Chapter 151 Innate Divine!

At that time, the scene was unimaginable. It was not a dream that everyone was immortal, and immortal kings were like grass on the roadside, which could be seen everywhere.

Then maybe it can really compete with the weird base camp on the plateau!

After all, Jiang Yifei can tamper with cause and effect and become the original ancestor of the human race, but it doesn't mean that he can only be this ancestor.

At that time, you can still go down the river and assimilate the second, third, and fourth generations of ancestors!

Anyway, these ancestors have already burped, so let them use their last remaining heat!

At that time, the entire human race will be stronger than ever. Although it is a bit outrageous to the family...the seemingly endless genealogy and household registration books, but [-]% of them have the same name behind them.

The dead are all his incarnations, and the living are all his descendants!


After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yifei gasped.

This method is quite against the sky. In the beginning, the family tree made me, and in the end it was me who supported the family tree.

It can be described as the pinnacle of the "orphan style of warfare".

Of course, it’s good to think about such an idea now. If you really do it, it’s easy to die suddenly on the spot. I don’t know how many fierce people who can cross the years will fight for great cause and effect. Killing at this point in time... a generation of unrivaled demon ancestors died On the way, it makes people feel sorry.

"Dreams are always necessary, what if they come true?"

Jiang Yifei muttered, and then kept making seals in his hands.

The reflection of the long river of time in the body is surging and constantly changing, as if to extract a certain commonality.

In fact, he came here by cheating, lit up the ancestral imprints of countless generations ago, and realized the rapid development of the primordial spirit and life imprint.

But obviously, this situation can only be said to be a special case, not universal.

Especially when using earthling mice to check for leaks and fill in vacancies, the threshold cannot be raised too high, and a ladder is needed.

Ordinary people are not him after all. In the endless history and countless ancestral imprints, it is very difficult and difficult to pinpoint a specific one among them.

Because, can mortals seize time?

But what if you use external force?
External force can make time manifest!
The rotation of the sun and the moon, the changes of the four seasons, and the change of birth, old age, sickness and death all show the traces of time and leave the deepest impression on people.

Time, after all, is still in the way.

It keeps moving forward, and "I" is constantly washed away by it, so why do I need to "catch" it?

"The dead me is gone, turned into the cornerstone of the ancestors, bless the contemporary me, and become the genealogical god of war..."

"How can I be alone?"

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

There was a violent roar, Jiang Yifei's body trembled, and the Xeon's chaotic body seemed to be a little bit unable to hold it at this moment, and a terrifying change took place!

His five internal organs Dao Palace seemed to have disintegrated at this moment, and the "Dao I" was released, undergoing drastic changes.

At the beginning, when Emperor Huangtian created the law, "I" and "I" had their own mysteries. They were transformed from the flowers of the Dao that evolved from the three immortal qi that I had obtained from my own comprehension of the ancient methods of immortality. "I" Representing the past me, I am chanting scriptures for this life, while the "Tao I" represents the future me, turning into a variable, firmly believing that the "I" is unique and eternal.

In the end, these two are combined with the current me, and the number of "three" is complete, which is called "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things."

But now, Jiang Yifei created the method, the "dead self" has been dismantled by him, and he has redefined the concept of the past self, thinking that it should be the ancestors, not the reincarnated me, just the fusion of countless generations of ancestors' life imprints , and like the idea of ​​Immortal Heavenly Skill, it has produced a divine fetus, which is me in this world.

——This is very subtle, Huang Tiandi, who firmly believes that he is invincible in this world, flies neatly in the past, present, and future; while Jiang Yifei, who wants to go through the cycle of reincarnation, distorts the "dead self" and makes it Transformed into a genealogical spirit.

Of course, this doesn't mean anything. Some roads are not taken now, not because they don't want to go, but because the timing is wrong and the conditions are not enough.

For example, at this moment, Jiang Yifei's secret of reorganizing "Tao I" is not to focus on the illusory future variables, but to focus on the present, and really make it "worthy of the name"!
"Tell me, tell's Tao, and it's me!"

Jiang Yifei whispered, his whole body was hazy, only a pair of eyes were brilliant!
"One yin and one yang are called the Tao... The human race's bloodlines multiply, and this simple principle is followed."

"The world is still divided into yin and yang, this is the most fundamental element."

The holy power of the lunar yin and the holy power of the sun are circulating, sweeping through the long river of time in the body, and in just an instant, the imprints of various ancestors of men and women are distinguished.

And this is not the end, yin and yang meet, the secret realm of Lunhai shakes, and the turbulent spread of anger and death arouses the human body's instinct to reproduce.

However, Jiang Yifei didn't go into heat directly to do anything. Instead, he was using this impulse of life instinct, using it as a primer, reversely infiltrating into the invisible interpretation of the order of heaven and earth in the human body, attracting the imprints of countless ancestors, and arousing them instinctive reaction.

This is important because this is often the beginning of many miracles.

It's like the recovery of the emperor's blood, and it's like the physique returning to the ancestors... Such innate factors are often due to the unknowing luck and hard work of the parents!
It's just that here, Jiang Yifei tried to make this uncertain factor barely certain.

The sea of ​​wheels is originally the place where the life essence of the human body is the most vigorous, and it is also the place where it is stored. Now there is an ever-evolving "Dao I" in charge. In the cycle of vitality and death, yin and yang have changed, echoing the outside world, The genealogical history of the person was introduced.

In the end, a gorgeous awn is flying, and there is an incomparable blazing brilliance at the very core.

The holy power of the lunar yin, the holy power of the sun, the secrets of Zhezi, the secrets of immortality, the secrets of xingzi, the Western Emperor Sutra, the Sutra of Beginningless... and so on. The scriptures and secret arts are combined together to create a myth, manifesting a rising sun. The spectacle of the moon setting is a brand new phenomenon, and the power of time has flowed out, clearly revealing the traces of the life span of the human body cut by the world!
This is a kind of catastrophe, but it is also a kind of good luck.

In such a good fortune, a small Tao tire was evolved.

Wisps of dao light shine on the dao tire, penetrating the human body and the outside world, reflecting the inside and outside, and manifesting the human dao nature, which proves the mystery of "the human body is small, the universe is big".

This Dao fetus is like an umbilical cord, absorbing the nutrition of the universe.

It is also like the golden thread that separates the yin and yang of the human body and the yin and yang of the universe. They transform each other, but it always exists forever. It is instinctive to continue the most fundamental pursuit of life-to continue its own existence!

This is true whether it is reproduction or the practice of longevity.

Tao is here, so am I!

Jiang Yifei created the method, "I" is no longer the self that represents the future variables, but based on the present, based on the present node of time, and is constantly advancing with the progress of the universe, recording the memories of the universe and the years left on people. traces of time.

In daily practice, monks are chasing the Dao.

But time kills, but Dao is chasing people.

This was something that even the ancient emperor feared, but Jiang Yifei didn't care.

He accepts the traces of the Dao chasing people, and nurtures his own Dao fetus... There are many Taos and laws in it, the most important one is a special constitution——

Congenital fetus!

The human body has already evolved into a holy spirit, so why not add another innate Taoist fetus?

Moreover, this is also a means of pursuing balance.

The "dead self" propped up the holy spirit of the genealogy, which is a remnant of the old era, so the "dao self" cannot be inferior, and there must be corresponding means to be able to wrestle with it.

Borrowing the traces of the Dao evolved over the years, it is not only killing people invisible, but also becoming a special kind of nutrition, giving birth to Dao fetuses. As the age grows, the older and stronger it will be!
This is something that the strong who are proficient in the Dao of Time cannot do, otherwise they cannot absorb the power of Time Dao.

But Jiang Yifei repaired the genealogy first, but broke through this layer of shackles!
The evolution of the Taoist fetus has been fettered with the current world, stabilized the current world, and finally can actively filter through the long river of history in the body, choose which ancestor's life imprint to activate, and return to its ancestors!
The power of time of the road tire is the most suitable tool for fishing operations!

It is specially provided for the souls with insufficient talents and talents, which is where the subsistence allowances are located.

Moreover, this is also where the back road lies.

"If someone feels that when they grow to a certain level, the path of their ancestors restricts them, then this embryo can be the help to break free."

Jiang Yifei said to himself, he thought more about the later practitioners.

If it really doesn't work, no matter whether you are talented or talented, you are quite hip, then don't think too much, just rely on the roots of your ancestors.

But if you are ambitious and want to surpass your ancestors, and just use the legacy of your ancestors as a tool for early growth, then you can also choose to develop a Taoist embryo, use the avenue of the current era to break through the traces of the past, and break free!

Eat it dry and wipe it clean, turn your face and deny your ancestors.

The Tao tire is prepared for this.

It evolves and breeds in the human body, connects heaven and man, but does not touch the mundane world. It has its own innate endowment and infinite possibilities.

This is the seed of an innate dao embryo!
When it absorbs enough nutrients, it will ripen and turn into a real innate embryo.

At this moment, Jiang Yifei has only just completed this method, and when he has deduced his system to this point, it has attracted the power of the world, and countless auspicious lights descended. Obscure and majestic, all the vicissitudes of the ages have come to blend with him, which is extremely mysterious.

Dao follows nature, he seems to have become the incarnation of Dao, evolving all the mysteries of the past and present, suppressing the current world, and going against the current forever!

Jiang Yifei placed high hopes on the brand new training system.

Digging deep into the family tree can evolve a body of the Holy Spirit.

If you study the current world carefully, you can deduce the congenital Tao from within.

Of course, it's nothing to look at alone... In Jiang Yifei's prediction, the strongest person who walks through his path should be able to penetrate both aspects, and perfectly integrate the essence of the holy spirit with the innate dao embryo.

Such a character should be able to establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living and the people, inherit the unique knowledge for the past saints, and create peace for all generations!

He is the carrier of time and history, recording the changes of the times, and deeply understands that the existence of every life is the greatest miracle and treasure in the universe.

Carrying the Dao and Dharma that integrates all the ancestors, cultivate the highest Dao fruit, fight to the future, fight the most terrifying and weird, and leave a peaceful world for the creatures after all ages!

"The two roads are complete, who is such a holy and stalwart person?"

"That's right, it's me—Jiang Yifei!"

A generation of demon ancestors sang praises for himself and practiced it personally. He took the initiative to continuously transform his chaotic body, and wanted to verify whether such a concept was feasible.

A bit of the essence of the holy spirit is evolving, and at the same time, at the part of the sea, the Tao tire continues to grow.

They are connected by the long river of history in the human body. Although they have different affiliations, one is the tangible embodiment of the brand of the ancestors, and the other is the unique symbol of oneself standing in the current world. They collide fiercely with each other, but it is not impossible to unify.

Time runs through all!

Jiang Yifei roared loudly, and the two brilliant original lights collided, cracking his body, and the power of time seemed to wipe him out here!
At the critical moment, his imprint of life glows, and the nine divine bloods are shining, the eight emperor bloods suppress the past, and the chaotic blood suppresses the present world, causing thousands of avenues in the universe to fall and merge, and the heaven and earth sing together to wrap it, like Evolving a placenta is like shaping a divine baby.

The good fortune of heaven and earth gave Jiang Yifei a glimmer of light.

He seized this ray of dawn, jumped out with a leap, and suddenly a divine and holy aura struck, a brand new original aura appeared, and he evolved a powerful physique!

The power of time is surging, Jiang Yifei seems to be leaping on the long river of time, soaring in the sky, slashing the changes of time, with an invincible aura blooming, looking down on the world!

It is difficult to accurately name this brand-new physique, because it has never existed in the past. It uses time as the link and genealogy as the foundation. It is unique to the God of War.

It seems to have condensed the strengths of both the Holy Spirit and the Innate Dao Embryo, as well as hidden enhancements. The life imprint and the Yuanshen domain are unprecedentedly powerful, and there are terrifying enhancements on the Avenue of Time!

Jiang Yifei made a detailed comparison. As the owner of the chaotic body, he felt that he was very qualified to evaluate one or two.

"In terms of potential and combat power, it is not lost to the Chaos Body!"

He was very satisfied, and couldn't help comparing himself with his predecessors.

"There used to be the Great Emperor Swallowing Heaven, who walked against the sky, paved the way with tens of thousands of physiques, and evolved into a chaotic body the day after tomorrow."

"Now I have my unrivaled demon ancestor, let the genealogy manifest, grasp the way to chase people, and achieve a brand-new Xeon physique!"

"However, what should I call my brand-new physique capable of artificial evolution?"

"Innate Holy Spirit Dao Embryo?"

"The body of the Holy Spirit?"

Jiang Yifei had a strange expression on his face, and he just felt that no matter how he called it, it seemed a little inappropriate, and it couldn't show his dignity.

In the end, he realized something.

"If my path is successful, everyone will be able to unlock the wealth left by their ancestors, and then everyone will be like a god."


"Congenital fetus."

"Holy Spirit."

"Since this is the case... let's call it 'Innate Sacredness'!"

(End of this chapter)

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