The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 299 The relationship between human and dog is not over, break into the fairyland!

There was not a single human word from the beginning to the end of the communication between the Demon Ancestor and Wushang.

However, the sadder reality is that these contents will all be fulfilled in the not-too-distant future!
For example - Kunpeng!
For example—Seven Kings of the Frontier Desolation!
Their descendants were bullied by scum such as the Immortal Palace and Remnant Immortals, and were either suppressed or killed... and the scum of the era, from time to time, harvested the eight realms of the Lower Realm, hunted and searched such as the Supreme Palace, or plundered " "Immortal Ancient Good Fortune Land" is a treasure land prepared by the kings of the primitive ancient world for future generations of Tianjiao, covering the sky with one hand and strangling Tianjiao.

To sum up, this really echoed Jiang Yifei's words - "live in your house, beat your son, spend your money"!
No sympathy, no help, the age of dead heroes, villains are rampant, bullying and trampling the descendants of heroes, planting them, framing them, depriving them of all glory, stealing all treasures, destroying them into weaklings, and finally falling into a kind of Endless cycle, snuffing out hope, leaving only a suffocating land.

This is the cruelty of fate. The weak will not be compensated for being bullied, but will be deprived of more because of the incompleteness after being deprived... This is an endless cycle. When the villain comes to power, he destroys the atmosphere of the times , Let the weak get weaker, the strong get stronger, everyone is just for themselves.

In the end, when the foreign land came again, they would only surrender and run away... If there were no fierce men from the sky, life and death would continue, and the original ancient world would turn into a bubble in the sea of ​​realms, sinking into the world with countless shattered ones in the past... The Remnant Realm in the Realm Sea is no different.

The Endless Immortal King was silent.

The short exchange of words shook his heart... The Demon Ancestor's villainous Daoxin's ability is so outstanding that he has nothing to say.

Even, it caused reflection and made the Immortal King confused.

——In order to protect the primitive ancient world, he gambled with the life and death of foreign lands. What's the use in the end?
At this moment, Immortal King Wuending felt an inexplicable sadness.

It was a feeling that the family was about to be ruined, like an old man staying in the dark muddy water, drenched in heavy rain, surrounded by fog, unable to see the hope of the future, and freezing his heart.

This is the feeling of dying.

However, after all, Wu is an immortal king. He once sat and watched the rise and fall of the world of mortals, and his Dao heart was stable. In the end, his will became firm, as if he was letting go of himself. More for the dead heroes, for the fallen comrades..."

"If I escaped and dreamed back in the middle of the night, maybe I saw the bloody comrade-in-arms returning to the soul in a trance, and the obsession reappeared, and I just looked at me there without making a sound, just staring quietly..."

"I am the leader...all the subordinates died in battle, how can I live alone?"

Reality is not a game, and comrades-in-arms are not data... When everyone falls on the battlefield and dies for killing the enemy, how can Infinity, the commander and leader, escape!
Even if you know it well, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood.

However, the exuberant fire of vengeance has already burned out the retreat... Escaping and turning to battle may preserve a useful body, but it will make the heart suffer.

Youyou sighed, then turned back to Mo Zu, pointing out some inadequacies, "You want to enter the Immortal Realm, and the disaster will be diverted... Isn't that too good?"

"There are bad kings and good kings in the fairyland."

"Someone tried to help our world, but in the end they couldn't return home, or even died in battle!"

The Endless Immortal King sighed, "They were chosen to be responsible for taking action and resisting foreign lands. As a price, in order to prevent the darkness from eroding the fairy lands, they will never go back no matter whether they live or die. They can only transform into forbidden areas..."

"Then shouldn't we help these fairy kings who are still alive? Let them have a chance to return to the fairyland!" Jiang Yifei sent voice, bewitching, and swaying, "They were selected? Heh! What is selection! It's just the majority The bullying of the few is the bullying of the strong against the weak!"

"The so-called selection, the so-called voluntary, are just the name of righteousness, let others learn from it, and let yourself be able to do bad things!"

"Otherwise, why don't you see a group of giant immortal kings and supreme immortal kings coming to the fairyland, and most of them are flawed fairy kings?"

"They claim to guard against darkness, but they don't have the main force to go out. They just sit and watch this world stand in front of the foreign land, and finally disappear in ashes."

"Hey! For the safety of the Immortal Territory? I think there may be many more terrifying dark kings hidden in the no-man's land of the Immortal Territory!"

"There is even an Immortal King, which is directly disguised by the dark forces... It's just that the loud slogans are shouted to the outside world, and the publicity that there is no darkness in the Immortal Realm makes the hearts of talents from all walks of life yearn for it..."

"Heh! What 'Bright Lighthouse' and 'Immortal Hope' are installed?"

The Demon Ancestor blacked out the Immortal Realm, and did not hesitate to use the greatest malice to figure it out.

Under the light of Immortal Territory, there may be a lot of darkness hidden!
Of course, the funny reality is that these are all true... In the depths of the Immortal Domain, there is more than one Ancient Temple of Reception, which is filled with all kinds of terrifying creatures, which are dark and ominous creations.

For example, the nine-headed monster is the product of the forced fusion of many immortal kings and primordial spirits.

Doesn't Xianyu know?

How can it be!

There was once a giant immortal king who went to investigate, but he died there... A giant immortal king died in battle. This kind of thing can definitely break the sky, but many immortal kings in the fairyland are selectively blind and pretend to be deaf and dumb.

He attacked the primitive ancient world with heavy blows, ordered the immortal king not to return, but said nothing to the darkness of his own world, ignoring the elephant in the room.

That being the case, why not add some burden to Xianyu? !
Demon Ancestor persuaded him earnestly, causing Immortal King Wuzhong to change his expression.

In the end, Jiang Yifei also dropped a blockbuster.

"Wu Mo, you don't want your be bullied in the future, right?!"

What Mo Zu said had a lot of meaning, but it made Immortal King Wuending's eyes become extremely sharp in an instant.

This is the reverse scale of the Immortal King of Endless!

As the "Chairman of the Dog Cultivation Protection Association", his own dog is a topic that the Immortal King of Never End can't touch!
In the battle in the last years of Immortal Ancient, although the predecessor of the Black Emperor was unscrupulous, he also fought to the death... For it, Immortal King Wuending paid a huge price to save it.

The relationship between human and dog is not over, and the next life will continue in this life.

The Endless Immortal King, the Great Emperor Wushi, his relationship with the Black Emperor is so deep that it is enough to shoot a series of dramas that run through the trilogy, such as "Quick Chase"... oh no, it is "Beginless and Unlimited". end".

"Beginning and Ending 1 - Return My Dog's Life"

"Beginning and Ending 2 - Killing Your Dog"

"Beginning and Ending 3 - Dogs Save My Life"

"Friend Black Emperor has done a lot of evil. It is said that even the true immortals of the Immortal Realm were once favored by it. Do you think... will they take revenge?"

The Demon Ancestor whispered like a devil, and finally broke through the psychological defense of the Immortal King Wuending.

"Okay!" Wu Zhong gritted his teeth, "I'll tell you!"

Immortal King Wuzhong has a determined mind, which is also extremely decisive.

His own life is not long, and the wheel battle has almost exhausted all his vitality. Before he dies, he must make a plan or two, so as not to let his dog be bullied.

He quickly told Jiang Yifei the various coordinates of entering the Immortal Realm, and there were not many, because the Primordial Ancient Realm and the Immortal Realm used to be from the same ancient realm, and if they were twins, the connection would naturally be very close.

Of course, you know the coordinates, but it’s not easy to enter, because the fairyland is very tightly guarded against darkness, and various checkpoints are set up to block the way, and they are combined together to form a grand pass, which is connected to the origin of the fairyland. defense.

Forcibly knock off?It's very difficult, even if the fairy king pays the price of blood, it may not be able to do it, otherwise the fairy king of the primitive ancient world would not have such a bloody battle with the foreign land to the last one.

At the very least, the old, the weak, the sick, and the ungrown Tianjiao will be sent there... or even the Immortal King rushes in together, occupying the land as king, and abandoning the original ancient world!

Don't you want to?Is the Immortal King of the Primordial Ancient Realm really that stubborn?

Of course not!

The root cause is that the Immortal Territory is closed and cannot enter!
Even the Immortal King who went out to fight in the Immortal Realm couldn't return, let alone an outsider knocking on the pass?
"Is that so? That's fine."

Mozu just sneered when he heard it, and didn't care, "Leave it to me!"

His figure was disillusioned, and with no end, he turned to battle alone, sometimes rushing into the boundary sea, and sometimes rushing back to the ancient world, avoiding the sharp edge of ancient artifacts of foreign origin.

His method of transforming the heavens and sentient beings is in operation, allowing him to have a terrible Dao fruit in the field of time, almost as if he wants to travel through ancient history and go to different years and worlds. Even the ancient artifacts of origin can only be found in He eats ashes on the back of his ass.

However, this kind of method is lacking and incomplete, so it will naturally fail... This time is also the most dangerous time for Jiang Yifei, when he is chased behind by the ancient artifact of origin, and he hits it with a stick, as if he can even split a big world !

This is not a lie, it is true, even if Jiang Yifei is not a human being, and the inner scene turns into the heavens, it will be split at this moment!

Jiang Yifei struggled to move coquettishly, breaking through the world in all directions.

He is not a person who just sits and waits to be killed, but also cruel, despicable and shameless. He is as gentle as a spring breeze to his comrades and as cold as a winter to his enemies.

When he knew that there was a barrier in the Immortal Territory to prevent outsiders from entering, his first thought was - break through it!

During the interval of being hunted down, he opened his sky eyes, traveled across thousands of time and space, and saw one of them.

After the chaotic ancient times, it can be called the road to immortality.

But at this time, they are all checkpoints, with obstacles blocking the way.

For example, there is a pair of stone gates, which are blocked on the road... It is really too big. In front of it, the stars seem very small. It just stands in a hidden starry sky, sealing the world behind it, and preventing outsiders from coveting. .

And in front of this gate, there are various utensils, apart from battleships, there are also dilapidated islands.

Said to be an island, it is more like a meteorite, which was refined.

In addition, there are still corpses, some of which are huge, like a white skull, like a star, or even more majestic.

It's just that they have no runes and no fluctuations in divine power. The essence has been taken away, and only the bones are still there.

Some weapons, such as the purple hammer, which was as big as the moon, had been chopped off in half and lost all its essence, were also scattered here.

The remains one after another, did not know how powerful they were before they were alive, but now, there are only skins and unbreakable bones left.

They are knockers, unwilling to face the darkness in this world, and want to go back to the Immortal Domain... However, the Immortal Domain disagrees.

Jiang Yifei glanced coldly, then looked back at the artifact of origin that was chasing him like a mad dog, and sneered inexplicably.

Then, he said harsh words in secret, with a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other, he pointed his sword at the restricted area of ​​life!
The restricted areas of life in this era are no small matter, they are all transformed by immortal kings, even if the Dao fruits of these immortal kings are more or less flawed.

They were the reinforcements from the Immortal Realm to help the primitive ancient world, but later they realized that the general situation was over, so they turned themselves into restricted areas and watched from the sidelines.

The foreign land did not embarrass them, and let them go.

However, Jiang Yifei didn't!

He activated the "Bewitching" and "Threat" skills, and Tianzao showed up—do you want to go back to Immortal Realm?

At the same time, another big stick was put out, "Act with me, and we will attack the Immortal Realm Xiongguan together... If you dare not agree, I will bring the ancient artifacts of exotic origin to your place for a tour!"

This kind of threat was too cruel, and the owners of those restricted areas changed their colors, and tears flowed into their hearts.

What does it mean when a man sits at home, disaster comes from heaven?
That's it!

They were eating hot pot and singing, sitting and watching the peak duel, when they were suddenly threatened, if you don't agree, you will kill your whole family!
The Demon Ancestor is not the Endless Immortal King, but he is a bad guy, a devil... Reasonable?nonexistent!
It's hard to be a good person these days, but it's hard to be a bad person!
"However, there are Immortal King Yuanchu and Taishi Immortal King in Immortal Territory..." a golden-haired king trembled.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Demon Ancestor, "Then kill him!"

"They won't let you go home, and they have a grudge against the fairy kings of the primitive ancient world... In this case, it's decided to kill them!"

"Killing the Immortal King is killing, killing the Immortal King is also killing!"

The Demon Ancestor is very rampant, he doesn't distinguish between black and white, good and evil, he doesn't like the Immortal Domain, and he doesn't shy away from killing the Immortal King at all.

The hearts of the masters of the restricted area trembled - what kind of killing star is this? !

However, they were not without a bit of satisfaction... Who would not feel resentment when they were sent out like death squads?

Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu, the immortal kings who gave orders, are so hateful in their hearts!

So soon, they agreed, willing to help Demon Ancestor.

at last!


The brilliant fairy light lit up in an instant, and illuminated a large area of ​​​​the sea through the dilapidated ancient boundary wall. Jiang Yifei stood at the pinnacle of his life. , in the shattered light of Wan Dao, they bombarded the Xiongguan of Xianyu together with it!
At the same time, some restricted areas are also changing, and it is the kings who are secretly attacking and attacking together!

This is an unimaginable scene in the past and present, a supreme master who faintly took half a step above the realm of the immortal king, a dark quasi-immortal emperor soldier, several immortal kings... Such destructive waves bloomed and bombarded the immortals together. The grand pass of the domain!

All this happened so suddenly, Jiang Yifei endured it until the end, if he didn't move, he would be punished, and if he moved, the sky would fall apart!

Amidst the continuous shattering sound, the stone door cracked open, then roared, and exploded completely!

Not only that, but even the city wall behind it was destroyed!

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