'er, a sneaky figure appeared out of nowhere, with his head lowered and his waist bent, he quickly approached the courtyard of the scrap yard.

He has been staring here all night. It seems that in the past month, he has been staring at three people...

The three of them collected almost half of the broken bicycles in Yanjing City. If it was someone else, they would definitely not suspect that they collected broken bicycles in the first place, so there is nothing wrong with taking a few broken bicycles.

If Han Chunming were here, he would definitely be able to recognize him as a car repairer from a car repair shop in the west of the city.

Last month, Han Chunming sold an almost new bicycle to him. He just felt a little curious. Usually, someone sent a bicycle to him. However, during the transaction process, he directly lowered the price, as low as he could.

On the contrary, Han Chunming was a little negligent. He was too proficient in the process of selling cars, so it was inevitable to make people suspicious.

Afterwards, he followed Han Chunming. Including one from him last month, he saw that Han Chunming sold a total of six bicycles, most of which were [-]% to [-]% new...

"Hey, I only earn a little money repairing cars. If there are people doing this like you, how can my car repair shop make money..."

Indeed, Han Chunming's bicycle business has indeed reduced the profit of the repair shop in a disguised form. Originally, they could assemble bicycles by themselves and then sell them at a higher price, but now, they can only become a middleman, earning a difference .

The point is that the price difference is not easy to make, and you can't make a lot of money for one car a month.

This man is already familiar with this area, not only the ability to track is perfect, but also the skill to pick their locks.

"This buddy is a talent..."

At this moment, the three of Han Chunming and the others who had just left quickly came back after just one alley.

Sure enough, both Cai Xiaoli and Taozi's intuitions were accurate.

"Damn it, you dare to stare at Master Tao, it's really awesome..."

Taozi rolled up his sleeves and looked angry. This person is definitely not from the inspection team. How can the inspection team pick someone's door lock.

"Taozi, go up and catch it!"

Han Chunming let out a low cry, exerted all his strength on his feet, and rushed out with strides.

Taozi was also surprised, how could this damn Han Chunming run faster than a rabbit.

Taozi opened his hands and blocked the gate, taking advantage of the night to see the stalker hiding in the corner again and again.

"Boy, your knowledge is still very shallow!"

Han Chunming grabbed the man's shoulder with his right hand. The force in his hand was so strong that the man was unable to move.

Cai Xiaoli and Taozi also approached, they wanted to see who it was that was sneaking behind them all day long...


Han Chunming dragged the man and pulled him into the house. After turning on the light, Han Chunming was startled.This man is...

"The car repair shop in Jinghua Lane in the west of the city..."

Han Chunming has a good memory and recognized this person at a glance. When he went to sell the car, he was still wondering why the master of the car repair shop was so young.

From the looks of it now, this kid is not a simple guy...

(End of this chapter)

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