The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 242 Leek management, hegemony was robbed

Chapter 242 Leek management, hegemony was robbed

However, Ye Fan deserves to be a young phoenix who can stand side by side with Wolong. His mind is very strong. Despite the arrangement of the Buddha, no matter how hard he is, he has never been overwhelmed by his spiritual will.

On the contrary, he can face the difficulties and face his "destiny".

Of course, Ye Fengchu also had a lot of questions and confusions, so she raised them seriously at this time.

"However, in my hometown, I once read a book written hundreds of years ago, and it seems to be reflected in this moment in a trance... I don't know what is the reason for this?"

Ye Fan's expression was very solemn, he asked for advice very seriously, and wanted to be a sensible person.

It's not that he can't bear the mission of confirming the way and saving the times, but such an arrangement as if everything is predestined really makes him feel uneasy.

In fact, he has accumulated a lot of confusion over the years.

Because, he has heard many familiar things, such as... fighting against Buddha!
This is an ancient person who haunted 2000 years ago. He was in the Big Dipper, but he was written by a novelist from the prehistoric ancient star.

Another example is the list of Gods of the Great Emperor Wu Shi, which deduces another legend on the prehistoric ancient star.

All of this is like a dream, intertwined and confused with reality, making people suspect that they are in a dream.

Emperor Tang raised his eyebrows slightly, and after pondering for a while, he replied in a kind tone: "I already know your confusion, and I can answer it for you."

Tang Huang at this moment, he is like a kind-hearted and helpful person, he is very willing to answer the doubts of the outstanding people of this era, and he has no airs at all.

Different from the self-contained king and Buddha, and different from the demon ancestor who changed the world, he has the heart and bearing of a human emperor, like a perfect sage and god.

"Young Saint, your talent is outstanding. Relying on your own wisdom and understanding, you have blazed a path to conquer chaos."

Tang Huang smiled and said, "However, after all, you still have less time to practice. You became a monk halfway, and you don't have a clear and deep understanding of the magic of practice, and you lack a little mastery."

"Tang Emperor, please clear up your doubts." Ye Fan got up solemnly.

Jiang Yifei nodded, and he stood up leisurely, with a calm demeanor, vividly interpreting the transcendence and transcendence of the saint.

"Perhaps, to the intuition of ordinary people, the future is vague, unpredictable, and unpredictable."

"I'm even more confused about the world outside my own perception."

"However, the world in the monk's eyes is different."

"There are thousands of thaumaturgies in this universe. Take the most legendary nine secrets as an example. Among them is one secret, which is the former word secret."

"This secret, majoring in primordial spirit, can unlock incredible potential, and occasionally capture a corner of the past and future..."

Jiang Yifei talked eloquently, "Perhaps, that's the case with the author on your prehistoric ancient planet, who mastered this secret by accident, or in other words, came across a bit of inspiration by accident, never practiced this secret, but I got the state of mind of that Celestial Venerable when he created this secret."

"Therefore, with a flash of divine light, his thoughts and feelings were detached, overriding the trajectory of his life, seeing the way ahead, seeing a corner of the past and the future, and it suddenly seemed like a dream."

He was fooling Ye Fengchu, what he said was true, and he was dazed about the Eucharist.

In fact, this cannot be said to be all deception.

Because, this kind of situation is not false... In another timeline, Ye Fengchu almost stopped teaching the basic law when she started hanging out. She "enlightened" on the Eucharistic Ancestral Planet, "dream" saw her great achievement, and experienced it in advance. That state is a future trajectory.

On that trajectory, the entire universe was ruined, the heavenly court was shattered, the barren ancient forbidden land was turned into ruins, and the life and death of the empress became a mystery... Correspondingly, all the forbidden areas of life, including the underworld, were all killed and dilapidated.

Afterwards, Ye Fengchu leaped to the third heaven, leaving behind all the outstanding talents of her generation.

This is a kind of miracle, and it is the resonance of the original source, the secret of Xingzi, and the secret of former characters left by the ancestor of the Eucharist.

If he records this big dream and writes it into a story... Isn't this a kind of "destiny"?

Therefore, Jiang Yifei was telling the truth.

It's just that when facing Ye Fan, these truths... obviously have some falsehoods in them.

"I also understand your ancient star."

Jiang Yifei said quietly, making Ye Fan's mind tense.

"After all, you know that my ancestor is on your ancient star, and he is also the ancestor of humanities, and it is Emperor Yan."

Ye Fan nodded seriously, he had no doubt about it.

"So, my Jiang family also has some channels to pay attention to that ancient star you were born in." Jiang Yifei's eyes were very sincere, as if what he said was true.

"I also know the so-called four great classics..."

"Wu Cheng'en... right? This man has been dead for four or five hundred years."

He whispered, "But in the stories he wrote, there are quite a few corners of the future..."

"There are people like Jin Chanzi in this world, and he is a direct descendant of Sakyamuni..."

When Jiang Yifei said this, Ye Fan's heart skipped a beat—it turned out to be such a name, which should have been a nothingness and shouldn't have appeared.

Jin Chanzi is the previous life of Tang Sanzang. This is the saying in "Journey to the West", but there is no such record in orthodox Buddhism, it is just a fabrication.

But now, Emperor Tang told him that there was indeed such a person!

Moreover, the timing is very subtle.

"He's not that old, he's only a hundred years old now, he's far from Master Xuanzang..."

"This is actually enough to prove that the person back then saw a vague future, wandering between reality and illusion, and finally wrote a dreamlike work... It's fine to read it as a story, but it doesn't have to be real. "

Jiang Yifei smiled, and he used this example to tell Ye Fan that such things are full of mysteries and coincidences, but they are actually not a big deal, so don't take it too seriously.

Behind this, there is absolutely no shady scene, and no one is arranging him, manipulating him, and formulating a script of fate for him.

"It's not who is in control of all of this and the destiny of the common's your own talent and character that determine your own life."

Jiang Yifei gave advice to the young Saint Body, telling him to be more open-minded and open-minded, "Besides, although you are a little amazing, you can be called an outstanding person, but if you think about it carefully... it is impossible for so many ancient emperors to be arranged together. Just to act with you, plot against you alone?"

"Ah...haha..." Ye Fengchu smiled awkwardly, shook her head in embarrassment, and the last trace of hesitation dissipated in her heart.

"I see!"

He sighed, relieved, no longer confused.

Indeed, in terms of emotion and reason, it can't be the layout of so many big figures bit by bit to guide his fate!
Is he that worthy of attention?
Ye Fengchu herself didn't think so.

As everyone knows...

There is the most unpredictable existence in this world, which she calls "Brother Control".

——Not to become a fairy, but to wait for your return in the world of mortals.

This empress has already been appointed!
Ye Fengchu must become an emperor, let the empress see if he is the person who reincarnated, and whether he can awaken the memory of his previous life after becoming an emperor.

For this purpose, Hedao flowers are all ready!
This kind of treatment can envy all ancient emperors in the past and present, and proves that hard work does not have an infinite effect, luck... is the most important thing!
Others can achieve enlightenment only by beating life and death, but a similar flower can easily lie down and win.

Jiang Yifei was very envious. After thinking about it, he felt that it is not good for young people to lie down and win. If they don't go through a lot of tempering, how can they have the future Ye Fengchu?
There are no difficulties, but also to create difficulties for him!
This was approved by the empress, which made Ye Fan rush forward on the bumpy road of life, step on the accelerator to the bottom, and rush towards the endless abyss.

Jiang Yifei was very happy, the similar flower of the owner of the bronze coffin of the third generation!

How much value does this create? !

How many times can you pluck the wool? !

If you are undecided, just add a little burden to Ye Fengchu...

When the inspiration is exhausted, I will add a little burden to Ye Fengchu...

In short, no matter how hard it is for Ye Fan, he will be scolded to recite it!
Of course, as a conscientious demon ancestor, he knows that cutting leeks also needs to pay attention to art. While harvesting, one must not forget to topdress fertilization, weeding, and soil cultivation in a timely manner, and pay attention to proper management. One-time value creation.

Therefore, seeing that Ye Fan's eyes were already enlightened, his heart was filled with a sense of mission, and he was determined to contribute his own strength to the great cause of calming down the restricted area of ​​life, Jiang Yifei decided to help him.

"You have to raise hundreds of scriptures, this is a road full of dangers..."

He was very frank at the moment, telling Ye Fan that walking on this road is destined to not be smooth sailing, and he will always be accompanied by death.

"You have external calamity and internal calamity..."

"We can't help you much, because the road you walk is unknown, and we have never walked it."

"However, as long as you have a broad mind, there are always more ways than difficulties... There is a tricky way, which may help you and save you a lot of detours."

Jiang Yifei said.

"Really?" Ye Fengchu became interested, and when it came to the benefits, he was not sleepy, "What method?"

"Look into the future, take shortcuts!"

Jiang Yifei smiled, "Didn't you just have doubts about your own destiny before?"

"Then why not work on it?"

"Seeing the possible trajectory of your future, so as to avoid risks and change your destiny..."

"However, it's not easy. You need to have a lot of comprehension in the secrets of line characters and the secrets of front characters in the nine secrets..."

"Also, some help is needed."

Having said that, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the starry sky.

Ye Fan followed him to do the same movements, but found nothing.

However, this does not mean calm.

In fact, in the depths of the starry sky, a great war is breaking out!


Slapped with one hand, it enveloped the eternal galaxy, blocked all light, cut across the years, and cut off the void.

The immeasurable chaos covered it, disrupting the secrets of the heavens and collapsing all ways, making this starry sky a place outside the law and a place of no way.


Three roars sounded, and there were the most powerful people struggling to fight back. Together, they fought an unrivaled killing, which was enough to rival the Supreme Forbidden Zone who had not been fully sublimated, shattering everything and destroying everything.

However, under that giant palm, their resistance was so fragile, they were crushed through, and the chaotic fairy light flowing between the palms and fingers pressed on their bodies, causing their bodies to shatter and burst into pieces of purple blood. fog.

Moreover, the aftermath continued, and the big hand slowly pressed down, making it difficult for their broken real bodies to reassemble.

This is definitely a world-shocking scene. The three supreme powerhouses were suppressed with one hand, not to mention unable to lift their heads, even kneeling is a luxury!
"Lord of the Holy Gate, how dare you insult our hegemonic lineage like this!"

Unwilling to be reconciled, some extremely strong roared, and bursts of domineering divine light exploded, collapsing the surrounding time and space.

"It was you who violated this seat's taboo first..."

The divine voice was faint, a blurry figure approached, boundless chaotic turmoil, and endless divine might... However, all of this was confined to a small space-time world and never spread far, so it was difficult for the outside world to perceive.

This is the public enemy of all races today, and the gospel of the dawn of the low-level monks-the Lord of the Holy Gate!
At this moment, it is he who is making a move, attacking the three Dacheng Hegemony who hastily returned to the ancestral star of the Hegemony, killing them with blood.

He did a little "little" action on the hegemonic ancestral star... not much, just digging up their ancestral graves and borrowing them.

In any case, the physique of the hegemonic body is first-class in this universe, except for special exceptions such as being inferior to the chaotic body, the innate holy body, the celestial body, and the psychic psychic, they can cross the universe!

With such a physique, how could their origins be left in the tomb for the great masters who passed away in the past?
Naturally, let them "reveal the coffin" and shine for this great era!

Moreover, he has other plans.

Sure enough, when there was a change in the tomb of the hegemony's ancestral star, the three Dacheng hegemony couldn't sit still. They rushed to the ancestral star, but were intercepted and killed by the master of the holy gate.

They encountered a catastrophe, and truly realized the power of the demon ancestor and the invincibility of the chaotic body.

No matter how powerful they are, they can't break through the thin chaotic mist, ninety-nine percent of their divine power and laws disappear in it, and they can't make the slightest wave.

"You all know that the bald head of the Buddhist sect is no match for me, yet you dare to attend the Ten Thousand Clans Conference hosted by him..."

"What? It's not good to be the knife in my hand?"

His reason is very overbearing, even stronger than the overbearing of the overbearing body.

——You dare to go on a pilgrimage to Zizai Wangfo, do you not take my Lord of the Holy Gate seriously? !

The mouths of the three overlords were very bitter, and they wanted to vomit blood—how could this be reasonable? !

At that time, the Buddha's divine power was overwhelming, and he had supernatural powers, as if he had fiddled with time and reversed the era... Would they dare not go to the meeting?
They didn't want to pay attention to Zizai Wangfo at first, but this Buddha's eyes were fierce, his magic eyes were like torches, and he looked at the Patriarch Star, which made their hair stand on end.

I have no choice but to go to the meeting... That's it, I'm still late.

As a result, Zizai Wangfo didn't say anything, but the Lord of the Sacred Gate killed them in front of them, swept them away, covered their heads with their hands, and didn't know what it means to fight back.

'Tell you to dare to be late!How dare you not give me face! '

The Lord of the Holy Gate looked down coldly, and the strength in his hand was three points stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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