The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 199 The Demon Dao goes public

Chapter 199 The magic way is listed, the law spreads to the six ears

Jiang Yifei observed secretly, his eyes were as deep as a starry sky, and a kind of original power spread, exploring the child's heels.

This is a little girl who has revived her ancestral blood, has endless potential, and is a good seedling of immortality.

According to Jiang Yifei's preliminary peek, there is an astonishing discovery.

Perhaps, her ancestry is not as simple as a pure fairy, it seems to involve a more powerful existence-the Immortal King!
Otherwise, without the recovery of blood, the Taishang Immortal Physique has achieved a world-shattering transformation and sublimation. It is not weaker than the Immortal Artifact Spirit Reincarnation, not inferior to the Innate Saint Physique Dao Embryo, and can conceive in this universe with ten fierce His sons are comparable.

"Well, it's not impossible..."

"Above the true immortals are the immortal kings... Nine Heavens and Ten Lands used to be called the Primordial Ancient Realm, and the immortal kings have at least two digits."

"Although many of these fairy kings died single, there are also some who have reproduced."

Jiang Yifei was thoughtful, "For example, the descendants of the 'Seven Kings of Bianhuang' who were born to Emperor Huangtian..."

The Seven Kings of the Frontier Desolation are the seven powerhouses who once made great achievements in this world and resisted foreign lands. Their achievements are remembered by the world and left their imprints in the blood of their descendants.

The Stone Clan that Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao was born in was one of the descendants of the Seven Kings.

In fact, the identity of the descendant of the Immortal King is more gimmick than substance, especially in an ancient world like the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

After all, as the number of algebra increases, the power of the bloodline will decay.

Just like the great emperors in ancient times, the emperor's son reached the pinnacle of the Zhundi by virtue of his blood, and the emperor's grandson even stretched his hips. It is uncertain whether there will be a Zhundi.

As time went on, the bloodline was reduced more severely, and after one hundred and eighty generations, it disappeared from the crowd.

So in the past, even the descendants of the Immortal King couldn't stand up, they were suppressed and breathless, and they were given the status of guilty blood.

But now, after a long time, even the laws of heaven and earth have changed. Even if they have a relationship with the former fairy king, there is really not much to praise.

However, this is based on the absence of blood returning to the ancestors.

Once you return to your ancestors, you will instantly defy the sky!

But this is very difficult. After all, this world has experienced too much tribulation and pain. The sword of God’s will has come, and even the fairy medicine has been cut off and decayed into a magic medicine. It is hard to say that the blood of the fairy king will be spared.

However, with the accumulation of endless years and infinitely long time, miracles can always be born!
At this moment, this miracle bloomed in front of Jiang Yifei.

Jiang Yifei thought for a while, rolling his eyes, and finally Shi Shi ran out and squatted in front of the little girl who was playing with mud.

"Hello, little girl, how about uncle taking you to see the goldfish..."

He was smiling, and what he said was not a serious person.

This frightened the little girl who was concentrating on playing. She jumped three feet high, looked up at Jiang Yifei, turned around and ran, crying for help while running, "Grandpa, there is a strange person..."

Jiang Yifei frowned fiercely, his face darkened.

He was severely hacked!
Raising one hand, he covered the sky with his hand, and the little girl was captured within two steps, and flew back backwards, falling into the claws of the devil.

Jiang Yifei put his hand on her little head, with a very serious expression, "Don't be afraid, girl, uncle, I am not a bad person!"

"This seat is high-spirited, who in this universe doesn't know? Who doesn't know?"

"I see that your bones are clear and strange, the heavens are full, and your blood is extraordinary. You are just right to be my apprentice and pass on my wonderful scriptures..."

"I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery, otherwise I have a hundred ways to educate you..."

He ran the train with his mouth full, talking non-stop in all kinds of incoherent words.

Finally, the little girl's family couldn't sit still anymore, a whirlwind of yellow hair rose into the sky, and the entire ancient planet of life was shaken, because there were wisps of imperial prestige surging, dimming the entire starry sky!
A quasi-emperor!
This frightened the creatures on this ancient planet. Who would have thought that there would be a quasi-emperor dormant on this planet?

Even if this is a star on the ancient path of the human race, many outstanding people have stayed here for many years and reproduced their descendants. The average bloodlines and physique are very extraordinary, and there are many saints, but they dare not imagine that there is a quasi-emperor!
But today, it is this kind of supreme figure who is making a move, suspected of conquest!

However, the quasi-emperor was just not enough to look at in front of Jiang Yifei today.

It is beyond common sense that he can fight and fight with the Supreme Emperor of the Emperor's Dao. He would not even take a look at the ordinary Zhundi. The monks of the Zhundi Jiuchongtian are eligible to be watched by him for a while, and they must have a special physique. just work.

And obviously, the caster of the violent wind is still far from such a level.

Jiang Yifei shook his head, raised his hand and hit the core directly, and in the gust of wind that rolled the galaxy, he pressed a withered yellow palm that didn't speak martial arts and wanted to sneak attack.

Immediately, runes filled the sky between the collisions, and the sun, moon and stars exploded.

Destroyed, the withered yellow palm trembled and collapsed, and then countless strands of spiritual light entangled to trace the source, dragging an old man with half a mouthful of yellow teeth and a bit of a leak out of the void.


The little girl cried.


The old man with yellow teeth yelled, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were about to split open, and he yelled at Jiang Yifei, "Let go of my granddaughter... or else... or... or I will fight you!"

"If I can't beat you, I'll splash your blood!"

The old man's expression was ferocious, with the determination to see death as home.

But Jiang Yifei was unmoved, he looked at the old man silently for a while, and suddenly chuckled.

"The bad old man is very bad..."

One of his hands reached into the void and grabbed a ray of dao light, which was made by divine power and carried a message. When it was shot out at an unknown time, it could easily pass across the vast sea of ​​stars and pass it on to the designated person.

"On the surface, he was desperate to fight alone, but behind his back, he secretly called people? Does this still talk about martial arts?"

"The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, it's because there are old people like you who are not ashamed!"

Jiang Yifei sighed, expressing his reflection on the moral atmosphere of this era.

Opposite him, the face of the old man with yellow teeth changed completely.

Indeed, he released a message asking for help, and secretly asked a few friends he had known to help out.

He is sure that he can't defeat the mysterious man on the opposite side, but his friend may not be able to, because the most powerful one is a person who will become enlightened!
Well, the three words "will become the Tao" have some meaning of putting gold on the face. Even if they are both quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian, the difference in combat power at this level is too big. Some people may really be only a thin line away from becoming emperor. However, some people stand in this realm, but they have no hope of the throne for the rest of their lives.

There are also people who rely on their bodies for food, such as the Eucharist, even if they are only at the peak of the quasi-emperor, their physical bodies can compete with the Supreme.

The old man with yellow teeth was thinking, if there is a friend who is at the peak of Emperor Zhun, he still can't deal with the thief who hides his head and tail and abducts and sells children on the opposite side?

However, the reality is horrifying. His tricks were intercepted and erased lightly. This is something his friends can't do!

"Friend Daoist, what do you want?"

The old man with yellow teeth became serious, looking at his granddaughter worriedly, and had to force himself to deal with the evil enemy.

"I've taken a fancy to this kid." Jiang Yifei smiled, "I don't have any other intentions, I just want to take an apprentice."

"Accepting apprentices...haha... easy to say! easy to say!" The old man with yellow teeth pulled the corners of his mouth and laughed, "It seems to be a misunderstanding..."

"That's right, it was a misunderstanding!"

Jiang Yifei nodded slightly, "From now on, you and I will be regarded as the same person... This girl, I plan to let her inherit my mantle and become the chief saint of my magic way."

"She will start a legendary life, destroy all the heavenly emperors in this world, spread the glory of the devil's way in the world, and make all living beings surrender!"

Open your mouth and shut your mouth, it's all magic.

This is also Jiang Yifei's idea, and he intends to make this little girl bear the title of Demon Dao.

He didn't want all the top physiques to be in the same camp, be kind... How can this work?

Only competition can stimulate everyone's intelligence and talent to the greatest extent!
The Congenital Saint Physique and Dao Embryo are in the same camp as the Immortal Artifact Spirit, which has severely disrupted the balance. Now we need to adjust, activate another camp, and start a brutal competition!

Of course, Wu Shizhong will also silently promote such a confrontation, intentionally or unconsciously, and conceal the corresponding truth.

Everyone understands that only the fiercest competition can force the most powerful Gu King to embark on the fairy road of mortal transformation.

As someone who didn't know, the old man with yellow teeth turned pale.

He didn't know the inside story, but just looking at the grand goal of "destroying the Heavenly Emperor's Dao Meridian", he felt his scalp go numb.

"This...this...isn't it good..." He said with difficulty, "I hate fighting the most, fighting and killing is so boring... What I like is studying various flowers, plants, and blood... I If my granddaughter is with me, I may not be able to bear the expectations of fellow Daoists!"

"Really? I don't think so." Jiang Yifei smiled, "Her potential is destined to shine in this world, but sooner or later."

"Fate is fixed, this is the trajectory of her life that she can't break free from."

"Because of this fate, she will also receive the top training in the world..."

As he spoke, Jiang Yifei took out a small white tiger, a golden golden pill, and a divine liquid conceived by the Holy Spirit...

That is the fruit of the elixir of immortality, the elixir of rank eight, the treasure of foundation establishment...

The old man with yellow teeth was shocked, what is the background of the "demonic way"? !
Such a top resource really wants to cultivate a supreme figure, instead of using his granddaughter as cannon fodder!
——That's what he was worried about. The inexplicable strongman kidnapped his granddaughter to conduct evil experiments.

But looking at it now, it seems that the situation is not so bad?

The old man suddenly hesitated, hesitated, not knowing what to do.

After a long time, he asked cautiously, "Your organization... what is the origin of the demonic way? Is there any karmic grievance with those heavenly emperors? Why do you want to destroy them?"

"This question... Since you asked the question sincerely, then I will tell you mercifully!" Jiang Yifei's voice became louder, "The so-called demon way, you should be respectful and pray sincerely!"

"—an audience that does not belong to this era;"

"—the recorder on the long river of time;"

"——Supreme ruler in charge of reincarnation!"

"We will look down, we will descend, we will conquer... We will never invade, we will never grind, and we have no enemies, but we will conquer everything and stain the heavens with demons!"

Jiang Yifei's tone was very passionate.

But it is understandable, whoever asked the world to mention the word "magic" thinks it is unreasonable?

The old man with yellow teeth was speechless.

This is a crazy organization, but I have to say that it is really rich and has all kinds of resources, which are coveted by the emperor.

In the end, he reluctantly agreed, and his granddaughter has since then gained a master who will accept the training of a mysterious magic powerhouse.

After all, with a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other, he couldn't refuse even if he wanted to.

The old man with yellow teeth felt that the only thing he could do was to wait for his granddaughter's wings to harden in the future, let her understand the danger, and quickly escape from the devil's den consciously.

However, the expansion of the Devil's Nest will not have an end.

Jiang Yifei was very satisfied with getting a white mouse apprentice. The more he looked at it, the happier he was. The genealogy method will be carried forward, and it is just around the corner.

"However, that doesn't seem to be enough..."

He whispered, "A Supreme Immortal Physique with Immortal Blood is too reluctant to deal with the Innate Saint Physique, Dao Embryo and Immortal Artifact Spirit at the same time, and cannot bring enough pressure..."

"As for the Chaos Body... His father is still in the womb!"

"What should I do? I can't cover my face and pretend to be tender, and go off to clean up the two children myself, right?"

"Although it's not impossible..."

Jiang Yifei manually adjusted his bottom line of integrity, and felt that it was not impossible for him to do this.

"Hmm... No, I seem to have forgotten something?"

He pondered, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Yes! There are monkeys!"

He looked sideways at the starry sky, a strange smile gradually appeared on his face.

Calculating the secrets of the sky silently, and then piercing the starry sky with one hand, suppressing towards a wilderness.

In the starry sky, a golden monkey was startled when it saw the giant palm falling from the sky. It had six ears, and it emerged at this moment, full of energy and blood, and a Taoist soldier was activated. It was an ancient temple. Impressive.

Unfortunately, this still couldn't stop Jiang Yifei's suppression and captured it.


The six-eared macaque was shocked, time and space changed, and the stars moved. It suddenly arrived at a strange place, where there was a monstrous Buddha light and a dense demonic energy. The two were mixed together, but they were so harmonious.

On the ground, there are boundless corpses, and there are still bloodstains that have not dried up.

The six ears can clearly feel that the blood is suspected to come from a real supreme figure, such as Tianzun, the ancient emperor, or the great emperor... because it is similar to the breath it sensed when it practiced in the life spring of Lingbao Tianzun!
This is amazing... Who can kill such a character, and spread their bones and blood on the ground at random, as a decoration for their own merits?
"One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a demon, I am a holy Buddha, and I am also a demon lord!"

Jiang Yifei's figure was hidden under the billowing black smoke, and his voice was deep and oppressive, which made people feel scared.

"Liu Er, you come forward, I am merciful, and I will teach you the supreme magic method, only you need to do one thing!"

"Fighting against the lineage of the holy ape, I don't know the number of days, it is suitable for eternal suppression..."

(End of this chapter)

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