The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 310 Follow Loli's way, leaving Loli with nowhere to go? !

Chapter 310 Follow Loli's way, leaving Loli with nowhere to go? !

"Is it an early adaptation? Even in a desperate situation, a vigorous vitality must be evolved, and there can be a way to complement the incomplete avenues and broken laws between heaven and earth..."

"Weird plateau, the avenue is in the ruins, in the sacrifice, destroying all races, withering the world, we will make up and repair it..."

Jiang Yifei was deep in thought, deducing the thoughts of the masterminds behind the scenes who manipulated him as a pawn, if he got something.

However, there are also some blind spots, which make it difficult for him to see his true face for a while.

"However, something is not quite right... The era of the Holy Ruins is a recovery from despair."

"But the era I stand in seems to be the beginning of the creation of the world..."

"The Dao is not complete, it is similar, but it is different in essence."

Jiang Yifei shook his body, allowing himself to "transform" this lump of clay into a clay figurine.

That's all.

The real incarnation does not exist, there is only a powerful soul force to "sculpt" and "knead" to transform into a human form, which conforms to the long-standing habits and walks in the world by this.

At this moment, he was in a stretch of mountains, looking around, everything was hazy.

In the era when the world first opened, what touched Jiang Yifei most directly at this moment?

The ultimate chaos!
It's not a chaos where groups of creatures conquer each other, but a chaos where the avenues are distorted and order is lost!

Jiang Yifei tried to take two steps, and then found out with a dazed expression that his legs snapped apart inexplicably.


"Oh... so it's space turbulence..."

The little clay man has a sad face, he has no perception at all, and he is suddenly "disabled".

Fortunately, as a clay monster, there is no vital point at all. After the turbulent flow of space passes, he goes up to form a ball, rolls a little, and immediately "resurrects with full blood".

Jiang Yifei was not overwhelmed by the temporary difficulties, on the contrary, he still faced them.

However, reality is trying to tell him that the period after the creation of the world was really too dangerous.

The universe is chaotic and intertwined, the space is broken and chaotic, the dimension rises and falls, and the time is chaotic... All these are natural disasters of this era, and they will appear at any time, which cannot be predicted or deduced!

He has witnessed with his own eyes that the dimension is jumping, rising and falling, sometimes one-dimensional, sometimes two-dimensional, sometimes three-dimensional... He even "fortunately" experienced it himself.

He was once reduced to one dimension, turned into a point, and lost all self-thinking ability, and he didn't realize it until he compared it with the outside world afterwards.

Sometimes, I saw a group of mountains in the distance, which suddenly turned into a thin sheet of paper, with no thickness, just like a painting spread between the sky and the earth, with mountains and rivers splashing ink on it.

It wasn't until a long time later that it swelled up instantly, occupying a three-dimensional space.

He also personally experienced that time was chaotic, and the speed of everything was distorted. Sometimes it passed by in a blink of an eye, and sometimes he felt like he was exiled from the world, everything was still, and only his own thinking turning.

In a trance, in the blink of an eye, he has passed a hundred years!

100 years!

Do you know what kind of pain these 100 years have been?

It's like being locked in a small black room for 100 years, unable to move, living torture!

With those 100 years, Jiang Yifei realized.

——This is worse than the era of the Holy Ruins!
When the world was born, not only the avenues were not perfect, but even the order was not "regular".

He picked up a handful of water and let it drip naturally between his fingers, but it was not round at all, and had all kinds of strange shapes.

He looked at the sky with his eyes, and saw that the oldest star was born, but what it cast was not pure starlight, it was mixed too much, and it was not round, crooked, like a lump made by a child... If they weren't shining, Jiang Yifei wouldn't have dared to guess that they should be "stars"!


"How do you live these days..."

After exploring for hundreds of years, Jiang Yifei returned to the "birthplace" with a sigh, feeling very depressed.

The joy that came to the era when the world was first opened has disappeared without a trace, because this is not an environment that normal people can adapt to at all.

However, he also slowly woke up, knowing that this might be the truth.

In the initial development of this piece of heaven, there was no "Pangu"!

So naturally, there will not be a perfect law and order, and a regular form of heaven and earth.

Only those made by "humans" will be in place in one step, and there will be various orders.

At this time, the world is like a seed, which has just broken out of the shell of chaos, and a seedling of the tree of the avenue has just emerged.

A young, vigorous seedling, nothing more!

If we say that the era of the Holy Ruins was a lush tree that was felled by the existence called "Strange", the root system still exists, so new branches and leaves can still be pulled out from the remaining tree stumps and grow again.

In the era when the world was first opened, a seed of the avenue fell into the chaotic soil, and a small seedling called heaven and earth grew out.

What will the future hold?
It needs to be "adjusted" the day after tomorrow, accepting "sunshine, rain and dew", smoothing the order of heaven and earth, so that the main trunk of the avenue will be rich and luxuriant!
And this kind of "adjustment", that "sunshine rain and dew", maybe there is such a name, it is called...


"Heaven and earth...creatures...practice..."

Jiang Yifei's expression was serious. At this moment, he seemed to be the first Taoist ancestor in the history of the creation of the world, and he dropped the first chess piece to determine the future.

"There is no so-called 'Pangu' to open up this world, but... maybe everyone is Pangu."

"Heaven and earth have no heart, so set up a heart for the world..."

"But what should I do?"

He was stunned for a moment, distressed.

Now that a hundred years have passed by in a hurry, looking back, he is still a "mortal"—that is to say, he has not been able to embark on the path of cultivation at all!
Because, even if he came from later generations, with thousands of volumes of scriptures in his chest, and various mature cultivation systems belonging to the future, he could not use them at all. Like the first batch of natives in the weak world, he could only walk alone, at a loss Instinctively explore the world.

What kind of body is the seed, what genealogical war god...all useless!
This is not because there is a lack of energy and aura in the world - on the contrary, in the world of this era, energy is like rain and energy is like a sea. Even if Jiang Yifei cannot embark on the path of cultivation, he is "soaked" by nature, tempered and improved .

But, that's about it.

In addition, what kind of system expansion, road opening... All kinds of systems based on the environment of later generations cannot be applied in this era, and they have no effect at all.

For example, if you don't even have the basic code, what kind of software are you still thinking about developing?

The laws of heaven and earth are incomplete, the root avenues are in a discrete state, and even the general environment is in turmoil, so how to establish a stable internal circulation system?

Practicing, practicing, and practicing, the whole person is "reduced" in a daze, loses his inner positioning, and all structures will collapse.

This is an era full of hope and despair.

Jiang Yifei searched inwardly in depression, hoping to find some "inherited knowledge" bestowed by heaven and earth, but unfortunately, there was none.

The so-called nonsense of later generations, after the creation of the universe, the innate beings are born with knowledge, and once they have wisdom, they know how to cultivate?

This only exists in myths and allusions, and is beautified by later generations!

Unless there is a real "creator", the file will be compressed to take care of the living beings.

The real universe is cold and cruel, the avenues are just newborns, and all kinds of order are extremely chaotic... This is the limitation of the times, and there is no way to break free!

Of course, among the countless bad news, there is not no good news.

Just because this is an era of disorder, it also lost the shackles on living beings.

"Hey! I live forever!"

Jiang Yifei kept groping, and finally had a strange look on his face, and he had an insight into the situation.

Although, at this moment, he is just a muddy spirit, in future generations, he can be said to be inferior.

But in this era when the world was first opened, he was like a saint. Even if he didn't practice, he would have obtained the immortal Tao fruit.

There is no need for so-called "longevity substances", and they can naturally live for countless years-as long as they are not killed by natural disasters.

The birth of Dao, the incompleteness of heaven and earth, has disadvantages and advantages, and it is easy to obtain the fruit of longevity that countless beings envy in future generations.

"why is that?"

Jiang Yifei was very curious to explore the root cause behind this.

But he found that it was actually very simple. In terms of the structure of his "body", he was an eternal existence. If the sand, mud and rocks were not destroyed by human beings, they could have survived hundreds of millions of years of spring and autumn.

In terms of the structure of the "soul", it is a kind of "field", a kind of "domain". At the beginning, it seems that because the "body" conforms to the "potential" that the seedlings of the tree of the avenue grow vigorously, and thus the resonance evolved. Heyu, endowed with wisdom and spirituality.

This kind of field, this kind of domain, combined with the "body", is also immortal for hundreds of millions of years!

"This is really... a crazy era..."

Jiang Yifei suddenly trembled all over his body, "The world is opened up, the Dao is born, everything is sprouting, there is only the general trend of birth, and there is no concept of aging..."

"You don't need to practice, you can have everything you need... The decline and death of future generations, perhaps only after the development of heaven and earth to a certain extent, will the relevant order evolve?"

He took a deep breath. At this moment, he felt that his understanding of the origin of heaven and earth suddenly became much more thorough. He was truly penetrating the laws belonging to the "heavenly level", and even faintly led to the end of the road!
And most importantly, this is a path shared by all spirits in the world, because it exists in the world and is born with it!
It will not be like other people's way, those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die!

"If I can open up a path according to the nature of the development of the world...perhaps, everything will be different."

Jiang Yifei felt his soul screaming excitedly, at this moment he suddenly raised his head, as if he wanted to see a pair of eyes staring at him from somewhere.

"Is this my mission?!"

No one answered.

Only Jiang Yifei went on the road alone.

He is watching.

He observes himself, sees how his soul resonates with his body.

He is observing the world, looking for "similar"--these are all psychic beings influenced by the world.

This era is "quiet", because there are no so-called creatures of all races, or there is no "life of flesh and blood".

No reason, it's because this kind of life is too "complex" and "delicate".

They are not suitable for this era, that's all.

Just like human beings, if the weather dares to be cold, he dares to die. How can he survive in this era where the temperature jumps frequently? !
So it was doomed somehow, the initial life was like Jiang Yifei's, single and pure.

Or the earth becomes fine, or the metal and stone are psychic, or it may be water and fire being enlightened, or it may be the vitality of heaven and earth sprouting wisdom...

This is the protagonist of the original era!
Perhaps, in the long time, these creatures blended with each other, and only then did the splendor of life in the future come, and all kinds of frosts competed for freedom.

There are water spirits that form the source of blood, earth spirits that create muscles and organs, gold and stones that provide trace amounts of various elements, and fire spirits that provide the power of life...

As time goes on, the forms of life become more complex and subtle, just like the evolution of the Dao, from the simple and simple at the beginning of the world to the complex and rigorous in the later generations.

Jiang Yifei trekked in the oldest era, he walked thousands of miles, let go of the barriers of knowledge and vision shaped by later generations, and summarized the practice methods suitable for this era bit by bit.

Who was preaching in the beginning?

It was the ancestors like him who watched the mountains and rivers, entered the sea, stared at the stars, and touched all things, so they gradually got the Tao!

Even though it is impossible to establish a practice system like that of the later generations, the changes in the sky and the earth, the germination of the Dao, and the moment when everything has animism, there are already signs of practice!
Because, the moment the soul and wisdom are born, it is a miracle created out of nothing!

When this miracle can be grasped, does it matter whether the Dao is incomplete or not?

You can also walk on the road of practice, and even get closer to the source!
Jiang Yifei saw the birth of the same kind one after another. I don't know how many years have passed, just to capture the moment when the soul was born.

One example after another seems to be vividly interpreting for him how the inner field of all things stimulates the aura of life and creates soul and wisdom!

Year after year passed, and finally on that day, Jiang Yifei was fully enlightened, with a bright smile on his face.

"I got it!"

"Heaven and earth have their own great power, in the sea, in the blue sky, in the stars, everywhere, hanging above everything in the universe!"

"Cultivation is such an inconvenient thing? The Dao does not restrict the shape, the field is the Dao, and the momentum is also the Dao..."

"Even if the laws are incomplete, the order is lacking, and the world is in turmoil, there are still laws to cultivate and roads to follow. This is...that is..."

Suddenly, Jiang Yifei's expression became strange, and he couldn't continue speaking.

Because, besides, it's way off the mark!

'Field... Evolution Road? ! '

Thoughts turned in his mind, and his expression was inexplicable.

'This...what's the situation? '

He was at a loss.

'what the hell? !Follow Loli's way, leaving Loli nowhere to go? ! '

(End of this chapter)

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