Chapter 82

Yan Jiecheng looked at Yan Pugui with a serious face: "Dad, are you really planning to sell it? You should think about it, it will not be easy if you sell it and then buy it."

Even if the price of bicycles returns to normal in [-], including the required industrial rolls, you won't make much money if you buy them again, unless you go to a consignment store to buy second-hand ones.

Yan Bugui thought for a while, if this was sold, he didn't know when the bicycle would be cheaper. If the price had always been so high, it wouldn't be a disadvantage, so he said:

"Hey, that's all I'm saying. How can I really sell it? Besides, after riding for so long, I've really developed feelings for it. If I sell it, I'm really reluctant."

Hearing what Yan Bugui said, Yan Xiecheng smiled and said nothing. Yan Xiecheng didn't believe that riding a bicycle could bring out feelings.

Yan Jiecheng watched as Lao Hao wiped his bike and rode out of the courtyard, then turned his head and went back to his room, taking out a few books borrowed from the library to read as he had nothing to do.

Although Yan Xiecheng graduated from university in his previous life, he mainly studied electric power, and he also had only a half-knowledge in other fields.

He intends to make a difference after the reform and opening up, he must improve his knowledge reserve.

When a person is concentrating on doing something, time always feels like it passes very quickly.

In the past two days, apart from going to Yu Li's house to discuss their marriage with the future father-in-law, Yan Xiecheng spent the rest of his time reading books.


On the morning of the third day of junior high school, Yan Jiecheng put on his clothes and pushed open the door to see a vast expanse of whiteness outside. He didn't know when it started to snow heavily.

It seemed that I couldn't ride a bicycle to work again today. After breakfast, Jiefang and Yan followed the main force and walked towards the factory.

Since today is the first day of work in the new year, and there are not many tasks in the factory, I took Yan Jiefang to overhaul the circuit of the workshop in the morning, and just kept reading in the office.

He didn't follow Yan Jiefang to the cafeteria for dinner until the bell rang for getting off work.

Knowing that Shazhu wanted to target him, he brought a lunch box from home when he came in the morning.

Just come to the cafeteria and buy a few steamed buns. It happens that there is a stove in the office. Put the aluminum lunch box on it and heat it up to eat.

Anyway, the big pot of vegetables is just like that and there is no oily water. He has already decided that from now on, he will always bring vegetables from home instead of buying them in the cafeteria.

When he came to the cafeteria, he went to the window where Liu Lan ordered food to line up. He wanted to see if Sha Zhu was targeting him on purpose. After all, Yan Jiefang used to order food. He just guessed and didn't know if it was true.

There are so many people eating in the factory, so the efficiency of cooking is very fast, and it will be Yan Jie's turn after a while.

Silly Zhu saw Yan Jiecheng queuing here from a distance, and immediately came over to replace Liu Lan.

"Yan Jiecheng, what are you eating?" He said as he scooped up the Chinese cabbage with a spoon, how proud he must have been like that, thinking: You still want to eat meat after offending me, silly, maybe you just want to fart.

Shazhu's actions were seen by many workers, and they all thought that Yan Jiecheng would suffer.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Sha Zhu's actions and knew that the cabbage and potatoes that month ago were indeed the work of Sha Zhu.

"Hey, Yan Jiecheng, hurry up and talk about what to eat, didn't you see that everyone is waiting in a hurry?"

"Give me five steamed buns." After speaking, he handed over the money and tickets.

He took the steamed bun in Sha Zhu's hand and turned around to leave.He was dumbfounded by the stupid Zhu holding the spoon, and it took him a long time to come anyway.

"Hey, hello, Yan Jiecheng, you haven't ordered food yet." He thought Yan Jiecheng had forgotten, so he kindly reminded him.

Yan Jiecheng pretended not to hear and left without turning his head. This made Silly Zhu very depressed. My expression was in place, but you told me that the show was over and it was over.

I this... this
The people behind looked at Silly Zhu standing there and did not order food for anyone and urged: "Hey, Silly Zhu, what are you doing, hurry up and order food, we are still waiting to go to work."

"Liu Lan, Liu Lan, hurry up and get food." Silly Zhu stopped pretending when Yan Jiecheng left, called Liu Lan over, and sat on a chair to drink tea by himself.


When he returned to the office, Yan Jiefang had already heated up the lunch box, and Yan Jiecheng put the steamed buns on the table and started eating.

Yan Jiefang: "Brother, shall we bring our own vegetables in the future?"

"Why, do you still miss the Chinese cabbage made by Sha Zhu?"

"No, no, I just think that if we bring our own, it must be more expensive than eating in the cafeteria."

Yan Jiecheng didn't know how to answer these words. This is really a good apprentice taught by Yan Bugui.At a young age, he has the potential to be better than green.

"If you think it's expensive, you can continue to eat Shazhu's Chinese cabbage, and I'll eat it alone." Yan Xiecheng said speechlessly.

You must know that he bought the tickets for these meat and vegetables from the ghost market, and they were not included in the cost.

"Brother, don't take it seriously when I say this, we are also brothers, of course we have to advance and retreat together."

"Okay, let's eat quickly. If you have this time, read more books and learn skills. Although you can't take the grade test now, what you learn is your own. When you need to use it, you don't have to be in a hurry and don't know where to start. .”

"Got it, got it, I've been studying. There are still two years before I can take the assessment, so why worry?"

Yan Jiecheng looked at him and didn't know what else to say, anyway, he chose the path himself, so just don't regret it when the time comes.

After eating, Yan Jiecheng took the lunch box and Yan Jiecheng to wash it, and Yan Jiecheng opened the book again to read.


Since he planned to cook by himself in the future, Yan Jiecheng went to the black market after get off work to replenish the supplies in the space and bought a lot of seasonings.

The luckiest thing is to come across a thread-bound Sichuan cuisine cookbook, which contains not only the cooking skills of dozens of Sichuan dishes but also the production methods of many secret seasonings.

One can tell at a glance that this is not something that can be found in ordinary chefs' homes, it must be a culinary family with inheritance.

Just like Shazhu's family, their family is the ancestral Tan family cuisine. He Yushui once said that their family has been cooking since her great-grandfather's generation.

So in terms of time, it has been passed down for about 100 years.In terms of seniority, Sha Zhu can be regarded as the fourth generation of their family.

Yan Jiecheng discussed with the cookbook seller and bought the cookbook for 50 yuan.

The man was quite happy, he didn't expect that a broken book found at home was so valuable.

He just gave the price at will, but he didn't expect the other party to sell it for a symbolic repayment.

After Yan Jiecheng finished shopping for the things he needed, he hurried out of the ghost market, found a place where no one was around, put the things into the ring, and rode his bicycle straight to the courtyard.

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, everyone, remember to support it
(End of this chapter)

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