The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 148 Starting to be the main god today!

Chapter 148 Starting to be the main god today!

Desperate beings, what a fucking day.

Not to mention the arrival of alien gods, they even covered the sky with one hand and played with the earth.

Then, something even more chilling happened.

The evil gods invaded their spiritual world and forcibly inserted an "advertisement", it was the advertisement for the game of death!

—Want to know the meaning of life?Want to really... live?
What a good word!

If you think about it with your feet, you know that if you want to highlight the value of life, it is often associated with death... After all, if death doesn't matter, what is life?

Life and death, in a sense, implement the development of all civilizations on the earth, and are an important topic of philosophical speculation. Every sage has made a fuss about it and left the deepest mark.

Some people talk about reincarnation, so they suffer in this life and enjoy happiness in the next life, so that people can be content with the status quo of suffering and not resist.

Some people talk about yin virtue, good people and good deeds in life will enjoy yin blessings after death.

There are also people who create gods on the way of death, as long as you do what you want, after you die, you will ascend to the kingdom of heaven and enjoy the service of 72 virgins...

Between life and death there is great fear, and within fear there is great content, and this is the situation on Earth.

But what about the earth?

Expanding out, the entire universe, this starry sky, has been in this circle since the age of mythology.

Even the monks, even the most powerful of the human monks - Tianzun, the ancient emperor, and the emperor, they are also trapped in this vicious circle, and it is difficult to break free.

As a result, dark turmoil broke out, and heroes shed blood, opening a bright and dark chapter of the era.

Today, the shadow of life and death hangs over the people of the earth. The bloody option of "Yes" highlights the unquestionable dominance of the evil gods. The bloody [-]-second countdown makes it impossible to escape.

The common people wept bitterly, as if they were fish under the butcher's knife and on the cutting board, unable to accept their fate.

Some people break down in this situation and want to commit suicide, but find that it is impossible to do so, and even the right to seek death is deprived.

When such a thought arises, the soul and body of a person seem to be separated, and they cannot even be controlled.

There were also people who were yelling wildly at the gods who played with the planet and sentient beings, but they were soon silenced and punished with incontinence.

Of course, there is also a small part of human beings who are brave and fearless heroes. Even in the face of the jokes made by fate, they will never give up the last hope of life.

They calmed down in the shortest possible time, communicated with their families calmly, or exhorted, or confessed their last words, or thanked for the encounter in this life...

There are also humans with strange brain circuits, full of curiosity, not only not afraid of this god's game, but also eager to try it, wanting to actively participate in it, and quickly connect the options.

"Come on! I can't wait!"


There is great fear between life and death, but it is also the most visible flash of human beings at this moment.

The [-]-second countdown decreased bit by bit until it finally reached zero.

Even if you click "Yes" or "Yes" in advance, you still have to wait for the countdown to end.

At that moment is the moment of fate.

When the scarlet and dazzling "0" appeared, it was surprising that there was no such thing as turning the world upside down or being in another world, but some joking colorful characters appeared in the hearts of billions of human beings, and the evil taste of the gods was vividly reflected.

"The internal test application has been submitted...the review is in progress...the review is unqualified...rejected...rejected..."

"Thank you for your choice, welcome to submit the application again for the next public beta!"

This is the information feedback received by the vast majority of people, and the pranks of the gods are clearly interpreted here.

Ninety-nine out of ten people answered jokingly like this.

Even if they clicked on the option, they chose to join the game of "meaning of life" out of painful helplessness.

But the result was beyond their expectations, and they were eliminated cleanly!

Only one ten-thousandth of human beings are "favored" by the gods.

These people have great courage, great wisdom, great benevolence, and great righteousness...

Or, it's because the brain circuit is strange, and the spirit is not right...

All in all, they are not normal people!

"This is the good character my little white mouse needs!"

Jiang Yifei, who became the mastermind behind the scenes, was in high spirits, talking to himself.

"After all, even if it's a guinea pig, you have to spend resources to cultivate it... My resources are not blown by the wind!"

"There is great fear between life and death, and only then can one see the true nature of one's mind...and as a pioneer, what is needed to take the first step towards a practice system?"

What does creation need?

Jiang Yifei thought about it very early on.

Later, he asked himself again——

Why create a law?

This is the most fundamental reason.

Creativity... is to go higher!

This is the order and law of this world.

Who let there be a realm called Daozu?
In order to become stronger more easily, it is necessary to go from whoring between heaven and earth to creative creation.

Like back then, a group of immortal kings teamed up to create the ancient method of immortality, and received the blessings of heaven and earth, and some even almost broke the king and became emperor.

Law is very important.

But most of all... the people.

There is no invincible law in this world, only invincible people!

"People-oriented is the most important thing."

Looking back, Jiang Yifei knew exactly what the experimental mice needed.

It does not necessarily require supreme talent, peerless talent.

but a heart.

Or a heart that breaks through the fear of life and death.

Or, it is the heart that does not flow with the common people.

This is the heart of the strong!
Only such a mind is qualified to help him perfect the difficulties encountered in the new practice system.

Encounter difficulties, or face them, or find ways to solve them... This is the most important thing!
In addition, the roots can be baptized, and the talents can be solved by doesn't matter!
Therefore, he played a life-and-death joke on the entire earth.

This is not a simple prank, watching the ugly appearance of human beings at the critical moment of life and death, but a screening, screening out the right people.

They are the seeds, they are the hope.

The brand-new method will take them as the soil, take root and sprout, and thrive!
The practice of "heart" will be incorporated into this system.

After all, in the end, this is to swing a knife at the strange group.

Strange, good at pollution, can deform people and evolve another "I".

This is scary and needs to be addressed.

Only by solving this problem can this system have the qualifications to face the strange family head-on, and can conquer the darkness and turn it into its own use.


Your system is very good, and you have cultivated a lot of strong people... But from now on, it's all mine!

This is so painful!

"Reincarnation in previous lives, which one is the real me?"

Only by locking in the true self and being stable as one are you qualified to suppress the darkness... Even in the darkness, you can yearn for the light!

Moreover, there is the ultimate realm that is uncertain whether it exists.

Going to die calmly, after sacrificing everything, all foreign objects dissipate, only one thought rises from the extinction, and revives from the ruins!

This is a kind of great willingness in the heart, and it is a kind of supreme spiritual cultivation... So, can this be practiced?
To practice is to make the impossible possible.

Being able to practice supreme combat power, destroying the heavens with one hand, the eternal sky is like a picture scroll.

Why can't we cultivate the supreme state of mind and give up a single thought?

Jiang Yifei had hidden worries in his heart.

He knows the breakthrough conditions of the so-called "beyond the Dao of Sacrifice", so if one day he reaches the realm of "Day of Sacrifice" and then goes to die, can he really break through the limit without any utilitarian heart?
Don't "stuck" yourself when the time comes, it will be a joke.


living comfortably without anybody's help.

Spiritual realm, you can also try to practice!

Adding it to the practice system, taking the initiative to fully realize it, just happened to deal with the strange group!
"I'm really too smart!"

Jiang Yifei whispered.

Of course, some people take a different view.

"Jie, the young man nowadays, has such a... abnormal brain?"

The Great Emperor Jiuli stood in the fairy pool where 99 dragons and mountains gathered, his body shook and shook again and again. He witnessed the whole process, spoke for the human beings all over the earth, and uttered extremely loud doubts.

People in the world often say - God's grace is like the sea, and God's power is like prison.

But today, as a god holding the earth in his hands, Jiang Yifei showed everyone the new characteristics of the god——


"Cough!" As the subject of Jiuli's question, Qingdi coughed twice, "Calm down! Calm down!"

"It is normal for those who have made great achievements to not go with the common people and have their own ideas."

He defended Jiang Yifei, quite defensively.

Of course, it's hard to say that this is not a little bit of guilt... After all, what he did back then is also a typical example of strange brain circuits and abnormal nerves.

Being able to drive oneself to death... It really is worthy of being the chaotic green lotus, the unique flower in nine heavens and ten earths, a fairy flower.

With such a criminal record, can he stand on the same front as Emperor Jiuli?
Don't say it, maybe it's okay... After all, Jiuli almost killed himself.

"He has cultivated to become Emperor Zhun for decades, relying on his pattern and the current practice may have other profound meanings."

"After all, this is a good deed done by the Underworld Emperor, isn't it?"

It is the Underworld Emperor!

"The good deeds done by the Underworld Emperor have nothing to do with me, Jiang Yifei?"

Jiang Yifei's whole body glowed, transformed into a huge ball of light, and flew into the small world of the heavens that Jiulitu promoted and evolved.

Along with that, there are countless selected human beings whose mental and physical bodies are locked and sent.

Today's earth, the pattern has not changed, it is still that star.

But around it, in the depths of the void, everything has changed, a small world of the heavens has been shaped, which meets Jiang Yifei's previous requirements, the beginning of one yuan, one hundred thousand heavens!

One hundred thousand heavens is one hundred thousand worlds, one is not many and one is not!
They are clustered together and intertwined with each other in different void dimension interfaces. Some become bright worlds, some evolve into dark caves, some worlds circulate the holy power of the sun, and some worlds are dominated by the holy power of the sun...

Of course, there are also complex types, where various forces are intertwined, and it is not just a single force that dominates the world.

Such a method, perhaps only the Chaos body can play it!

Because chaos can produce all things and evolve all things.

And to build the world with it is the power of Jiulitu.

When it comes to attainments in the way of the world, apart from Emperor Qing who cheated himself, Emperor Jiuli is enough to rank among the top five emperors of all ages!

Jiulitu reproduced this extreme law, so it can naturally be used as the cornerstone to guide and control this process.

Hundreds of thousands of heavens gather but do not meet, separate but do not disperse. They form a huge world group, intertwined in the depths of the void, and the ancient star is the pearl dotted in the center.

Starting from the prehistoric ancient star, falling into different levels of void dimensions, one can lead to different worlds.

These worlds are big and small, the small ones are only tens of miles in radius, and the big ones are incomparably vast, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles in radius, majestic and vast.

And all these worlds, apart from the prehistoric ancient stars, also point to the vastest "One Yuan Cave", which radiates the entire world community, rules them, and controls them!

A huge ball of light, transformed by Jiang Yifei, entered the very center of this cave.

Jiang Yifei transformed himself, starting today, please call his race "Lord God"!
As the main god, also known as the limited wishing machine, he creates happiness with his heart, and has no money to play with his paralysis.

"Welcome to the Glory of the Lord God!"

The big bright ball of light shines on the cave, fooling the sent earthlings.

"You can call me Hades Emperor!"

"I am a great cosmic god, and I came to your planet just to select powerful fighters to fight for me in the starry sky!"

"You should take it as your highest honor to become the 'Pluto Saints'!"

Like an old man, like a child, like a man, like a woman... The voices overlapped, with supreme divinity, like the supreme god who really controls life and death, and masters reincarnation.

"The fate of your planet is in your hands... When none of you meet my recruitment criteria for 'Pluto Saints' - level [-] competition... level [-] red-haired people, I will give your home planet a destroy!"

A brilliant ball of light with a passionate tone.

"Do your best!"

"I create the heavens, I destroy the galaxy!"

"Give you the key to save the world, I have already left it!"

"Do you want to become a Saint of the Underworld Emperor? If you want to, go to the sea of ​​the heavens and search for it. I have already put all the keys there!"


"The Great Underworld Emperor!"

"Watching you!"


"Show your courage, display your wisdom, and please me!"

"Bloom the splendor of your life, write the hymn of your life..."

In the most passionate mood, Jiang Yifei finished his speech.

Every person on earth was forced to wave his hands, applaud with all his strength, and cheer for the great god!

This day is a day of extraordinary significance, a day when people on earth rise.

The cosmic god "Underworld" who came suddenly, he lowered his claws and played a small game with the people on earth.

Regarding this, the real Hades, even if he fell into a coma, his whole body would twitch, as if he had foreseen a terrible future in a nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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