The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 555 The College Entrance Examination with 3 Questions

When Han Chunming heard the fine of five hundred yuan, he trembled from head to toe. My good guy, I estimated that Master Yang's annual income was about the same.

All of them were sent out all of a sudden, and even the car repair shop was closed.

However, Han Chunming didn't have much sympathy. If he could restrain himself or be smarter, he wouldn't be where he is now.

In the office, Master Yang yelled loudly, he looked like a rascal, the whole office staff could hear his voice,
The middle-aged man heard it even more clearly. This kind of person is a typical greedy, rascal, smelly and shameless...

"Seeing how he doesn't want to repent, plus three months of ideological education and reform, people nowadays are getting bolder and bolder!"

The middle-aged man came back to Han Chunming's house again, and was very relieved to see Han Chunming's harmless appearance...

This person is afraid of comparison.

"Han Chunming, it's understandable for you to sell the car. Besides, it's only a few days before the college entrance examination, and you will be fined two hundred. If you commit the crime again in the future, don't blame me for turning your back on me..."

The middle-aged man's final words relieved Han Chunming of his heavy burden.

A fine of two hundred is already a very light punishment, not even thought reform. Compared with Master Yang, his punishment is not heavy at all.

It seems that I reported my own move, which became...

As for the remaining dozen or so bicycles, they must not go out for display, and they will have to wait for about half a year, and the national policy may change by then...

And the extra bicycle parts in the yard are nothing. Anyway, as long as the whole bike is not sold out, basically no one cares about it.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that Han Chunming came out of the monitoring team. Taozi and Cai Xiaoli were probably still in Zhangjiawan, and they definitely wouldn't be able to come back today.

Although he paid a fine of 200 yuan, it saved Han Chunming a lot of trouble, and most importantly, after the news of this incident got out, all the car repair booths in Yanjing will be cautious tomorrow.

It seemed that his bicycle business was about to come to an end. Anyway, the college entrance examination was only seven days away, and Han Chunming didn't think anything would happen at this point.

He doesn't even want to participate in the egg business these days, so let Taozi and Cai Xiaoli go down there to harvest...


The waste station has temporarily stopped the bicycle project, and Yanjing City's strict inspection of the car repair stalls also left Taozi and Cai Xiaoli with lingering fears...

In the quadrangle courtyard, the lights were brightly lit. Cheng Jianjun had worked extremely hard for the past month, and he had studied everything from Chinese to mathematics to science and comprehensive subjects...

In the middle of the night, a surprise sound came from the backyard of the courtyard.

Cheng Jianjun stood up straight from his seat. On the table was his latest round of defense of test questions, with a full score of 320 points...

"320 points, even Su Meng may not be able to pass me!"

"Han Chunming, I heard that you also took part in the college entrance examination. This time, your reputation must be discredited to avenge the educated youth gathering!!"

Cheng Jianjun's face showed a ferocious look, and it was not in vain that he had painstakingly reviewed this month, and even stopped the work of repairing the piano in the Children's Palace, all for the purpose of devoting himself to the review, all for the college entrance examination blockbuster...

Temporary victory is nothing, life is always ups and downs, and only those who have the last laugh are the winners in life...

"Jianjun, you?"

Cheng's father on the side, staring at the test paper not far away, took a closer look, and the corners of his mouth were filled with unconcealable joy. It seemed that his son's college entrance should be a certainty.

"I said that our Jianjun is smart, with a score of 320, we should be able to enter a good university. It seems that we still underestimated our son!!"

Cheng's mother also beamed with joy. After all, this is a university. There are only so many residents in the yard, and only Mr. Su and his wife next door have university diplomas.

There were only three or four people in the courtyard who saved their lives and took the college entrance examination. If Cheng Jianjun's score was higher than the others, it would be a matter of face.

"Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, son, you should go to bed early, let's strive for a super performance tomorrow, and show the people in this yard a good look at how outstanding my son is."


In the backyard, the lights in Su Meng's room were also on. Su Meng, who had just finished reading the last set of words, also hiccupped, but her heart became more and more fulfilled, and she was sure about tomorrow's college entrance examination.

"Mengmeng, turn off the lights and go to sleep..."

Su's mother's eyes are full of doting. Su's mother is not worried about whether her daughter will pass the college entrance examination. After all, the learning atmosphere in their family is so good, and both of them are teachers.

Moreover, Su Meng is the only person in this yard who has gone to high school. If her family Su Meng can't pass the exam, then the others will be even more helpless...

"Until Mom, go to bed too..."

The lights in the courtyard were turned off one by one, and in the end, only Han Chunming's room was still dimly lit.

Han Chunming was not reviewing.

After all, there is an exam tomorrow, and everyone who should review has almost done it. As a latecomer, Han Chunming is still very confident about this college entrance examination.

Chunming's mother had fallen asleep a long time ago. She knew that her son had a big heart and a strong ability to bear it, and she had no hope for her son's entrance into college...

So I never asked how Han Chunming was doing in his studies. Anyway, it was the best if he could pass the exam, and it didn't matter if he failed the exam. As long as the whole family can live in peace, she will be content.

The sky is gradually getting darker. I don't know how many people will have trouble falling asleep tonight. How many people are anxious and restless, waiting for the dawn. After all, this is the college entrance examination that can change their life's destiny...


At 05:30 in the morning, Han Chunming woke up from his sleep.

In the courtyard, various sounds have already sounded. On the main road, the tinkling of bicycle bells can be heard endlessly.
On November 21, 570, more than [-] million candidates across the country will never forget in this life. The college entrance examination, which has been closed for ten years, is reopening today.

At the gate, Cheng Jinjun happened to meet Han Chunming. Cheng Jianjun saw Han Chunming holding the examination tools, his eyes were full of mockery.

The people in the yard were a little surprised. They didn't know that Han Chunming had also signed up before. At first, only people said that the five sons of the Han family didn't sleep at night, so they didn't know what they were up to.

Later, it was rumored that Han Chunming was reading a book. They didn't believe it at first. After all, only the Su family and the Cheng family signed up for the college entrance examination in the entire courtyard.

Those two families are well-established. Needless to say, Su Meng’s family has two teachers. Although Cheng Jianjun’s family is not as good as Su Meng’s family, Cheng Jianjun’s father also works in the street office, so he knows the policy well. It's not something ordinary people can't do.

It was also early preparations for Cheng Jianjun, and the review materials were moved home in piles.

Although Han Chunming was not optimistic about his college entrance examination, everyone lived in the same courtyard, so they all sent blessings.

"Little five, you have to take the exam well and earn money for our compound."

"That's right, Chunming, I've seen that you're a promising kid, and you'll definitely pass the exam this time. Don't forget to treat Uncle Guo to a drink when you pass the exam!"

When Cheng Jianjun heard that so many people were cheering for Han Chunming, he felt angry. Why is Han Chunming so popular? What is wrong with him?
"It's just a clown, do you really think that you can pass the college entrance examination just by studying casually?"

Cheng Jianjun muttered something in a low voice, and Cheng's father on the side hurriedly pulled Cheng Jianjun out. This son is fine in other places, but he is too small-minded, and he doesn't know why he had an enmity with Han Chunming. The two of them were still good before. Like a pair of pants.

At the beginning, I gave Han Chunming the job index I finally got, but now, hey...

"Chunming, take the test well, come on!"

Teacher Su, who came out from the backyard, cheered up Han Chunming sincerely.

After all, he is a teacher, and he has a special feeling for all the students who take the exam, and hopes that they can all pass the exam.


When entering the examination room, other candidates may still be a little nervous and uneasy.

But Han Chunming was calm and breezy, and he didn't show any signs of panic. After all, he was almost sure of the college entrance examination.

"Students, please pack your belongings. If you are suspected of cheating in the exam, you will be cleared out of the exam room and your chance for the college entrance exam will be cancelled. I hope you don't do anything stupid."

Coincidentally, the students who went to the countryside with Han Chunming were all assigned to the same examination room. Mao Tutu, Yang Huajian, Su Meng, Cheng Jianjun, and some other students were all assigned together.

Han Chunming's position was right under the eyes of the invigilator, in the first row.

But he didn't think about cheating either.

In the first round, Chinese is the test. This is probably the subject with the lowest score among all subjects. Good guy, there are only three questions in one test paper...

"The first question is composition, the second question is explaining words, and the third question is classical Chinese sentences..."

If you use one word to describe Han Chunming's mood at this time, there are only four words-I'll go...

In the [-] Chinese college entrance examination, there were only these three questions, and they were gone...

Han Chunming flipped through the test paper in disbelief, trying to see if there were questions hidden on the back, but there was still no...

No, I have to raise my hand and ask the teacher, if he misses a copy of this test paper, then it will be over by then.

"Teacher, I have a question!"

Han Chunming raised his hand, attracting the attention of many examinees. Su Meng also looked at him, wondering what Han Chunming was going to do...

"please say."

The invigilator was a woman who looked very young. Seeing Han Chunming raised his hand, she also came over.

"Teacher, I want to confirm, does our test paper only have one side, or is my test paper missing one side?"

After Han Chunming finished speaking, the other examinees also looked at it. They were all the same. Everyone had three questions in their test papers.

Han Chunming had already made up his mind that there were really only three questions in the [-] college entrance examination.

Cheng Jianjun frowned and looked at Han Chunming in the front row. This kid really likes to show off. As long as you know that you are smart, you are the only one who stands out to you?

The teacher looked at the test paper and was also worried about making a mistake, so he went to another test room to ask, and finally confirmed it.

"There is only one side, it has been confirmed, candidates, let's start answering the questions..."

Three questions in two hours...

Han Chunming was more and more looking forward to the next test papers. It seemed that the college entrance examination was not very difficult.

Five minutes later, Han Chunming finally started to write, and the thoughts in his head were like spring water, rushing out crazily.

After all, he has been a human being for two lifetimes and has received the baptism of the great era. If he can't even handle the college entrance examination, then he should really buy a piece of tofu and shoot himself to death.

Four or 10 minutes later, Han Chunming had finished answering the Chinese test paper, and then checked it twice.

After feeling that nothing was wrong, I got up directly.

"Student Han, what are you?"

"Teacher, I'm done, I want to hand in the paper."

The female teacher stood there blankly, not knowing what to say, it was less than an hour, to be exact, it was just five or ten minutes.

Yang Huajian, Mao Tutu, Su Meng, Cheng Jianjun...all looked at Han Chunming.

They all thought that Han Chunming didn't know how to do it and didn't want to waste time, so they hurriedly handed in the paper.

Cheng Jianjun thought to himself, Han Chunming is really not a material for studying, he hurriedly handed in the paper, maybe even the composition is a messy study, thinking of this, the complacency in his heart is a little bit better...

I really tried my best to attract attention, Han Chunming, Han Chunming, when I am admitted to university, you are afraid that you will cry...

Su Meng took a look and then lowered her head to continue working on her own topic. Anyway, she never expected Han Chunming to study hard.

After all, studying is a quiet thing, and people like Han Chunming are really not suitable for this kind of thing.

"Okay, pack your things and wait outside for the next exam."

When the female teacher finished Han Chunming's test paper, she had the same thoughts as most people. She didn't think that Han Chunming could do well in the test, depending on Han Chunming's attitude towards the test.

This female teacher is a teacher of the Chinese Department of Yenching Normal University. This year is the first year of resuming the college entrance examination, so there are some innovations in the test questions. Just now she looked through the test papers and felt that the final sentences in classical Chinese might be difficult for many people. .

That classical Chinese article originated from [Shangshu].There are 23 sentences in total...

Not to mention students, even teachers from other departments may not be able to answer all the questions correctly.

Also thinking of reading a joke, the female teacher casually looked at Han Chunming's test paper...


The female teacher's eyes were a little startled. The composition of more than 500 words, the layout of the composition and the extension points, the key is the narrative content, are enough to be called a very good model essay. If she is asked to score, at least 45 points can be scored.

This little guy is a bit interesting, she couldn't wait to read on, to see how well he could answer the explanation of words and sentences in classical Chinese.

The second question is to explain the words.

Fighting with open flames: Openly rob and do all kinds of bad things.

The female teacher nodded. This was the most difficult of the eight words, but Han Chunming answered it correctly.

(End of this chapter)

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