The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 312 Daozu, get in the car!

A bronze coffin, pressed on the long river of time, it seems to be stranded.

A hazy mist envelops it, making it appear mysterious.

However, under the mist, there is a faint light flickering, one after another runes on the coffin are jumping and burning, releasing hazy light, although weak, but like a lighthouse, falling in Jiang Yifei's heart, as if Lighted the way home for him.

Jiang Yifei's soul was throbbing, scratching his ears and cheeks, unable to hold himself back.

At this moment, he changed, and he "fallen" who was still righteous before, and was buried in the "tomb" in his heart.

Completely open up the evolution path of the field?

next time!

Definitely next time!
Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows!
The ripples of time are rippling, resonating with Jiang Yifei...more precisely, resonating with some of the runes he carved, making some lines on the bronze coffin light up, moving here little by little.

It's like a road killer who is a novice on the road. Step on the accelerator, step on the brake, and press the wiper by the way, which embodies a maddening person.

At the beginning, Jiang Yifei was looking forward to it, and his expression was full of joy.

However, ten years, one hundred years... In the past, his mentality is about to collapse, and the only thing left is silence.

——It’s so annoying!

In the end, he just kept out of sight and out of mind, sat cross-legged on the ground, and continued to deduce the runes silently.

The oldest rune was born in Jiang Yifei's hands.

They are a combination of field lines from the beginning of the world, with an unspeakable spirituality, to mobilize the original power of the world.

In the oldest era, field psychics created the soul and wisdom of living things out of nothing, bringing life to dead things.

These organisms are unique, adding a whole new dimension to the substance that exists—information!
This is like a new breakthrough, because information has infinite possibilities!

Limited matter carries infinite information... This is the driving force and source for the continuous evolution of the nascent universe and the continuous growth of the tree of avenues!
Like a circle, it seems that it can be achieved with a stroke of the hand, and the contained area is limited.

But when it is deeply analyzed, there is a ratio between the circumference and the diameter, which shapes infinite information.

Such a combination is the source of the birth of the runes of the oldest era!
The interlacing of lines and the superposition of fields make the original "pure" world less "pure", giving birth to complexity and vividness.

When a living being penetrates such mysteries, grabs the treasures of wisdom from it, walks out of an infinite road, and reflects this nascent world, it is enough to trigger all kinds of terrible changes.


Jiang Yifei carefully modified his own field. He wanted to make his clay body stronger and his soul stronger. This was the path of practice he figured out.

After all, the so-called practice is to strengthen the spirit, strengthen the body, and transform the life. There is nothing wrong with him doing this!
The fields are complexly superimposed and turned into initial runes. The next moment, his whole body is glowing, as if burning violently. Jiang Yifei feels that he is "brightened" up and down all of a sudden, sublimating, leaping, breaking the limitless and infinite boundaries. Endless release special message!
The soul stirs the world, like a launch tower, launching the information and mysteries contained in the runes summed up and sublimated to the whole world!
In an instant, the output of endless general information, but everything can be simplified into a rune to represent, like pi, there can be an infinite number of digits after the decimal point, even the particles of the entire universe are not enough to describe it as a unit, but Can be expressed with the simplest graphics.

Infinite information, using a field as a fulcrum, moves the entire universe.

At that moment, Jiang Yifei had a wonderful experience. In a trance, he felt that his "existence" seemed to spread out endlessly, to be with the heaven and the earth, and he could wave the paintbrush of his own will to transfer the information of the runes he created Enter it into the world and turn it into the nutrition for the growth of the tree of the avenue.

At this moment, the seedlings, which were originally bare with only one main trunk, are pulling out branches, full of vitality!

The whole world is stirring, with Jiang Yifei as the center, there are special lines emerging, like lines of longitude and latitude running through, spreading to the world, interweaving to the eternal time and space, everywhere, affecting all time and space!
"Through the sky, the latitude and the earth, the evolution of the past, the present and the future!"

Can't help it, Jiang Yifei's soul is drinking lightly, borrowing a little from the title of Chu Luoli's ultimate move in the future, and changing it a little bit.

Although Jiang Yifei at this moment is very different from Chu Luoli at that time in terms of combat strength, but in terms of weather, he is not inferior at all.

Of course, Jiang Yifei knew that such a performance was thanks to the special times.

In this era when the world was first opened, there are no taboos!

Perception is changing, the real latitude and longitude, he is like a "Pangu" in the myths and legends of later generations, opening up the world... But, he is opening up the road, opening up the era!
His field turned into a god-opening axe, cutting out the ax of the development of the times!
There is a sprout of a way, born on the nascent tree of heaven and earth.

He is truly changing the world!
And as a price, he will also be the same as the "Pangu" who created the world.


In astonishment, Jiang Yifei felt that his soul was collapsing, burning, and dissipating!

Only the runes that were created and engraved in his body remained.

"what happened?!"

He was very surprised, taking advantage of his special state of "harmony" to deduce it at this moment, and finally realized it.

"The world is merciless, we are all martyrs..."

Jiang Yifei smiled wryly.

"No wonder... the evolution of the field has never been passed down, and it has to be opened by future generations."

"Because, in this era when the world was first opened, those who walk this road are the water and nutrients that complement the world and nourish the growth of the tree of the avenue..."

"And the world itself is also a kind of 'field'!"

He has an insight into a terrible root, "Because it is a field, we are all in it, so we can resonate with each other, so that we, the creatures born at the beginning of the world, can modify it and perfect it."

"And as a price, we will integrate it in the process... What is this? Transformation path?"

"The oldest creatures will all fall on this road..."

"However, they died, but they left a legacy for all generations."

"The runes they left behind, the superposition of composite fields, will be engraved in the world, as the beginning of the avenue, it is the underlying logic of the world."

"The updated world 'field' will reproduce our runes in the future, turn them into new fields, and 'emerge' out on a large scale, waiting for the arrangement and combination of the latecomers again until it is perfected to a certain extent. to the extent."

"This is the growth of heaven and earth, and the interaction with sentient beings!"

Jiang Yifei's soul roared, even though it was burning and dissipating extremely fast, he felt that a dao fruit was condensed and completed in the dark.

That is "he transforms the heavens, he transforms all living beings"!
Originally, this dao fruit was incomplete. Even if the demon ancestor had exhausted his ancestors and harmed the fairyland, he only got a semi-finished product, and he could only operate it like a fool.

This is knowing it but not knowing why.

But from now on, this Dao Fruit is sublimating, some incomplete parts will be filled up naturally, and it is evolving into completeness!
Because, Jiang Yifei comprehended the origin of all living beings and the growth of the world, and looked at it from a different perspective and performed it.

In the dark, the Dao Fruit changed, and the scene of the "Immortal Realm" became hazy, as if another side appeared, it was an extremely grand field, constantly evolving.

At this moment, it reflects the original appearance of the heaven and the earth, and superimposed on it, there are time and space mottled, revealing endless mystery.

In addition, the sentient beings are indifferent, they are not disappearing, but revealing runes one after another, reflecting one after another extremely complicated fields, all concentrated in one body, from ancient times to the present , Echoing the blue wisps of the most ancient ancestors when they opened up the avenue, and the indomitable progress of the avenue without regret!

"I understand."

Jiang Yifei sighed softly, "Heaven, earth and life are the most precious treasures."

"The evolution path of the field has made me understand many of the deepest secrets..."

"So far, I have grasped the fundamentals of various evolutionary paths in the world, and understood the inner logic..."

"What is the ancient method of immortality, what is the method of using the body as a seed, and even Huafen Road, the method of genealogy..."

"All of this can be related to the field..."

"Only by sacrificing so much ambition, dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky!"

"Flesh is the field, muscles and bones are the field, blood is the field, and even organs, souls...all kinds are the ancestors of countless generations ago, using their souls, using their painstaking efforts, condensed and formed The field, in the evolution of heaven and earth, has become the foundation of the birth and practice of future generations!"

"That's why there is a way to develop one's inner potential by using one's body as a species... because there really is such a potential!"

"The posterity, standing on the bones of the predecessors, is very sad, but also seems very heroic..."

"In this process, the heaven and earth environment plays the role of catalyst and record. Different systems have different degrees of unlocking, so there are different thresholds."

Jiang Yifei's understanding of the foundation of his practice was so touched at this moment, he could almost be said to be incarnate into a true "Taoist"!
Not the "ancestor of Dao" that is an evolutionary path, but the source of the Dao that grasps the evolutionary foundation of all cultivation paths, the ancestor of evolution!

"Well, in this way, I seem to understand a little bit, the destruction of the gods and the heavens by the weird side, the sacrifices placed on the altar, the great sacrifices again and again..."

"Obviously that is the most inefficient method, such as the most primitive slash-and-burn farming..."

Jiang Yifei sighed.

He used to be very puzzled, slash-and-burn farming, wildfire and prairie fire, and then let the heavens reappear with vitality and prosper the living beings.

How troublesome is this?And it's not worth the money.

If he had been appointed as the ancestor, he would probably have to make major changes.

As a capitalist, he is familiar with this job!

Harvesting sentient beings is nothing more than a different kind of farming!

If you really want to create maximum benefits, how about free-range breeding?
In this regard, you have to learn from the smart people on earth and see how they raise "laying hens" in batches. That is to make full use of all values, from living space to ambient temperature, from feed selection to emotional regulation... like In order to prevent the suicide of laying hens, the beak of the chicken can be cut off; in order to maintain the maximum egg laying, the temperature is always constant.

I believe that with this method, the big sacrifice is by no means difficult, and a large number of them can be harvested in a short period of time.

Moreover, the lower limit can continue to break through.

Let the chicken lay eggs, but also consider the limit of the chicken... wait for technological breakthroughs, directly artificial!
Artificial eggs, artificial meat!

And this kind of technology, not to mention the ancestor, the immortal emperor has it - Yingying!
Destroy all living beings once, and then reflect them and process them in batches. When capitalists come, they will agree!

This is enough to continuously offer the richest sacrifices to the owner of the copper coffin!
The demon ancestor once despised him, thinking that the group of ancestors on the plateau might not be as good as Ye Fengchu, who had fake academic qualifications, let alone him.

At any rate, even though he falsified his academic qualifications, he sponsored a Ph.D. degree when he "visited" the earth in the first place!
This is much better than Fengchu who graduated from university!
Looking back now, he has some guesses. Maybe the owner of the copper coffin is very picky and unwilling to enjoy this kind of mass-produced "industrial product". , but the egg of a chicken that grows naturally, can sing, dance, and play basketball!

What is condensed is the painstaking efforts that have been accumulated since ancient times in the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth multiply all living beings, and all the living beings are the avenues for the prosperity of the heavens and the earth.
"I don't know if that's the case?"

Jiang Yifei tasted the feeling of death, his soul was dissipating, but his thoughts kept turning, and he couldn't stop thinking about it, "If I go to the plateau in other years, I will definitely try it out... Reflecting on the era that was once destroyed, let's take a look at what the copper coffin eats." Don't eat expired food?"

"If he has no intention of making a mistake, it certainly doesn't matter... If he intends to do evil..."

He thought long and hard, waiting for his own death.

However, at the moment when his soul field was about to dissipate, the bronze coffin that had been trekking with difficulty finally surged forward!

It is like the most ferocious weapon in the world. At this moment, it is on a rampage, breaking through the fog of eternal time and space, and killing this place!


In an instant, Jiang Yifei was knocked into the air - this is by no means a description, but a real performance!
But I have to say that this is very effective, the bronze coffin seems to have a kind of magical power, even Jiang Yifei's process of transforming Tao was blocked for a moment, saving a glimmer of life!
"Get in the car!"

A deep and powerful voice sounded from the bronze coffin.

Jiang Yifei looked up, and could only see a figure surrounded by black mist. He was wearing a bamboo hat to cover up his true face, and now he was holding a paddle, looking like an eternity.

Jiang Yifei didn't ask anything - if he could survive, he still didn't want to die.

One hand was stretched out, just holding the hand of the man in the bamboo hat. With a force, he seemed to be pulled out of another me and pulled onto the bronze coffin.

And in the same place, a mass of soil spread out, disintegrating the human form, and it was always resonating with the heaven and the earth, as if everything was the same, it was the original process of history.

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