Chapter 235


In the sea of ​​reincarnation, someone suddenly shouted loudly, that is the Lord of reincarnation, the supreme leader of the sea of ​​reincarnation in the past, the master of a restricted area.

Of course, with Xiaoyao Tianzun's self-exposure, he has lost his former style.

But he is still a supreme figure of a generation, who can look down on all the common people of the great universe.

Logically speaking, at his state, everything has long been out of his mind, and nothing can make him move his defenses.

Until this day, he met a familiar person, an asshole who left a deep impression on him.

—— Ji Xukong!

Back then, when the great emperor became enlightened, the world was too tragic.

There used to be a glorious chapter in the history of cultivation in this universe. There were nine great saints who came out in succession to assist the current emperor—Ruthless, Xihuang, Hengyu, and there was also a domineering body like a shit stick. Duan Suiyue has also produced several people... from the lineage of Ba Ti, although some things happened later that made people despise, but they can still fight with the wind.

The days in the restricted area of ​​life are so sad!

It was hard to get through this difficult time, the ruthless people lost, Hengyu sat down, the Western Emperor died for love, the Eucharist era came to an end, and the supreme beings in the restricted area went out, and finally they didn't have to worry about being beaten by gangs.

They can finally eat freely in the big universe, saving the vitality to support the opening of the road to immortality.

However, Void became enlightened!
This is a hero who proved his way through the boundless void, soaring to the sky in the darkest age and creating miracles.

We must know that in another timeline, Ye Fengchu's astonishing performance, one of which is that he was able to survive two major catastrophes in a row after reaching the Emperor Zhun's seventh heaven, which was praised by the world.

Because in the legend, such a performance was made like a ruthless person, without beginning, and in the void!

It can be seen from this how difficult the rise of the Void Emperor is... In fact, if he hadn't been so against the sky, created miracles, hit many forbidden areas by surprise, and in the era of the end of the holy body, he would not even be able to survive the robbery!

Just look at the example of the old Jinwu.

Even with the appearance of a great emperor, before becoming enlightened, he still lived a life of aggrieved, trembling, afraid of being strangled by others.

It's just that unlike the old Golden Crow, the Void Emperor faced up to the difficulties and came out of the catastrophe. Not only was he not killed, but he even became a serious threat to the forbidden zone when he became emperor.

Those times were too difficult. The last Dacheng Holy Body was old and frail, and fell on the holy cliff in his later years and was killed by people.

Emperor Void took over and resisted everything. After beheading a supreme person in Undead Mountain, he broke in alone, carved endless patterns, and confronted the other supremes with a heart of death, and finally shocked them. , signed the agreement, before the opening of Chengxian Road, you can't step out of this restricted area.

However, it is more than an undead mountain?There are also movements in other life restricted areas. It is a terrible rebound that was suppressed by the Human Race Great Emperor and Dacheng Holy Physique in the past, so all restricted areas are rioting!

Once the Immortal Mountain was stabilized, the Taichu Ancient Mine started to stir up troubles; after the Taichu Ancient Mine was suppressed, the Supreme of the Shenxu began to be active again... Emperor Void fought bloody battles all his life, and his weapons were stained with blood.

Even if he fought to the extreme, dragging his wounded body, hitting the sea of ​​reincarnation, killing another ancient emperor...

Even at the time of death, it was calculated that there would be troubles caused by the supreme being in the restricted area, so he pretended to die in the coffin, set up a killing scheme, and finally killed two masters of the imperial way, and buried him with him!
Emperor Void has made too much contribution in his life, so even after his death, people are awe-inspiring, and all races are grateful.

However, this is not a good thing... All living beings are ruthless, and it is difficult to remember kindness.Unless the darkness and turmoil reappear, all living beings will collectively think of him, hoping that the great emperor of the human race will come back to life and fight again for all living beings.

The life of Emperor Void was a tragic life, glorious for all generations, and unforgettable.

Correspondingly, several life forbidden areas were nailed to the pillar of shame, especially the Samsara Sea!
Because, the supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life was killed the most by the Void Emperor, and he forged a bloody feud!
As the master of the sea of ​​reincarnation, whenever the master of reincarnation thinks of this matter, his face becomes hot.

At this moment, the "Emperor Void" reappeared, he almost broke the defense on the spot, and shouted out that person's name.

"Void" felt it, and suddenly looked back, and met that line of sight.

The blood in his body is roaring, this is the memory of the body's instinct, and the confrontation with the six life forbidden areas, a lifelong bloody battle, the impression is too deep.

The Great Emperor's aura diffused, and "Void" looked calm, neither sad nor happy, and finally said, "You have misunderstood the person, my name is Xuanyuan..."


In the sea of ​​reincarnation, the lord of reincarnation suddenly got up, he raised his footsteps, and wanted to go out...but he restrained himself in the end.

Because, there is another supreme expert watching him is Zizai Wangfo!

Moreover, "Hengyu", "Shenzhou" and others are all looking at him with great interest, their eyes seem to be able to speak——

come here!

The Lord of Reincarnation weighed it, and finally sat back.

The light in his eyes was dim, and his whole body was full of royal aura, which showed how emotionally agitated his heart was.

In fact, more than him?
In other restricted areas, there are not a few supreme beings like him.

The emperor of the past reappeared, still in a state of full energy and blood, which made people unable to calm down.

Especially for the imperial figures in the restricted area of ​​life, that kind of impact is too great, it can almost be said to be a negation of their life choices.

When familiar characters appeared one after another, the stimulation became more intense.

"This bald head...what the hell is Amitabha!"

In the funeral island, Emperor Dapeng gritted his teeth.

"Is that the Taoist Heavenly Venerable?!"

Xiaoyao Tianzun raised his eyebrows.

"The Emperor Guangming is here too..." Gu Zun in the Immortal Mausoleum sighed.

"What's wrong with this world!"

Forget about Emperor Zun, Immortal, Wushi, Ruthless, etc. The Supremes in the restricted area admit that this group of people is really against the sky. They are both emperors and emperors in ancient times, but this group of people set off them as if they have proved a false way. Became a false emperor.


void?Hengyu?Shenzhou?Jiuli...these guys, why!

Fortunately, some masters of the imperial way who had been in the underworld spoke up and pointed out the truth. It was not those people in the past, but the reappearance of the reincarnation seal.

"There is no need to envy, no need to be at a loss, the dead are dead, and the body is right and wrong."

The source god of the underworld pointed out, "They are no longer void, Hengyu, Shenzhou, Jiuli, Amitabha, morality, light...just Xuanyuan, Shennong, Dayu, Chiyou, Sakyamuni, Li ear, it is the LORD!"

"It's not the Celestial Lord of the Mythical Age, it's not the Emperor of the Primordial Era, and it's not the Great Emperor of the Ancient Era..."

"It's just the seal of reincarnation, it's not a big deal."

Source ghost added.

"But they are full of blood, and several of them have become enlightened."

A Supreme said sourly, "It is said that reincarnation is a dream... But what if?"

"What if they all wake up from the past and take advantage of this special era, the road to immortality opens and enters the realm of immortality..."

"In that case, don't we become clowns?"

Supreme's state of mind is out of balance.

No matter how proud and confident they are, they are old, weak, sick and disabled, and they dare not even go out to fight. Once they are fully sublimated, they will almost die.

In such a state, going to the fairy road... They also know that there are more dangers than fortune.

This is also the reason why they are so eager to refine the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir to study the Chaos Body... They are driven to a dead end!
On the other hand, other people, who were heroes during their lifetime and ghosts after their death, once the seal of reincarnation is formed, their lifespan will be refreshed.

Although the body is right and wrong, the universe is so big that there are no surprises... What if one day the past is awakened?

"How on earth did they do it?"

Gu Zun was puzzled after picking a lemon in his mouth, "It's fine to cheat the corpse... I remember that Ji Xukong is only 10,000+ years away from today?"

"Is 10,000+ years enough to form the seal of reincarnation?"

"I remember, shouldn't I?"

He also knows something about this path.

It is precisely because of understanding that he did not take this path in the end, because there were too many problems and he thought he could not control them.

"Actually, there are some special places that are theoretically possible..."

The Supreme of the Underworld said, "I overheard some conversations, and know that they all come from the ancient star. And this ancient star..."

Yuanshen's eyes were deep, "There used to be a joint arrangement of Emperor Zun and Hades, so maybe it became a good place to 'raise spirits', which can make the time of forming the reincarnation seal many years earlier!"


The ancient emperor was restless, "Is this the method of those emperors? It really is amazing!"

"Now I somehow believe in the path of the Underworld Emperor, maybe I can really succeed, and I can see a fairy road between life and death!"

"Hiss...don't you think..."

The ancient emperor Qilin whispered, "Is this road inexplicably compatible with the chaotic road studied by Zizai Wangfo?"

"They are all living to death!"

"After a person dies, the aura of the corpse surges, and all vitality disappears, like chaos..."

"But in this chaos, after a long period of time, it will be like a negative yang, gestating a little pure vitality in death, gradually dissolving the haze of death, like reopening the world in chaos, and constructing the order of life !"

Qilin Ancient Emperor's vivid description shocked the hearts of many royal figures.

"Old Qilin, what you said... makes sense!"

The Wanlong Emperor whispered, "This may not be a way of thinking, it can help us escape from the shackles..."

They discussed, and gradually other ancient emperors joined in.

They are all the supreme beings of an era in the past, and they are not lacking in talent and wisdom.

When this wisdom works together, it is hard to say that it will not bear a supreme fruit.

Of course.

They are the ones who plant the fruit, and whether they will be the ones who pick the fruit in the end...that is another question.


The majesty of the free king and Buddha is carried out and implemented.

With the power of reversing the era and mediating good fortune, he deterred the supreme being in the restricted area, and at the same time made the resurrected emperor bow his proud head and participate in the grand event.

In addition, there are three other masters who have achieved enlightenment... Chuanying, Gai Jiuyou, Dacheng Holy Body, they are also here!

The brilliance of the extreme dao shines in the palace, and the emperor soldiers and emperors stand here together. This scene is so brilliant that it almost equals the peak moment of the age of mythology. A scene of coexistence!

Of course, it might be a little bit worse.

Because the ones who come here are only flawed extreme figures, not the emperor who really fits the heart of heaven.

If at any time, Jiang Yifei could make Qing Emperor, Shenhuang, Wushi Great Emperor and others stand in the audience, then he would really be famous.

At this moment, he can't be too proud, after all, there are still people who don't give face.

Zizai Wang Fo's eyes were cold, he looked into the depths of the starry sky, his eyes were calm, but there was a creepy chill.

'So shameless? '

'Very well, I made a note. '

Jiang Yifei didn't show any anger, but he made a decision in his heart.

——As soon as the conference is over, the Lord of the Holy Gate can become active!
Hit a certain clan and tear up their ancestral graves!
Let their ancestors serve all beings in the universe and become the top package of "corpse loan"!

'Heaven's domineering body...has a lot of backbone! '

'I hope that by then, you will still be proud! '

Jiang Yifei is not only a Buddha, but also a devil!

However, it may be that the alarm bells are ringing, making some people restless.

In the end, monstrous fluctuations surged from the depths of the starry sky, and three violent and violent forces swept across.

Three great overlords, they come side by side, stepping from the ancestor star of the overlord, the golden road runs through the galaxy of the universe and goes straight to the Big Dipper!
The three dharma figures, like demon gods, seem to have opened up the eternal starry sky. They are extremely powerful, majestic and boundless, showing their sense of existence unscrupulously.

It was only at the end that he barely restrained his power and stepped into the venue where all races discussed the general trend of the universe.


The corners of Jiang Yifei's eyes twitched. He didn't speak, but he had great opinions.

'These three guys... what do you mean? '

'How dare you take a piece of my pretentious stage? ! '

'good, very good! '

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know how many bad waters were surging in his stomach, and how many vile and smoldering ideas he had planned.

However, before he could type a few words, Dacheng Saint Physique snorted coldly, and charged forward with his own dry food.


The imperial aura is boundless, sweeping across the ten directions, colliding with the three Dacheng overlords.

Dacheng Holy Body has great pride, one against three!

Of course, he also has confidence.

After all, he had just lived out his second life, he was full of blood, he became enlightened in a different way, and he also experienced the "hardening" from a generation of supreme demon ancestors.

Immediately, the three Dacheng Dominant Physiques suffered a dull loss. They had a short lifespan, so naturally they couldn't compare to the Holy Physique with full of blood.


The Dacheng overlord named Cang Lan growled and wanted to make a move.

But at this moment, the Buddha who suppressed the whole audience pressed with one hand, and a kind of supreme majesty descended, as if the tide of the times swept across, slapping on everyone, suppressing their Tao and Dharma, even the supreme figure greatly affected.

"Okay, benefactors... peace is the most important thing! Peace is the most important thing!"

His Dharma form gradually stood up, and there was a vast and boundless chaos, with thousands of weights falling down, which was shocking.

Jiang Yifei squeezed the most powerful fists, and immediately persuaded Dacheng Shengti and Bati's lineage, and made them silently let go of their disputes after thinking twice.

(End of this chapter)

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