There were no accidents along the way, and we returned to Sijiu City safely.

After arranging the goods he brought back, Han Chunming returned to the courtyard of the Forbidden City without stopping.

Not bad, really good. After seeing the houses next to the Forbidden City, Han Chunming didn't know how to describe it.

The private buildings in the courtyard are completely gone. The current courtyard not only does not show any traces of the past, but also maintains the sense of time.

The tiles on the roof were refurbished late at first glance. They were a bit messy when I saw them before, but now I can’t find any faults when I look at them with obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Not only that, all the pillars, doors and windows have been repainted and they are also worn out, that is, they were not born at a good time. With this craftsmanship, you will have to pay for it after waiting for decades!

There was a jujube tree planted in the front yard, which was only two or three meters high. There was nothing else planted there. It was probably because Han Chunming didn't say anything, so they didn't move it.

The floor tiles in the house were also turned into concrete floors. Before that, many rooms were paved with floor tiles. Those things were really inconvenient and not easy to clean, so they were simply turned into concrete floors.

The front rooms are all empty, and there is nothing to see if you take a look. What Han Chunming likes the most is the toilet. The toilets in a few rooms are directly connected to the nearby sewers, which is very convenient.

Going to the backyard, this is the key point. The grape trellis is already full of vines. Although it will not bear fruit this season, it looks good.

"Why is this vine so big that it's covered with trestles?"

"The vines were found on purpose, and then we wrapped them with wire on the shelf, but it's okay, and it will be submissive after a year."

A lot of plants such as mosquito repellent were planted around the yard. This was what Han Chunming had said before, otherwise it would be bad for mosquitoes to fly around.

There is actually nothing interesting in the living room, except that the gold tiles paved on the floor make the whole room a bit dark. To be honest, Han Chunming doesn't think this kind of floor tiles are very good-looking, mainly because they are stylish.

The already spacious living room seemed a little empty. After all, the furniture hadn't been brought in yet, but it was coming soon. When these people left, the sofas and coffee tables bought at a huge price would be placed.

Entering the study from the living room, the floor of the whole room is dark. There is no way, those light-colored woods are loose and easily affected by the environment.

The bedroom is indeed quite large, but he prepared a lot of furniture.

Behind the room is the toilet, not only that, but also the bathtub, which is directly cut with tiles, and a small window is opened at the back to allow ventilation. There is also a small stove next to it, which can heat the bathtub and boil water. practical.

There was also a small bathroom behind the living room. At that time, they didn't understand why there were so many toilets in this house. After all, as a later generation, if guests came to use the toilet and always entered his room, Han Chunming still felt a little bad. .

The bedroom, like the living room, is paved with so-called gold bricks. The main reason is that Han Chunming gave money to enjoy it, and that guy moved out a lot, so Han Chunming simply wanted all of them, otherwise the two rooms were really not enough.

Coincidentally, this room is the entrance room to the basement, which happens to be at the northeast entrance. Han Chunming still has a headache, so Master Lei gave him two options.

If you want to hide it, just cut the wall in front to make a sandwich. If someone really wants to steal it, you won’t have time to find this problem. Anyway, the other two rooms are set up in the back, so you can’t see it.

If it doesn't matter, just expand the entrance and turn it into a staircase, which will make it easier to go down.

Han Chunming directly chose the first one. After all, it’s a good basement. I’d be sorry if I didn’t use it, but he still planned to use some of the things in it. Isn't it just right in the study!
After paying the final payment, I invited Master Lei and the others to have a meal. It's really embarrassing to make them wait for so long.

After seeing off people, Han Chunming started to decorate the house.

Han Chunming didn't put too much furniture. After all, he didn't have much time to live in this place. There was really no other use for things besides collecting dust.

Let’s enjoy it in the yard over there first.

Such a nice room is not available now. To be honest, Han Chunming is a bit reluctant, but if he lives here, he has to ride for more than an hour every day just to go to school, and it takes more than two hours to go back and forth, which is really unnecessary.

After seeing the house, Han Chunming went to the restaurant to meet Taozi and the others.

Let's see how to sell this batch of goods. After all, the Chinese New Year is coming up in a few days, and he won't have time to come out by then.

Han Chunming didn't plan to sell these things just by the three of him. The main reason was that there were too many things brought back. If the three of them alone would sell them, they would have to sell them until the end of the year!

He has already gone to the store to see the tape recorder, and there is a ticket for [-] sets in the store. After all, this thing can play tapes, which is different from the previous radios.

And tapes are not cheap, they cost two to three yuan a disc. As for electronic watches, there is no such thing in Forty-Nine City, and no one sells them in state-run stores or small stalls.

Han Chunming planned to ask Taozi to find a few trustworthy people and let them sell it. The three of them would only earn their share of the profits. tired.

Moreover, if the three of them sell it, it is easy to cause trouble, and there is no such time.

Although Taozi and Cai Xiaoli were a little bit distressed, and felt that such a profitable business would allow outsiders to hack into it, they both felt that they were at a disadvantage, but after Han Chunming's repeated persuasion, they both agreed.

After all, Han Chunming led them to do these businesses, and they believed that Han Chunming would not let them suffer.

After telling Taozi, Han Chunming stopped caring. He hadn't been home for a long time, so he might as well go back first. After all, it was almost the Chinese New Year, and Han Chunming should worry again when he was always away from home.

As soon as Han Chunming returned to the courtyard, he ran into Cheng Jianjun.

This guy has been silent for a while since he made love to Su Meng, and he hasn't seen him for almost half a year.

"Hey, isn't this Chunming? Where did you go during the holiday? Why haven't I seen you?"

I don't know what kind of happy event this guy has, his face is full of smiles, and those who don't know think he has a good relationship with Han Chunming.

However, Han Chunming didn't pay attention to him, and directly walked around Cheng Jianjun towards home.

"Hey, who is it, who doesn't even have a word."

The neighbors in the courtyard didn't say anything when they saw it. Everyone knew that Cheng Jianjun and Han Chunming had fallen out. They hadn't spoken to each other for more than a year, and their current behavior was normal.

"Little Wuzi, you still know how to go home!"

As soon as Han Chunming stepped into the house, he ran into his eldest brother and sister-in-law.

"Hey, big brother, didn't I go out to the south with Cai Xiaoli for a few days to play, and I finally went out for two more days."

This was an excuse that Han Chunming had made before. After all, he would be gone for ten days and a half months. If there were any valid reasons, even the elder brother would not be able to pass this test.

"Let's not talk about that, someone brought home a washing machine and a color TV last night, saying that you bought them, what's going on?"

The eldest brother said with a serious face, after all, Han Chunming is still in college and has no income. Besides, these two big items are not cheap, and there are no general state-owned stores. If you want to buy them, you can only go to the Friendship Store. Foreign exchange volumes can only be purchased.

Among other things, this is the price, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford. Even the pillar of his family, the fifth-level worker in the factory, can afford it without eating or drinking for several years.That's it, there must be a way to exchange money into foreign exchange.

He didn't believe that Han Chunming, a college student who hadn't graduated yet, could have this ability.

So he had to ask clearly, lest Han Chunming made a mistake.

Han Chunming was also very helpless, although he knew that his elder brother was worried about him by doing this, but this way of always treating him like a child really gave him a headache.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I didn't learn English in college, so I found a job in my spare time as a translator for foreigners who came to our country. The money I paid was the tips those foreigners gave me."

"Really? You didn't lie to us?" The eldest brother asked in disbelief.

Seeing the elder brother's attitude, Han Chunming took out a one hundred dollar bill from his pocket and handed it over.

"I can still lie to you. If you don't believe me, look, this is a tip from a foreigner."

The elder sister-in-law's eyes lit up when she saw the US dollars that Han Chunming took out, and she snatched it from Han Chunming's hand before the eldest brother took over.

Then he pretended to be angry and said to his elder brother:
"Boss Han, what kind of tone are you talking about? My fifth son is a college student and the most educated person in our old Han family. You still need to educate him."

"Aren't I afraid that the fifth son will make a mistake? Have you forgotten that he was fired from the bakery? Although Cheng Jianjun reported this, if the fifth son does not make mistakes, can the bakery fire him?"

The elder brother said in a low voice with a depressed face.

This is how he is. Since he got married, he has become a strict wife. Basically, what his sister-in-law says is what he wants, and he doesn't dare to resist. It's only for being angry.

As for the eldest sister-in-law, she is a typical person who sees money. Although she has been nice to her family since she married her eldest brother, as long as it is related to money, she can change into another face.

This is also the reason why Han Chunming took out the 100 dollars, mainly because he was really annoyed by his nagging brother.

"Isn't that in the past? Now the fifth son is a college student. They don't know anything, so they want you to meddle in their own business."

After saying this, the sister-in-law turned to Mother Han and said, "Mom, I've put the things here for you. We, the couple, won't be here during the Chinese New Year. If we don't have anything else to do, we'll leave first. We'll come to see you after the Chinese New Year." "

After speaking, the sister-in-law directly pulled the constipated elder brother out the door.

Even the 100 yuan was not returned to Han Chunming.

Anyway, Han Chunming didn't plan to ask for it, and he is not short of the money now. 100 yuan is not much. Although you can't buy any big items, you can still buy some snacks at the Friendship Store, and treat it as a gift for the elder brother's house. The child has a red envelope.

"Fifth son, didn't your mother tell you that even if you earn money, you can't spend it recklessly. Wouldn't it be good to save it until you graduate and marry Xiaoli? Why do you have to ask for things? Your mother and I don't know how to use them."

After the eldest brother and sister-in-law left, Han Ma couldn't help complaining to Han Chunming.

The main reason was that Han Chunming would spend money indiscriminately. Although I knew that Han Chunming was a filial person, there was no need to buy this thing. Anyway, she felt that it was not very practical.

Han Chunming helped Han Ma to sit down with a smile on his face.

"Mom, I'm afraid that you'll be bored at home alone. You can relieve boredom by watching TV. There's also a washing machine, which is very useful. It's okay in summer, but I can't bear you to wash clothes in cold water in winter." .”

Hearing Han Chunming's explanation, although Han's mother still had a look of reluctance, the smiles on her face increased.

During the Chinese New Year period, Han Chunming did not go out and stayed at home with Han's mother.

Unable to stand Han Ma's nagging after the Chinese New Year, Han Chunming invited Cai Xiaoli over again, pretending to be his girlfriend temporarily.

In exchange, Han Chunming followed Cai Xiaoli to her home.

When Cai Xiaoli's father fell ill, if Han Chunming hadn't lent her family money, Cai's father might have died long ago.

So he has no objection to his daughter's relationship with Han Chunming. As for Cai's mother, although she is a bit snobby, she is still very satisfied with Han Chunming.

After all, Han Chunming now opened a restaurant in partnership with Cai Xiaoli and Taozi, and he is also a college student.

Not to mention anything else, as a college student, it is more than enough to match her family, Cai Xiaoli.

Moreover, Cai Xiaoli's parents are also more optimistic about Han Chunming's character. After all, the two of them had no friendship at the beginning, and they could spend a large sum of money to see a doctor for his family without saying a word.

Just like this, they believed that Han Chunming's character was not bad.


In a blink of an eye, it was the day when school started.

The start of school this year is much more lively than last year. There are more students who have learned a lot, and more importantly, there are many more students.

I went to the dormitory first. Although Han Chunming doesn't live in the dormitory now, I haven't seen him for such a long time. We must have a good reunion.

During this winter vacation, those who were far away from home did not go back. They stayed here to work and earn money to support their families.

Han Chunming thought about taking them to make money together, but after thinking about it, he gave up. He didn't tell them what he was going to do, he just said that he was going to another place.

"Chunming, you came back on time. We all thought you were missing."

"What's missing? I came here a few days ago. Isn't this house outside for a long time unoccupied and busy cleaning it up? How are you doing?"

"What else can we do? Isn't this taking advantage of the winter vacation to help students with their homework and earn some living expenses? This is your idea for us."

Well, these two months have been too long, and I have forgotten all this. Although the college entrance examination has ended during their vacation, there is still the next one. Since the college entrance examination was opened, everyone has paid more and more attention to education. , and some people are willing to spend this money.

(End of this chapter)

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