The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 180 Immortal Mirror of the Void!Buddha of Infinite Life!

Chapter 180 Immortal Mirror of the Void!Buddha of Infinite Life!
Jiang Yifei drank lightly, the Dao blood in his body spilled, and at the same time, it was accompanied by the blood of this battle and the past emperor battles.

This is too much, beyond the imagination of the ancient supreme beings in each life forbidden zone.

After all, who would have thought?
Jiang Yifei, this is a real ruthless person.

His connections are all over the sky, and he got to where he is now, not only by fighting and killing, but also by countless people's sophistication.


The Void Mirror burned up all of a sudden, unprecedented.

Emperor Taihuang, Emperor Hengyu, Emperor Jiuli, Emperor Shenzhou, Emperor Taiyang, Emperor Taiyin Renhuang, Infinite Heavenly Venerable, their imperial blood has already dripped on the mirror.

And the Jade Emperor and Corpse Emperor, who had blood splashed the galaxy in this battle, also needed their help.

In addition, the restricted area of ​​Shenxu was destroyed by Emperor Qing back then, and the corpses of the two holy spirits and the four supreme beings were given to Jiang Yifei by Qing Emperor. At this moment, they were also put to the final use. Add huge firewood, let the fire of transformation burn blazingly, illuminating the universe, trembling from ancient to modern times!

Counting the chaotic body, it is the nourishment of sixteen kinds of divine blood, which is much more than the emperor's blood that Emperor Void brought this mirror to stain.

In just an instant, the mirror was pushed to an unprecedented height.

Originally, the Void Mirror was a legendary treasure mirror, stained with too much blood of the Supreme Being, and had the possibility of becoming a fairy mirror. It was much more powerful than ordinary imperial weapons, and it was only a chance.

However, opportunities for transformation are hard to find.

But today, the opportunity came.

The baptism of emperor's blood one after another, the filling of the inner rules, sublimates the void mirror, which already has the charm of immortality, and the real law of immortality is being forged!

At that moment, the void mirror bloomed with nine colors of light, and countless void flowers bloomed, covering the universe, the space was frozen, and even time seemed to stand still, suppressed by this law of immortality!

The void is still, time is still, and eternity is suppressed... The chaos monsters killed in the distance are all affected, and they are struggling, as if they have fallen into a quagmire.

"Meeting me is a blessing in your life."

Jiang Yifei murmured, chatting with the Void Mirror God who was undergoing extreme sublimation and transformation, "So, from now on, if I tell you to go east, you can't go west, you know?"

"It's just right, I have a practice problem here that needs your help, you have to work hard, you have to do your best, understand?"

"Who are you?" The god of the void mirror asked back, a little hesitant, "Why is the blood of the emperor in your body so strong, purer than that of a parent and child?"

"You don't need to worry about it..." Jiang Yifei talked about him. After all, he really couldn't explain it. The reason why he can have such pure and fresh blood of the emperor is that the rules of the emperor's way are infinitely close to complete. That's all because of beating and squeezing the fruit of the incarnation of Void Emperor Heavenly Tribulation time after time during the Heavenly Tribulation.

If such a thing is said, Void Mirror will not be able to turn his face.

"Everyone has their own chance, don't ask, that's too impolite... As for what I asked you to do, it involves your master, whether he can really be resurrected one day!" Jiang Yifei used his bewitching skills, "I just From my body, I activated and awakened his life mark, but this is not a long-term solution, because what is burning is his 'existence'."

"So I was thinking, is it possible to transfer the need to continue the activity of his life imprint to something else through transfer? And this needs to be closely related to it, and it must also have immortality to a certain extent."

"However, apart from fairy artifacts, where else can one find such immortality?"

"Fortunately, there is you... You may be a special case, find the answer to this question for me, and explore a way to prove immortality with weapons in the world of mortals."

"This is one small step for you, but one giant leap for the entire cultivation civilization!"

"It's about the resurrection of Emperor Void, so I'll ask you if you want to do it or not!"

"Do it! Whatever you ask me to do, I will do it!"

Although the God of the Void Mirror suspected that Jiang Yifei was holding back evil in his heart, at the moment it had no choice but to be arranged clearly.

"Very good!" Jiang Yifei was very satisfied.

"However, I seem to have encountered a problem..."

Suddenly, the god of the void mirror said, "It seems that the law of immortality in my sublimation and evolution is lacking..."

At the same time, the chaotic monster let out a roar, and the body of Tongtian Mingbao seemed to be on fire, and a bright blood light suddenly appeared, and a huge fairy phoenix phantom galloped and charged in the universe!

"You guys! Can't stop me!"

The chaotic monster went completely mad at this moment, and it was interpreting a method, which was nirvana and transformation, which fit well with the cycle of life and death it had studied. It increased its combat power rapidly, broke free from the void and quagmire, and killed the eternal star sky.

It charged forward with dragon and tiger pace, and it was unstoppable. Jiang Yifei parried and blocked it with the Chaos Mirror. Although he blocked it, blood burst out from all over his body.

After all, he is still too young, and now he can kill and fight ordinary emperor characters, but he is still powerless against the masters of the emperor.

The Void Mirror is dazzling, and it releases world-shocking supernatural powers, which is even more ferocious than the Void Emperor in his lifetime.

The boundless void condensed and turned into a beam of light, like a beam, cutting through the front forcefully, and a large fissure of blazing flames spread, dividing the entire star sea into two halves, in order to split the body of the chaotic monster in two.

However, the Chaos monster is invulnerable to all means, and the taboo magical power penetrates it, leaving only minor injuries, not the root of it, because the blood flowing in its body is Chaos blood!

Chaos body, this physique is too disgusting.

When one's own has it, it is worth cheering and joying.

But if the enemy possesses it, and you kill it with a single supernatural power, at least [-]% of the damage will be avoided, so I ask you whether your mentality will collapse or not?

Back then, there was a Celestial Venerable who was so disgusted that half of his life was eventually taken away alive.

What's more, today's chaotic monsters are much stronger than that chaotic body.

"Void mirror! If you become a fairy weapon, you still have something to look at, and you are worthy of being my enemy based on your current state of incompetence?!"

The chaotic monster roared, "If you want to incarnate into a real fairy weapon, do you think it's enough to bathe in enough emperor blood?!"

"Without the essence endowed by a person at the level of a heavenly emperor, it is useless to rely on numbers alone. It will only get stuck in the last step of transforming into a fairy weapon!"

It stretched out a big hand, trying to smash the two large ants in front of it, "Destroy it!"

"Emperor? Essence? Who said there is no such thing?!"

Jiang Yifei shouted loudly, shaking the universe, "Did you hear that?"

"V I'm fifty... Bah, hurry up and let the blood out, and share the results after it's done!"

He doesn't have much else, but has the most connections!
A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops meet!

Well, there is no shortage of thousands of troops, but there is no shortage of a few unrivaled warriors.

"Friend Daoist, did you hear that?"

On the prehistoric ancient star, a dharma form of the Qing Emperor held the barren tower above his head, confronting the killing formation of Lingbao Tianzun, and no one made a move.

But his true self was arguing with Taoist Duan De Duan.

They are gathering in a villa at the moment, and there is still playing a video specially found by Emperor Qing.

"...You took your wife out of the city, ate hot pot and sang songs, and suddenly you were robbed by gangsters! So, the days without the gangsters are good days!"


Emperor Qing patted the table, and turned his head to the rich Duan Dedao, who spoke earnestly and earnestly.

"Brother Duan, can you understand?"

"The days without the underworld are good days... You don't want to go out to do archaeological research one day, but you end up directly on the face of Tongtian Mingbao, right?"

"Now, here's your chance!"

"Offering your true blood of Heavenly Venerate and helping the Void Mirror to block that Chaos Monster is what you should do!"

Emperor Qing did ideological work for Taoist Duan De.

Duan Dedao had tears in his eyes, his fat body was shaking with excitement, and he felt extremely joyful and joyful that he shouldered the great cause of safeguarding the safety of the universe.

But at the same time, he felt inferior to his weak ability, fearing that he could not afford the task of fighting against the restricted area for the common people of the universe.

Of course, in this process, some radical words need to be ignored... It must be that Taoist Duan De was extremely excited to speak out. Since his education level is not high and he has not undergone nine years of compulsory education, it is understandable.

"... With my cultivation level, even if I squeeze it into a human body, I won't be able to produce much true blood of the Heavenly Venerate!"

The priest was very excited.

"...Is it easy for me these years? I just came out of the big tomb, and I was slapped on the face with a black brick! As soon as I woke up, I went from the Big Dipper to the ancient star, and became an archaeologist. object!"

"Now you still want me to donate blood?!"

"Why don't you go!"

The Taoist priest spit stars flying around, he's had enough!
"Who says I won't do the bloodletting? I'll do it too!" Qingdi said lightly, "The safety of the universe is at stake with me, how can I sit idly by?"

"I will be the first to bleed, just to do my part for the universe that gave birth to me!"

Qingdi was impassioned and stayed in the ancient star for several years. He was also deeply influenced by the civilization of this star, and he had noble sentiments and virtues.

Hearing this, Duan De was taken aback for a while, and felt that he judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?
"...First let the powerful and powerful contribute money, and lead the public to donate money. After they donate, the public will donate. After the money is received, the powerful will return the money in full, and the public's money will be divided. "

The video was still playing, making the atmosphere a little more subtle.

Qingdi fell silent, turned around and silently turned off the video.

"Ahem!" Qingdi coughed twice, clenched one hand into a fist, signaling Duan De - of course he said that there was absolutely no threat in it.

"What if I refuse to bleed?!" Daoist Duan De asked stiffly.

"Then... Actually, I'm curious about a question now." Emperor Qing said to him from left to right, "Fellow Daoist, as the Heavenly Venerable Transcending Tribulation, did you have any means to protect the way when you took the path of the emperor's corpse psychic?" ?”

"If... I mean, if, fellow daoist, you accidentally stepped on the ground, opened and closed your eyes and came to Tongtian Mingbao, and that chaotic monster wanted to kill you again, would you burst out enough to kill you?" combat power?"

"Even if it doesn't work, you can buy a little time..."

"If you think about it, if you have to make a choice between Wuliang Tianzun and Hades Emperor, I think that the Chaos Monster will probably go towards Hades Emperor..."

Emperor Qing means a lot.

"How can there be eggs under the overturned nest? Daoist Duan, think twice!"

When Duan De heard this, the tiger's body shook, and then shook again...

"Stop it! I agree!"

He looked determined.



An archaeological hero who has been digging people's ancestral graves all year round finally has tears in his eyes, letting his true blood flow out.

next moment!

The barren tower erupted, and under the cover of Lingbao Tianzun's killing array, a fiery passage was torn out, and two bloody lights shot out of it, astonishing the years!

And that's not the only one.

The ancient star of the Big Dipper, the barren ancient forbidden land, was cut down with a fairy sword, and the light of the sword was criss-crossing, cutting out a fleeting flaw.

In the flaw, there are also two bloody rays flying!
"When things are done, remember to share the results..."

The God Emperor's voice was ethereal, but like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, it shook the galaxy.

So far, Jiang Yifei hasn't let him down, he has invested in it, and he has indeed shipped it, creating a prototype of a cultivation system with great potential, which has given several Heavenly Emperor figures enough confidence to invest in it.

The heavenly emperor's blood, which even the immortal emperors coveted, was obtained just like that. At the same time, there was also a ray of immortal fire, which was thrown out by Zizai Wangfo from the ancient star of the Big Dipper.

Heavenly Emperor's Blood Essence, Immortal Immortal Fire... Once they joined, they played a vital role, making the void mirror's flawed law of immortality complete!
To a certain extent, the Void Mirror can be said from now on, it can also be regarded as an immortal weapon forged by several masters of heavenly emperors, and it is almost the same as the Immortal Cauldron!

The birth of a fairy artifact is destined to change the pattern of the universe.

What's more, Tongtian Mingbao noticed something in it.

It's the blood of the Underworld Emperor!

"Underworld Emperor, you really recovered!"

The chaotic monster was terrified, and at this moment, he couldn't care less about Jiang Yifei, and looked straight at the direction of the ancient star, where the blood of the emperor of the underworld came from.

At this time, it even had the urge to run away desperately, and the farther it could hide, the better.

It's just that it understands that the problem must be faced after all.

However, just looking at the barren pagoda on the ancient star, it felt painful groans all over its body.

Facing the Underworld Emperor, that is to die later.

I crashed into the barren tower, and I might die now!
The chaotic monster had no choice but to let go of its desire to "kill the master and stand on its own", and turned around to output crazily at Jiang Yifei who was blocking the way.


The Corpse Emperor who was attacking was suddenly stunned, showing a bitter smile, his body was shattered, turned into a stream of energy, and with the seal of reincarnation, it merged into the Tongtian Mingbao, making this fairy weapon even more terrifying and infiltrating.

"You can even kill your own people, you deserve it!"

Jiang Yifei coughed up blood, his body was cracked, and his whole body was about to shatter, turning into blood mist.

But he finally survived.

Surrounded by countless brilliant fairy lights, the void mirror is perfectly sublimated, and the laws of immortality have moved the myriad ways of the universe, making this place entangled with all kinds of dharma, the waves are vast, the divine brilliance is like rain, and the beams of light are all over the sky.

One after another, the laws of heaven and earth have all turned into tangible chains at this moment, with colorful lights and ten colors coming out at the same time.

These laws guard the void avenue, making it immortal and splendid.

Because of this, the Void Battle Soul has become extraordinary, and there is a breath of life flowing.

Because, except for the Immortal Cauldron and Tongtian Mingbao who had problems one after another, and embarked on the road of sharing the same bed with their creators, the rest of the emperor's soldiers are all called the continuation of the emperor's life, inheriting their will.

This is the case with the Void Mirror. During its lifetime, it fought with the Void Emperor to conquer the Supreme.After Void died, it was still trying its best to deter the restricted area of ​​life!

Now, it is immortal, which is equivalent to the eternal existence of Emperor Void, and the eternal will... Then what will happen?
No one said it was bad.

After all, there has never been such a strange and special situation. The emperor died, but his weapon turned into a fairy weapon in the world of mortals!

This is very curious, whether it can be used to create a brand-new longevity method, similar to the road of reincarnation in the underworld, and the corpse is psychic.


The god of the Void Mirror roared and was promoted to the Immortal Artifact. It is unprecedentedly powerful. With its attack at this moment, it directly grasps the boundless void of the big universe.

And in the stalemate, waiting for the eternal variables and brilliance!

"After today, I will be the Buddha of Infinite Life!"

(End of this chapter)

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